Chapter 339: Discover the beauty of life (Happy 7th Evening)

The final result of Hyuga Aya's serum test was quite gratifying.

Through her own gene comparison before and after, she found that in her gene sequence, the sequence that was not activated before was indeed activated.

Just because it was the first injection, there were too many negative reactions.

Her body was temporarily unable to accept such a change.

Moreover, the amount she injected was a bit large, and the body's absorption was not very good.

But this time only one group was activated, which made Aya Hyuga firmly believe that there would be more gains if she continued.

As for how much it can be activated, he is not sure about this.

But in any case, this experiment completely proved the method used by Kai Uchiha, and it was very effective for her!

Through a special method, it activates the genes that are not activated in the body.

It seems like a method of atavism, but to the extent that the ancestors can achieve, they are simply unable to achieve it now.

And the power of the ancestors might have ignored the damned caged bird at all, and Aya Hyuga did find her way.

But what makes Aya Hyuga and Kei Uchiha quite helpless is that her current state is really bad.

Perhaps the external power in her body is still exerting its effect, and she is now completely at a low ebb.

There may be no problems in normal daily life, but she doesn't need to think much about dealing with experiments or the work of the security department.

Uchiha Kei also had no choice but to choose to take care of her temporarily.

He was still thinking that when he went to the battlefield, those nanny-type tasks should have nothing to do with him.

Only now did he realize that he thought too much.

"That child activated the Xueji boundary?"

In Naruto's office, Minato Namikaze looked at Kai Uchiha in disbelief.

He really didn't expect that he would get such news early in the morning.

Namikaze Minato is not someone like Hokage III Megumi, he really didn't arrange anyone to monitor Junmarou's every move.

To put it bluntly, he believed in Uchiha Kai very much.

I believe that my friend can handle these things perfectly, but this is also a bit too good, right?

"Yes, it's activated." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"It's quite a coincidence, I asked Aya Hyuga to observe his condition and guide him in some physical training.

Because the chakra in his body is really abnormal, and the Kaguya clan are also Taijutsu ninjas.

But what we didn't expect was that kid..."

"It seems that we are both lucky and unlucky." Minato Namika rubbed with some distress.

He really never thought that this little devil could actually open the limit of blood succession.

To be fair, the Kaguya clan has not opened the bloodline boundary for more than ten years.

Qi Uchiha went to Wuyin Village to make trouble once and found a reason to escape, and the kid who was caught casually opened the bloodline limit?

Is this result too unacceptable?

With this little devil, as long as Konoha is carefully cultivated, he may really create a powerful ninja.

Even if you are lucky, you can create a new Kaguya clan in Konoha Village.

But the problem is that such a bloodline boundary can't be hidden at all!

Namikaze Minato had read the information about the Kaguya clan in the literature, and of course he knew how strong the Kaguya clan with the bloodline limit was.

Once the guy Junmarou is exposed, even if you don't know who attacked Kiriyin Village, it will definitely be inseparable from Konoha.

Namikaze Minato was really helpless. He found that sometimes luck is not a good thing.

"You don't need to think so much. Maybe in a few decades, the Kaguya clan will have completely entered the garbage heap of history. In addition to what Obito is doing now, I'm afraid no one will remember them."

Of course, Uchiha Kei could see Minato Namikaze's distress, and he could only comfort him aloud.

"I hope so, what the hell, why is your luck so good?" Minato Minato rubbed his head.

"Anyone who catches anyone can open up the blood-successive boundary that hasn't been seen in more than ten years. Such a chance..."

"You mean to say I'm unlucky, right?" Uchiha Qi spread his hands, and then he asked curiously, "By the way, how is the order from Kaguya?"

"I asked Lu Jiu to deal with this matter." When it comes to business, Minato Namikaze is obviously serious.

"Lu Jiu is very reliable, and I'm sure he knows the priorities of this matter. He won't reveal these things, not even his family and friends."

"Minister Shikaku is in charge of this matter?" Uchiha Qi heard the words, his face suddenly became a little strange.

Although he does have a conjecture in his mind, this matter may pass through Nara Shikahisa's hands.

But he really didn't expect that Namikaze Minato actually pulled Nara Shikaku in.

Naruto, the Minister of State Affairs, and the Minister of Security, these three are all powerful figures of Konoha.

As a result, the three teamed up to sell arms to another family in Shinobi Village, and supported them in a coup d'état.

This kind of thing, Uchiha Kai really didn't think of it.

