Chapter 398: Attempt of Hitomi

Latest website: How other people's families survive has nothing to do with Uchiha Kai.

But it at least made him see something.

For example, among these elites in Konoha, Uchiha is still a person who forcibly broke in and behaved too recklessly.

To put it simply, the pace of expansion of the security department is too fast.

And as the minister, Uchiha Kai, is not a direct line of Hokage.

The so-called straight line means that there are deeper and more intimate connections, such as disciples and the like.

Coupled with the current environment, the three generations of Hokage tails cannot be lost, and even if these elites release their goodwill, they will only be enough.

Even through this incident, Uchiha Kai also learned some other interesting things.

For example, in the eyes of these Konoha elites, the political status of Uchiha's family is not even better than that of the Senju family who have been desolate for a long time, and only recently showed signs of turning over with his help.

There is also Kakashi, I am afraid that these people will contribute to the flames behind the scenes.

It can only be said that their performance is closer to the actual interests of those in power.

It will only consider the issue for the 'real authorities' and approach it in various ways.

This kind of survival method, Uchiha Kai has nothing to say.

Disgust is indeed disgust, but their stance is biased to protect them from being disturbed and frustrated by any forces in the 'pond' of Konoha.

Thinking about this clearly, Uchiha Kai will not care about them so much.

Conversely, their chosen stance bias is now playing a good role.

At least in Kakashi's case, they did well.

The existence of the daimyo is essentially the supreme ruler of the five countries.

Even the title 'Daimyo' existed thousands of years ago when Kaguya Otsutsuki came to the ninja world.

It is a pity that their rule has weakened with the appearance of Chakra.

During the Warring States Period, after being freed from one village and one country by Senju Hashirama, he simply became a 'gold master who hires ninjas to protect the country'.

Uchiha Kai pierced the fragile gauze between Daimyo and Shadow, and got more things from Daimyo.

Therefore, Konoha, who has benefited a lot, naturally has to give certain rewards to their 'heroes'.

The one who has benefited the most and is now the most powerful is Hatake Kakashi.

According to the information that Uchiha Kai has learned at this stage, Kakashi's credit this time has reached a certain limit.

And he has begun to dabble in the work that some ministers can do.

In contrast, Kakashi is very busy now, and he has too much to learn and master.

The department of Anbu is also ill-fated.

Since the death of Shimura Danzo by Uchiha Qi, this department has returned to the hands of Namifeng Minato.

However, because there are not enough manpower, plus the desire to balance the rights and interests of various families, and Kakashi's age and qualifications are not convincing.

Therefore, this minister position is almost vacant.

Even if there are people in this position, Konoha's big family is almost aware of it.

This minister is a die-hard loyalist for three generations, and now he will only exist in name only.

"Families like Zhuludie keep a distance from me for self-protection and standpoint. However, they carefully cultivate Kenta from other perspectives."

Uchiha Qi has basically seen all this clearly: "To put it bluntly, it is considered to be seen by outsiders, otherwise they will not continue to follow the line of Kenta. The minds of this group of people are really complicated enough."

Fortunately, no one knew what he was thinking, otherwise people who knew him would definitely roll their eyes at this moment.

complicated mind

I really want to say that the mind is complicated, I am afraid there are few people who can compare with him.

What's more, even if Nara Shikahisa showed a certain degree of refutation, he was definitely picking something with a different value orientation in an obvious sense.

In short, there is no lethality.

If you think about it clearly, you will know that this is actually a manifestation of a complex relationship.

If you can't figure it out, you're just plain disgusting.

"Apart from Kenta Imai's problem, Kakashi also accepted this time, plus our relationship was good."

Uchiha Kai smiled: "The task department, plus Anbu, I am involved in many departments. Moreover, the small family that Uchiha Fuyue attracted, plus the small family that follows the Senju family, in essence, I seem to be interested in pigs. The three connections of Ludie are not very important."

Indeed, carefully taking stock of his own interest chain, Uchiha Qi clearly saw how terrible his current relationship network is.

As a partner of Namikaze Minato, their relationship has never been without problems.

There is the character of Namikaze Minato himself, and his basic plate is almost the reason why Uchiha Kai created it.

Secondly, the classmates of the same period are now slowly basically becoming Chunin.

