"Damn it, what is the captain doing?"

On the flanks of the battlefield, Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya quickly approached the main battlefield where Kei Uchiha was.

It is a pity that the damage caused by Kai Uchiha is too great, so big that it makes people a little scared!

The nearly 20-meter-high Susanoo swept across the battlefield mercilessly, and even changed the surrounding landscape.

One can imagine what happened to the mist ninjas near Uchiha Kai.

Even the two of them were covered by Kai Uchiha's high-intensity destructive power!

However, the destruction of Kai Uchiha is not without benefits.

That is, they came all the way, except to be careful of the sudden attack of the sword, basically they did not encounter any obstacles from the enemy.

Those enemies are basically heading towards Uchiha.

Although this will bring trouble to Kai Uchiha, it will also bring a lot of trouble to their reunion.

But at least the two of them won't encounter too much danger, and they won't even have a chance to meet.

"I always feel that this time we really had a big trouble."

Hyuga Aya opened her eyes and kept observing everything in front of her, sighing helplessly.

"According to the observation, the captain may have killed at least hundreds of mist ninjas, and the number of people who were injured is countless. This hatred is settled."

"The most important thing is that Kirito Ninja's main force is close to him, and the fourth generation of Mezukage also participated in the battle."

Imai Kenta said helplessly, "I don't know what his plans are. Can he continue to use that Susanoo just now? Just using that technique..."

Speaking of which, Kenta Imai stopped.

He knew about Susanohu this technique. In addition to the family information, Uchiha Kei also revealed similar information himself.

It's just that no matter how you look at this technique, it doesn't look like a technique with low consumption.

Of course, Uchiha Kai has personally proved the power of this technique!

Almost all of the hundreds of mist ninjas died under the indiscriminate attack of this technique.

How tragic the death was, whether they saw or felt it, they were quite clear.

As for those who were injured, not to mention.

If there is no way to get timely treatment, I am afraid that they will die soon!

Especially those ninjas who were covered with black Naruto and forced to amputate, no matter who watched such a terrifying scene, it would be chilling.

If Uchiha Kishen did it again, maybe everything would be simple.

But this is the only way Uchiha Kai can hold on!

If he can't hold it, let's not talk about the big troop of the mist ninja, then the four generations of Mesui Ying who follow will probably kill him in anger!

But once he made it, and they made it out.

Then it's hard to say that one day in the future, they accidentally revealed their identities.

Then what they have to face is really the endless pursuit of Kirin.

Whether you can do it or not is one thing, and whether you can do it or not is another.

This kind of existence that is disturbed by one person in a ninja village, and still belongs to another ninja village, other ninja villages may not be able to bear it.

No one knows how far it will develop at that time, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like good news!

Imai Kenta's inner lament, how could Hyuga Aya not know, but in fact it is.

It doesn't matter if they are a group of rebellious or disorganized ninjas, but they are all Konoha ninjas.

Among them, there are quite powerful existences in Konoha Village.

The trouble this brings can be imagined. At that time, there will probably be many people who want to take advantage of the fire.

"So we can't reveal our identity, at least we haven't exposed it yet."

Aya Hyuga said calmly: "Whether those ninja families are involved with us or not, at least they don't dare to say a word now. You can only hope that the **** Kaguya clan will not succeed."

"The captain said that they will not succeed and cannot succeed."

Kenta Imai shook his head: "I also believe this. Forget it, let's think about how to join the captain first."

"The scene is so chaotic now, find two corpses, and we will use the transformation technique to pass."

"Well, this is the most unreliable plan, but no one will check us at this time."

It is always the most unsafe way to use the transformation technique to mix with the ninja group.

But at this moment, it is one of the most reliable ways.

The front line has already been marked like this, almost every ninja consumes a lot of chakra, and even his body has chakra boiling.

Therefore, it is difficult to pay enough attention to the fluctuations caused by the transformation technique at this moment.

The battlefield use value of the transformation technique, I am afraid it can be reflected at this time.

"Is this the power of Uchiha?"

At the other end of the battlefield, Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Kai's demon-like performance in the distance, and couldn't help licking his tongue.

He has been watching the battle of Uchiha Kai, and this kind of battle performance really surprised Orochimaru.

He was also thinking seriously about whether he could achieve the step of Kai Uchiha if it were him?

