Chapter 336: 1 day tour (below)

To be honest, the film made by Naruto World really made Uchiha Qi dumbfounded.

The kind of childish, nonsensical movie plot, Uchiha Kei really sleepy.

And as a ninja who has been on the battlefield, he really can't complain about the things in the movie.

A fire escape actually burned four or five people to death?

Please, Uchiha Ki himself is a ninja with a good fire escape.

But in his memory, Huo Dun directly burned people to death.

That is, before the operation, the opponent was hit by his own illusion, and then he ate the fire escape abruptly.

Under normal circumstances, who might fall into such a fire escape?

But this kind of unreasonable situation appeared in this movie, but no one felt that something was wrong.

This is probably because the movie is biased towards teenagers?

Uchiha Kai looked left and right, and he found that it was true.

Because in the whole movie theater, almost all ninjas came with their families.

Their family members watched with relish, and even cheered after the final boss was defeated.

But those ninjas were either dozing off or laughing.

"It seems that I made a wrong choice."

Uchiha Ki rubbed his eyebrows, and then slapped Junma Lu directly on the head.

"Remember, these are all lies. No ninja will stand stupidly and burn your fire to death... Well, the premise is that you know how to fire."

"It's just a movie, why are you being so serious?" Hyuga Aya glared at Kai Uchiha: "This thing is meant to be entertaining, how realistic do you expect it to be?"

"My fault, my fault!" Uchiha Qi surrendered with both hands, so he didn't bother to care about these things with a woman.

"However, this is really too fake."

What Uchiha didn't expect was that Aya Hyuga started complaining just after saying Uchiha.

"That kind of concealment really has no technical skills at all, and that way of baiting the enemy will kill your teammates in minutes."

Uchiha Ki cast a glance at this woman, he found that this woman is really unreasonable sometimes, is it because her menstrual period has not passed yet?

But think about it carefully, when the three of them carried out the mission together.

Although it's better than hiding these guys in the movie, but if you really fight, you should try your best to drag everyone into the water, right?

Kei Uchiha still remembers the time when they met one team or two teams of Iwanin during the 'suicide' mission.

Uchiha Kei attacked them on purpose and forced Imai Kenta out.

As a result, he turned his head, Imai Kenta, after sneaking a sneak attack on someone else, immediately led the other party to the place where Aya Hyuga was ambush, throwing Kunai.

This made Aya Hyuga unable to continue to hide, so she could only run out to fight.

But fortunately they came out at the time, which gave Uchiha Ki the chance to sneak attack and kill the Jounin.

It's been almost two years since this incident, but now that I think about it, Kei Uchiha himself wants to laugh.

"What are you thinking about?"

Just as Uchiha Kai was recalling the past, Aya Hyuga's voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "The movie is over, the finale is perfect, do you still want to wait for the second scene?"


Uchiha Ki looked left and right, then he stood up with a smile: "Since it's over, let's go, I can't take it anymore."

"I can't stand that you still have to come. It's really wrong."

Aya Hyuga seems to be in a good mood today, and she said a little more: "What's next? Go directly to your Uchiha clan's clan? Go to the family you said can foster him?"

"Are you busy?" Kei Uchiha glanced at Aya Hyuga inexplicably.

"Speaking of which, what we want basically already exists, and some things require you to prepare in advance.

Why are you in such a hurry to have a rare rest? Of course, if you really have important things to do, then go back. "

Kei Uchiha does feel that there is no need to keep himself so busy at this stage.

Especially after they have caught the guy Kimmaro and have a plan that is enough to deal with the current situation.

It may take some time for the activation of the Xueji Boundary. Even if they don't need to do anything, Junmalu can also activate his own Xueji Boundary.

And Uchiha Kei felt that this opening time would not be too long.

If that's the case, why do you keep yourself so tight?

It's not wrong to tighten your nerves, because then you will have the leeway and energy to deal with all kinds of things you can't imagine.

Kei Uchiha himself was very tight for a while, but he knows what it means to be "relaxed".

With so much trouble at Shuiguo Wuyin's place, obviously now is the time for him to avoid the limelight.

Although it seems that this matter has nothing to do with him, in fact, this is what he does.

Moreover, he still used some of his own unique ninjutsu.

If you don't keep a low profile at the moment, then something will really go wrong.

