Chapter 378: alone


"Have we met?"

On Konoha Street, Matekai really stood and stared at the young man in front of him.

That level of concentration made Uchiha Obito take a step back unconsciously.

And this guy Akai didn't give Obito any chance at all, he took a step forward to get them closer.

Both Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya looked at this scene dumbfounded.

They really didn't expect to change the disguise specially, and the more natural looking Obito was actually glued by a contemporaneous student?

Especially Uchiha Kai, he always felt that this scene was very visual.

In his memory, isn't this kid Akai a super face-blind patient?

Why are you acting so sharp at this time?

Beast intuition?

It is clear that this guy can even admit his mistakes as a dark side of himself.

Such a guy actually entangled Uchiha Obito, who had been disguised and his temperament had changed drastically, for the first time. This is simply incredible!

"Hey, is this person okay?" Suddenly, Aya Hyuga, who was standing beside Kai Uchiha, quietly tugged at his clothes: "It seems that your subordinates will be mistaken for you by your classmates?"

"It should be fine, right?" Uchiha Kei also put his head close to Hyuga Aya's ear, his voice very low.

"To be fair, I really don't know why this guy would be recognized. Maybe it feels familiar?"

"Familiar?" Hyuga Aya frowned: "If it can make people feel familiar, such a disguise is a failure. How could you make such a mistake?"

"I didn't make such a mistake, but I promised him something." Uchiha Qi sighed helplessly.

"And my skills are also limited, plus I dare not let the Uchiha Sect people touch him, so..."

Uchiha Obito's identity is too sensitive, Uchiha Sect is still Uchiha Fuyue's dead servant.

But there are some things that Uchiha Qi would rather explain in person than through someone else's mouth.

Especially this thing is extremely important!

Therefore, Uchiha Qi can only come by himself. In fact, strictly speaking, his skills are not bad.

Just because of the request of the **** Uchiha Obito, there is no particularly good way for Uchiha Kai.

What's more, Uchiha Qi felt that it was really difficult to recognize Obito at this moment, and the ghost knew what happened to this Akai.

"Have you seen it?"

When Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya whispered there, cold sweat broke out on Uchiha Obito's forehead.

"Well, I don't think we've met before, have we?"

That's what he said, but Uchiha Obito rubbed his face subconsciously for some reason.

He faintly felt that one side of his face seemed to hurt a little, that was kicked by the guy in front of him.

Even though it has been at least many years since this incident, I don't know why he would have such a strange feeling when he saw Akai.

And even more terrifying, is this guy a monster?

Obviously there is a huge gap between himself now and before, how did he perceive himself?

At the beginning of the film, Uchiha Obito looked at Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya.

As a result, what surprised him was that these two guys were actually 'qingqing, me' and me, and didn't pay any attention to what he meant?

This discovery made Uchiha Obito quite helpless, and he knew that he might have to rely on himself now.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Obito calmed himself down, and then he pretended to be calm and looked at Akai who was still staring at him.

"Really haven't seen it?" Akai still stared at Obito, and he suddenly said, "Uchiha..."

"Uh..." Obito instantly had a little cold sweat on his forehead, and he was thinking about whether to knock this guy unconscious.

"The people of the Uchiha family all look alike." Suddenly Akai laughed and patted Obito on the shoulder: "I'm sorry, sorry, maybe I really made a mistake."

"'s okay." Uchiha Obito nodded stiffly.

Looking at Akai, who was touching his chin with a puzzled face, and kept mumbling, "Where did he see this guy?", he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief.

But this guy's concentration is too weird, right?

Uchiha Kai was standing beside him, he didn't notice it at all, this guy is just as strange as before!

Shaking his head, Uchiha Obito didn't bother to struggle with this issue, and suddenly he didn't dare to see his old friends.

This guy, Akai, actually noticed something at the first time, so what about the others?

For example.... my best friend Kakashi?

This guy was so powerful back then, a genius among geniuses, if it were him, would he have noticed it right away?

Just thinking of this, Uchiha Obito couldn't help but chuckle, a genius among geniuses?

That was in the past, right now, he is definitely more powerful than him!

However, when will I be able to use the wheel eye with that guy to fight the enemy?