One after another, they either became mission ninjas or entered the management department.

And it happened that they also caught up with the reform measures of Namikaze Minato, and the future benefits will definitely far exceed the original.

And Imai Kenta is in the Senju clan, and basically he is a talkative existence.

Don't look at this guy at seventeen or eighteen years old, but no one can really compete with him now.

And now he, like Kakashi, has begun to get involved in some ministerial affairs.

It can be said that the network connected by Uchiha Kai is in all aspects from top to bottom!

"Whatever they do, it's pointless to pay attention to so many of them."

Uchiha Qi raised his head and looked around. He has now come to an unusually remote canyon in Konoha Village.

There is a dilapidated temple next to this canyon, which makes Kai Uchiha feel very familiar.

Those Buddha statues like Asura evil ghosts made him have a sense of sight.

But he was too lazy to think too much. He came to this place because he wanted to do some experiments, some experiments that he wanted to do but didn't dare to do.

In order to ensure this experiment, and to ensure some safety factor.

Uchiha Kai asked Hyuga Aya to monitor everything in the vicinity from a distance, exploring whether there is the flow of people around.

Once there is a situation, she will rush over as soon as possible, or she will try to block those who are close to the dangerous area.

"I don't know. I thought this was a temple near Weiming City. Is there a one-armed sculptor doing carvings?"

Uchiha Qi walked to the temple, and he looked at these Buddha statues like Shura.

In the end, I finally remembered where I had seen such a similar scene.

Of course, these are little things.

Uchiha Kai's eyes closed slightly, and when he opened his eyes, his eyes had become kaleidoscopes.

The dark chakra has solidified on his body in an instant, and his body is directly supported by this huge chakra, and the left rear is suspended in the air.

The huge Susanoo was completely formed at this moment.

Uchiha Qi stood quietly among Susanoo, he looked at the largest giant Buddha in the distance, and the next moment Susanoo pulled out the ninja sword from his waist.

The kaleidoscope in his eyes began to slowly rotate, and his pupil power began to spread along with Susanoo's movements.

In fact, after this period of training, Susanoo's consumption of him is no longer so terrifying.

But today he plans to do an experiment, an experiment that will not limit his pupil power output at all.

"My eyes have given me three abilities, but so far I haven't used these three abilities much."

Uchiha Qi stared at the giant Buddha in the distance, and his chakra and pupil power had entered a boiling state.

"This situation will change in the future, but before it changes, I must have a decisive killer, as to whether it can be successful..."

As for whether it can be successful or not, it depends on now!

Due to his thoughts, his kaleidoscope suddenly revolved and accelerated, and a completely invisible field scattered around him.

In an instant, everything around him fell silent.

The wind does not move, the air does not flow, everything in the world stops silently, and time seems to be forcibly stopped by an inexplicable force.

A little blood has begun to flow from his eyes, but he has no intention of stopping, and this is just the beginning!

Susanoo slowly raised the ninja sword at this moment, and along with this movement, the space that had been solidified seemed to move.

And on Susanoo's ninja sword, a strange power erupted!

Slowly, Susanoo swung a knife gently and slowly.

This seemingly frivolous, slow-moving knife suddenly erupted with incredible power.

The blade fell, and an indiscernible blade air emerged.

But in the next moment, this sword energy has already appeared on the body of the giant Buddha!

Weird, inexplicable, as if the time has been chaotic at this moment!

And the giant Buddha was penetrated by the sword energy, and everything around it seemed to be completely frozen.

But what is even more frightening is that the giant Buddha actually began to weather.

Countless gravels kept falling from its body, as if a rotten will came, and its own time suddenly accelerated countless times!

However, those differentiated sandstones did not have a chance to land. They were solidified as soon as they floated into the air, and they were completely frozen in mid-air!

Uchiha Qi quietly watched what he had caused. At this moment, his eyes could no longer bear such a burden, and the corners of his eyes had long been stained with blood.

Taking a breath, three pupil powers exploded and condensed at the same time, and finally formed such a sword effect, which seemed to be okay.

But with such a sword, he seems to be equivalent to completely losing his combat effectiveness.

But I have to say, the effect of this sword is really great!

"Unfortunately, this technique is still under development. I think I'd better come up with some simplified versions."

