Chapter 390: You're waging a losing war

"Looks like it's done."

Uchiha Qi silently felt the original Susanoo in himself.

At this time, Susanoo's strength has indeed increased to a certain extent.

Although it has not reached the level of 'worldly difference', Uchiha Qi can clearly perceive that his Susanoo's improvement speed is almost visible to the naked eye!

This feeling is much stronger than after resonating with the three-tailed chakra at the beginning.

Especially now, Uchiha Kai is using Susanoo's Chakra to feed Susanoo, and this improvement is even more obvious.

"I don't know how far it can be improved."

Uchiha Kai thought silently, just seeing the scroll on the ground, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"But now I'm afraid it can't continue for the time being. The so-called evidence is still needed."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi squatted down.

He stretched out his hand, and for a while, a touch of orange chakra appeared on his hand.

This chakra was stripped from Susanoo and belonged entirely to the power of the Nine Tails.

What only made Uchiha Qi frown was that he found that these nine-tailed chakras actually carried the breath of his Susanoo chakra.

This kind of breath is very hidden, if it is not because Susanoo is his, I am afraid he may not be able to perceive it.

If it's an ordinary person, it's fine, but if such a nine-tailed chakra is taken back to deal with Minato Namikaze, it's so self-defeating.

Uchiha Qi didn't want to reveal that he Susanoo could absorb the tailed beast Chakra.

Every ninja has his own secrets, and Uchiha Kai himself is no exception.

He hides too many secrets, although there will always be people like Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai who know some of his secrets.

But such people are only a few after all, especially since both of them have deadly secrets in his hands.

And he knew what the two of them yearned most in their hearts.

Once you know what someone thinks and does, they have to listen to you.

Uchiha Kai likes this sentence very much, and he also agrees with this sentence very much.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya were known by Uchiha Kai about their thoughts, and to some extent they were indeed controlled by Uchiha Kai.

Although they are now moving forward in a cooperative mode, isn't Uchiha Kai making them do things for themselves through their deep desires?

It's just that Kai Uchiha never said these things explicitly, especially since his current mentality has begun to change to a certain extent.

Although still dark and indifferent, although still selfish.

But many aspects are constantly changing as his strength, vision, etc. continue to change.

"Looks like the plan is about to change."

Slowly sealing these chakras to the previous scroll, Uchiha Kai felt that his Susanoo seemed to be weakening.

But he didn't care too much, his Susanoo still has the chakra of the nine tails, which can be continuously improved through follow-up nourishment.

He is now thinking about what to do with this scroll.

After thinking about it, he felt that it would be better not to use Konoha, let alone get it in front of Minato Namikaze.

"It seems that we need to find a suitable opportunity to release these Chakras."

Uchiha Qi slowly withdrew his Susanoo: "And there is a key item that must be brought back, that is Kazuma's head."

Since there is no key evidence of the scroll, the memory in Hema's head has become the best thing.

The people of the Yamanaka family were investigating one's memory, and they didn't need to care whether the person was still alive.

Just having a head is completely sufficient.

As for this scroll, Uchiha Kai decided to tear it apart directly in front of the daimyo.

Let this daimyo have a good feeling, what is the power that makes people extremely fearful!

"In this case, the battlefield probably needs to change."

Uchiha Kai put the scroll away, but a mocking smile appeared on his face.

"Originally, I planned to find a relatively quiet place and get rid of all these people at once.

But since that's the case, let's just perform well in front of the daimyo. "

"But if you do this, it's cheaper for Kakashi and Aya Hyuga..."


Early the next morning, Uchiha Kai took Kakashi and Hyuga Aya towards the Daimyo's palace.

This time the three of them didn't have any cover up.

At the peak of the crowd at eight or nine o'clock, almost all the residents noticed these three ninjas with Konoha forehead guards.

For a while, various rumors appeared again.

With yesterday's foreshadowing, these residents seem to realize the seriousness of the matter.

Especially now that these Konoha ninjas have no hiding at all, obviously this matter has become more serious.

"Is your strategy going well?"

Aya Hyuga walked behind Kai Uchiha, and after hearing the whispers of the residents clearly, she couldn't help laughing: "Now these people are talking about these things."

"Isn't this normal?" Uchiha Qi said flatly.

"What we want is this effect. If they don't respond at all, or even hate us, then it can only mean that our approach to this matter has failed too much."

