Chapter 342: enlightenment in the eyes of others

With the three-tailed Chakra experiment, Uchiha Kai's days will be relatively calm.

Hyuga Aya's recovery speed is neither fast nor slow, at least she won't be sick and have no fighting ability at all.

Aya Hyuga's importance to Uchiha Kai is a little hard to describe now, although as someone who understands Uchiha's essence, it makes him a bit of a headache at certain moments.

But it is precisely because of this woman's understanding of herself and her own thoughts and intentions that Uchiha Kai feels extremely relaxed in many things.

Whether it's a dialogue, an experiment, or an idea of ​​Kai Uchiha, this woman can think of, understand and know how to do it right away.

Although it is not possible to have a spiritual connection, the high tacit understanding surprised Ki Uchiha himself.

There was a time when Kai Uchiha had been thinking about the need to find a suitable candidate.

At a certain time in the future, replace the woman Hyuga Aya.

Because this woman's identity is too sensitive, and her scheming is too easy for them to have problems.

But at this moment, Uchiha Kai no longer thinks so much.

It is really difficult for someone with such a tacit understanding to cultivate such a tacit understanding from others.

Iori is a really good girl, and her talent is indeed excellent.

But unfortunately, this girl is really too kind.

Kindness is never a bad thing though.

In the communication between people, kindness is an important bonus option.

But kindness also needs to be divided into people and things.

For example, Minato Namikaze is also a kind person, but he can use his kindness on the people who should use it.

When he faced the enemy, he really did not have the concept of kindness.

Iori was young and had never experienced war.

Even if the children born in the orphanage are relatively precocious, she has never experienced intrigue between people and does not understand the ugliness of human hearts.

Therefore, in the eyes of people like Kai Uchiha, her kindness has become a burden, an existence that makes him unhappy.

It is true that if you continue to cultivate, maybe Iori will become what Kai Uchiha wants in his heart.

But letting this innocent girl put on a mask also made Kai Uchiha sigh.

He was really disappointed in this girl, but he also saw in this girl what he had lost.

Therefore, he had the plan to give up and continue, and even had the idea of ​​using illusion to "end" this girl's nightmare.

"Monsters" like them don't need too much, but to cultivate a person alive into a "monster" similar to himself.

A 'monster' that they themselves hate is too cruel.

So, it is enough to have the "monster" Hyuga Aya to cooperate with him.

As for how to completely bind this woman, Uchiha Ki doesn't know.

However, he has some ideas, but these things can only depend on the future development and performance.

"This is probably the biggest difference between me and Danzo. I have kindness in my heart and have humanity, not a person who completely destroys humanity."

Kai Uchiha could only evaluate himself in this way, and then devoted himself to his experiments.

There are only two experimental projects for Kai Uchiha, one is to improve the level of Susanoo, in other words, to improve the bearing capacity of his writing wheel.

The other is the question about his illusions. He needs these illusions to achieve some goals.

In fact, he had already had the idea of ​​improving illusion, but this experimental project was temporarily interrupted due to an unexpected trip to Hidden Mist.

Now that he has time, and he is not too busy, he naturally won't miss these times.

And his research and development is quite effective, probably because his illusion skills are very good.

Even now, his use of illusion techniques tends to be a more concise and direct attack method.

But the use of illusion is exactly the same, just in the design and the operation of chakra.

As well as the strength of his own mental strength, these things are not a problem for him.

Besides, he can also read various manuscripts about illusion in the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, he already had a good prototype in a relatively short period of time.

The rest is through continuous improvement, so that this illusion can reach his hope as soon as possible.

Kai Uchiha is satisfied with the rapid improvement of illusion, but the development of Susanoo seems to be somewhat stagnant.

Even if he did feel that the Chakra in his Shaker was more active, he guessed that the fused cells in his body were also accelerating.

But no breakthrough means no progress.

In addition to improving their own strength, the security department finally drafted a relatively suitable first draft of what Uchiha asked them to do and submitted it to him.

During this time, the security department was really busy, especially since Uchiha Kaito had such a heavy task for them.

They were in teams one by one, and they were really busy from top to bottom.

Fortunately, they also completed the task, and fortunately they did not live up to Uchiha Kai's expectations.

"It's okay, the first draft of your resolution."

Uchiha Kei was sitting in the office of the head of the Security Department's office building. After carefully reading the documents, he nodded and said to the four people standing at his desk.

His words immediately made Uchiha Chuan, Uchiha Ryukage and Uchiha Jun relieved.

During this period of time, they really broke their heads for these things.