But think about it carefully, the three of them act together to ensure the success rate of this matter and reduce the possibility of being discovered.

Nara Shikahisa's ability is obvious to all. I am afraid that this guy will try his best to start from all angles and aspects.

Let the batch of materials they want to resell disappear in Konoha "reasonably", and finally boarded the cargo ship to Wuyin Village quietly.

Although it is said that Minato Namikaze and Kei Uchiha can do it, they are definitely not as perfect as what this guy did.

"Yes, and he seems to be aware of Obito's existence." Minato Namikaze nodded earnestly.

"He's too smart, and since he's already noticed it, I think it might be better for him to be involved, because his abilities are completely fine."

"Of course, Director Shikahisa's ability is always worthy of recognition." Uchiha Ki nodded.

Although unexpectedly this guy noticed something that he shouldn't have noticed before, he also knew that things were unpredictable.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai was too lazy to think about these things.

Doing business with the Kaguya clan was originally an accident.

Konoha now needs development and some reforms, so of course money is indispensable.

Especially in the area of ​​improving the benefits of ninjas, the funds needed are even more outrageous.

Konoha's finances are relatively good, and it's perfectly fine to support reforms, but who would think too much money?

Especially since Konoha lost so many ninjas in the Third World War, training also requires money and time.

"By the way, how is your reform plan drafted now?" As if he had remembered something, Uchiha Kai asked directly, "Especially for the specialties, how are you preparing?"

"I thought you really didn't care about these things?" Minato Namikaze laughed, and then took out a document and put it in front of Kai Uchiha.

"Generally speaking, there are not many places that need to be modified. Lu Jiu made some modifications according to your requirements, and he also added some items."

"Added some items?" Uchiha Kai opened the document with some doubts, and soon he found what he wanted to see.

This made him a little funny: "It seems that the Minister of State Affairs has a very clever mind."

What Nara Shikahisa added did not arouse Uchiha Kai's disgust.

On the contrary, he felt that these additions were in line with Kai Uchiha's ideas.

Because what he added was about the 'art students'.

To put it simply, it is to train some ninjas in the village who are smart but not very powerful.

Let them become 'government-type' ninjas, not 'practical' ninjas like Uchiha Kai and the others.

Although they still need to conduct relative ninja assessments, their main energy has shifted from 'fighting' to 'governance'.

"I think this proposal is good." Minato Namika nodded.

"After Lu Jiu and I observed your security building, we also felt that we should increase the training in this area.

It just so happened that you proposed revisions, and we also took this opportunity to add these contents. "

"It's really good. I have always believed that there is a specialization in the art industry. What kind of ability is suitable for what you do, you should hand over these tasks and responsibilities to him, instead of seeing everything yourself."

Uchiha Kai said with a smile: "Of course, I'm talking about myself, and I did the same."

"I also approve of your approach. Your security department's internal operation is really smooth." Minato Namikaze sighed: "This really makes me and Lu Jiu a little envious."

"I think in the future, Captain Minato will also become more relaxed." Uchiha Kei is also not very boastful: "With this method, in fact, it is almost time to know how to deal with these things."

Indeed, if this plan is implemented, and training starts from the ninja academy stage.

Then, after becoming a ninja, special education and guidance will be given, and benefits and resources will be in place.

Konoha will definitely have enough talents in the future, both in combat and governance.

As for the future Hokage's choice?

Even if you don't talk about Naikaze Minato, Uchiha Kai has a judgment in his heart, that is, he must meet the requirements in terms of strength and governance.

Just doing this, Uchiha Kei thinks that maybe the little guy who has changed his name to Naruto Naruto has no hope on the eighth floor.

Unless his character is like Namikaze Minato.

Otherwise, according to Uchiha Kai's memory, the product that grew savagely, although he maintains a pure nature, he is really not suitable for the position of Hokage.

Unconsciously, Uchiha Kai found that he seemed to have lost the future Seventh Hokage.

"Forget it, the car must have a way to the front of the mountain. Why do you think so much." Uchiha Kaixin smiled, and then he waved to Minato Namikaze.

"Since that's the case, the report has been completed, so I'll leave first."

"Ki-kun, wait a minute..." Minato Minato seemed to have something to say, but before he got up to speak, Uchiha Ki interrupted him.

"Is it about Junma Lu?" Uchiha Kai smiled: "Don't worry, I'll find Kakashi later, and this kid will report in Anbu."

"That's not the case." Minato Namika shook his head, although he walked to Kai Uchiha's side with a mysterious expression: "It's another matter."