"Ki, how was your inspection yesterday?" Kakashi also whispered behind Uchiha Kai: "The movement you made last night was a bit too big, and that kind of chakra was too scary."

"Nine-tailed chakra, you can't be too careful." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "But it has been confirmed, it is the nine-tailed chakra. Unfortunately, there is not much left."

The movement that Uchiha Kai made last night was really big, and he couldn't deny it himself.

The power of Susanoo is actually a kind of power that chakra broke out.

This power is too obvious for a ninja.

To put it nicely, this kind of power is like a bright moon in the dark night, and it is hard to feel it.

What's more, the power of his Susanoo erupted, it wasn't just his room that suffered.

But the whole hotel was damaged a lot.

If Kakashi didn't know what Uchiha Kai was doing, I'm afraid he couldn't help it.

Such a terrible Chakra outbreak did not last long, and everything returned to calm after that.

Only then did Kakashi judge that there should be no problem with this matter.

However, he was still a little worried, worried about the situation of Kai Uchiha, and also worried about the final result of his judgment.

But thinking that Uchiha Qi can even subdue the nine tails, he doesn't think that Chakra alone can do to him.

So Kakashi forced himself to take a good rest to deal with everything that was going to happen the next day.

Sure enough, Uchiha Kai called him and Hyuga Aya over early the next morning, and gave his final judgment.

The one sealed in that scroll is the nine-tailed chakra!

This made Kakashi relieved, but also clearly realized that they were about to start.

Most importantly, Uchiha Kai found decisive evidence.

And the propaganda over there is still going on, one can imagine how terrifying the influence of this incident will be.

And the ultimate beneficiary of this incident will also be Kakashi himself.

Through this 'big event', he can completely stabilize his position in Anbu.

A keen sense of smell, accurate judgment, and a neat and tidy handling of this matter.

Although it is clear to anyone with a discerning eye, this matter is probably inextricably linked to Uchiha, who has a real 'sense of smell'.

But in any case, Uchiha Kai is already the Minister of the Security Department, and his power is constantly expanding, and it is impossible for him to infect Anbu.

And Hyuga Aya, who also participated, is a subordinate of Uchiha Kai, so in the end, this profit will only go to Kakashi.

"Thank you, Kai." Kakashi, who was very clear about these things, couldn't help but say it even after saying it for an unknown number of times.

"Huh?" Uchiha Qi was stunned, and then he understood what Kakashi meant.

Shaking his head indifferently, he said: "Do it well, I know that you don't really care about these things, and even participated in this turbulent water only for the sake of others, but as a disciple of Lord Hokage, you have already Can't get rid of it."

"Of course I understand these things." Kakashi nodded.

"Actually, I have a new goal now, and maybe I don't care about things like rights.

But I wonder if my father would have ended up where he is now if he had the right to speak now.

But these are all in the past tense, Kai, do you have any advice for my future? "

Uchiha Qi tilted his head and glanced at him. It wasn't that he couldn't answer Hatake Sakumo's question, but his answer was bound to be somewhat offensive.

Fortunately, Kakashi doesn't seem to be entangled in these things. After all, it is already in the past tense, and some things really can't be changed....

No, maybe there is a chance to change.

But these things are temporarily out of Uchiha Kai's scope of consideration and ability. He still has a Nohara Rin in his hand waiting for him to think about how to deal with it.

It is Kakashi's other sentence that interest Uchiha Kei, that is, Kakashi seeks his guidance.

Whether it is guidance or advice, it is almost the same. This is already a practice of putting yourself at a 'low-level' to seek help from a 'high-level'.

If this incident ends, then Kakashi should be nominated without any accident.

If he is finally elected as the minister of Anbu, then his approach will be very interesting.

But whether he was intentional or unintentional, Uchiha Qi gave the answer after a little thought: "It's okay to give advice, you are young, you have potential, you have ability, and you will naturally develop. But you still remember some words firmly. ."

"I look forward to more advice." Kakashi said softly.

“Number one, power is like real estate, location is everything, and the closer you are to the center, the more valuable your property is.

However, you have to remember that being close to power can make some people think they have it, and I don't want you to be like that. "

Uchiha Qi said simply. "Second, do what you think is most suitable, but no matter how you decide, you must stick to your own position."

"Because of your position, it determines the direction and goal of your struggle, and also determines how people who share your position view you and identify with you..."


Uchiha Kai's advice to Kakashi is just some of the most basic things.

But these things are enough to make Kakashi think about it.

