Chapter 399: The decision to stop the water

The latest website: "Three generations of Hokage-sama...."

Uchiha Shisui was half-knelt on the ground, but his eyes always looked aside inadvertently.

In his memory, wasn't there a huge Buddha statue at that location?

Although the Buddha statue looked ferocious, no matter how large it was placed there, no one could ignore it.

Today, however, this Buddha statue has disappeared without a trace.

How could this strange scene not attract his attention?

The three generations of Hokage naturally noticed this scene, and his heart also had endless ripples.

Today was the day he met Uchiha Shisui, and the location he chose was naturally the place where they always met.

It's just that when he set off, the root members who ran to investigate the scene first rushed back and reported their investigation results.

This result made the three generations of Hokage extremely stunned. He really did not expect such a strange and incredible thing to happen where he met with Uchiha Shisui.

Who was it discovered?

Did it on purpose?

If so, who is the person doing this?


The three generations of Hokage feel that this is likely to be the case, because the one he met alone is Shisui Uchiha, if it is others who notice it, I am afraid they will not do anything excessive.

But if it was Uchiha's group of extreme neuroses, it's hard to say that they would really do such a thing.

Although in the eyes of the third generation, if it is really Uchiha, it should not be so restrained.

After all, directly destroying a giant Buddha, instead of actually fighting them, has already shown a very high political literacy.

Within the rules of the game, doing something is an extremely sensitive behavior, and it is not necessarily the strongest to do it first.

This kind of behavior needs to be carefully considered. For example, whether it is cost-effective to do this is also an extremely important consideration.

What can be gained, what will be lost, and what will be the reaction of the other party.

Or what kind of reaction will be reflected in the entire Konoha, it is a topic worthy of further study and consideration.

So calmly through a huge Buddha statue, showing his strength and sending a warning.

The three generations of Hokage really can't believe it, this will be made by the Uchiha family.

But what if it wasn't the Uchiha family?

Not those guys from the Uchiha clan, who are they?

What is the purpose of passing this thing?

Tell yourself not to break the rules, don't put your hands inside the ninja clan?

So who are these people who have the strength to do this?

Is it Hyuga?

Helplessly shook his head inwardly, Hinata's power is not so strong, even if there is, it is not necessarily that these people can exert it now.

Looking at Uchiha Shisui, who was half-kneeling on the ground, the three generations of Hokage said, "Get up, since you have chosen to come, it means that you have already thought about it, right?"

"Yes, Lord Hokage III." Uchiha Shisui raised his head and nodded expressionlessly: "I am a Konoha ninja, I will not forget this."

"Very good, it is enough for you to have this awareness." Three generations of Hokage nodded.

"Everything we do is for Konoha, and we can't miss anything suspicious and bells and whistles.

Always remember a sentence, we are hidden under the leaves, nourishing the roots of the tree that grows strong! "

Uchiha Shisui nodded silently, his expressionless face seemed to have no fluctuations, but no one knew what he was thinking specifically.

The third generation Hokage also seemed to see that the situation of the kid in front of him was rather special, and he was a little hesitant in his heart.

But he knew that it was absolutely impossible for this kid to say anything about him.

Not only is it impossible to say it, but it is absolutely impossible to reveal it through other means.

Although Danzo is dead, he didn't put much effort into this technique during his lifetime.

He tried every means to plug all the loopholes in this technique, so as to achieve his absolute confidentiality.

Therefore, even if someone may think of the three generations of Hokage, it is possible for those guys such as Uchiha.

But Uchiha Shisui can't say it, can't reveal it, then he has absolutely no problem.

After thinking about it for a long time, the three generations of Hokage made a decision.

He wants to dispel the kid's other thoughts, calm the kid's heart, and don't let him think wildly.

What's more, since he has reached the root, this kid is absolutely in control of him until he can't lift the curse on his tongue.

What he has to do now is some simple work, which can be regarded as a face job, but if this kid performs well, it can also be regarded as an excellent job to bring them closer.

Thinking of this, a smile suddenly appeared on the originally expressionless face of Hokage III.

He walked to Uchiha Shisui's side, and then patted him on the shoulder: "Do you know Shisui, do you know why I chose you?"

"I..." Uchiha Shisui opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to answer.

