Chapter 373: track

"Minister, this is the torture data passed by Anbu, as well as the data we obtained after our own torture."

In Uchiha Kai's office, Fujiu Hangta stood respectfully by the side.

He introduced the source of these two pieces of information to Uchiha, while Uchiha was watching carefully with the information.

The actual content of these materials is not much, but it reflects a fact from the side, a fact that Uchiha Kaito has to praise these Kirin.

Their mouths are too hard, their will is too firm, and their ninja qualities are also admirable.

It can be said that before the people are handed over to the people of the mountain family, there are really pitiful things that can be pryed out of their mouths.

It can be said that they get almost nothing!

Even if they use illusions, torture, and a series of other means, they can persevere and never open their mouths.

With this result, the guards and the Anbu people were a little helpless.

Now we can only wait for the people of the mountain family to solve these problems, and at the same time ensure that these spies will not choose to commit suicide.

"I have to say, these mist ninjas are quite interesting."

Uchiha Kai put down the materials in his hand, and finally shook his head indifferently.

"Forget it, let's wait for the report from the mountain family. By the way, why did you come to report on the mission today?"

"Because the four captains joined forces today, they discovered a large number of detonating charms hidden in Konoha."

Fujiu Hangta looked at Uchiha Kai a little strangely: "Master Minister, isn't this matter submitted in a written report?"


Uchiha Kai glanced at it and put it aside, he didn't even read a report and then nodded.

"I see, detonating charm... I see, let them pay attention to this matter, I believe they can handle it well."

When Uchiha Kai heard the detonating talisman, he really frowned.

Because in Konoha Village, a large number of such things were buried without anyone knowing it, which can be said to be a terrible thing.

But I don't know why, Uchiha Kei always felt that this matter was very familiar.

After thinking about it carefully for a long time, he finally remembered that there was such a thing in the original book, but it ended in a near-miss in the original book.

Now this incident has been dug up more than ten years in advance, and it can be regarded as an 'honor operation' of the Ministry of Guards.

However, Uchiha Kei only attracted a little attention. He felt that there was no need for him to pay too much attention to such a thing.

In the original book, this incident was noticed and discovered by Hyuga Neji.

And now it has been dealt with by Hyuga Risei more than ten years in advance, which is very interesting no matter how you look at it.

Kei Uchiha didn't think that, thinking about Uchiha River, Uchiha Ryukage, and Hyuga Riza, the ninjas who fought **** the battlefield wouldn't even be able to handle such a thing.

Although it may cause some small-scale commotion, after all, they are not polite to use their hands.

But for such a thing in Konoha, no matter what your reasons are, Uchiha Kei doesn't think it's worthy of mercy.

At least if it was him, he wouldn't be soft-hearted.

"I will report this matter to Hokage-sama, but I hope you can come up with an action report that satisfies me, okay?" Uchiha Qi said flatly.

"Yes, Mr. Minister!" Fujiu Hangtai immediately stood up and answered seriously.

"Very good, I believe you can accomplish this task."

Uchiha Kai showed a slight smile, and he also stood up when he saw Fujiu Hang being too serious.

"Speaking of which, you have been with me since I joined the security department. How do you feel now?"

"Everything is fine, Mr. Minister." Fu Jiuhang nodded seriously.

Indeed, when Uchiha Kei was only a deputy minister and only had one unit in charge, Fujiu Hangtai was fooled by him to work in the security department.

Although the original purpose of Uchiha Qi recruiting him was the same as Imai Kenta, they were all because they were born as civilian ninjas.

But after so long, Uchiha Kai won't take these things too seriously.

The division of membership in the Security Department has basically been completed.

Although at the high level it is still dominated by the blood ninja of the family, the division of components within the security department has really reached the level of 55%.

"Aren't you feeling a little uncomfortable?" Suddenly, Uchiha Kai asked, "After all, you've been with me for so long, but you haven't been a sub-commander yet."

"It was really a little bit at first." Fujiu Hangtai raised his head and said with a very serious and sincere expression.

"But now, I don't have such thoughts anymore. I know my own shortcomings. My brother also advised me. Now I know better how I should do it."

Fu Jiu Hangtai didn't have the slightest pretence, he really said what was in his heart.

That's right, he did feel a little dissatisfied at first.

Because just like what Uchiha Kai said, he was the first group of people who followed Uchiha Kai to join the security department.

At that time, there were only four of those people. He also had Uchihagawa and his son, and Imai Kenta.

After waiting for Uchiha Kai to become the Minister of the Security Department, Uchihagawa and Imai Kenta both became sub-commanders.

