Chapter 338: Experiment (below)

The situation of Junmarou may have really reached its boiling point.

Even though Kei Uchiha didn't pay much attention to him, he still saw this kid often.

After all, he lives in the clan of the Uchiha clan, although he is not a member of Uchiha, but because he was brought back by Uchiha Kai.

In addition, Uchiha's clan is now open to the outside world, so this kid is not alone.

Even in this short half month, he made some friends.

Uchiha Teyaki and Uchiha Japonica are both good to him, maybe the time they spend together is too short, and he is also relatively cold, so he doesn't have the feeling of taking it personally.

But the appearance of these two people made the ice-like kid start to thaw a little.

Three years old is really too young.

Even if the little devils in this world are all precocious, they are many times stronger than the little guys in Kai Uchiha's previous life.

But they are too young, and they still have huge defects in thinking ability and memory ability.

Such a complete difference from the love and care received by the Kaguya clan really made the little iceberg of Junmalu thaw to a certain extent.

Uchiha Kei remembered that when he came back from the security department one day, he correctly saw that he was playing with a group of Uchiha's goblins.

And that time, Uchiha Kai also noticed that the chakra fluctuations in this kid's body were a little strange.

Perhaps, this is a sign of reaching the boiling point?

Kai Uchiha is also not very clear, all this needs to be proved by experiments or time.

Kai Uchiha prefers Aya Hyuga's experiments, such as the current experiment.

"Boy, you have to be mentally prepared." After asking someone to bring Junma Lu over, Uchiha Kai looked at him with a very serious expression.

"This is a good thing for you, but at the same time you may be in great pain. I don't know exactly how, but this is a transformation for you, do you understand what I mean?"

"I see." Junma Lu's voice was not loud, but he still made progress and knew it was time to answer.

It may be that he was greeted by Qi Uchiha on his head too much, but he knew that if he didn't obey, he would definitely not end up better.

Although he used to be in the Kaguya clan in Wuyin Village, his life was not easy.

But compared to the days before, when there was no hope at all, Kimmaro still prefers the current life.

It's just that Junmalu will not forget his mother, and the words of Uchiha Kai made Junmalu unsure whether he can believe it or not.

But there is one thing that Junmarou still knows.

That is, if he really wants his mother to come back, then he must have enough strength.

In the past two weeks, Junma Lu has made some friends.

His worldview and values ​​have also been supplemented to a certain extent.

He also knew that ninjas needed strength to accomplish what they wanted to do.

He hopes that he can get the strength to save his mother in the future.

And now Uchiha Ki, the big brother who doesn't seem to be very kind, and Hyuga Aya, the big sister who seems to like bickering with Uchiha Ki.

What they have to do is to help themselves gain strength.

"Just be mentally prepared, don't worry, you'll be fine." Uchiha Ki nodded at him, and then his eyes turned to Hinata Aya.

Hyuga Aya was already prepared, she came over with a syringe filled with serum, and then started injecting Junmarou.

Uchiha Qi retreated to Imai Kenta's side, and this kind of thing should be left to Hyuga Aya to deal with.

Hyuga Aya, an experienced woman, couldn't do such an experiment well.

Especially since this experiment is still about her, she thinks that her intentions will definitely be higher.

"What do you think of the result of this experiment?" Imai Kenta looked a little weak.

However, he seemed to have gotten used to this level of weakness, and did not show much discomfort.

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Uchiha Ki shook his head.

"The essence of this experiment is actually based on a conjecture, which was then implemented.

If you really want to know the success rate, I can only say that there is a good chance, and how much depends on the actual effect. "

"I hope this crazy woman succeeds." Imai Kenta rubbed his arm.

Apparently, Aya Hyuga's brutal injection method still caused him some pain.

"Otherwise, the ghost knows if she will have a whim next time, and then we will attack a Ninja village again."

"Probably not. At least Lord Hokage 4th generation will not do such a thing with us."

Uchiha Qi said calmly: "The haze brought by the war is big enough, and it was finally settled down. Although I don't know how long it will last, at least now is a good recovery period.

Of course, if someone really asks for trouble, I don't think we will be indifferent, not to mention..."

Now is indeed an excellent recovery period.

Not only Konoha, but almost all Shinobi villages who participated in this war are recovering their strength.

It's just that the time required for recovery is different, because each Ninja village has different losses.

Konoha can be said to be the most tragic, because he fought almost one by one with the other four major Ninja villages.

Next should be Sandyin.