"Because you are the descendant of Mirror." The three generations of Hokage said directly with a smile: "Uchiha Mirror is my teammate and my best friend. Although he died, I will always remember him in my heart."

Having said that, Sandai Hokage sighed, he withdrew the hand on Uchiha Shisui's shoulder and took a step forward.

His eyes stared into the distance, as if caught in a memory.

I don't know if what he said was too affectionate, but at this moment he really recalled too many things.

Uchiha mirror also has it, Shimura Danzo also has it, and even his teacher Hokage the second generation has it.

He recalled their youthful years, recalled their closeness.

Suddenly, the three generations of Hokage came back to his senses, and he found that he seemed to be really old.

Time is a ruthless thing, it robs you of youth, it robs you of strength, and it also robs you of ambition.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Miho Hokage's eyes became firm.

Although he is old, he is confident that he can lead Konoha better.

It is indeed a kind of vitality that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, but it is also an impulse, and Konoha needs to control this impulse now!

"I'm sorry." The third generation Hokage smiled casually: "There are too many memories, let you see a joke."

"My subordinates don't dare, Hokage-sama." Uchiha Qizhishui immediately lowered his head, and he still said expressionlessly.

"You don't need to be so rigid." Three Hokage shook his head.

"You are the descendant of Jingjing, and the relationship between Jingjing and me, in fact, I should take care of you.

But you also know that my situation is rather special now, so I have arranged for you to be known as Toujinin, but now I feel that all this is not enough. "

"Hokage-sama...." Uchiha Shishui was stunned, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"I have decided that I will teach you personally in the future." Three generations of Hokage said with a smile: "I will do my best to give you everything I can teach you."

Uchiha Shisui was stunned, the third generation of purpose taught by himself?

It seems that only three ninjas have received such treatment in the whole Konoha, and these three ninjas are all legends of Konoha!

Although one defected, one went after the defector, and the other left Konoha temporarily.

But as the legendary ninjas of Konoha, no one will forget how terrifying their strength level is, Uchiha Shisui can't be more clear!

However, when such a thing fell on him, he really had a feeling like a dream, and his heart was even more agitated at this time.

"Come on, Mirror's junior, Uchiha Shisui." The three generations of Hokage became a little serious: "You are the root of Konoha and the future of Konoha, you will be the defender of peace within Konoha. "

"The next time we meet, we won't be here, and next time we meet, I will teach you well, don't let me down, Shishui."

"Yes.... Sandaime-sama..."


Uchiha Shisui was walking home alone, but his heart still couldn't calm down.

Today, the three generations of Hokage gave him too much shock, because the three generations of Hokage actually wanted to teach himself!

If it was put in the past, Uchiha Shisui would be excited to find the north.

Because the three disciples taught by the three generations of Hokage are all legends, and he himself is a legend in the legend of Konoha!

But at this time, Zhishui was no longer the one who didn't know anything and didn't know anything before.

After he met Tomohisa Hanghei, Uchiha Kai, and Uchiha Makoto, he already knew too much.

He already knew how terrifying the complexity was.

Uchiha really didn't say much to him, but he made it very clear about the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha in front of him, and the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha in the past.

This made Shisui Uchiha's heart even more complicated, and he really couldn't simply understand the meaning of what Hokage Sandaime taught.

Maybe just as the three generations of Hokage said, it is to see that he is really optimistic about himself, and that he intends to cultivate himself in the face of Uchiha mirror.

But Uchiha Shisui doesn't know why, he prefers to believe that there are other things mixed in here He found that he was really stupid before, he knew nothing and couldn't see anything, but Don't have to think about so many things.

And now it is even more involved, in such a game and contest.

Silently walking towards the Uchiha clan, he raised his head slightly to look at the sky, the sunset had already set, and the sky was beautiful.

But his heart is not beautiful at all, he is thinking, thinking about how he should do it.

But it seems that such a thing is really not worth thinking about too much, Uchiha Shisui took a deep breath and looked at the looming Hokage Rock in the distance.

Indeed, he is a Konoha ninja, and he also has to maintain the internal stability of Konoha. If necessary, he will also deal with those potentially unstable factors.

But who these factors will be, it is not so certain...
