Chapter 379: An increasingly inexplicable relationship

The exchange between Uchiha Obito and Kakashi lasted for a long time, but it could be seen that both of them seemed very happy.

It's just that people's happiness is not the same.

Kakashi and Obito were very happy, which made Kei Uchiha and Aya Hyuga a little depressed.

I don't know what happened to these two people, maybe Uchiha Kai's sentence is too lethal.

Or maybe Hyuga Aya, a cold woman, was thinking about Junmarou in her heart.

The two of them actually didn't say a word after that, and stayed like that for a long time in embarrassment.

Fortunately, Kakashi and Obito also seem to know about Uchiha Kai and their existence.

Otherwise, Kai Uchiha and Aya Hyuga would be embarrassed for an afternoon.

This kind of embarrassment came inexplicably, and went away inexplicably.

When Kakashi and Obito came back, the two of them seemed to become normal again all of a sudden.

It's just that Kai Uchiha is really curious about how Kakashi and the current Obito get along with each other.

Because Kakashi always used the term 'forest' when referring to Obito, obviously Obito didn't reveal anything.

Maybe it's because Obito knows Kakashi too well and knows himself too well, so he thought of a way to establish a connection with Kakashi, right?

But these are not things that Uchiha Qi cares about. His current thoughts are actually quite simple.

That is to take advantage of the time when Obito came back, while helping Obito to restore his knowledge and memory of Konoha.

I also help myself and my fellow students to establish a further 'relationship'.

How many class reunions have been held by those people in the same period, Uchiha Kai is somewhat unknown.

But one thing is certain, that is, Uchiha Kaizhen has never had the time or opportunity to participate.

This time is a good opportunity, and he naturally doesn't want to miss it.

Therefore, that night, Uchiha Qi invited all of their contemporaries at his own expense.

Whether familiar or unfamiliar, he invited them all.

This can be regarded as some cover for the boy Uchiha Obito.

And what makes Uchiha Kai relieved is that it seems that apart from Akai and Kakashi.

Although others were surprised by the appearance of Uchiha Obito, none of them felt the same way.

It can only be said that Akai's intuition is really beast-level, and when Kakashi is facing Obito who has no cover at all, it is impossible for him to fail to notice.

At the party that night, Uchiha Kai also restored his former classmate relationship well.

The gap between his status and these people is really getting bigger and bigger, and he did not participate in any alumni reunions for various reasons.

Therefore, the relationship between him and these classmates of the same period is really not as close as he imagined.

However, through this meeting, everything has become a big breakthrough and improved.

Originally, due to some specific factors, it became slightly alienated, and the relationship with the elusiveness has been fully repaired.

However, this kind of thing needs to be maintained continuously. A stable relationship is not achieved overnight, and Uchiha Kai is very clear.

After a good class reunion made everyone satisfied, the next day Uchiha Kai brought Uchiha Obito in front of Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato was not surprised by the appearance of Uchiha Obito.

Maybe he had already noticed that this guy came to Konoha, or maybe it was because Kakashi reported something to him.

All in all, he was relatively happy that his disciple had returned.

Relationships need to be maintained, even if it is Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Obito.

On this day, they also said a lot of things. In fact, these things are nothing more than Uchiha Obito's plea for forgiveness and redemption, while Namikaze Minato understands and forgives.

And finally conveyed some information that should be said and so on.

Uchiha Qi has been standing by the side, it can be said that he is watching this scene in the audience, very warm but also very boring.

However, with the meeting between Obito and Namikaze Minato, it can be said that all the wishes of this guy to return to Konoha have been fulfilled, and then it depends on his own plans.

It doesn't matter if you plan to stay in Konoha for a few more days or leave.

But no matter what he does, there is definitely a prerequisite.

That is, you must determine whether you are being followed, and you must not reveal your identity!

This point does not need to be reminded by Uchiha Kai, and Namikaze Minato is also repeatedly emphasizing.

And to be on the safe side, Namikaze Minato also used his half-baked magic (in fact, he was quite proficient) to help Obito check it out.

Uchiha Obito may also know that staying here will bring a lot of trouble.

But he also wanted to reminisce about all kinds of things in Konoha, and finally he chose to stay in Konoha for another day before leaving.

With Obito's departure, Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato both breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

This kid is too emotional, which makes it too easy for him to get into trouble.

"Finally gone."