And in order to achieve unity, they also had to meet during the break.

Circulate the things they drafted to each other to the extent that everyone can agree.

Here, only Hinata Risashi has no right to speak.

Although he also participated in the whole process, he had no previous experience at all, and he could only provide some opinions of his own.

"Just do it like this." Uchiha Kei put the manuscripts on the table, and then said.

"However, the strength of your trial needs to be considered as appropriate, and don't blindly refer to these regulations.

Also, I don't want to hear 'Someone found you in advance, and repeatedly reported that you or your family will be in trouble, but you are dereliction of duty', if so..."

"Please rest assured, Mr. Minister, we will never have such a problem!" The four division leaders immediately lowered their heads and said seriously when they heard Uchiha Kai's words.

"very good."

Uchiha Kei nodded: "I hope this kind of thing doesn't happen, especially if you happen to be in the jurisdiction of any of you.

Well, in the future, you will act according to the proposal. I will let those in the administration pass this draft into a document, and wait for the official notification order from Hokage-sama to execute it. "

Kei Uchiha really hates dereliction of duty, and he would not agree to such a thing appearing in the security department under his jurisdiction.

Now that the reputation of the Security Department has improved, this needs to be maintained.

And he won't forget that there is always someone watching from this security department.

The three generations of Hokage and the others are keeping a low profile now, but no one knows what is brewing behind this low profile.

After all, the three generations of Hokage were once in a high position, and his political sensitivity will definitely not be low.

Any small mistakes caught by him may be magnified infinitely.

Activities within the rules of the game, Kai Uchiha will also abide by these rules with the greatest sincerity.

As long as they don't break this balance, Uchiha Kai won't mess up.

However, Uchiha Kai can guarantee that he will not make any fatal mistakes, but he cannot guarantee that his subordinates are always vigilant about them.

He has to be careful. There are countless superiors killed by his subordinates.

"The new proposal has come to an end for the time being. How is your action to capture Wuyin's spy now?"

After saying this, Uchiha Kei naturally wouldn't forget the other thing he handed over to the Security Department.

The arrest of Wuyin's spy was a major breakthrough in enhancing the law enforcement authority of the Ministry of Guards.

Although they choose to compromise due to certain factors, they still have a huge right to act.

Although Kai Uchiha has been dealing with his own problems, it doesn't mean he doesn't care about it.

Besides, he himself has a bit of a guilty conscience.

He really wished that all of these misty spies were caught, and then he could have peace of mind.

"Master Minister, during this time, we have achieved a lot with the help of the captain of the daily errand."

Uchiha Chuan immediately said, "Captain Nisabashi is indeed a powerful ninja who has faced Kirikin on the battlefield, and he is also very familiar with Kirikin.

In addition, there are quite a few of our subordinates who have fought against the mist ninja in the country of vortex, so..."

"It looks like your performance is good." Uchiha Kai smiled, and then his eyes turned to Hinata Nisaka.

"Captain Ripa, since you and your subordinates of the Hyuga clan are the main force, please report this matter."

"Yes, Mr. Minister." Hinata Nisashi nodded respectfully, and he said calmly.

"So far in this operation, a total of five misty spies have been arrested. Some of them are disguised as traders, some are residents, and one guy has even become an official ninja."

"Is it an official ninja?" Uchiha Ki nodded: "This kind of infiltration is already good, and you need to pay more attention. Have these five people been handed over to Anbe?"

Don't look at the five people who were caught after being busy for so long. In fact, the number of people who infiltrated another Shinobi village was definitely not too many.

The five people are not too few, especially the guys who can sneak into other Ninja villages, all of them are masters of disguise.

It is not easy to tear off their masks easily.

Especially Konoha, which is more open than other Shinobi villages, it is even more difficult.

However, this time the harvest is not small, especially when a guy who has entered the ninja system was caught.

This kind of person is one of the most dangerous beings.

Catching this kind of guy naturally makes Kei Uchiha very satisfied. Although there are definitely others that haven't been found, we can use this guy for some torture.

In this way, Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato will be able to more clearly understand the extent to which Uchiha Kai's specific exposure details have reached.

"It has been handed over to Anbu, Mr. Minister."

"That's good, thank you for your hard work, but I hope I can get better news at the next meeting."

"I will not disappoint the Minister."


"Mr. Fujiu, hello."

One morning, Uchiha Shisui came to the gathering place, and Fujiu Hangping was already waiting here.

After the last meeting with the three generations of Hokage, Uchiha Shisui was extremely struggling and confused.

