Chapter 400: Tenseigan's information

The latest website: What is Uchiha Shisui thinking and doing, Uchiha Qi doesn't know.

All he knew was that he really seemed to have found something interesting and very interesting.

The consumption of his right eye is very serious, very serious.

In cooperation with Susanoo wielding that sword, his pupil power was already exhausted, causing blood to overflow from his eyes.

Afterwards, in order to try some of his own conjectures about his right eye, he used the ability of 'Back to Time' again, forcibly reversed his consumption.

This kind of effect is indeed okay, but this twist has no effect on his mental power and his right eye.

But after he had a good rest for an afternoon, he also did the last experiment he preset in the laboratory.

That is to use the ability of his left eye to speed up the recovery ability of his right eye.

He actually wanted to do this experiment for a long time, but based on his own ability, he couldn't do it at all.

It's not that he didn't think about using the ability of his left eye to speed up something.

For example, he is conducting a triple cell fusion experiment.

If it can be accelerated in this way, obviously his strength will increase faster!

However, there were so many difficulties in this matter that he could not do it.

In the past, pupil power was a key condition restricting his attempts, and the second point was that he was not sure whether he could succeed.

He needs to accurately find the cells in his body, and then use the control of the pupil technique to speed up.

This is obviously not something that can be accomplished for him who doesn't have white eyes.

Now, his strength has improved. Although he still can't find those cells accurately, he has already tried to overcome the limitation of pupil power in the first step.

Therefore, after a good rest, Uchiha Kai started his last experiment directly.

And the results of this test made him very satisfied.

Under his precise control, the pupil power of his left eye directly affects his right eye.

This control and acceleration lasted for a minute or so, and he stopped before he felt discomfort in his left eye.

Although his right eye has not completely recovered, it has fully reached the level where he can fight.

And this time the experiment is complete, it can be said to be groundbreaking.

After this experiment, the development of his eye ability will definitely speed up!

Although his development process does not seem to be used in actual combat, it is even used in other aspects.

But this kind of development has invaluable value for the use of these two abilities, as well as for its own assistance.

Just like...

"What the **** did you do?"

Imai Kenta was stunned to feel the condition of his own body, and Hyuga Aya watched all this with an unbelievable face.

Both of them were in the laboratory, unlike Aya Hyuga who accompanied Uchiha Kai to the canyon in the morning, and witnessed Uchiha Kai's extremely bizarre knife.

Imai Kenta came over after receiving the notice.

After he came over, Uchiha Kai told him to do an experiment.

Imai Kenta looked puzzled, and he also asked Uchiha Kai what he wanted to do.

However, the answer he got was somewhat ambiguous, because Kai Uchiha said it was very simple, that is, try to help him accelerate the progress of fusion.

Uchiha Kai really couldn't control the cells, but he shifted his target.

He tried to control the active boiling blood, or the serum injected into the body.

Although Kenta Imai has not yet reached the date of re-injection, it is still possible to get involved in some serum in a small amount.

Therefore, with the attention and help of Aya Hyuga, Kenta Imai finally agreed to the experiment.

The result shocked the two of them, because after those serums entered the body, they exploded with incredible activity.

Such activity accelerates the process of its dilution, and also greatly speeds up the progress of its fusion.

Although such an extremely fast fusion, Imai Kenta once again had a negative reaction.

Even because of this fusion, his original fusion efficiency was relatively slow, which caused the energy deposited in the body to burst into activity.

"How do you say it, it's just trying to speed up the dilution of those serums in your body."

Uchiha closed his left eye tightly and said: "It seems that the effect is still good, but the cost and consumption are very high, and the control is not very good for the first time."

Uchiha Qi thought for a while, and directly gave a relatively vague statement.

He didn't want to make it too outrageous, even though it was outrageous enough in itself.

But as long as you don't express your position, then this matter will not get to the point where it is difficult to end.

It's better to be a little conservative about some things, and that's why he said that.