In order to pass on domestic conflicts, they took the initiative to fight Konoha, and as a result, they naturally suffered Konoha's most ruthless counterattack.

Further down should be Kiriyuki and Iwagakushi, because these two Ninja villages only gradually joined the battlefield after Konoha and Sandyin started the battle.

Kiriyin was repelled by Orochimaru, and because their ambitions were too great, and they mainly attacked the country of vortex, they suffered a lot of losses.

As for Iwa Shinobi, they were intervening when they saw that Konoha and other Shinobi villages had already started a war.

It even pushed Konoha to a precarious point, because at that time Konoha not only had to deal with Iwa Shinobi, but also Yun Shinobi and Mist Shinobi.

However, because of their own operations, the Yun Ninja troops retreated, and they pointed the finger directly at them.

This led them to have to truce with Konoha to deal with Yun Ninja, who was closer to them.

It can be said that there are almost no winners in the Third Ninja World War, there are only those who have less losses.

Of course, the one with the smallest loss is Yun Yin.

Although they have lost a Raikage, they may suffer serious losses in the spiritual level, but they have suffered very little material losses.

Their Raikage heir wanted revenge and wanted to fight Iwagak to the death.

But this kind of thing was stopped in the end, and Yun Yin and Iwa Ninja didn't fight completely.

Small-scale collisions do exist, but large-scale conflicts are precisely controlled.

Therefore, Yun Yin, who suffered the least loss, has the fastest recovery speed. For a long time in the future, they will almost all be the strongest beings in the Five Great Ninja Villages.

Otherwise, after they recovered almost on their own, they brazenly attacked Konoha who was attacked by the Nine Tails.

Nor will it be relatively easy to get the position of commander-in-chief of the ninja coalition in the future.

But this time, I'm afraid their ideas are going to fail.

Although Konoha is still in the recovery period, because the losses suffered are too great, the speed of recovery is also average.

But if Yun Yin really tried to do something to Konoha after recovering his strength, then they would be disappointed.

Because Namikaze Minato is not the old Hokage like Sarutobi Hizan, whose mentality and beliefs have changed, and who seeks stability the most.

"What you said..." Imai Ken tilted his head too much and looked at Uchiha Kai a little strangely.

"Do you think there will be conflicts in the future? Although I think so too, but everyone is recovering, right? Who will be the first to come?"

"Of course it depends on who recovers the fastest and who expands the most easily." Uchiha Kai said flatly.

"Besides, you don't think about it carefully, who will suffer the least losses in the three battles, if you don't consider the mental loss."

"Isn't thinking about the loss at the spiritual level?" Imai Ken frowned too much, but he was a smart man after all.

"You mean, Ying? If that's the case, those Yun Yin guys..."

"These are all things in the future, although you are not yet qualified enough. But if you want to climb further, you must do things ahead of time."

Uchiha Kai smiled flatly: "Stop talking, let's watch the experiment."

Speaking of which, Uchiha Kai decided not to talk too much with Imai Kenta.

In fact, he only dared to say such things when he knew the future.

But in the current situation, it's hard to say whether Yun Yin still has the courage.

However, Uchiha's words made Kenta Imai frown again.

Whether it is Uchiha's judgment on the future, or Uchiha's plan for a rainy day, it is something worthy of his deep consideration.

With a helpless sigh, Imai Kenta found that the gap between himself and Uchiha Kai was really getting bigger and bigger.

Whether it is the difference in his own strength, the height of his position, or his own pattern, he is far behind this guy.

However, although Kenta Imai was a little disappointed, he was not disappointed.

Knowing where you are lacking, you can improve it well. Although you have cooperated with Uchiha Kai and the relationship is getting better and better, it is even developing towards friends.

But as a Senju, I don't want to lose to a Uchiha.

After Hyuga Aya injected Junmalu with serum, Junmalu's whole body began to flush, and it could be seen that he was in great pain.

His hands were even more tightly gripping the armrests of the chair, swaying constantly.

It's just that this kid gritted his teeth and didn't let himself cry out.

Hyuga Aya has been observing Junmalu's situation with open eyes, and she also has an extra potion in her hand.

This is a neutralizing potion. Once Junma Lu fails, she will immediately relieve this kid from his current state.

As time ticked by, Kunmaro's patience seemed to have reached the limit.

Hyuga Aya's brows also became tighter and tighter. In her white eyes, she found that Junmarou's fusion degree was very high.

But the negative reaction at this time seemed to be too serious. The most important thing was that she didn't notice any changes.


Hyuga Aya thought silently in her mind, seeing this painful little devil in front of her, Hyuga Aya finally sighed.