Since that's the case, let's relax properly and do some things that we didn't have the opportunity to do before, isn't it good?

And in Uchiha Kai's view, this is also a kind of practice, a kind of spiritual practice.

If this year is included, he has been on the battlefield for eight years.

At only fifteen years old, he is an eight-year 'veteran', no matter how he thinks about it, it feels a bit incredible.

He himself is also very clear that his heart has long been twisted, and it has long been cold.

Even though he is still uncomfortable with many things, he can control his emotions.

Even if he still maintains his humanity, the brilliance of this humanity really can't cover his darkness.

His chakras are all gloomy and cold now.

If it goes on like this, although there may not be any bad things, it is still not a good thing.

"I'm not busy..." Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kei a little strangely, and thought for a moment before she said, "Since Qi-kun is so interested, then I'll accompany him."

"It's not that I'm interested, although there is a purpose and idea to complete the task, but..."

Uchiha Kei stood up and moved his body a little: "The future life will only get better and better, and we are too indifferent.

Just get used to the promising life in the future, take off the mask and take a good rest for a day. "

"Qijun's words are really thought-provoking."

Hyuga Aya didn't know what to say for a while, and it took a long time for her to say, "As for taking off the mask, I'm afraid Qi-Jun can't take it off. Is that all the same?"

"No wonder you can't get married, it's just your character..." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Unless some unlucky guy really has no choice, he will choose you? By the way, I really don't think about letting me at that time. help?"

"To shut up!"

"That's a pity."


When I came out of the cinema, it was almost dusk.

Kei Uchiha thought for a while, and then he took Aya Hyuga and Junmarou, who looked slightly thawed, and walked towards the largest barbecue restaurant in Konoha.

Konoha's barbecue restaurants basically belong to the Qiu Dao family. I am afraid it belongs to the kind of model that I can eat, so I simply open my own restaurant.

What's more interesting is that after the three of Uchiha and the others came out, the people who came out of the movie together at this time recognized who he was.

After all, the lighting in the movie theater was rather dim, and the location chosen by Uchiha Kai and the others was not very good, so no one noticed their existence.

But now it's different, especially this guy Uchiha Kai.

Many ninjas involuntarily came over to him and greeted him respectfully, which made Kei Uchiha a little helpless.

However, he was used to all this for a long time. He simply responded with a polite smile, and he immediately left here with Hyuga Aya and Kunmaro.

Jun Malu looked curiously at the not-so-big brother beside him.

He really didn't realize why his big brother who looked so young, maybe fifteen or sixteen years old, was so respected in this village.

And the white-eyed elder sister next to her doesn't seem to receive that much attention.

But she seems to take the big brother's treatment for granted?

What is the relationship between these two people?


Or superior and inferior?

Or something else?

Junma Lu couldn't figure it out, and Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya were not in the mood to explain it to him either.

I'm afraid that for the two of them, they themselves can't figure out their current relationship.


This is inevitable. The two of them are together because they hope to cooperate, and they have gone through so many ups and downs together.

But is it just a partnership?

I am afraid that for the two of them, the identity of a collaborator is a prerequisite, and there are other identities above.

The relationship between superiors and subordinates?

No, the two of them are equal.

Even if Aya Hyuga felt that she was a subordinate of Kai Uchiha to some extent.

But at least according to Uchiha Kai, they are still equal.

Without Hinata Aya's help, I'm afraid he might not have these eyes now.

It is true that Aya Hyuga's combat power has really been unable to keep up with his footsteps.

But her existence can solve a lot of troubles for Uchiha Kai. Whether it is a big trouble or a small trouble, she can make her own contribution.


This point is not easy to say, maybe not achieved.

But they do already have a certain degree of friendship, although this friendship is based on cooperation.

Maybe they did, maybe they didn't know it themselves.

After all, they still sometimes watch out for each other, worrying that the other party will do something that is not very beneficial to them.

The complexity of the two of them, don't say that outsiders can't understand it, I'm afraid they can't understand it themselves.


No matter what, the two of them still enjoyed this time very much.

"Let's make it clear first." When they came to the barbecue restaurant, Hyuga Aya said directly: "You pay the bill, don't forget, you said you were treating yourself."

"Of course, can I still run the list?" Uchiha Ki shrugged, this woman really has something wrong.

"Huh?" At this moment, a voice came from beside them: "Ki-kun? And Aya-senpai?"