As a result, after thinking about it seriously, he was almost certain that he should not be able to do this step of Kai Uchiha.

But Orochimaru doesn't care either, because his fighting style is different from Uchiha Kai.

Although he can't achieve such a shocking effect, it is not impossible for him to make the actual casualties almost the same.

But no matter what, he has higher expectations and ideas for the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye that is like a **** and a demon, which is said to be able to unleash such power.

The strength of Uchiha Kai to achieve this step is absolutely inseparable from his kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Otherwise, there is no reason why a year or two ago, he was just a poor **** who saw no hope on the battlefield and worried day after day whether he would still be alive tomorrow.

He changed his body and became a person who can push a Ninja village to such a point that even Ying has to end the game himself.

With such a terrifying strengthening, no matter who it is, I am afraid that everyone will be jealous and envious.

Orochimaru is very jealous of such power, and at the same time, he is very eager for such power.

Such power is the most extreme and most desirable!

It's just that when Orochimaru longed for this kind of power, he was even more eager to know the source of this kind of power.

There has never been a power for no reason, even the blood and the boundary will follow a law, and will follow a certain principle.

Uchiha Kai is so strong, of course, it is a terrible manifestation of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

But how exactly did Kaleidoscope Shakers inspire, how to obtain, and how to release such terrifying power.

These are things that Orochimaru wants to explore and understand!

"It's a pity, it's too early to leave Konoha, otherwise..."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, but his thoughts were quickly suppressed by him.

Because he knew that Uchiha Kai would never let him succeed.

Also, that guy who also has a kaleidoscope writing wheel, Uchiha Fugaku will definitely not let him succeed!

He had already obtained information about the encounter with Nine Tails in Konoha Village.

Although he had already left Konoha at that time, in just three months, he did not cut off all his intelligence networks in Konoha.

Of course he knew the situation of that guy Uchiha Fuyue, that guy who seemed to be submissive in hiding, actually had such eyes.

Now, Orochimaru really feels a little pity, but why didn't he take the initiative to fight for the Naruto position in the first place.

And when fighting for the position of Hokage, he made good contact with the people of the Uchiha clan.

But Orochimaru is just a pity. The matter has passed, could it be possible that he can go back in time?

Obviously, he doesn't have this ability. Even if he can go back to the past, he's probably still on the road he is now.

At most, when trading with Uchiha Kai, it would be good to get more writing wheels.

"Although it's a pity, it's not without opportunities in the future."

Orochimaru shook his head and did not look at the battle in the distance. He planned to turn around and leave.

"Furthermore, Minister Qi, I'm afraid you have a lot of things you want to deal with in the future, but it's inconvenient. I'm afraid you'll have to find me too, right?"


"Don't think about taking a step forward!"

Qing stood tremblingly in front of Kai Uchiha, ignoring his bleeding abdomen, holding a ninja sword in his left hand and staring at Kai Uchiha.

Qing's battle this time was too embarrassing. He didn't take action at first because he was gathering information.

And when he has collected certain information, it is meaningless for him to take action.

Because to attack Uchiha Kai's Susanoo, it was a death sentence for him.

Finally, when Kei Uchiha was no longer using Susanoo, and he could attack.

He was stunned to find that his speed couldn't keep up with this guy at all.

This mysterious guy in front of him restrained him in all aspects, which gave him no chance at all Even if he tried to smash the defensive chakra of this guy, there was no such exaggeration. The size is a burden, and this guy has exploded his speed to the extreme.

With such a combination of offense and defense, plus the super speed, is he really a human?

The legendary Uchiha clan is indeed a bit exaggerated, but it is so exaggerated that it ignores the limit of the number of people, which has exceeded the limit of ninjas!

"Do you want to be a hero?"

Just as Qing was constantly analyzing Uchiha Kai in his mind, Uchiha Kai's voice also reached his ears.

This time, Uchiha Kai was not using that false voice.

Although it was still cold, although it was still indifferent, the voice suddenly made Qing stunned.

Because this voice sounds very young, it sounds so energetic.

Although he was indifferent, he couldn't hold such a soft voice.

But although this voice made Qing's complexion extremely ugly, because he had heard this voice before.

That was a person he couldn't even forget until now, the indifferent boy who almost killed Terumi Mei in front of him!



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