But he still has some expectations in his heart for Fujiu Hangping, the former guidance of Uchiha Kai.

In the eyes of many people, the reason Uchiha Kai has achieved today's achievements is largely due to the credit of Fujiu Hangping.

Because he is the longest leader of Uchiha's team, and he is also one of Uchiha's only mentors.

Uchiha's first mentor, Joinin, died when he saved his subordinates when he was on a mission.

This kind of thing can't be hidden from Konoha. This is the beginning of Uchiha's identity as a 'disaster star'.

After that, he never used Shangnin as the leader of the team and the guide of ninjas, and those people basically died on the battlefield in the end.

Only Uchiha Kai survived.

And the only person who is still alive as Captain Uchiha Kai is Tomijiu Hanghei.

In addition, as Uchiha Kai's teammates, the only people who can survive are Kenta Imai and Aya Hyuga.

The three generations of Hokage arranged Uchiha Shisui to Fujiu Hangping, but it is not clear what exactly Uchiha Shisui means.

He also didn't want to find out, these complicated things gave him a headache.

He only has one thought now, that is, he wants to see what kind of ability this Uchiha Kai's guide, Joinin, has cultivated such an existence.

Moreover, he also hopes to get a good understanding of Uchiha Kai through Fujiu Hanghei and what kind of person he is.

"Call me the captain." Fujiu smiled peacefully and kindly.

"Speaking of which, you are still the second Uchiha I have met. The first one is the current Minister of Security, Uchiha Kei. I also hope that you can become an exceptionally good ninja like him."

"Yes, Captain Tomohisa." Uchiha Shisui nodded politely.

"Very good, I won't say more, because you joined temporarily, and your other two teammates are still resting."

Fu Jiuhangping nodded, and then continued: "Speaking of which, your situation is somewhat similar to that of Qi's previous years. Your two teammates are your seniors."

"Is it the same as Minister Kai?" Uchiha Shisui was also a little inexplicable when he heard this.

Uchiha Kai's teammates are two seniors, and almost everyone knows about this.

After all, there are only two disaster stars comparable to Uchiha Kai, how could people not know about this?

But these three disaster stars together created the basic conditions for the victory of the Konoha War.

And the three of them together are now the existence that everyone in Konoha talks about.

The three of them supported each other and helped each other, and now they all have a high status in Konoha.

Such an achievement would be the envy of anyone else.

Uchiha Shisui also hopes that he can become the main leader of the Uchiha clan like Uchiha Kai in the future, and lead the Uchiha clan to become better.

Although Kei Uchiha is also clear, the difficulty of realizing this idea now is probably a little scary.

But he is confident that he can do it all by himself.

Although from the words of Hokage III, Shisui Uchiha knew that this Hokage might not trust the head of the security department.

But as a member of Uchiha, Shisui still recognizes and respects this minister very much.

"Captain Tomohisa, can I ask you a question?" Uchiha Shisui thought for a while, and finally asked with a little hesitation.

"What's the problem, let's talk." Fu Jiuhangping smiled and said indifferently.

"Captain Tomohisa, do you know Minister Kai very well?" Uchiha Shisui finally asked his question.

"Kai?" Fujiu Hangping touched his chin: "I didn't expect you to ask such a question. As Uchiha, you don't know the super genius born in your family?"

Tomijiu Hangping's words made Uchiha Shisui smile awkwardly. To be honest, he really didn't know Uchiha Kai very well.

More precisely, he didn't know the real Uchiha Kai during the war.

Uchiha Shisui still remembers Uchiha Itachi's words, and he can't forget that geniuses such as Uchiha Itachi are not recognized by Uchiha Kai at all.

Since then, Uchiha Shisui has been infinitely curious about this mysterious person.

On weekdays, this person is approachable and kind, very gentle.

But Uchiha Shisui could feel it, this guy doesn't seem to be like that.

Uchiha Shisui can really feel that kind of gloomy atmosphere.

Uchiha Shisui knew that this seemingly kind-hearted person had actually been on the battlefield for many years.

And at some point, he was very tough with some people, he refused to give in an inch, and even caused a massacre in the Uchiha clan.

The two contradictory performances made Uchiha Shisui really dare not say that he knew Uchiha Kai.

Perhaps the entire Uchiha clan, who dares to understand Uchiha Kai, is their patriarch Uchiha Fuyake.

Because Uchiha Fuyue's trust in Uchiha Kai is beyond imagination, and the feedback Uchiha Kai gave him is also scary.

The two of them joined forces to firmly control the entire Uchiha clan, and they also made the Uchiha clan look better and better.