Turning around, Uchiha Obito walked in the direction of Uchiha Kai.

Then he just lifted his foot and a voice sounded behind him: "Please wait."

Uchiha Obito paused involuntarily when he heard the voice, and then he turned around a little stuck.

The next moment, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Because he saw that Akai was so close, those dull eyes stared at his face, like a beast waiting for food.

This scene directly caused Obito to take a step back involuntarily. This guy's eyes are too terrifying!

"What's wrong?" Obito swallowed and asked cautiously.

"Nothing..." Akai still stared at him with that dull and focused expression: "We...really haven't met?"

"Uh, maybe our Uchiha clan looks alike, right? Hahaha..."

Uchiha Obito touched his head, but he soon realized that he was wearing a wig, and then he immediately pointed to Uchiha Kai next to him.

"Look, Minister Qi is right next to him. Don't you think that to some extent, I'm quite similar to him?"


When Akai heard Uchiha Kai's name, he was stunned for a moment, then he immediately turned his head to look, and then his face became embarrassed.

"Ah, Qi... No, Minister Qi, I..."

Uchiha Qi covered his face helplessly, while Hyuga Aya shook her head aside, their feelings were both ignored.

However, neither Uchiha Kai nor Hyuga Aya cared too much, and there was nothing to worry about.

They didn't even care about the 'gossip' that was spreading around in Konoha now.

Uchiha Qi sighed, Uchiha Obito, this kid, can still play, but he really should help him out.

"Forget it, it's fine." Uchiha Qi smiled and said: "Just call me Kai, this guy is my subordinate of the security department, called Uchibo Lin, talk, who do you think he is, so focused?"

"Well.... I don't know who it is." Akai touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly.

"Just feeling as if he was my friend, a former friend, it's a feeling.

Maybe I feel wrong, after all, I may just see some shadows, we have lost too many companions..."

Akai's words made Uchiha Kai suddenly not know how to answer, and Obito was stunned in place.

He really didn't expect to get such an answer, he opened his mouth slightly, but in the end he closed his mouth.

Uchiha Obito knew that he had many friends in Konoha, but he didn't know the exact relationship between these friends.

But at this moment, he seemed to know something.

He found that he was really stupid, or that people who were blinded by hatred might look stupid.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I've delayed your work." Akai said embarrassedly.

"Ki... um, let's talk when you have time, don't forget that you promised me that you would learn from me!"

"I understand, don't worry." Uchiha Qi nodded lightly: "Then let's say goodbye first, Akai."

"Okay, goodbye everyone!" Akai smiled and waved, and then he stood upside down again.

But before he left, he took another deep look at Uchiha Obito.

Then, with a little doubt, he turned around and continued to finish his exercise.

Looking at the back of his leaving, Uchiha Kai sighed helplessly.

This guy Akai always seems to be so energetic, but does his words seem to have touched Uchiha Obito a lot?

Turning his head and looking at Uchiha Obito, he seemed to be still staring at Akai's back, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Patting the guy directly on the shoulder, Uchiha Qi said softly, "Okay, come back to your senses, Akai has left."

"Ah, sorry." Uchiha Obito said silently: "It was me who lost my temper, I just felt that I was too stupid before."

"Yes, you are stupid." Uchiha Kai nodded very directly: "Don't forget some specific evaluations in your ninja rating, which fit your image very well."

"You guy..." Uchiha Obito was dumbfounded by Uchiha Kai's words, but he simply shook his head and stopped talking about these things.

Maybe, that ninja rating is really correct, right?

Uchiha Obito sighed helplessly, but stupid is stupid, at least he is not bad at being stupid, right?

Quietly glanced at Uchiha Kai, if it weren't for him, I would have fallen into the boundless dark abyss long ago, and there is no way to come back, right?

"Let's go to the cemetery next... shall we?"

Uchiha Obito thought of this, and he said directly: "I think it's almost enough to meet Akai, although I really want to meet other people, but I'm worried about being recognized, so..."

"As you like, then go to the cemetery first." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Then let's go."

Since Uchiha Obito wants to visit the cemetery, Uchiha Kai doesn't care, and Hyuga Aya is even more indifferent.