"Huh? It's you."

Uchiha Qi heard the sound and turned his head to look. He was a little surprised to find that there were several people standing behind him.

And these people, without exception, are the same period of Uchiha Kai.

This discovery made Kei Uchiha a little strange. Could it be a class reunion?

It's just when he noticed the eyes Kakashi and Matekai looked at him, there was something inexplicably...

The feeling of a long sigh of relief?

This made Kei Uchiha even more inexplicable.

"Long time no see, Master Qi."

This guy, Ibizi Mori, walked over and bowed slightly to Kai Uchiha: "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Don't be so polite, Ibizi." Uchiha Kei shook his head slightly with a smile.

This guy, Ibiza Mori, looks very respectful, and now he doesn't have the scars all over his face as in the original book, and his head had to go bald because of the heavy torture.

However, this guy did a little too much in terms of etiquette.

He and Uchiha Kai are in the same period, although it is said that he went to the battlefield very late.

And up to now, he's still a bit tolerant, but Kiu Uchiha himself can't stand such a level of respect.

"Okay, Qi Mingming and we are classmates, it's a little difficult for us to do this."

Kakashi came over and patted Ibiki Mori on the shoulder: "Besides, didn't Kai also say it, don't you need to be so polite?"

"That is, if you follow your habits, how will you and Kakashi get along?"

Matekai also came over with a smile, but his eyes were focused on Uchiha Kai.

"It's really not interesting, Qi, I haven't seen you for a long time, what are you doing these days? And who is this little guy?"

"Something has happened recently, which you can understand as secret training."

Uchiha Qi spread out his hands, and then he put one hand on Junma Lu's head.

"This kid is... a relatively unlucky child. He has no family now. I plan to find him a foster family in Uchiha."

"It's really worthy of being Qijun!"

Akai didn't know what was going on, he immediately clenched his hand, and then said excitedly.

"So gentle and so hard, Qi-jun, why don't we have a test?"

I don't know why, every time Kai Uchiha sees Matekai, he has the feeling that he has been in an illusion.

He always inexplicably saw visions of the beach, the sea and the sunset on Akai's body.

And this guy is always full of vigor, such vigor Uchiha Kei really doesn't have.

And his appearance made Uchiha Ki take a step back unconsciously once again.

Not only Uchiha Kai, but Hyuga Aya frowned involuntarily when she saw Akai like this and took a step back.

At the same time, her eyes also fell on Uchiha Kai.

She had heard of this guy named Matekai, because he worked hard enough, even Hyuga Aya, who seldom returned to the village, had seen and heard of it.

After all, every time I come back, I can see this guy in Konoha doing a handstand around the village to exercise.

Such perseverance is said to never stop day after day, but Aya Hyuga still admires him very much.

But now that he is in contact with him, Hyuga Aya suddenly feels that this guy is not normal?

"Please, Kai, can you be more peaceful?"

Yamashiro Aoba sighed helplessly, but Pei Zu Lei Tong walked to his side and dragged him back.

"Even if you plan to challenge Qi-Jun, could you please pay attention to the timing? Besides, today is our class reunion!"

"Ah..." Akai was stunned for a moment, then immediately showed an embarrassed expression: "I'm sorry, sorry, it's my problem, but seeing Qijun and Ling-senpai together reassures me a lot, so... ...uh..."

"Don't worry about this idiot, Kai." Before Akai could finish speaking, Kakashi covered his mouth, giving him no chance to continue to finish what he wanted to say.

Kei Uchiha and Aya Hyuga were stunned at the same time, and then they both looked at each other subconsciously.

It's just that they didn't keep their eyes on each other at all, and the two of them seemed to look away casually.

The expressions of the two of them did not change at all, and they still looked extremely normal. As for what happened, only the two of them knew in their hearts.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai suddenly thought of something, and he pointed to the crowd in front of him with some doubts.

"You said about the class reunion just now?" Uchiha Kai was a little puzzled: "Which issue did we have?"

"Yeah." Hong also spoke now, but she didn't seem to be in a high mood.

"It's our class reunion this time around, but unfortunately we haven't been able to contact Qijun.

Except on the battlefield.... and Mute followed Tsunade-sama to leave the village, and the rest are here. "

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Turning around, he glanced at the crowd behind him. There were not many, about twenty people.

It's just that most of them, Uchiha Kei can't name them.

