Chapter 391: Aya and Kakashi fight

Aya Hyuga is probably the calmest after Uchiha Kai's sudden action.

She knows Uchiha Kai very well, and she naturally knows that this guy will definitely create the most favorable environment for them to fight.

Hyuga Aya also thought about what kind of environment would suit them.

After thinking about it, she thought the best place to fight was in front of the daimyo.

This is not only a deterrent, but also allows those guarding ninjas to throw the rat.

After all, the daimyo is around, if they use some large-scale ninjutsu.

Whether it is defensive or lethal, it is fatal to the daimyo of ordinary people!

Therefore, these guardian ninjas are bound to have some scruples, which makes them afraid to use too many ninjutsu.

Or, they can only use Taijutsu and explosive ninjutsu in a small area.

But at this level, it won't cause them any trouble.

Not to mention the guy Uchiha Kai, he is simply an all-around ninja.

Whether it's a large-scale attack or a small-scale raid, he can do it.

And Kakashi's specific strength is unclear.

However, if he wanted to use some wheel-sharp eyes and swordsmanship, such a small-scale outbreak would not be difficult for him.

As for Hyuga Aya herself, she is very good at physical arts, and she is not afraid of others competing with her for these things.

Staring at the three in front of her, Hyuga Aya knew that the guy who was killed by the guy named Kazuma last night should be a member of this team.

Although the death of a person did relieve her a lot of pressure, she was not in the slightest careless.

Slightly raised her hand and made a standard soft fist movement, Hyuga Aya's white eyes began to scan the three people in front of her.

She is different from Uchiha Kai, that guy can ignore the strength level of these people.

But she can't, she needs to find a breakthrough.

"Why do this!" Dilu gritted his teeth and asked loudly, he really didn't expect Konoha's ninja to act like this.


Hyuga Aya smiled disdainfully: "Because what you have done is not good for Konoha, and it is not good for the entire country of fire, what do you think of this reason."


A guardian ninja behind Dilu shouted angrily: "Everything we do is to protect the big name and the real jade of the country of fire. It's you, you are subverting the country of fire!"


Hyuga Aya rolled her eyes slightly, and then she sighed helplessly: "Sure enough, I'm not as good as Qi-jun. He can make you think nonsense by talking nonsense with you. It's a waste of time for me to talk nonsense with you."

As soon as the voice fell, Hyuga Ayanton showed blue chakra in her hands, and she slowly walked towards the three of them.

Her steps were lighter and softer.

However, in the eyes of the land and land three people, Hyuga Aya at this time looked more and more dangerous.

Suddenly, Hyuga Aya's speed exploded instantly.

Under the horrified eyes of Dilu and others, she had come to the side of a guard ninja.

The gentle palm with blue chakra directly attached to his chest.

Hyuga Aya's progress is completely visible to the naked eye, and she may not be as good at using soft fists as the Zong family.

But because of her habit on the battlefield, she no longer simply used soft fists without any creativity from beginning to end.

She will try to separate the movements in the soft fist, and adapt to her own fighting needs.

In addition, because of the fusion of Kaguya's cells, her genes have been activated more, and her physical potential has also been greatly developed and enhanced.

The guard ninja who was raided also reacted very quickly, and he immediately raised his hands to cover his chest.

Dilu and another guardian ninja immediately attacked Hyuga Aya.

However, Hyuga Aya's destructive power greatly exceeded their expectations.

As the soft palm went down, the sound of bone cracking sounded in their ears for a while.

The guardian ninja suddenly felt that his arm was probably completely broken.

What is even more terrifying is that the power transmitted by this gentle palm directly smashed his ribs, and the fragments of those ribs penetrated into his internal organs!


The severe pain caused the guy to let out a scream.

But as he opened his mouth, a stream of blood mixed with internal organs spewed out directly.

Hyuga Aya slammed out with a palm, and then her body twisted inconceivably.

She deftly turned away the attack of Dilu and another guardian ninja, and she gave full play to the advantage of Baiyan.

What made her frown a little was that Uchiha Kai had already settled all his enemies?

Such attack power and efficiency really made Aya Hyuga sigh.

She knew that she might have no way to catch up with this guy Uchiha Kai.

But she didn't want to be too bad.

It is easy to solve a guardian ninja, and the factor of sneak attack is relatively large.

Of the remaining two, it is best not to kill one, and the other is extremely vigilant, so Hyuga Aya can only fight with them.