It was just that Uchiha Kai and the others didn't expect that when they took some time to come to Konoha's Hero Cemetery.

They were stunned to find that in front of Lin's grave, there was a guy with white hair standing there...


Life always seems to be full of wonders.

This statement seems to always be confirmed in some people who cherish each other.

Kakashi deliberately took a day off today. He has been dealing with the misty spy during this time, and naturally he also hopes to have a small vacation.

Naturally, Namikaze Minato didn't embarrass Kakashi about this, and he happily gave his disciple a three-day vacation.

Today is the first day of vacation. After a morning of confusion, Kakashi decided to come to the cemetery to visit his old friends.

He's been so busy lately that he doesn't even have time to come.

Since he was resting today, he couldn't neglect his good friend.

Too many things have really happened in this period of time recently, and he also wants to tell his friends about everything that happened during this period of time.

Kakashi was the one who did the most to capture Wuyin's spy. Perhaps Lin's influence on him was still fresh in his memory.

So when he suffered unimaginable damage in Kirigakushi, he felt more of a hidden joy.

Kakashi is not a saint, on the contrary he is also a man with blood on his hands.

In the face of his former enemies, especially the mist Ninja who forced Lin to choose to commit suicide at his own hands, he didn't have the slightest favor in his heart.

What he is doing now can be regarded as revenge for Lin. Although he thinks that Lin may not like these news very much, he still wants to tell Lin.

After buying flowers, Kakashi walked all the way to Konoha Hero Cemetery.

At this time, there was no one in the cemetery, and the whole cemetery looked extraordinarily cold.

But this kind of coldness is the best for Kakashi. He doesn't like to be too lively in such a place, which will make him feel disrespectful to the dead.

Silently walking to Lin's cemetery, Kakashi put down the flowers in his hand.

He looked at Lin's tombstone silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Time passed quietly, and he didn't know how long he had been standing.

But just when he was about to say something, he suddenly felt that someone could not come to him.

"I didn't expect that someone would come to this place at this time."

Kakashi sighed inwardly, but he didn't care.

The third ninja war and all kinds of dangerous missions will always kill all kinds of ninjas.

Therefore, there are always many people who come to worship them, and various characters appear at various times, which is not a strange thing.

Kakashi didn't care too much at first, but when he sensed that he was walking towards his position, Kakashi frowned.

Because there are only two cemeteries nearby, one belongs to Nohara Lin and the other belongs to Uchiha Obito.

"To visit Obito? Or to visit Lin?"

Kakashi was full of doubts in his heart, he turned around slowly, and to his surprise, he found out that the person who came was Kai Uchiha.

Also, only Uchiha Kai might come here, or come here to find himself, right?

But when his eyes swept across Hyuga Aya, he was stunned.

And his eyes always stayed on the last one, the ninja of the Uchiha clan who was standing slightly behind Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya.

At this moment, Kakashi felt that his breathing seemed to be a little short.

His heart also seemed to be beating a little more.

At that moment, he seemed to see his former best friend in this Uchiha ninja he had never seen before.

The friend who awakened himself but gave his life to save himself!

But reason told Kakashi that the person in front of him was not Obito at all, because Obito had already died.

And one of his eyes is in his own eye socket, and the Uchiha ninja in front of him has no problems at all.

Doubt, Kakashi was really full of doubts.

He didn't understand at all why he felt such a familiar feeling in this person.

But soon Kakashi came back to his senses, because he found that there was really too much deviation between the person in front of him and the Obito in his memory.

The temperament of the person in front of him is completely different from Obito!

This guy is even more gloomy, and makes people feel a little more uneasy.

But for some reason, he just saw the shadow of Obito on this guy.

While Kakashi was stunned, Obito also stared at Kakashi not far away.

He really did not expect that today would be such an eventful day.

First I met Matekai, and then I met Kakashi, and Kakashi seemed to look the same as Matekai.

This can't help but let Obito sigh inwardly, this feeling is really complicated.

At the same time that he has infinite entanglement in his heart, he also feels infinite joy, in addition to this more guilt.

Although he hoped to avenge Lin, although his world was destroyed at that moment, but he also hated himself.

I hate myself for not being calm enough, why I can't look at all this calmly like Kai Uchiha.

