Chapter 32: experiment

The problem of partial students is definitely a problem that Konoha Ninja should pay attention to.

Because strictly speaking, Konoha really has many special talents.

On some levels, the titles of special ninjas are actually given to these talented students.

But there is a key problem here, that is, what special talents are good at, it may not be able to help them, and really deal with those difficult enemies in battle.

To put it simply, it is what they are good at, and only this aspect has reached the standard of Shangnin, and even it is only the minimum requirement.

Apparently, although they are partial to subjects, but because of their talent or the education system, they end up being too high to succeed.

The only 'genius who is partial to a subject' is the master and apprentice Akai and Xiaoli.

And all of their success is really not dependent on a suitable educational environment and the pouring of resources.

They all rely on their unyielding energy and perseverance.

Only then has it reached the incredible level of the future!

Uchiha Kai has no idea how many times he has been in Konoha and has seen Akai standing upside down and circling around Konoha.

Kei Uchiha can do such a thing, and even he can block the inexplicable eyes of others.

I just want to persevere and not be afraid of the severe cold and heat. It's really okay to persevere day after day.

For a guy like Akai, if he can't succeed, who is qualified to say that he can succeed?

If such a guy has the ability to pour resources and focus on training, add to his current level of hard work.

It's hard to say whether his future will become brighter, but at least his already bright future should come earlier.

As for the others, Uchiha Kai doesn't expect them to work as hard as Akai.

But at least they have a decent educational opportunity, an opportunity to pour resources, and a certain bias in the assessment system.

In this case, even if the future Akai is the only one.

But the guy who is weaker than him but still gives Konoha more vitality and high-quality ninja guarantee will definitely look much better than those so-called 'special jounin' in terms of quantity and quality.

Kei Uchiha explained his thoughts and suggestions in a complete way, which can attract the attention of Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikahisa.

Especially Namikaze Minato was relieved.

Because of the forced banning of the ranks of the special jōnin, it is difficult to say whether it will cause dissatisfaction among the ninjas who have been dismissed from their positions.

However, it is obviously imperative to ban this title, and Namikaze Minato is only thinking about whether to use other methods to calm them down.

But now Uchiha Kai has proposed such a plan, which seems to be able to make up for it to a large extent.

Even in the areas they are good at, the resources are allocated in place, I am afraid that they will not have so many complaints in their hearts.

Nara Shikahisa is fine, but he also agrees with Kei Uchiha's point of view.

Because in some respects, the Nara family is also a typical "partial student".

Their performance at the combat level is completely incomparable to their performance in government affairs and intelligence analysis.

Uchiha Kai's proposal is probably a good thing for them, because they are all ninjas who are very good at thinking.

If it is really implemented according to Uchiha Kai's plan, then the Nara clan can fully utilize their advantages on the premise of maintaining their secret techniques.

It can be said that this proposal has been directly supported by the two of them.

It's just that this proposal also needs them to revise what they have formulated before.

But if it's better for Konoha, neither Namikaze Minato nor Shikahisa Nara care about this troublesome thing.

Kei Uchiha would not be involved in such a thing, although Minato Namikaze and Shikahisa Nara wanted him to stay.

However, Uchiha Qi is not very interested in this, although he is one of the "think tanks" of Namikaze Minato, and even this matter was brought up by him.

But for this kind of thing, he prefers to give a macro direction, and leave other things to more professional people to do.

Anyway, no matter what kind of plan comes out at that time, Uchiha Qi knows that I am afraid that these two will also come to him.

After dealing with these matters, Uchiha Kei left the Hokage office.

After splitting a shadow clone and returning to the security department to do what he should do, he walked directly towards the laboratory.

Now the security department is on the right track after he comes back.

When he was away, the fourth unit was always a big question on everyone's mind.

No one dares to make a temporary squad leader to lead those members, because only Uchiha Qi has the right to appoint the leader, even if it is temporary!

But fortunately, now that this guy, Hyuga Hizai, has been chosen to join, the fourth team is officially running.

Even if this guy is the compromised product of the Hyuga clan, and it is completely foreseeable that his preliminary work will be very bad and unsmooth.

After all, he just took over such a big job and has to lead so many people, especially Uchiha Kai directly gave him a big problem.