However, as Hyuga Aya's battle continued to deepen, her attack strength and attack frequency gradually increased.

Suddenly, the two of them felt incredible pressure.

The members of the Hyuga clan, the 360-degree circular field of vision, really makes it difficult for them to have a plan.

Moreover, the defense ability of the Hinata clan is really terrible. Dilu and another guard ninja have absolutely no way to break through her defense only with physical skills.

As Hyuga Aya danced, the surrounding air seemed to suddenly come alive.

All the surrounding air began an orderly but irregular movement.

In the end, when the surrounding air was completely driven by Hyuga Aya to form a ring, she finally made a ruthless attack.

One hastened forward, and she slapped Di Lu.

Dilu reacted extremely quickly, and at this moment he was not hiding anything.

A golden chakra appeared on his body, and this chakra unexpectedly gave Hyuga Aya a familiar feeling.

She seemed to feel the breath of natural chakra in this golden chakra that was condensed into a big Buddha.

Aya Hyuga has also practiced some fairy magic, but she stopped because the cells she used were very uncomfortable for her.

"Welcome, Thousand Hands Kill!"

"Is it immortal? No, not like it."

Hyuga Aya thought silently, but she didn't bother to think about whether it was an immortal art.

Because she has a feeling that she can defeat this technique!

Looking at the golden Chakra fist, it was struck from behind the Buddha statue behind Dilu.

The blue chakra in Hyuga Aya's hand instantly turned into a lion shape, and she also changed from palm to fist.

The golden chakra and the azure chakra touch instantly.


A huge roar resounded in the palace, and the violent vibration even cracked the surrounding walls!

Hyuga Aya felt that the Chakra in her body was a little messy, but her face didn't change at all.

On the other hand, Di Lu's face was a little flushed, and a smear of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He feels very bad now. This woman from Hyuga's family who looks very young is actually so powerful?

Could it be that this is the ninja trained by the big family, is this the strength of the Konoha ninja?

Although he thought so mentally, his movements did not stop at all.

Because his teammate had already launched a surprise attack behind Aya Hyuga!

Dilu took a deep breath. Although he didn't want any conflict with Konoha Ninja, he also knew that the Hema team was basically destroyed.

It's hard to say what would happen if he dies, and he doesn't want to just give up.

It's just that the head of the security department named Uchiha Kai is too scary, right?

"Is it really appropriate to look around while fighting?"

Just when Lu was going to concentrate on Chakra to cast the Angry Eye King Kong, to cooperate with his teammates to solve Hyuga Aya.

Suddenly this woman's indifferent voice rang in his ears!

I don't know when, this woman has actually repelled his teammates.

Dilu immediately burst into chakra, intending to complete his own technique.

But Hyuga Aya didn't give him the slightest chance, bullying herself into this woman was another punch.

This punch is extremely fast, and the acupuncture points on his body have been locked between the electric light and flint.

Di Lu didn't have time to resist, and he was hit by this punch.

In an instant, Dilu felt his body stiff, and the chakra in his body also stagnated.

Such stagnation is fatal, and his just-running technique was directly interrupted!

This time, Dilu couldn't take it anymore.

Or that he couldn't bear it anymore, another mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, this time he lost his fighting power!

"It would be nice to be so honest earlier."

Hyuga Aya looked at the land in front of her face expressionlessly, her voice calm and cold.

But at this moment, Jilu's teammate who was repelled by Hyuga Aya rushed over again.

Hyuga Aya didn't make any movements, as if she didn't notice this scene at all.

However, when the guardian ninja blade was less than half a meter away from her.

She suddenly squatted down and then turned her body back to the side. After accurately avoiding the ninja guarding the ninja, a blue chakra appeared in her right hand again.

Immediately after, she slapped that guardian ninja on the chest!

For a time, this guardian ninja's face became extremely terrifying.

He flew upside down and hit the wall, leaving a deep crack and then fell to the ground, unable to move any more.

Hyuga Aya didn't even look at that guy. Her eyes were fixed on this guy, Dilu. Finally, she slowly closed her eyes and turned to look at Kakashi.

Even if Dilu had a look of resentment, he couldn't say anything at this time.

His internal organs were probably injured by Hyuga Aya.

On the other hand, Kakashi's battle is almost over.

Although Kakashi is facing four enemies, and he can't kill yet.

But Kakashi's strength is really strong, whether it is his swordsmanship or his use of the wheel-shattering eye, it is somewhat beyond Hyuga Aya's expectations...