Then, from the fragmented scene, I found a different truth that is closer to reality.

It was obvious that he was the first person to come into contact with Lin's body, but he didn't find anything.

I only know that my eyes are covered by hatred, and I have no chance to think about what happened.

"Maybe, this is the gap between me and Kai." Uchiha Obito sighed inwardly.

"He also had a kaleidoscope, and he was definitely not in less pain than me at the time, but he was calm but not.

So he's now the head of the Guard and I'm like this..."

Obito smiled bitterly in his heart, but he looked straight at Kakashi. At this moment, he didn't run away like he did when facing Akai.

Although he will never admit his identity, he can create another identity.

Uchiha Obito is dead, at least for now.

And in the future, he may also reunite himself with Lin for the sake of redemption.

Then, Uchiha Obito will always remain in everyone's heart as a hero.

And he is just an ordinary member of the security department, an ordinary Konoha ninja lurking in a mysterious organization.

"Are you Kakashi?" Obito showed a smile, then took the initiative to walk towards Kakashi and extend his hand.

"My name is Lin, Uchibo Lin, maybe Obito never told you, but I'm his...friend, nice to meet you."

"Rin?" Kakashi was a little dazed, looking at Uchiha walking towards him, he also subconsciously stretched out his hand: "I... I think you know my name too, very it's happy to meet you."

"Ah, you don't look like a nuisance like Obito said."

Uchiha Obito said with a smile: "I have heard Obito say bad things about you a lot, but unfortunately I went out of the village to perform a long-term mission, and the result..."

"Ah, that idiot Obito..." Kakashi's eyes were full of crescent moons at this moment: "He's right, I'm indeed an idiot, but he's also an idiot..."


"Would it be good to leave the two of them there?"

Next to a grove in the Konoha Hero Cemetery, Aya Hyuga looked at Kai Uchiha curiously.

Kakashi and Uchiha Obito met and communicated, and the two of them obviously couldn't get in on the word.

Rather than being an eyesore, it's better to stay away.

It just made Aya Hyuga feel a little puzzled that Uchiha Kai was so straightforward and took her to a relatively remote place.

Just let Kakashi and that Uchibo Lin stay together like this, aren't you really afraid that something will go wrong?

"Don't worry, there shouldn't be any problem." Uchiha Kai shook his head, he turned his head and glanced at the two people in the distance before speaking.

"Let's not join in so much fun, and... This kid Lin has self-knowledge, he shouldn't cause any problems, right?"

"Looking at your lack of confidence, it's obvious that your subordinate has a big problem, especially in terms of brain."

Hyuga Aya sighed, and then she looked at Uchiha Kai with a look of disdain: "Speaking of which, you and he seem to be born at the same time, you call 'this kid' 'this guy' all the time, it seems that you are very mature Same."

"Is that so? Probably my mental age is indeed older than yours Uchiha Kei said indifferently: "As for you saying that his brain has some problems, I agree with you very much. "

This is indeed the case. Before he came across, he was already in his twenties and was about to run three.

And he has been in this world for fifteen years, so strictly speaking, his mental age is indeed very large.

Maybe that's why, he always likes to use the words Hyuga Aya said to describe other people.

It's not malicious, but pure heartfelt thoughts.

As for the problem with Uchiha Obito's brain, Uchiha Kai simply wanted to give this woman a compliment.

If this kid has no problem with his brain, how can he make so many messes?

But I also have to thank this guy for making all this mess.

Uchiha Kai had the opportunity to profit from it, especially after he changed so many things, he naturally needed someone to help take care of him in the Akatsuki organization.

Sighing slightly, Uchiha Kai turned his head to look at Kakashi and Obito in the distance.

Seeing the two of them standing side by side staring at Lin's cemetery, I didn't know what they were talking about.

"What's the matter, I'm curious?" Hyuga Aya naturally noticed Uchiha Kai's actions.

She tilted her head and said amusingly: "So, why leave space for the two of them?"

"Because I want to be alone with you, right?" Uchiha Kai rolled his eyes and said directly.

"Ah, is it true? Then I am so honored." Hyuga Aya responded without showing weakness.

After saying this, the two fell silent, only the wind around them seemed to be a little noisy...



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