Once embarked on this road, even if the essence of the ninja has not changed, in fact, some inevitable changes have taken place in terms of behavior and thinking.

Telling Kakashi about what he thinks, or what he saw from an old man and can actually use, is enough for Kakashi to think carefully and understand.

Hyuga Aya did not speak, but she was also a little thoughtful about Uchiha Kai.

These words are indeed somewhat thought-provoking.

After Uchiha Kai said these words, the three of them also seemed to be a little silent.

The silence was not broken until the three of them reached the Daimyo's palace.

Today, the palace of the daimyo looks a little weird.

The dignified atmosphere became more obvious as the three of Uchiha Kai stepped in.

Such an atmosphere naturally aroused the alertness of the three of them, but it was only alertness.

Any ninja needs to be vigilant enough when facing the enemy, otherwise their end will never look good.

Under the leadership of the attendants, the three of them soon came to the palace where they met with the daimyo last time.

When they completely entered the palace, the strange and dignified atmosphere came even more!

Uchiha Qi glanced around the palace, and then a sneer appeared on his face.

It seems that these guys are obviously planning a showdown, or they were induced by some intelligence, so they made such a move.

"I have seen Your Excellency."

Although the psychology has been predicted, and even has torn his face with the daimyo, but the superficial skills that should be done, Uchiha Kai will still do it.

Under his leadership, Hyuga Aya and Kakashi bowed slightly to the daimyo together, showing their respect.

"Minister Qi, I didn't expect you to come here so early." The daimyo seemed a little nervous, but he forced himself to maintain enough majesty.

"Because of some things, I'm afraid we can't delay it." Uchiha Qi raised his head and said calmly: "This is not very good for us, isn't it, Your Excellency?"

"So I asked them to come here." Da Ming took a deep breath, then glanced at Ma and the others: "I think they will make some explanations."


Uchiha Kai looked blankly at the eleven ninjas in front of him, and shook his head silently.

Uchiha Qi didn't care about explaining anything, because he didn't want any explanation at all.

What's more, he has already decided to do it, so it doesn't matter if they explain it or not.

But looking at their plans, it doesn't seem to be impossible.

In particular, Uchiha Qi seemed to have noticed that Dilu and the four Thunder Escape Ninjas seemed to have very ugly faces.

"Explain?" Uchiha Qi said flatly, "Then let's talk about it."

"Actually, we don't need to give you any explanation at all." He Ma stood up at this moment.

"Don't you know what you Konoha did yourself? It's your Konoha's way to spread rumors in the capital? Don't think we don't know anything!"

"A rumor?" Uchiha Kai smiled disdainfully: "Do you have any evidence? Forget it, I don't think it's necessary to ask these questions. What are you going to do?"

"Minister Qi." At this moment, Dilu suddenly said, "I want to ask you a question. I and Beizi and others visited you last night, why are you not in the room?"


Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect this guy to visit him last night, and he had never heard of it.

But when they visit themselves, they probably want to know something, right?

Just at the time....

Suddenly, Uchiha thought of something, and then he glanced at Kazuma with a deep meaning. Could this guy be playing with fire?

However, whether he is playing with fire or not, Uchiha Qi thinks this guy is very interesting.

"Where I go has nothing to do with you."

Seemingly guessing something, Uchiha Qi tilted his head slightly and said with a blank face.

"But I'm posting, some people are stupider than I thought because he's trying to start a losing war."

"Don't speak madly here, Minister Qi." Hema looked a little resentful: "I'll ask directly, my friend, my comrade-in-arms, what about Jiu Bao me?"

"Shouldn't you know this better than me?" Uchiha Kai shook his head: "He's waiting for you in the Pure Land!"

After saying this, Uchiha raised his hand slightly.

Qiuyu was already unsheathed in an instant, and his eyes instantly became scarlet.

He could really explain it well, but he had already done a good job of giving the daimyo a lesson, so he naturally couldn't explain it now.

What's more, these things will naturally be explained after he has defeated all these guys.

The azure blue chakra brilliance is displayed on the cut jade, and the knife swivels directly to the chest of the horse!

The sudden action of Uchiha Kai immediately caught everyone in the entire palace by surprise.

Especially the guys like Kazuma, they expected that Uchiha Kai might make a move.

But being so decisive is really beyond their imagination.

Aya Hyuga and Kakashi were obviously a little surprised, but they were already mentally prepared.

Therefore, the moment Uchiha activated his hand, Hyuga Aya opened his eyes and immediately stopped in front of the team of Dilu.

