Chapter 335: 1 Day Tour (Part 1)

Hyuga Aya didn't know what kind of mood she was in when she was dragged out by this guy, Uchiha Kai.

However, she is not so resistant in her heart, since she cooperated with Uchiha Kai....

No, since she knew her fate and went to the battlefield, she seems to have never wandered the streets of Konoha again.

The streets of Konoha are very familiar to her, but in this familiarity, there is inevitably some strangeness.

Glancing at Uchiha Kei next to him, this guy seems to be focusing on that kid Junma Lu all the time, and Junma Lu has changed a lot now.

I have to say that those Uchiha ninjas who guard the underground laboratory have really good methods.

Junma Lu's white hair has been dyed black, and the cinnabar-like thing between his eyebrows has not been covered up.

Although his skin is still fair, he has no other features at all.

And this kid looked cute when he was young, but the indifferent nature of this guy hasn't changed in the slightest.

"I said..." At this moment, Uchiha Kai suddenly slapped Junma Lu on the head.

"You acted like this at a young age, what do you want to act like in the future?"

"After all, he is still a child and has been betrayed by his family. What do you expect from him?"

Aya Hyuga looked at Kai Uchiha's slap, and rolled her eyes helplessly: "You guy, you are really worried about your future children."

"Ha, worry about my child? You might as well worry about yourself."

Kai Uchiha didn't take the woman's words to heart at all: "I didn't say that, with your character and scheming, whoever married you would be unlucky."

"Boring." Hyuga Aya was completely too lazy to pay attention to Uchiha Kai, this guy really didn't have a good word in his mouth.

However, Hyuga Aya also felt that it would be difficult for her to marry.

After all, if what she did was not handled properly, I am afraid that almost all the future Hyuga clan would be her enemies.

Unless she has enough right to speak and enough interests to support herself, otherwise...

Suddenly, Aya Hyuga was stunned, and her eyes involuntarily turned to Kai Uchiha.

With enough right to speak and enough interests, it is not impossible to master these things.

She still clearly remembers that Uchiha Kai once said that she hoped she could become the minister of the medical department in the future!

If you have this position, Uchiha Kai's security department will develop well, and Imai Kenta, the bastard, has mastered the task department.

Moreover, they still have the support of the four generations of Hokage.

Then her future will definitely not be bad!

Although she firmly believes in getting rid of the caged bird, her white eyes have evolved, and she is no worse than Uchiha Kai in terms of strength.

But many things can't be solved by strength alone.

Strength is just a firm bargaining chip, and it is true that there is strength in any conspiracy and tricks.

But the human heart really cannot be determined by strength.

In this respect, power is only a fist in the air, a deterrent that makes one wonder.

This fist cannot be dropped, it can only hang in the air for everyone to be afraid of, and once it falls, I am afraid that the end will be a chicken-and-egg beating.

"What's wrong?"

Aki Uchiha was walking when he suddenly noticed that the woman, Aya Hyuga, was standing still, and then looked at him with a strange look.

"So stingy? You're not really worried that you won't be able to marry, right? You're only sixteen years old, so it's early. And as a friend, I can help you too."

"Friend?" Hyuga Aya said this sentence silently, but she soon shook her head: "How can you help me with this kind of thing?"

"It's simple, I can solve these problems with illusions." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently: "It will definitely make the person you like love you to the death."

"You are really.... Forget it, I'm only sixteen anyway, and I don't need a fifteen-year-old little brother to comfort me."

Aya Hyuga retorted, but she followed in the footsteps of Kai Uchiha.

"Oh, even if I'm only fifteen, in terms of means, ingenuity, and status, I surpass you and Imai Kenta in all aspects."

Uchiha Kai smiled nonchalantly: "You guys have to cheer up, don't be thrown by me so that you can't even see my back."

"It's natural for Qi-Jun to have self-confidence, but I believe I won't fall behind."

Aya Hyuga also laughed, but she seemed to subconsciously ignored Kenta Imai.

"Speaking of which, Qijun's age seems to be the age of engagement, right?"

Age of engagement?

Uchiha Kai tilted his head, yes, he seems to have reached this age long ago.

The big family usually gets engaged at an early age. A woman like Aya Hyuga got engaged the year before.

However, her fiancé was unlucky enough, and was sacrificed directly as a nomination to join Kai Uchiha.

And Uchiha Kei himself knew that there were quite a few people who had a crush on him and hoped to have a marriage contract with him.

If it weren't for the fact that Uchiha seldom intermarryed with foreigners, and that although he was gentle, his nature would always give people a feeling of detachment, otherwise Uchiha would be annoying enough now.

Shaking his head helplessly, Uchiha Qi sighed: "Yeah, Uchiha Fuyue told me about this kind of thing last year, but I rejected him."