"Another thing? What is it?"

"Congratulations, you finally found someone you like. When I was your age, I started to find a way to pursue Kushina. Although Aya's status is special, I will help you!"



The lethality of the message, Uchiha Kai knew before.

And when he came to this world, he could be considered to have experienced it himself once.

He really didn't expect that he and Aya Hyuga were just too lazy to explain and didn't care about these messes.

Inexplicably, it turned out to be a tacit approval, and even the Hokage-sama, Minato Namikaze, seems to have been affected by this.

This made Kei Uchiha feel that things seemed to be a big deal.

He didn't go to see Uchiha Fuyake, he's been very busy these days.

And Uchiha Fugaku seems to be adapting to those eternal eyes and taking care of his children.

So the two of them didn't have much chance to meet each other.

But Uchiha Kei felt that if he went to find him now, there is an 80% chance that he would not be able to get around this, right?

This made Kei Uchiha a little distressed, but when he looked at it from a different angle, it didn't seem to be too bad.

At least in this way, no one will come to him for 'trouble', after all, he has already reached the level of engagement.

In this world of Hokage, young people are very precocious.

During the Warring States Period, whether it was an ordinary person or a ninja, their lifespan was only about thirty years old.

Because of the constant war, they had to mature earlier, accept earlier and take on more responsibilities.

Although with the collaboration of Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara to create a Konoha, the talents of this world slowly began to 'longevity'.

But some traditions are still preserved to this day.

Whether it is planning ahead or making the family more prosperous.

Thirteen or fourteen-year-olds are really the age to get engaged for members of the big family.

Kei Uchiha himself knew that if it wasn't for his high status in the Uchiha clan, and Uchiha Fugaku didn't mean to force him.

I'm afraid he has already entered into a marriage contract with a woman he doesn't know and has no basis for affection.

But even so, Kei Uchiha has heard some extremely obscure topics about his "future" from his own Keisuke Uchiha and Ryoko Uchiha.

It's just that Uchiha Kei has been acting stupid and didn't take up these topics at all, which also made the two of them helpless.

But he also knew that in a few years, it would not be one or two people who wanted him to get married.

In the eyes of other clansmen, his bloodline is very excellent, and such a bloodline naturally needs to be passed down.

"But now that I have a woman like Aya Hyuga as a shield, it seems that I will be more comfortable in the future?"

Uchiha Kei was sitting by a river in Konoha, looking at Aya Hyuga who was also sitting beside him with a weak face, and thought silently.

In a sense, this woman is really Kai Uchiha's shield.

Although it is inevitable that he will always be asked about it when he goes home, at least he doesn't need to face some other messy questions.

Kai Uchiha is not single, nor is he not interested in women.

It's just that he really doesn't have this idea at this stage, and it's probably the same as what he said, he would prefer to meet someone he likes.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that you are thinking about something very rude."

Just when Uchiha Qi was thinking wildly, Aya Hyuga suddenly turned her head to look at him: "Do you think it's very useful for me to act as a shield for you?"

"Ah, I have an idea." Uchiha Kei admitted it directly.

"On the contrary, am I not your shield? Although I heard that you have such a bad reputation among the Hyuga clan.

But with your current status and your relationship with me, I don't believe that there are no people whose main interests are those who plan to do something. "

Aya Hyuga didn't speak, but her attitude said it all.

Just like what Kai Uchiha said, it is true that she also encountered some troubles before this.

She has a bad reputation in the Hyuga clan, and on the one hand, the dead Hyuga Hui is at work.

On the other hand, she became like that because she was the first to join the security department led by Uchiha, who was not very friendly with the Hinata clan, and even regarded each other as a rival.

But with the power that Uchiha Kai burst out, and the effect of the fourth Hokage coming to power.

Even the old, old-fashioned, and even the old guys in the Hyuga clan who were about to be abandoned by the times.

They also noticed how big the cake after the expansion of the security department is.

Especially after the Qianshou clan appeared secretly, and Hyuga Hizu began to let many clansmen enter the security department.

The most surprising thing is that after he got a squad leader, their minds also became active.

Aya Hyuga, the woman who Kai Uchiha has always trusted in Yuka and has always taken care of Yuka, has also re-entered their sight.

If it was said that this woman was deviant and she was a complete disaster star before they came into their sight.

Well, now this woman is a delicious and delicious cake of interest. They naturally don't want to let go of such a delicious cake. I am afraid that this woman has also suffered some harassment.