Kakashi also raised his forehead to reveal the scarlet writing wheel eye, and he drew his sword out of the sheath and faced the four Lei Dun.

Daimyo was also frightened by this sudden scene. He never dreamed that these ninjas from Konoha would be so decisive.

But just when he was about to feel like leaving, a Kuwu was nailed to a place less than ten centimeters away from his head.

This time, he froze in place even more stiffly, not daring to move again!

Uchiha Kai glanced at the name, and he threw out the kunai.

Seeing that the big name is honest, he can also concentrate on dealing with these guard ninjas.

What Uchiha Kai wants to deal with is the four guardian ninjas including Kazuma.

Kakashi also has four, but Aya Hinata only needs to deal with three people.

But the only difference between Uchiha Kai and them is that he can completely ignore anyone's life or death.

Unless necessary, he will leave Hema's life, but he can kill everyone else!

He Ma reacted extremely quickly, and he immediately pulled out his four-edged iron claws in front of Chieyu.

But the next moment Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly, and He Ma suddenly felt a trance.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Kai kicked out with a very fast kick, kicking him hard in the stomach.

Kazuma only felt his stomach twist, and he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

And his whole body also flew out, and ruthlessly mounted on the stone pillar.

Uchiha Kai's eyes were slightly deflected, and the cut jade in his hand swung out instantly, directly splitting the oncoming Tulong into two halves!

The instant body technique was activated instantly, and his figure appeared in front of a guard ninja.

A blue chakra appeared in his left hand, and the sound like a thousand birds chirping echoed throughout the palace.

This guardian ninja felt a deadly threat, and the speed of Uchiha Kai made him a little desperate.

However, he was considered a qualified ninja anyway, and he immediately made a mark with both hands and prepared to launch a substitute technique.

However, his eyes met Uchiha Kai inadvertently, and in an instant he felt that his mind was blank.

But when he felt the sharp pain coming from his chest, he came back to his senses from a very short trance.

His chest has been pierced by Uchiha Kai!

Lei Dun's Chakra kept blooming in his body, which made him feel extremely numb.

He could only watch Uchiha Kai pull his hands out of his chest, then he fell to his knees on the ground and slowly closed his eyes.

There is no room for resistance, there is no room for resistance at all!

"Be careful, don't look at his writing wheel!"

Facing Kai Uchiha, the only two guardian ninjas left immediately shouted.

But I am afraid they also know in their hearts that there is no way to avoid this kind of staring, because they have not done similar training!

And Uchiha Kai's speed is too fast, even if they want to attack back and forth, they can't do it.

Kazuma sat up from the ruins of the stone pillar clutching his stomach. He was attacked by Kai Uchiha.

Although he didn't die because of it, he lost all combat power in a short period of time.

He couldn't do anything to help his teammates at all, he could only watch helplessly as his teammates were killed by Uchiha Qi!

Naturally, Uchiha Qi didn't show any mercy. Whether the enemy looked at him or not was no longer a crucial factor.

No matter how careful he is in such a battle, it can only be regarded as a warm-up level.

Another instant body technique, Uchiha Kai quietly appeared behind a guardian ninja.

The guardian ninja reacted fairly quickly, he immediately raised the ninja knife and slashed towards Uchiha Kai.

However, Uchiha Qi squatted down slightly and wanted to deflect his flanks. While avoiding his knife, he also happened to dodge the same reaction, and purposefully attacked the guardian ninja behind him.

Raising his left hand, he grabbed the hand of the ninja holding the knife, and with a slight force on his wrist, he quietly changed the trajectory of the ninja's movement.

This ninja knife pierced with great precision, attacking the heart of the guardian ninja behind him.

At the same time, the cut jade in his own hands penetrated the chest of the guardian ninja in front of him!

Clean, neat, concise.

In just a few breaths, the Kazuma team was almost wiped out by the entire army!

Uchiha Qi pulled out the ninja sword that had been stabbed in the chest of the guard ninja, flicked the blood on the jade, and then looked at the daimyo.

Da Ming had seen such a **** scene, and at this moment, his whole body shrank into a ball and kept shaking.

He probably never dreamed that the guardian ninja he was doing would be solved so easily!

Uchiha Kai sneered, then glanced at the battle between Kakashi and Hyuga Aya.

Finally, his eyes fell on the only surviving Kazuma, and his face was full of disdain.

"As I said, you're trying to start a losing war, so you all have to pay the price."



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