"Actually, to be honest, my understanding of Qi is almost the same as everyone else's."

Probably because he also has a good impression of Uchiha Kai, Tomijiu Hanghei thought for a while before continuing.

"I remember when I just took over their team, the impression that Kai left on me was that he was calm and very smart."

"Calm and smart?" Uchiha Shisui nodded. Almost every successful person has these two points.

"And it gave me an unusually precocious feeling."

Probably because the chatterbox was opened, and he was also facing a Uchiha, Tomijiu Hanghei smiled and found a place to sit down.

"This kid's precocious puberty is not about falling in love, but I heard that he seems to have come together with that child, Aya, I really wish them..."

Fu Jiuhangping shook his head with a smile, and then continued: "The child's precocity on the battlefield is because I can see that he has his own unique understanding of many tasks and information.

It's just that he always seemed to have too many concerns in his heart. He never said these things, but reminded him a word or two during the execution of the task to avoid some things. "

Kei Uchiha didn't know that some of his original actions were misunderstood.

At that time, he just felt that the mission was dangerous and didn't want to take risks.

But now that I know it, I'm afraid Uchiha Kei won't care either.

After all, what happened so many years ago, it really doesn't make sense to go to 'archaeology'.

But Uchiha Shisui listened very seriously, these things are completely things he has never heard of.

Was Kai Uchiha already so sharp when he was on the battlefield? No wonder he survived.

But, what exactly is he worried about?

"And this child has always been kind in his heart. He always seems to be a little uncomfortable when he kills the enemy."

Tomohisa Hanghei didn't know what Uchiha Shisui was thinking, but continued.

"But war is war. Although Qi made his good thoughts almost blocked, and even seemed a little cold-blooded, his incompatibility couldn't deceive people."

"Have you always had good intentions in your heart?" Uchiha Shisui was moved, he really didn't expect Uchiha Kai to be such a person.

At the beginning, Uchiha Kai was really uncomfortable with murder.

Even though he has been on the battlefield for a long time and can face everything calmly, he still has some discomfort.

This kind of incompatibility was caused by following his concept of good and evil for more than 20 years in the previous life.

Although Uchiha has already adapted to the battlefield for a few years, the nausea in his heart will still appear.

Fortunately, Fujiu Hangping noticed this situation.

"Yes, he has always been a kind-hearted child." Fu Jiu Hangping continued.

"What I didn't expect was that they were forced to accept a suicidal mission and completed it perfectly. You already know these things, and I don't think I need to say more."

"Yes, this is Minister Qi's mission to become famous, and we all know it." Uchiha Shisui nodded: "I didn't expect that Minister Qi would have such an unknown thing."

"Yeah, Qi has always been a person who is polite, respectful and principled. I still remember that when my brother made a mistake, he saved my brother, and he was the one who became the After the deputy minister of the security department, let my brother join it."

Fujiu Hangping smiled and said: "But when dealing with the enemy, he will put them away. Such ninjas are the real ninjas. I am very proud. There was a period of time when I was his guide. I'm afraid this is the proudest thing in my life."

Uchiha Shisui nodded, he didn't think Fujiu Hangping's words were exaggerated at all.

Because Keima Uchiha is just like what he said, I am afraid that everyone will feel proud.

But through the words of Fujiu Hangping, Uchiha Shisui was more certain about some things.

It's just that he doesn't know why, Uchiha Qi regards people in the family as enemies.

Because through the narration of Tomohisa Hanghei, Uchiha Kei will only make such a gesture when facing the enemy.

After thinking about it for a while Uchiha Shisui made a decision, a bold decision!

He was going to meet Kai Uchiha, he was going to meet one of the actual controllers of the family.

Even though he has some spells on him now, he has to figure out some things.

Standing up, Uchiha Shisui bowed respectfully to Fujiu Hangping.

"Then thank you Captain Tomohisa, I've got what I want to know, and I'm also looking forward to performing missions with the captain and future teammates.

But it's a little late now, and I think I'm going to say goodbye too. "

"Go." Fu Jiuhang stood up with a smile and waved his hand at will: "Go back early, I will notify you in advance of future tasks."

"Then I say goodbye, goodbye, Captain Tomohisa." Uchiha Shisui bowed again, then turned and walked away.

Fujiu Hangping looked at Uchiha Shisui's back, and he didn't know when a little complexity appeared on his face, he sighed for a long time.

"Uchiha Shisui, I hope you can handle this matter well. Because, I also took on a mission that I couldn't refuse. Maybe you can help me..."



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