Kakashi stared at the four people he was holding in front of him, the ninja sword in his hand was already unsheathed.

He knew the information of the four people in front of him, and also knew how exaggerated their tacit cooperation ability was.

Although Kakashi knew that it was very difficult for him to fight, he quickly blocked these messes.

The tempering in Anbu has already allowed him to control his emotions freely.

His swivel eye turned slightly. Although he only had one swivel eye, the power of this swivel eye was unexpectedly powerful.

Kakashi himself doesn't know why, the insight of this wheel-writing eye seems to be incredibly powerful.

He can see through the enemy's movements almost immediately, see through the enemy's offensive line, and see all the enemy's intentions.

However, the consumption of this writing wheel is also very large, so big that Kakashi needs to use nearly two-thirds of his chakra to support it.

Now Kakashi really thanks Uchiha Kai from the bottom of his heart.

If it weren't for him to correct his mentality in advance, and let him find a path that suits him completely.

I am afraid that according to Kakashi's previous thoughts, at this moment, he may really release a few ninjutsu, and he needs to rest for a while.

But now, Kakashi has already begun to use the most concise way and the most effective means of attack to solve his enemies.

This not only leaves a lot of physical strength, but also saves the chakra that he could not use too much.

The blue chakra bloomed on his white-toothed dagger, and Kakashi had locked the four in front of him.

"Why do this?"

The Lei Dun group of four also looked on guard, but they seemed to be struggling: "Why did you attack our people, why did you want to blame the big name?"

"Some things are not as simple as you think."

Kakashi said indifferently: "No matter what the purpose is, whether we have real hostility or hatred, this battle is inevitable."

The Lei Dun group of four frowned involuntarily when they heard Kakashi's words.

They really couldn't understand what Kakashi said, but Kakashi didn't give them the idea of ​​​​explaining.

The White Fang dagger in his hand deflected slightly, and the next moment he burst out with incredible speed.

In the extremely fast movement, he has locked his target.

The azure blue chakra on the white-toothed dagger instantly showed the nature of the thunder-dun attribute.

Like a crescent moon, the chest of Dong Mao, the only female of the Lei Dun group of four, was opened.

However, this woman named Dongmao was only physically stunned, and the next moment she turned into an endless thunder attribute chakra.

Lei cloned, and the scarlet in Kakashi's left eye flickered slightly.

He quickly lowered his body and avoided the surprise attack of the guy named Nanwu, and then he kicked Xidu in the chest.

It's just that Beizi also launched a surprise attack at this moment, with Lei Dun Chakra's fist, hitting Kakashi's chest like lightning!


"Damn, it's a shadow clone! When?"

"Be careful! Underground!"

However, Kakashi who was hit by him instantly turned into smoke, and Nishito who was kicked by Kakashi seemed to sense something, and he immediately shouted loudly.

Then it was all a little late, Kakashi suddenly grabbed Nan Wu's foot from the depths of the ground with one hand.

With the cooperation of Chakra, this guy was directly dragged into the ground by Kakashi, and then he was trapped by the earth!

Kakashi returned to the ground, and Dong Mao, who had been hidden, suddenly appeared from his side.

And Beizi and Xidu reassembled into an offensive formation and approached him, directly blocking his direction of action, and attacked him from the upper, middle and lower directions.

Kakashi didn't panic at all, his left eye glanced left and right, and he had seen through the movements and intentions of these people between the electric light and flint.

Just as the three were encircling, Kakashi showed incredible flexibility.

He first blocked Toumao's Kunai who was attacking from the middle with his white-toothed dagger, and then his left hand burst into the light of Chidori.

He stabbed at Nan Wu's chest, which was attacking him above, forcing this guy to start defense.

At the same time, his right leg exploded with great strength, and swept towards Beizi who was attacking him below.

The moment Beizi avoided his attack, he stomped on his Kunai with one foot!

In less than a second, with just a few simple movements, Kakashi directly broke their offensive!

But this is not over, Kakashi knows that he has a great advantage now.

But this advantage is based on the fact that these people are completely unable to fully exert their strength.

Uchiha Kai created such a combat environment, how could Kakashi not know his intentions?

Ninjas do everything they can.

Now that he has such an advantage, if he can turn such an advantage into victory, then Kakashi is really unworthy of being a ninja!

"Ninjas were never samurai, I remember that very well!"