One can imagine how difficult this would be.

But no matter how difficult it was, Uchiha Kai didn't think he would be worse than the original Uchiha Jun.

Although the woman Uchiha Kei didn't feel anything, even he knew the woman's mind and purpose.

But in terms of ability, Uchiha Qi also had to admire her.

He almost pulled up a team of foreign members by himself, and also gathered this team to have a good fighting ability.

Such ability is absolutely worthy of recognition.

Hyuga's current condition is much better than the original Uchiha Chun. I don't know how many times.

At least in his detachment, there are quite a few people from the Hinata clan who can obey him.

This relieved his pressure to a great extent, and this guy is also the younger brother of Hyuga Hizu anyway.

To a certain extent, he is considered a leader of the division, and his leadership should not be bad.

As for the content of those policies, as long as this guy is smart, he honestly integrates his team.

Then, when capturing the Kirigakushi spy, it was enough to use the advantage that he had been on the battlefield as well as the Uchiha clan who knew Kirito.

All the way to the underground laboratory, the woman Hyuga Aya has been here for a long time.

Like Uchiha Kai, she left a shadow clone in the security department and ran here.

But apparently she came earlier, she was observing a group of blood through a microscope,

If there is no accident, these blood samples are probably from that kid Junmarou.

That kid really didn't open the blood follower limit, but some special powers in his body were very active.

It is natural to observe and understand the situation in advance.

"You're here?" Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai, then lowered her head and continued to observe the blood: "Imai Kenta came over this morning."

"Oh?" Uchiha Qi casually found a place to sit down, glanced at Junmalu, who had woken up and sat silently beside him, and then asked, "He came to inject serum? How is that guy?"

"It's not good, it's not bad."

Hyuga Aya seemed to have observed almost, she stood up and said directly.

"Compared with the great progress before, the negative reaction is not as severe as it is directly, but according to my observation, his current integration rate should be only about 20%."

"Is it that low?" Uchiha Ki nodded, this kid's fusion entry is indeed a bit poor.

Although it is said that his fusion degree is very high, it also depends on what he is fused with.

A cell with absurdly high activity and problem-prone cells fuses into his body on a large scale, but it really doesn't necessarily give him a chance to get used to mastering it.

The biggest possibility is that he will be buried as a tree in the forest of leaves.

Or because Uchiha Kei was worried about exposure, he simply burned his tree as firewood.

In short, there is no hurry.

"Then what about this kid?" Uchiha Kei pointed at Junmarou a little boringly: "You're observing his cells, right?"

"Well, through the previous comparison, I found that his gene activation speed is very fast."

A smile appeared on Aya Hyuga's face: "If there is no accident, when his genes are activated to a certain extent, we may harvest a ninja with the bloodline limit of the Kaguya clan."

"It looks like the effect is pretty good." Although Uchiha Kai was not surprised, he still complimented him.

"Then, congratulations in advance, the experimental project you use on yourself is probably getting closer and closer."

"Lend your auspicious words." Hyuga Aya's smile seemed to become a little brighter at this moment.

Indeed, she helped Uchiha Kai research so many things and did so many experiments.

And because of some interests, he helped Kenta Imai.

But in the end, the strength of the two of them was improving visibly with the naked eye, and they broke through the shackles of their own destiny one by one.

Especially this guy Uchiha Kai, his performance in the country of water has already told the world that he is a special terror!

But she is the only one who is still standing still, and she is the only one who is still searching for the way forward.

Such a sense of disparity made Aya Hyuga feel very uncomfortable, almost going crazy.

It is true that Uchiha Kai can indeed provide her with enough protection, and it can be regarded as a compromised freedom.

But she prefers that she controls her own destiny and has independent freedom.

If possible, she would prefer to be more equal with guys like Kai Uchiha.

instead of being protected under his wings all the time.

"By the way, how is this kid doing now?"

Kei Uchiha didn't know what Hyuga Ayaman was thinking. He pointed to Junmarou who was in a daze and asked curiously.

"It's nothing. When I came over this morning, I found that he had woken up. I bought him some food and told him something by the way."

The corners of Aya Hyuga's mouth drew some arcs: "I told him the main reason why he came here.

He told him that his mother could survive because he was here, and told him who his greatest enemy was. "

"is that so?"

