Chapter 333: Konoha's future depends on you

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

Uchiha Shisui immediately turned around and then half-knelt on the ground.

He lowered his head, but as one of the best ninjas of his age, he clearly noticed that there were at least three people in front of him.

These three people are probably Hokage-sama and his two elder staff?

Uchiha Shisui is, after all, something that the Uchiha family values ​​and cultivates seriously.

He was more or less clear about who belonged to the higher-ups in Konoha.

"When you came over, were you discovered?"

Sarutobi Hizan calmly looked at the kid in front of him, he bit his pipe and asked indifferently.

"No, I received the message when the team assembled." Uchiha Shisui replied with his head lowered.

Uchiha Shisui is also a good genius.

Although he has never actually been on the battlefield, even like Uchiha Itachi, he has never seen the world on the battlefield.

But his basic knowledge and theoretical knowledge are very solid. He knows that the three generations of Hokage may want to meet him alone.

Therefore, he naturally won't attract the attention of others.

And he graduated very early, and the ninja he led was a chunin.

Therefore, he has more opportunities to contact with the three generations of Hokage and others.

"very good."

Sandai Hokage nodded, and then he slowly walked in front of Uchiha Shisui, staring at the boy condescendingly.

"I think, have you heard about Wuyin Village?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Uchiha Shisui nodded.

The matter of Kiriyin Village is really being discussed by the whole Konoha.

Maybe other people will focus on a lot, such as the degree of damage to the village of fog hidden.

Or those who attacked, why attacked Konoha and attacked Kirigakure.

And those members of the Uchiha clan, who are they?

But for the real Uchiha, they are more concerned about what the guy is.

He actually possesses the same ability as the patriarch and Lord Qi, and is it only the strength of the two of them combined?

Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku joined forces to control the nine tails. Whether it is a member of Konoha or a member of the Uchiha family, it is very clear.

But the attacker alone did almost everything that two people could do.

That one person defeated the four generations of Mizukage, and then controlled the tailed beast to cause incredible damage to Kiriyin.

That gigantic chakra giant was exactly the same as that used by Kai Uchiha, and it also caused incredible damage!

Thanks to Minato Namikaze, he deliberately covered up Susanohu's color.

According to the reports circulating, there is nothing about the color of Susanoo at all.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I am a person now, and I have to think about the kid Uchiha Kai.

Of course, not many people think of it.

After all, few people really know about Susanoo, and they can't make a clear judgment on the color that Susanoo can produce.

Whether the color of this art is the same, or the color produced by people using this art will be different.

Even the current Uchiha clan cannot know these things.

But there is one thing that can be confirmed, that is, they also know what the potential and ability of the Uchiha clan can reach.

Uchiha Shisui himself once thought about what level of terrifying ability must be achieved.

In the entire Uchiha clan, probably only their patriarch, Uchiha Fuyake, could do it.

Next, the person most likely to do all this in the future is the Minister of Security, Kei Uchiha.

However, Uchiha Shisui doesn't know much about these two people.

Especially Uchiha Kei is only a few years older than him, but he can already use that kind of terrifying ninjutsu.

And he is also a senior Konoha, the head of the security department, even if Shisui wants to understand, there is really no place to understand.

The only thing he knows is that this guy is probably very ambitious, and he does things without any scruples.

According to his teacher, who is also the third elder in the clan.

The great elder of their clan, Uchiha Shin, and several elders who followed the great elder were all killed by Uchiha.

The raging flames on the back mountain of the Uchiha clan are probably the place where the bones of the Great Elder were buried, right?

This kind of guy who completely dared to take action against his own people and left no room for it, also shocked Uchiha Shisui, but also very scruples and worries.

"I'm not worried to tell you that the Nine-Tails Incident was indeed man-made, and it was a member of the Uchiha clan who did it."

Three generations of Hokage said in a flat tone: "I'm not afraid of shame, I failed, I have no ability to fight back, and even my wife died at his hands."

"Three generations of Hokage-sama..." Uchiha Shisui didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only interrupt Hiruzen Sarutobi softly.

Uchiha Shisui was really shocked. He knew that a lot of things happened that day.

He originally thought that the wife of the third Megumi Hokage should have died at the hands of the nine tails.

But now it seems that there are too many hidden things here, Uchiha Shisui doesn't understand why this kind of thing is not told truthfully.

This is probably because he doesn't understand how big a problem this kind of thing will cause if it is publicized, but it also shows how terrifying that guy is.

"I have a task for you now."

Sandaime Hokage didn't care what Uchiha Shisui was thinking, he took a deep breath and said with a serious face.