She decided to neutralize those serums, and this little devil died here.


But at this moment, Junma Lu suddenly let out a painful howl.

The next moment, blood blossomed from his body, and white bone spurs with blood stretched out from his body...


"Is this your new serum? The one that matches you?"

Uchiha Kai looked at the test tube in Aya Hyuga's hand and asked curiously.

"Yes, the best quality cells extracted from that kid's body are obtained by fusing my blood cells."

Hyuga Aya nodded, she looked calm, but her eyes were full of enthusiasm.

The scene where Junmalu opened the bloodline limit is still vivid in his mind, and that terrifying scene is still in Kai Uchiha's heart.

I don't know if it's because the Kaguya clan's way of opening the bloodline limit is too terrifying, or whether the method used by Kai Uchiha and the others is too radical.

When this guy was activated by Hyuga Aya's potion, terrifying bone spurs appeared all over his body.

Those sharp, bitter thorns were so hard that they even pierced the lab table!

It's just that while this guy looks like a hedgehog, all his muscles and skin have been pierced.

Scarlet blood also continued to flow out along those bone spurs.

It can be seen that the situation at the time of Junmalu was not so good.

The pain on his face was obvious, but it only lasted for more than ten seconds.

Those bone spurs fell off his body.

His muscles and skin slowly began to heal at this moment.

It may be a matter of age and his mastery of the limits of his blood, his healing speed is very slow.

"It looks like your success rate is okay." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"But how is that kid doing now? His foster parents are very worried about his situation."

After Junmalu opened the bloodline limit, Uchiha Kai did not let him return to the Uchiha clan for the time being.

This naturally caused concern for both Uchiha Teyaki and Uchiha Japonica.

Fortunately, Uchiha took the initiative to communicate with them, and this dispelled some of their concerns.

But after all, Junma Lu has not been back for almost half a month, and Uchiha Kei doesn't want this to be too much trouble.

Especially Minato Minato is still staring at this kid.

"The success rate is not bad, and because he has just opened the blood follower limit, his cell activity is very high, and the resources are very sufficient for me."

Hyuga Aya said calmly: "As for that kid, I checked his condition, he is too weak to control his own blood.

It may be that the age of opening is too young, and this bloodline limit is also a burden to him. "

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi frowned. He recalled some not-so-good things: "The Xueji boundary is opened too early, will it be infected with Xueji disease?"

"Xueji disease?" Hyuga Aya glanced at Kai Uchiha suspiciously, but she thought about it seriously.

"Xueji disease really needs to be guarded against, but I'm not sure about the specific origin and manifestation of the Hui Ye family's blood disease, and I can't be sure of so many things. But it's not that there is no defense plan..."

"Try to let him use the blood base as little as possible. I also have to talk to Minato Namifeng to let him pay attention to this issue." Uchiha Qi thought for a while, then nodded and said.

In Kai Uchiha's memory, this guy Junmaru died in front of Gaara because of the outbreak of blood disease.

If there is no problem with him, Uchiha Kei thinks that this kid's strength and temperament will definitely become a ninja that cannot be ignored.

At least in Uchiha Kai's view, his potential is not necessarily the same as Gaara.

After all, Gaara's congenital configuration is really luxurious, and he only has his own blood line limit, and the fighting skills and actual combat experience he learned from Orochimaru.

Hyuga Aya wants to continue to draw his blood, and I'm afraid it will be continuous and scrutinized, so it's best for this kid not to have any problems.

If the woman, Aya Hyuga, had any unforeseen troubles in the future because of blood disease, then some of Uchiha's plans would really have to be replaced.

I'm already so familiar, and have had a pleasant cooperation experience for a while.

He also didn't want to start all over again, and then have to start all over again.

"Are you sure that after handing him over to Hokage 4, can I still conduct experiments at any time?"

Aya Hyuga held a syringe in her hand, but looked at Kai Uchiha seriously.

Although she knew in her heart the answer Uchiha Kai would give her, she still hoped to get a confirmation to make her feel more at ease.

"Kunmaru, I will hand it over to Kakashi. This is considered to be handing him over to the fourth-generation Hokage-sama through the channel of Anbu."

Kei Uchiha looked at Aya Hyuga calmly, and he said slowly: "We live his normal life normally, but his training is handed over to Anbe, and he will be sent to ninja school to cultivate bonds when he is of age.

But from the beginning to the end, he will live in the clan of the Uchiha clan. "

"Then, I'll ask Qi-kun from now on." Hyuga Aya nodded, she was relieved.