Uchiha Qi glanced at Junmalu with interest, and then he laughed: "It seems that he can't accept these realities."


The reality that Junma Lu needs to face is probably completely beyond what he can bear at his current age.

What's more, Uchiha Kai didn't expect it, a three-year-old kid knows so many things.

Hyuga Aya provoked him, maybe she just couldn't get used to his appearance?

But what is the reason, as Hyuga Aya said.

Essentially, they wouldn't care too much about this kid's thoughts.

And what Hyuga Aya said was basically the truth, without any exaggeration.

The reason why Junmalu appeared here was indeed a result of a transaction.

Although this transaction was enforced by Uchiha Kai and the others.

But in the official mission records, as well as in Kaguya Shigeaki, it was basically made to happen by 'covering Uchiha's departure'.

And her mother, maybe she will be protected to some extent because he is here now.

After all, Junma Lu's identity is relatively complicated. With such a complex identity, it would be very dangerous for him to stay in Kaguya Chongming's hands.

But once he leaves Kaguya Chongming's control, it's hard to say that his family will be protected for various reasons.

A complex identity is a fatal flaw, but it can also be a good umbrella.

Besides, Orochimaru also intervened in it.

If even Junmalu's mother died in his hands in the end, then this would have a certain degree of blow to Kaguya Shigeaki's prestige.

Imai Kenta is right, leaving that woman there will completely disgust Kaguya to death.

As for this kid, there is no way he can accept this reality.

Still completely unable to understand what Hyuga Aya said, these Uchiha Kai would not care.

It's just that this autistic kid should really let him go out.

He promised to do what Naikaze Minato should do. Except for Uchiha Kei who couldn't adopt this kid by himself, everything else could be solved very well.

Because there are many families with children in the Uchiha family during the war, it would be a good choice for him to be a substitute to feel the warmth of home.

"It seems that he has to find a family for him." Uchiha Qi touched his chin and said, "Do you have time in the afternoon?"

"With or without time, you won't let me make time, so what's the point of asking this question?"

Aya Hyuga glanced at Kai Uchiha, and finally asked simply, "Tell me, is there anything I need to do."

"Go to the Uchiha clan with me this afternoon, and bring this kid with you."

Uchiha Kei said while thinking, "I think of a family, it seems that he can live there."

"Do you have a goal?" Hyuga Aya asked unexpectedly, "I thought you hadn't paid attention to this matter at all."

Uchiha Kei didn't speak, because he really didn't take this matter too seriously.

This time, it was just a temporary thought, something came to mind.

There are many members of the Uchiha clan, and there are also many members who cannot become ninjas.

And the Uchiha clan is actually more like a community.

It's just that all the members who live there are members of the Uchiha surname.

Therefore, in this community, all kinds of hawkers will naturally appear.

Most of them are people who cannot become ninjas, or people who have lost their ninja abilities because of injuries.

Just like Uchiha Keisuke is such a guy.

After he lost his ninja ability, he opened a small shop in the clan.

The business of this small shop used to be relatively average, but with Kai Uchiha's status rising like a rocket, the business of this small shop is unbelievable.

Anyway, the members of the Uchiha clan, whether they are buying cigarettes or alcohol, will choose to go here to buy them.

This makes Uchiha Kaito feel a little dumbfounded.

What makes Uchiha Kai even more dumbfounded is that with the opening of the Uchiha family's clan land, and as time brews, more and more foreigners enter here.

After they learned that this small shop was opened by Uchiha Kai's family, the inexplicable business of the small shop became better.

In addition to the small shop in the Uchiha family, there are many other shops in the Uchiha clan.

In Kai Uchiha's memory, there seems to be a pancake shop owner who quite meets his requirements.

The owner of that shop is called Uchiha Teyaki, and his wife is called Uchiha Japonica.

They don't seem to have children, or they have children, but they took his life because of the war.

The two of them seem to have no descendants until now. If the situation is as he thought, then Uchiha Kai can completely try to let them adopt the kid Junmarou.

Even if they really don't want to, Uchiha Kei won't be too reluctant.

It just so happens that you can also take the little devil Kimmaro to get to know the situation of the Uchiha clan.

"Don't take my thoughts so lightly, I have been observing the development of this matter."