On this point, Fu Jiu Hangping did not have much opinion.

Everyone can see Uchihagawa's abilities, and for some reason, this guy is basically Uchiha Kai's diehard type.

Everyone like this will like it, and everyone will choose to reuse it.

According to Kenta Imai, this guy, like Kei Uchiha, used to be his brother's subordinate.

Uchiha Kei and he were teammates, and they used to be on a mission together.

Now that Uchiha Kai has the power to take care of his teammates, it is only natural.

Moreover, Imai Kenta is also a ninja born from a commoner.

What Fujiu Hangta didn't expect was that Imai Kenta is not a guy at all, or his identity is simply nonsense!

After Imai Kenta recovered his identity and left the security department.

Fujiu Hangtai once thought, is it possible for him to inherit this position?

But to his disappointment, Uchiha Kai did not choose him.

Instead, he chose the former vice-captain of the third division, and a guy named Uchiha Ryukage stepped forward.

Afterwards, the establishment of the fourth team also gave Fujiu Hangtai hope.

At this time, he had been assigned as the vice-captain of the third division.

He knew the purpose of being the vice-captain here, because the captain of the third division was obviously not the same as Uchiha Kei.

He already knew this when he followed Kenta Imai.

But unfortunately, the team of the fourth team has not been decided for a long time, and the fourth team has recruited a lot of ninjas from the Hinata clan.

He had been the deputy captain of the security department for almost two years. How could he not have imagined that the captain of the fourth division would most likely be a Hinata?

This discovery really disappointed him. He always thought that he should be the most promising member, but now it seems that is not the case at all.

His loss naturally attracted the attention of his brother Fujiu Hangping.

Fujiu Hangping has already recovered and has resumed leading the team to carry out the mission.

After realizing the situation of his younger brother, he also seriously communicated with Fu Jiu Hangtai.

Through this exchange, Fu Jiu Hangtai obviously understood a lot of things.

Fujiu Hangping didn't say much, but let him compare himself with the current squad leaders.

Fu Jiuhang never expected that his brother would actually let him do this.

But he has always trusted his brother's judgment very much.

So he started to bring the things he knew into himself one by one according to what his brother said.

In the end, he realized that his ability seemed to be somewhat insufficient.

Not just a deficiency, but a serious deficiency!

His way of looking at problems and dealing with them seems to be too simplistic.

This also caused him to sometimes have no way of understanding, what was the purpose of the sub-commander he followed to make such a decision!

To be honest, if he was Kai Uchiha, I'm afraid he wouldn't let his current self serve as a sub-commander.

And he also found that even Uchihagawa, a 'loyal warrior' who was doing his best.

The actual organizational skills and leadership skills are far beyond his imagination!

"Oh? Really?" Uchiha Kai was a little surprised, and he continued to ask, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I remember that when we first met, the Minister said a word." Tomijiu Hangta said with a smile.

"Look hard, study hard, I really need that right now. I've always been a vice-captain, and I have more opportunities to get in touch with these things than others.

It is also possible to better understand the intentions of the captains to issue orders.

Maybe I'm a little stupid, but I think as long as I keep learning, I can definitely achieve my desired goal! "

"It seems that you do understand something." At this moment, Uchiha Kai also laughed: "It seems that Captain Hangping has helped me a lot."

"My brother has always been excellent!" When he mentioned his brother, Fu Jiu Hangtai's expression became a little proud.

"By the way, Mr. Minister, my brother has always been proud of you, which makes me very envious."

Is Fu Jiu Hangping proud of himself?

Uchiha Qi touched his chin, UU reading said that he really hadn't seen this person for a long time, the only guide who led him and survived, Junin.

Shaking his head, Kei Uchiha didn't bother to think about these things.

Looking at the sky outside, it was getting late, Uchiha Kei also stood up and patted Fujiu Hangtai on the shoulder.

"Come on, you are actually your brother's pride." Uchiha Kai said softly.

"When I was on a mission with Captain Hangping, he always praised you, don't let him down."

"I know the captain." Fu Jiuhang nodded firmly and said, "I will definitely work hard."

Kai Uchiha didn't say anything, but turned around and left the office.

Walking all the way to the outside, it is not yet the time to get off work, so there are still relatively few people on the street.

It's not just one or two times that Uchiha Qi left early, but no one would say that there is any problem with what he did. The harmony and tranquility of Konoha is enough.

Just walking, Uchiha Kei frowned.

Because he noticed that someone was following behind him...



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