"This task is very difficult for you, but it is very important for Konoha."

"Lord Hokage, I will definitely complete these tasks for Konoha!" Uchiha Shisui lowered his head, his tone was extremely serious.

"You don't need to answer so quickly, you need to think about this matter." Sandai Hokage shook his head.

"Because this incident will put you in crisis, and it will make you to some extent the traitor you now call the Uchiha clan, are you really ready?"

In crisis?

Become a traitor in the mouth of the Uchiha clan?

Uchiha Shisui was stunned. He really didn't expect that the three generations of Hokage had arranged such a task for him.

Although I don't know what this mission is, no matter how I think about it, it doesn't seem to be a good mission.

Uchiha Shisui hesitated for a while, he really didn't know how to choose.

In his opinion, the third Hokage is also a qualified Hokage, and led Konoha to win the second and third ninja wars.

No matter how such a wise person looks at it, there should be no problem with his judgment.

Could it be that he felt that there was a problem in the Uchiha clan?

It shouldn't be. The Uchiha clan has a very good relationship with the fourth-generation Hokage now.

What's more, he exerted so much energy in the Nine-Tails Incident. Could it be that there is something wrong with the people in the Uchiha clan?

Uchiha Shisui really couldn't understand these things, he just felt that his brain was a little confused.

"This.... Hokage-sama, is there some misunderstanding here?"

After all, Uchiha Shisui is only a ten-year-old kid. The level he stands on is really far from what he can understand.

"I don't know if it's a misunderstanding, but I have to do something for Konoha." Hokage Sandai stared at Shisui Uchiha, and then said slowly.

"I'm not Hokage anymore, but I still have the task of protecting Konoha.

My current position is the Minister of Konoha Root, maybe you have not heard of this department.

Because it is buried deep in the ground, it is hidden deeper than Anbu, and what it does is even more invisible.

And the root is also Konoha's most direct and effective sword. It eradicates all threats inside and outside the village with the attitude of "better kill by mistake than let go".

Root is the invisible guardian of Konoha! "

"Root..." Uchiha Shisui murmured.

He really never thought that under the towering tree Konoha, there would be such a terrifying, but actually protecting Konoha's existence.

It's just that Uchiha Obito was also a little uncomfortable in his heart. The sentence "I would rather kill by mistake, don't let it go" really made Uchiha Obito a little unacceptable.

This is all doing something to one's own people!

But suddenly, he seemed to think of one person, and that was Kai Uchiha.

This guy seems to have some similarities with the so-called root.

Those uncertain factors within the clan, those who hope to overthrow Konoha by force.

Wasn't it because Uchiha Kai was sent directly to the Pure Land world by the strongest means?

Uchiha Shisui hesitated, he really didn't know how to choose.

On the one hand, there is the three generations of Hokage whom he respects in his heart.

This old man who devoted himself to Konoha, even though he abdicated, still silently dedicated himself to Konoha, found himself for Konoha's safety.

On the other hand, it is his own family.

Born and raised his own family, and resisted Kuo's family for Konoha.

Uchiha Shisui suddenly didn't know how to choose.

Uchiha Shisui is not Uchiha Itachi after all. In his heart, the village and the family are equal.

Although he cowardly chose suicide as the ending in the original book, he did not want to see the village and the family fight directly with each other.

But this is also a portrayal of his inner struggle.

He really didn't understand why, Lord Hokage Sandaime would say such things to him.

I don't even understand why he would let himself make such a choice. Although he didn't say it, he was very likely to become a Uchiha traitor.

"Also ask Hokage-sama to explain..." For a long time, Uchiha Shisui seemed to have made a decision, his voice was low and gentle.

"Very well, all of us actually need to make certain sacrifices for Konoha."

Sarutobi Hiizhan slowly walked to his side, and then said softly: "The Uchiha of the Hidden Mist Village can control the three tails So now Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Kai, can you also control them? What about Kyuubi?"

"Hokage-sama..." Uchiha Shisui's eyes suddenly widened, but unfortunately he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"I know what you mean, Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Kai, they have a very good relationship with the fourth generation Hokage."

Sarutobi Hizan's voice became lower and lower: "But the business is so good, and they have the ability and method to control the tailed beast.

It's hard to say whether their ambitions are inflated one day, and they will make some more terrifying actions.

I remember that there used to be such a group of people in your Uchiha clan. "


"Think about it, the Hidden Kiri event broke out, Uchiha Kai, where are the others?"


"So far, I think you should understand my concerns.

But in order to be safe, I will set a spell on you. This spell will not kill you, but it will keep you from telling some specific secrets.

Shishui, Konoha's future depends on you. "



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