Kakashi murmured a sentence silently, and the next moment his eyes were full of danger, staring at Dong Mao, the only woman.

If it is said that the most troublesome point of these four people is, he may not know.

But talking about the point where he has the most chance to forcibly defeat the four people, then naturally it is this female ninja!

It's not that he looks down on female ninjas. On the contrary, Kakashi remembers that there are countless powerful female ninjas.

Not to mention anything else, Kakashi found it very difficult to deal with the senior Aya Hyuga who was fighting on the other side.

Not to mention his teacher's wife, Kushina, and the legendary Tsunade of Konoha.

However, having had combat contact with Dong Mao, he knew that this woman's control of Chakra might be very good.

But her speed and strength are really not as good as the other Thunder Ninjas.

Thinking of this, Kakashi clenched his hands.

A powerful chakra burst out from the white tooth short knife, and Dong Mao retreated in one fell swoop, and then he slashed towards Beizi.

Seeing this, Beizi immediately stepped back and avoided the knife. What Kakashi wanted was this brief gap.

He glanced at Xidu, who was about to struggle out of the ground, and then kicked him on the head.

The unlucky guy Xidu was directly knocked out by Kakashi.

Then Kakashi rushed towards Dong Mao with his White Fang short knife in hand.

Dong Mao frowned, but she was obviously very experienced.

She immediately planned to entangle Kakashi and wait for the support of her teammates.

But Kakashi's offensive was more violent than she thought, and she could only keep retreating to avoid Kakashi's attack.

To be honest, Dong Mao was very embarrassed.

I'm afraid it's not just her, the four of them will feel extremely aggrieved.

Although their four body techniques are not bad, their real strength lies in the cooperation of the techniques.

Now they are confined to this room, and there is no way to use the thunder ninjutsu that they are good at.

This feeling really made them feel extremely uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that Kakashi's Taijutsu combined with the Ninjutsu attack really made them feel difficult to deal with.

This kind of extreme speed and that kind of minimalist attack, but every time they can find their weakness to attack.

And their attacks were completely seen through, and they couldn't pose any threat to Kakashi at all.

With such pressure, any one of them will feel fear when facing Kakashi.

And Dong Mao even more so, she felt that she was basically unable to resist.

Gritting his teeth, Dong Mao made a quick and hidden seal.

When her seal was completed, Kakashi's knife arrived as expected.

Lei's clone was directly cut into countless arcs by Kakashi!

For a time, the wanton Lei Dun Chakra became her best cover, and she quickly leaned towards her two teammates.

But at this moment, Dong Mao's body froze.

She felt that her back was slashed by the ninja knife, and that special thunderbolt chakra erupted in her body.

Even if she is a Thunder Ninja, this kind of paralysis will have a certain effect on her!


Beizi and Nanwu shouted when they saw this, and then the two of them immediately rushed towards Kakashi.

In less than three minutes, they lost two teammates. How can they fight like this?

What made them feel even more terrified were the other two battlefields.

That kid from the Uchiha Kai clan had already slaughtered the Kazuma team, except Kazuma!

That's right, it's slaughter!

Their teammates have absolutely no resistance in front of that Uchiha Kai .

As for Dilu's side, the situation was also extremely bad, and the women of Hyuga's family also killed everyone except Dilu.

It can be said that their squad has the best luck so far, as they have not had anyone killed.

But they also know that their so-called guardian Twelve Endurance is completely finished.

Although I don't know why, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya didn't do anything to them.

But this can't change the fact that they have completely failed!

But no matter what the result is, they have to save their teammates, even if they die together!

Thinking of this, Beizi and Nanwu's faces flashed with determination, and the chakra in their bodies had begun to boil.

Kakashi noticed this situation, he did not forget Uchiha Kai's request, asking him to solve all the enemies cleanly.

Uchiha Qi has completed it, and Hyuga Aya has also done it, but he has not completely settled these people.

Although Kakashi knows that he is not as good as Uchiha Kai, he is also proud in his heart.

Two of his teammates can do it, why can't he do it?

The writing wheel of the left eye turned slightly, and Kakashi's white-toothed dagger burst into a dazzling blue.

The other party is going to work hard, and Kakashi naturally can't stay strong.

Especially when he decided to quickly resolve this battle!

Although he would be very tired to break out like this, but such tiredness is completely within his tolerance.

"I didn't expect that I would be the slowest, but it doesn't matter, I will solve them now!"



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