"Oh? Why?" Aya Hyuga glanced at Kai Uchiha curiously. She seemed a little puzzled.

"Do you think...monsters like me, are there really girls who can stand it?" Uchiha Kai laughed mockingly at himself: "What's the reason for this?"

"Ki-kun, you are too humble." After hearing Uchiha Kai's words, Hyuga Aya suddenly narrowed her eyes into a line: "You don't think you're just a monster, do you? You don't really think so, do you? No way. ?"

"Ivory can't come out of a dog's mouth." Uchiha Kai rolled his eyes: "Just think that I want to find a girl I like."

"What if the other party doesn't like you?"

"It's okay, I'm a monster anyway. If you don't like me, I use illusions. If you don't dare to do this, how can you say you like her?"


Kei Uchiha and Aya Hyuga were yin and yang strangely, chatting casually there.

Junma Lu silently walked in front, although he always felt that the topic of the two people behind him was not quite right.

But as for what's not right, for him at this age, it's really a bit out of line.

With a sigh, Junmarou continued to walk on the streets of Konoha.

For someone like him who has been trapped in the Kaguya clan since the beginning of the day and can't go out at all, he really hasn't seen everything in front of him.

He was very curious about all of this, and surprisingly he also liked the feeling of everything around him very much.

That kind of laughter, that kind of communication between people, that kind of kindness that is reflected everywhere, this is something he has never experienced before.

Although he pretended to be indifferent and careless, he still glanced around with curious eyes.

It was only when Kai Uchiha and the others looked at him that they remained indifferent and looked forward silently.

How could his performance escape the eyes of Kai Uchiha?

Looking at his performance, Uchiha Kai was amused.

After thinking about it for a while, Uchiha Kei simply dragged Aya Hyuga, and led him to the crowded street with Junmarou.

Aya Hyuga was completely unaccustomed to being dragged by Kai Uchiha like this, but she didn't say anything.

It's just that this guy Uchiha Kai sometimes buys a lot of snacks such as **** from the roadside stalls for her and Junmalu, which makes her feel a little helpless.

Aya Hyuga only experienced this feeling when she was a child.

She herself forgot, when she wandered the streets recklessly and bought whatever snacks she wanted.

But this feeling really made her miss her very much.

So she just followed Uchiha Kei quietly, and finally abandoned the long-held politeness, and followed Uchiha Kei all the way to eat.

Junmarou originally didn't want to do this at all, but after he noticed Uchiha Kai's gaze, he knew that if he didn't obey, he might really be beaten.

Although Junmaluo is not afraid of being beaten, when he was in the Kaguya clan, he did not know how many more vicious beatings he suffered than Uchiha Kai.

But I don't know why, he really wanted to try something that looked beautiful and delicious in his hands, something he had never eaten before.

"I just did this because I didn't want to be beaten."

Junma Lu thought of this silently, so an unusually harmonious scene appeared on Konoha Street.

It's just that the three people's ages seem a little weird.

More than 90% of the residents of Konoha know Uchiha Kai.

After all, a young war hero, in order to become a high-ranking Konoha at a young age, he mastered the security department and became the minister, and he transformed the security department so well.

I'm afraid, there are really few people who don't know him.

It's just that now Uchiha Kai is taking a girl from the Hinata clan and a child, and he still makes such an uncharacteristic move.

This naturally became the focus of attention of those residents.

Gradually, many people's eyes were focused on Uchiha Kai, Hinata Aya, and Junmarou, and they whispered something.

The three of them seem to be harmonious, but in fact, the three of them are not so harmonious when they are together in age.

However, these villagers are more guessing Are these two people walking together, and that kid is a member of the Uchiha clan?

Being watched by so many people all at once, Uchiha Kei and Hyuga Aya are fine, they have long been used to the feeling of being watched.

On the contrary, Junma Lu felt very uncomfortable. His face turned red, his head lowered, and even his walking movements became a lot stiffer.

Uchiha Kei shook his head indifferently. After all, it was the first time this kid was exposed to such a scene.

It's not a big deal if he doesn't get used to it. There will be time for him to get used to it well in the future.

"Let's go, I'll treat you." Uchiha Qi smiled slightly: "I'll take you to the movies. Speaking of which, I haven't seen any movies yet."

"Watching a movie?" Hyuga Aya's face became even more weird: "The three of us?"

"Otherwise? If you want to call Kenta Imai, I don't care."

"I mean, can't you do something more interesting? Aren't you going to find a family for this little guy to settle in?"

"There's no need to worry about this kind of thing, are you going?"

"Forget it, let's go have a look. It just so happens that I haven't seen much of the movie."



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