In Uchiha Kai's underground laboratory, Uchiha Kai sat lazily on a chair and looked at the materials in his hand.

In the few days that Uchiha brought the soil, he simply didn't have the time and energy to read these materials.

After finally sending Uchiha Obito away, how could he still hold back?

These materials are all things that Hei Jue taught Obito.

Although Uchiha Kai is extremely suspicious of the integrity of these materials, in any case, these things should be useful to him.

"Speak, who is that kid?"

Imai Kenta was a little weak and asked while rubbing his arm.

"It's said to be someone from the Security Department, but why don't I remember that guy?"

"When did you become so curious?"

After Aya Hyuga cleaned up a syringe, she threw it directly into the trash can.

"Instead of caring about this, it's better to be concerned about your own situation. How bad is your integration progress? Can't you count it yourself?"

"Please, I can't decide this matter." Imai Kenta sighed helplessly.

"Also, I always have a hunch that that kid will be a trouble. We are together now, can I run if I have trouble? Is it wrong to have mental preparations in advance?"

"You guessed right, that kid is indeed a trouble." Uchiha Qi raised his head and looked at Imai Kenta: "The trouble with him is that you will become more troublesome when you know who he is. ."

The identity of Uchiha Obito is a real big trouble, who knows who is in trouble.

This trouble doesn't come from elsewhere, but from Hokage's pressure.

Such a big secret, few people in Konoha know about it, but you know it, you can imagine how much trouble this will cause.

Kenta Imai swallowed involuntarily when he heard Uchiha Kai's words.

However, before he could say anything, Uchiha Kai spoke again.

"That kid is a member of the Guard, but he's not like everyone else."

Uchiha Kai looked at Imai Kenta with a half-smile but not a smile: "But I'm in a certain country, specializing in some special activities..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Imai Kenta immediately interrupted Uchiha's words, his face became a little dignified: "Don't say it, I have no interest in this kind of secret special activity, I just want to know a little."

"Oh, what?" Uchiha Kai looked at Imai Kenta with some amusing.

"His business..." Imai Kenta swallowed, "Does Hokage-sama know?"

It is a very secret thing that Uchiha takes the soil to see Minato Minato, and only Uchiha Kai knows about it.

After all, the power of Shenwei is really beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Therefore, no one saw or knew about it at all, and Imai Kenta's reaction is very normal now.

Uchiha Kai actually overstepped the power of Anbu and started espionage by himself.

This can be seen as a challenge to the authority of Anbu, or even more seriously, it is a challenge to the authority of Naruto.

He really regretted what he was talking about now?

"I know, because this guy is the order that I and Hokage-sama gave together." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Do you want to continue listening?"

"Don't say anything, you didn't tell me anything just now, and I didn't hear anything." Imai Kenta immediately shook his head, he didn't want to be involved in such a thing now.

"Hypocritical guy." Hyuga Aya shook her head aside: "Yeah, it's so dangerous It's better not to touch it, isn't it? Isn't it?"

"Okay, don't say it's useless."

Imai Ken was too lazy to pay attention to the yin and yang of Hyuga Aya, so he looked at Hyuga Aya curiously: "Speaking of which, how is your experiment now?"

Aya Hyuga didn't speak, but just threw a report on the table and let Kenta Imai read it for herself.

Her current experiment is in progress, and it can be said that the progress of the first phase of the experiment is almost complete.

It's just that this is the first stage, and there are not many sequences of her genes being activated.

She intends to completely squeeze the value of Junmalu, so that her fusion degree will reach a certain degree of saturation.

After all, she has advantages that Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta do not have.

That is, Bai Jue's cells are non-renewable to a certain extent, and of course it does not rule out that Uchiha Kai is working on new ones.

Moreover, the cells of the Sharinyan used by Uchiha Kai are truly non-renewable.

But Junmarou is a living person, a living body that is growing and developing the boundaries of blood.

Her resources can be said to be unlimited!

She was also curious as to how far she could use this guy's genes.

In a saturated state, can she break through the limitations of the caged bird?

Shaking his head, Aya Hyuga walked to Kai Uchiha's side.

Seeing that the guy in front of her was looking at some documents intently, this made her a little curious.

What kind of document will attract the attention of Uchiha Kai so much.

And she also felt strange, her relationship with Uchiha Kai seemed to be getting more and more inexplicable...



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