Uchiha Kai looked at the giant Buddha that had completely turned into gravel, as if it never existed and sighed slightly.

"The effect is enough. If I encounter an enemy who is so clever that I can't help it, this technique is the most practical technique. Although the consumption is a bit excessive, but..."

"My eyes have suffered from severe pupil power consumption, and my vision has not been affected. It seems that I am on the right track..."


Uchiha Kai's eyesight was not damaged, and this alone made him extremely satisfied.

He had never dared to use his pupil technique indiscriminately.

Even if he knows that his pupil power can be recovered, his vision and other aspects will be affected to a certain extent during the recovery process.

He was unwilling to accept this, and coupled with his strength and his fighting style, he was not very strong in his own pupil technique.

Moreover, his control is also very good.

Except for the fourth-stage Susanoo just created, other levels of Susanoo have no pressure on his pupil power consumption at all.

It doesn't even consume pupil power.

Over time, Uchiha Kai's exploration and use of his pupil technique has become less and less.

Although reducing such dependence is very good for his development.

But doing so will obviously make his cognition of his pupil technique become more and more narrow.

In his memory, it seems that there are many people who also have this ability, in various messy parallel worlds.

And their use of their own abilities is a dazzling and doubtful life.

Uchiha Qi doesn't expect that he can do the level of those guys, such as distorting part of the timeline, he really dares to do it.

But his three abilities can be fully expanded and used.

There is no need to say more about the effect of "Standing in Time", this ability is completely the deadliest and strongest move of Uchiha Kai.

However, compared to the other two pupil techniques, the expansion of this pupil technique is probably not enough.

To put it bluntly, this technique seems to have reached its limit.

Perhaps Uchiha Kai's imagination is insufficient, and he really can't think of too many extensible applications for the time being.

But compared to this technique called 'Ultimate Eye Technique', the expansibility of 'Time Leap' and 'Time Backtrack' is really much stronger.

And these two techniques, the scope of use of Uchiha Kai is much more than that of "Standing in Time".

For example, when dealing with Obito, he didn't know how many times he used it.

Although the force used is very small, it is enough. He also has a lot of his own ideas on the direction of using these two abilities.

"Just like..."

Uchiha Qi gently wiped away the blood spilling from the corner of his eye, and the kaleidoscope in his right eye suddenly began to turn.

In an instant, he felt a strange force flowing through him.

He had never felt the inexplicable and strange power of this power, but he felt the familiarity of this power from the bottom of his heart.

As this power continued to erupt, he felt the pressure on his right eye suddenly increase, and this change was somewhat unexpected.

But he didn't stop, as the kaleidoscope in his right eye kept choosing, that weird power became stronger and stronger.

Finally, as if he had come to a zero point, his own body began to undergo huge changes!

His chakra began to increase strangely at this moment, as if the power originally consumed by him had completely returned at this moment!

The blood that had overflowed from the corner of his left eye suddenly appeared again, and then slowly flowed back into his eye.

It's just that his right eye seemed to be completely isolated from these changes, and a smear of scarlet blood slowly overflowed from the corner of his eye again, pulling a long bloodstain on his face.

For a moment, the rotation speed of the kaleidoscope in his right eye began to slow down, and this strange force seemed to be unstable.

When he completely closed his right eye, this strange power completely disappeared around him.

But at this moment, his Chakra has completely recovered, and his left eye seems to have completely recovered!

"Sure enough, it's still a bit reluctant." Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, and then he directly covered his right eye: "And it's the same as I thought..."

Feeling his own changes, Uchiha Kai has already obtained some data.

The results of this experiment were not unexpected, and the results were not bad.

Uchiha Qi has long been thinking about how specific expansion of the other two techniques is in addition to the pupil technique of "Staying in Time".

In addition to using it on the enemy, the effect on itself is also the direction Uchiha Kai has been thinking about.

Although Uchiha Kai has thought about it, whether he can use the power of time to achieve a certain degree of eternity.

But after thinking about it, this is too unreliable.

It can only be said that after obtaining the ability of time, his heart swelled slightly.

After all, his previous life was a world full of myths, and the influence he suffered was too profound, and his level of cherishing his life was unbelievably high.

Otherwise, he would not have opened such a pair of kaleidoscopes because he was going to die!

Although he can't think about topics like never eternity for the time being, it's not that he can't think about other aspects.