But now I'm afraid those people don't dare to mess around anymore.

Everyone's positioning is relative. She has become Uchiha's shield, allowing Uchiha to avoid some small "trouble".

And Uchiha Qi naturally became her shield, and it also helped her to block out those guys who had ideas and planned to join in to 'share the cake'.

It can be said that this misunderstanding is not necessarily all negative effects, at least in some aspects, the feedback is still positive.

"Then do I still want to thank you?" Hyuga Aya gave Uchiha Kai a blank look, then pulled her hair back.

Sitting by the river and blowing the wind is very comfortable, the feeling of the breeze is relaxing, but it is not so friendly for people with long hair.

"Whatever you want." Uchiha Kai smiled, watching Aya Hyuga's movements, he suddenly said.

"Today's wind is a bit noisy."


Aya Hyuga looked at Kai Uchiha with an inexplicable look on her face, and suddenly she didn't know how to answer.

Although Kei Uchiha still seems indifferent, especially when facing the enemy, his coldness and indifference have penetrated deep into his bones.

But I don't know since when, Hyuga Aya rarely felt it in him, it was like treating an enemy like that.

Although I still can't feel the tenderness like wearing a mask and sticking a label.

But Hyuga Aya is also unwilling to face Uchiha Kei who looks like that. It's too fake.

"What are you doing crazy again?" Hyuga Aya thought mentally, but she showed no mercy: "If there is a problem with your brain, I can't help you."

"You only have a problem with your brain. It can only be said that you are a woman whose literary quality and ability to discover the beauty of life are too poor."

Uchiha Ki shook his head disdainfully: "In short, there is no help."

"Oh?" Hyuga Aya picked out the corners of her eyes: "A guy like you can still discover the beauty of life? He also possesses literary qualities? Qi-kun, don't be joking."

"Huh?" Uchiha Qi looked at Hyuga Aya calmly, but anyone could see the disdain in his eyes.

As a liberal arts student in a previous life, Kei Uchiha doesn't say how good his literary literacy is, how much he can discover the beauty in life.

But I have read so many books and memorized so many materials to cope with exams.

He memorized a lot of all kinds of 'sad spring and sad autumn', 'moving from the heart', or the kind of 'sentence from the heart'.

This woman's attitude made him a little uncomfortable. He didn't recommend showing things that he had never shown before.

"Look at the leaves that were blown away by the wind."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi deliberately raised his head and pointed to the floating leaves in the sky: "You say, the departure of the leaves is the pursuit of the wind or the failure of the trees..."

"Nervous disease, that's abscisin." Before Uchiha Kai finished speaking, Hyuga Aya interrupted him directly.

"That is a plant hormone that inhibits growth, a natural gene that can make leaves fall off. If you don't believe me, can the leaves fall off when you see such a wind blowing?"


Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, he really didn't expect this woman to be in a fight with him.

But he didn't care too much either. He smiled and said, "Sitting by the river, do you have fresh air that smells earthy and fragrant?"

"I smell it, I feel very comfortable." Hyuga Aya nodded, but the next moment she added: "But... I didn't expect Qi-kun to have such a hobby."

"What's the meaning?"

"Because what we smell is the smell of actinomycete excrement."


For a moment, Uchiha Kei really wanted to pull out Kiriyu and kill this woman.

Sometimes this woman doesn't have to be yin and yang, so how can she be so proficient when she lifts the bar?

The most important thing is that this woman's way of raising the bar made it impossible for Uchiha Kai to refute it.

Is this a fierce conflict between professional knowledge and literary shaping methods?

Uchiha Qi frowned He really felt that this woman deserved it if she couldn't marry.

After thinking for a while, Uchiha continued to say, "Do you know what the smell of sunlight is? It's a quilt that has just been dried..."

"Please..." Hyuga Aya sighed helplessly, interrupting Kai Uchiha again.

"I know what the beauty of life is in your mouth, although it sounds really beautiful, but...

Isn't the smell you're talking about left behind after the mites were killed by the sun? "

"You woman..." Uchiha clenched his fists tightly, and after a long time he took a deep breath: "Forget it, I don't think you can discover the beauty of life, so let's do it."

"If the beauty of life in your mouth is the smell of excrement or corpse, I think it's fine."

Aya Hyuga looked at Kai Uchiha with a look of disgust: "I see, when you were in the Land of Water, did you go out a lot at night and was blown away by the sea breeze?"

"You are an idiot, the land wind blows at night!"




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