"I'll help you, don't worry."

Kei Uchiha watched as Aya Hyuga pointed the syringe at the blood vessel in his arm, and he immediately asked.

"If something doesn't feel right, I will immediately initiate remedial measures."

Hyuga Aya nodded. Although she was very confident in her experimental project, she would not miss the necessary remedies.

Just like when she helped Uchiha Kai conduct experiments, she had prepared some emergency remedial plans.

And help her to do experiments, she will be more cautious.

She gave Uchiha Kai some special medicines, and the purpose of these medicines was to neutralize the serum she injected.

However, Hyuga Aya hoped that she would not use these serums, because that would only mean that her experiment had failed.

Taking a deep breath, Hyuga Aya slowly stabbed the syringe into her own blood vessel.

Then slowly, the extracted serum was injected into it.

With the continuous entry of these serums into Aya Hyuga's body, Kei Uchiha also opened his writing wheel, and he was watching Aya's changes.

It was fine in the beginning, maybe these serums haven't exploded their power directly.

But as time passed, Aya Hyuga's face became visibly ugly.

Cold sweat began to appear on her forehead, and her face also had some morbid flushes.

This symptom made Kai Uchiha frown. It didn't seem like a low-intensity negative reaction, although it was much better than Kenta Imai at the beginning.

But no matter how you look at it, this woman's situation is not so optimistic.

Uchiha Kai frowned and walked over. In his writing wheel, he clearly saw that this woman's chakra was very confused.

If you get closer, you can feel that her body temperature is really high and frightening.

"Are you alright?" Uchiha Kai asked with a frown, "Would you like to inject a neutralizing agent for you?"

"For now...I don't need it for the time being."

Aya Hyuga's voice was unusually weak, but she still shook her head: "This situation is within the scope of my expectations, and I'm not as vulnerable as you think."

"Indeed, you are not a vulnerable person."

Uchiha opened his mouth and said, but he already took out the medicine in his hand: "I will wait for you to speak, or just nod a little when you can't speak, you know?"

"Yeah." Hyuga Aya replied softly, "I really didn't expect it to be so painful, it's a bit unexpected."

Of course, it was unexpected. I'm afraid you are still light, right?

Uchiha Kai didn't speak, but kept staring at her situation with his writing wheel open.

In Uchiha's memory, it seems that in a certain parallel world, the vest king could do more ruthless than this woman in order to survive.

This woman still followed some rules.

Although this rule is largely made up by Uchiha Kai, but it is based on the original work.

But this kind of pain, no matter how you look at it, will not be light.

And the vest king?

He was implicated because he followed Orochimaru. Fortunately, Orochimaru's character seems to be worthy of guarantee in any world, and he gave him some materials before he defected.

He just used those materials to extract the gene fluid, and then completed a big transformation with a chance of hundreds of millions or even one in billions.

Kai Uchiha can't imagine such pain, but no matter how you look at it, it seems to be much more tragic than this woman.

Sighing slightly, freedom and life are always the most worthy of human pursuit.

But if they want to get it in a real sense, the price they need to pay is also terrible.

But no matter what, this pursuit is always in the best interests of oneself.

Or rather, what I hope most, there is no relationship between loss and loss.

Aya Hyuga is willing to endure such pain for her dream, it is her own choice.

All Uchiha Qi can do is help her and at the same time make sure she doesn't die.

After an hour, a whole hour of suffering, Hyuga Aya's situation seemed to have improved slightly.

During this hour, she didn't make a sound at all.

Even though her lips were bitten, she didn't give any hint to Uchiha, hoping that Uchiha could stop this experiment Uchiha saw this situation and immediately brought her some Nutrients come.

This woman was soaked all over, and you can imagine how much sweat she sweated.

"How do you feel?" Keicai Uchiha asked after feeding the woman some nutrient solution.

"Very good.... also very bad." Hyuga Aya's voice was still so weak: "The negative reaction is a bit strong, so strong that I'm afraid I won't be able to take action in the past few days."

"It's okay, I can accompany you these few days." Uchiha Qi said softly, "Anyway, I need to help you record some data, so you can cultivate in peace. But what do you mean?"

"Thank you." Hyuga Aya sighed softly.

"The fusion of these serums does have an effect. I can clearly feel that in the moment just now, it seems that my eyes have made some progress, and even the caged bird is a little loose.

But this kind of feeling is very vague, maybe because the magnitude of the first test is not enough, right? "

"But anyway, thank you, I seem to have really found a way, a way to freedom..."




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