The Third World War did bring great growth to their group of young people, but at the same time it also left an indelible haze in their hearts.

Uchiha Kei remembered that the number of them in this issue was not small, but now there are only about twenty left.

And among these twenty, there are many who are not from the same class.

But what's more interesting is that among the twenty or so people present, almost all those whom Kai Uchiha can call by name are those who will be famous in the future.

Kakashi, Matekai and Red, needless to say.

Ibiki Miku is the captain of the Anbu torture unit, and the two guys, Aoba Yamashiro and Mizuray, are now the shadow guards of the fourth generation Hokage Nami Feng Minato.

I'm afraid they won't be thrown to Konoha to look at the gate like the original, right?

In fact, Uchiha Kei never understood why, as the shadow guards of the fourth Hokage, and who also learned the abbreviated version of Fei Lei Shen, why were they thrown away to see Konoha's gate?

This guy's swordsmanship has always been excellent, and his assassination ability is probably no worse than Imai Ken.

And Yamashiro Aoba has the ability to summon crows and read a certain degree of memory, so it can be said that he is also a very good ninja.

I'm afraid the only one who is a little bit better is the Shiranui Xuanma, this guy who has a thousand books in his mouth all day long but is very powerful.

"Okay, Qi is probably busy right now."

While thinking silently about Kei Uchiha, Ebisu, the guy with sunglasses, suddenly came out.

"It's not a good virtue to disturb others, not to mention that our classmates will only do it once or twice. There are opportunities, right?"

"I also think..." Kakashi's exposed eyes narrowed into a crescent: "After all, now is really not a good time to disturb others."

"You guys..." Uchiha Ki looked at the people in front of him helplessly, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Actually, Kei Uchiha really wanted to ask what the weird eyes and expressions of Kakashi and Akai mean.

Especially what Akai said, seeing Aya Hyuga together, she felt relieved a lot?

I don't know why, but Uchiha Kei always felt that there was something hidden in it that would make him unhappy.

But Kiha Uchiha couldn't figure out what it was, because in his memory, he didn't seem to have had much contact with these two people during this period of time.

Shaking his head, Kei Uchiha didn't bother to think about all these messes.

Although it is said that participating in such a class reunion is very beneficial for his future.

But for now, he finds himself in such a party or not, and his relationship with these contemporaries is unbelievably good.

Although there will always be a little bit of unfamiliarity, it's just that such unfamiliarity can be made up for by the future.

Just as the boy Ebisu said, there will be no shortage of such gatherings in the future.

Although there may be a variety of reasons, the number of participants will gradually decrease.

But they are all qualified ninjas, and it is precisely because of such uncertainty that they need to cherish the people in front of them more.

Taking Aya Hyuga and Junmarou into the restaurant, they quickly found a relatively remote corner and sat down.

Maybe it's a habit. Neither Uchiha Kai nor Hyuga Aya likes to sit in places where they are easily noticed.

After ordering some dishes from the waiter, the three of them quietly began to wait.

"It seems that the 'label' you put on yourself works well."

Maybe it was because the waiting time was too boring, Hyuga Aya suddenly said casually, "They all seem to like you."

"Probably." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "No one can tell whether he likes this kind of thing or not, at least it seems that my character design is OK for now.

By the way, what about your contemporaneous period? Seems like you've never heard of them? "

"Are they?"

Hyuga Aya held her head with one hand, as if caught in a memory, and her eyes seemed a little blurred.

"They may be alive now no more than ten, right? It's our entire period, not one class."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Ki nodded, but then he showed a slight smile: "Although it is tragic, but at least you are still alive, right?"

Hyuga Aya's blurred eyes began to clear, and then she nodded seriously.

Indeed, although their episode was really miserable, Hyuga Aya survived anyway.

Even if the means are cowardly and despicable, life is better than death no matter how you look at it!

Aya Hyuga has always been a very realistic person. She still has her own ideals, her own dreams, and her own deepest desire.

Therefore, surviving is an inevitable choice for her on the battlefield.

"By the way, Aya." Just as Hinata Aya was thinking, Uchiha Kai's voice sounded again: "They misunderstood just now, why didn't you explain it?"

"Then what about you?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head: "Didn't you just not explain it?"

"Because I don't care, and I don't care about these things."

"Is that so? Coincidentally, I don't care. I don't care about these things."



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