For example, try to keep your peak for a longer time!

It is his idea to freeze the time of his peak period, but this obviously requires a process.

He himself didn't know how long it would take. After all, there was no way to solve the consumption problem of Time Station.

Especially as his strength is getting stronger and stronger, he wants to solidify himself through the station of time, such a consumption is unbelievable.

Besides, there are other technical issues.

How does he move after freezing, how does his chakra and other abilities improve after freezing

These are all factors that need to be considered. After he didn't use a time stop for himself, he found that he was frozen by all his bodily functions, and then he became a statue to be slaughtered.

Therefore, he will start with the most basic things, such as two basic pupil techniques.

After all, these two techniques, from a certain point of view, can be regarded as a combined part of the "Standing of Time".

Time is pulling each other forward and backward, isn't that what time stops?

And sometimes, the power effect alone can be much better than the time stop.

For example, after an injury, if time stops this plan, the negative effects will be stronger than the positive ones.

"It's just that Chakra has recovered, and the damage to his left eye has also been repaired, but..."

Uchiha Qi rubbed his right eye: "But as the right eye for the operation, not only did the pupil power not recover, but the situation at the seaside became a little worse. Is the pupil technique consumption too serious? Is it independent?"

Uchiha Qi thought seriously for a long time, and he felt that such a situation seemed to be a matter of course.

After all, he is using pupil technique with his own eyes.

And the consumption of pupil technique has become an established fact, I am afraid this kind of thing is really difficult to reverse.

And he is also very doubtful that the recovery of the Chakra and pupil power that he has consumed is returning to the previous state by reversing the time, or by some other means.

In order to confirm some things, he deliberately stood there and waited for a while.

It just so happens that you can get some recovery in your right eye.

After a while, Uchiha Qi felt that his right eye seemed to be a lot more comfortable, and then he slowly opened his right eye.

Very clear, without the slightest problem.

Except this eye can't expand into a kaleidoscope at this time, everything else is intact.

"It seems that the so-called time rules of this world are not as complicated as imagined."

In Uchiha Kai's eyes, he kept a strange state of three hooks on one side of the kaleidoscope.

"It seems that only the operating eye is seriously affected, and there seems to be no 'conservation of mass' here.

However, the time here seems to be really connected, and the time here just follows forward and backward, isn't that the effect of dragon veins?"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai took the initiative to close the kaleidoscope of his left eye.

His current situation is very delicate, and he can feel that his pupil strength is obviously sufficient.

But his right eye was telling him that his pupil strength was seriously lacking.

The most uncomfortable thing is that the pupil power he possesses seems to be unable to transfer to his right eye at all.

This strange situation made him feel too uncomfortable.

But no matter what, his other aspects were really made up for by his right eye!

"Overall, the results are good, but there are too many things to experiment with."

Uchiha Kai felt the same way, and he also planned to leave.

Although his left eye hadn't tried the experiment yet, he felt it was enough.

The ability of the right eye can act on himself, so the ability of the left eye can naturally also, not to mention that he has already made similar attempts.

It's just that he can use this ability to make his speed faster, or make his explosive power faster.

But these are just his basic applications, and he has more operational ideas.

"For example, by accelerating the recovery of my pupil power faster, or by accelerating the process of our experiment faster."

Uchiha Kai turned and left while thinking: "For example.... Now.... But forget it. Let's talk about these things when we go back."

Uchiha Qi feels that his mental state is very general. Using pupil technique is not only a consumption of pupil power and chakra, but also a consideration for his own mental power The fusion of three pupil powers, and then In addition, using a pupil power alone can make your state return.

Although he is not exhausted now, he is definitely not much better.

Looking back at the place where the huge Buddha statue was originally standing, Uchiha Kai chuckled, and there was only countless gravel left there.

In a flash, Uchiha Qi disappeared directly in place, leaving only the sand and gravel on the ground, which constantly followed the breeze.

I don't know how long it took, these sand and stones were completely blown away by these breezes, and there was no trace of the huge Buddha statue.

At this moment, several ninjas dressed in black Anbu costumes suddenly appeared, but they just appeared and they were dumbfounded.

They stared at the front in amazement, the place where there should have been a huge Buddha statue that disappeared inexplicably...