Uchiha Kai smiled calmly: "By the way, are you going to wait for his blood to be fully opened before doing the experiment, or are you going to try it now?"

"If it's normal, I'm going to wait for his bloodline limit to be fully opened before trying it out."

Hyuga Aya didn't care too much, she said directly: "But now that you have brought it up, I just want to try it out to see the effect.

Although there are too many uncertain factors, in vitro experiments should not be too troublesome. "

In vitro experiments have always been their favorite option, and almost the only option they would make.

Because this option is the safest, they don't want to cause problems with their bodies because of these experiments that don't know the specific effects, then it's really worth the loss.

Junmalu really hasn't opened the bloodline limit now, but he has the signature of the guy Uchiha Kai.

It seems that some things can be cultivated and evolved from the very beginning.

Although in terms of body fusion, this guy is using the already synthesized ones directly.

But Hyuga Aya can make some tentative fusions before waiting for Junmaro to fully open the bloodline limit.

These fusions don't necessarily have to enter their body unless the effect is really good.

After all, if she can really activate the gene sequence in her body, Hyuga Aya will definitely not miss such an opportunity.

"Then try it out."

Hyuga Aya thought for a while and said, "It just so happens that I have the materials in my hand, so it's really hard to say if I don't try it."

Indeed, if you don't try it, it seems really hard to say.

As soon as she thought of it, Aya Hyuga directly took out a syringe and drew herself a tube of blood.

This woman's power of action really makes Uchiha a little admire, even Uchiha must think carefully about the steps and processes before doing these experiments.

However, Uchiha Kei didn't talk nonsense, but he wanted to see if some of his conjectures were really correct.

Although Junmalu can't be regarded as opening the boundary of blood, but if it is true that the Hyuga clan and the Kaguya clan have a good complementary relationship.

Well, in this kid's situation, it should be quite suitable for Hyuga Aya.

Even if the effect is really average, it should be impossible without any changes and effects.

Looking at Aya Hyuga's movements carefully, Kei Uchiha is really only curious now.

I wonder if this woman will get what she wants.

Hyuga Aya's movements are very skilled, and after drawing her own blood, she immediately begins to separate the cells in the blood of Kimimaro that she had obtained earlier.

This is an extremely complicated and cumbersome process, but it all seems so easy in the hands of Hyuga Aya.

In less than ten minutes, a complete cell sample that she peeled off appeared on the laboratory table.

It's just that she also looks a little tired.

"It doesn't seem easy either."

Uchiha Qi walked over, picked up a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"What should be the next test? Are you sure?"

"I've done this kind of thing so many times, so naturally I'm sure."

Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai, and then said seriously.

"The only uncertainty now is the effect of the fusion, but I think we can be cautiously optimistic because this kid hasn't reached the mark yet."

Kai Uchiha removed his handkerchief, not to disturb Aya Hinata's work.

Indeed, they can maintain a relatively cautious optimism.

Even if such an experiment fails, it's not a big deal.

To some extent, failure is normal.

It's just that they will be a little disappointed if they fail. After all, both Kai Uchiha and Aya Hyuga are all looking forward to something like this experiment.

Whether the gain is big or small, it can be regarded as a 'relatively clear direction of progress'.


While Aya Hyuga and Kai Uchiha were experimenting together, Shisui Uchiha silently came to a dilapidated temple. UU reading

It seems that this temple has not been used for a long time. In the various Buddha props scattered all over the place, there are mice everywhere.

And there are many sculptures near this temple.

These sculptures normally look as tall as a person, but the largest sculpture in the center is at least ten meters tall.

They are all Buddha statues, but I don't know why, at this moment, they look like evil ghosts that make people fear.

I don't know if it's because of the sculptor, or because of wind, frost and rain.

Uchiha Shisui stood silently in the same place. He was not affected by these Buddha statues. He came here because he received a message from Anbu Ninja.

Rather than saying that they are Anbu ninjas, it is better to say that they are ninjas similar to Anbu, but they should not actually belong to the Anbu sequence.

Uchiha Shisui didn't know who they were, but he knew who they were loyal to.

They are all subordinates of the three generations of Hokage-sama.

"come yet?"

At this moment, a cold and old voice interrupted Uchiha Shisui's thoughts...



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