Sure enough, Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya were a little silent when they heard the words, even if these words were conservative, it made them feel incredible.

"When did you master this method?" Hyuga Aya asked tentatively, "I mastered it long ago, or just today..."

"Didn't you see it?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head.

"I may have used the ability a long time ago, but for some reason I can't use and master it at all. Even if I know I can do it, I don't want to let my eyes have problems."

"Now your ability and strength have reached a limit, so you don't need to worry about your eyes, so..."

Although Kenta Imai's face was pale, he subconsciously raised his hand and clenched it tightly.

"You dare to use these abilities. Although you **** treats me as an experiment, you have accelerated my fusion. This ability is really..."

"Then can you use this technique for a long time?"

Aya Hyuga's focus is obviously different, she cares more about the actual application effect.

"Also, can you find those cells accurately? Instead of simply accelerating the outbreak of the serum, this approach is too rough."

It's really too rough, and the outbreak of pure activation serum actually has a lot of negative effects.

The main reason for the success of this experiment is that the dose is too small.

And Imai Kenta has merged so many times, the negative reaction of the body is not so bad.

But even so, under the control of Uchiha Kaito, the outbreak speed of those serums reached the extreme.

As a result, Kenta Imai also appeared, the intensity of the negative reaction he hadn't seen for a long time.

This guy's face is very pale now, and the strength of the chakra in his body also tells them both how outstanding his effect this time is.

But the problem is that this guy can't stand still right now. No matter how good the effect is, it's actually useless. No one knows how long his recovery cycle will take.

Hyuga Aya obviously doesn't want the cycle to be elongated. If it takes too long to exchange for the progress of such a fusion, the timeline may not be as good as normal fusion.

"I have nothing to do." Uchiha Qi sighed.

"Sharing eye is not a white eye. To be honest, white eye is very capable of assisting at this stage, and some of the characteristics it has are not comparable to that of white eye.

I can't find those cells as accurately as you, and even if you assist me, I may not be able to do these things. "

"It's a pity, why you have such ability, but you can't do what we want." Hyuga Aya sighed helplessly, obviously she looked so disappointed.

"I can't do this kind of thing, but you are wrong about one thing." Uchiha raised his brows, and then showed a smile: "It's not that I can't do what we hope to do, but the price is too high. big."

"Can you control those cells?" Hyuga Aya's eyes lit up slightly, but she soon felt that something was wrong: "No, you said it before, so I'm afraid you are doing it in a different way?"

"That's right, I can control your whole body.... Your body functions will explode rapidly. Maybe you can experience the feeling of adulthood. Speaking of which, I still have some expectations..."


Aya Hyuga didn't wait for Kai Uchiha to finish speaking, and then scolded him directly. This sentence made Kai Uchiha inexplicable.

What's wrong with being an adult? Could it be that there is something wrong with your way of expressing yourself?

Uchiha Qi touched his chin, but he didn't bother to care about such trivial matters, his eyes focused on Imai Kenta.

He is not very clear about the specific situation of this guy now. Apart from knowing that his chakra improvement seems to be relatively high, he has no information on other aspects.

"Aya, how is he doing now?" Bypassing the topic just now, Uchiha Kai pointed directly at Imai Kenta: "Apart from the Chakra aspect, what other improvements are there?"

"The biggest improvement may be that his integration has increased by about ten percent, which is unbelievable."

Speaking of the business, Hyuga Aya also recovered, and she said directly with a cold face: "He has probably reached about fifty-five percent fusion now, and it is still continuing. As for how much power he can exert, it depends on himself. performance."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Ki nodded, then looked at Imai Kenta: "So, do you think you can use the wooden escape?"

"I don't know about this, but I think it should be possible, right?" Imai Kenta said uncertainly: "Actually, I have tried it a long time ago, but because the degree of integration is too low, the quality of use is not guaranteed at all. , it doesn't seem to be of any use other than to build a house, right?"

To build a house?

When Uchiha Qi heard this, he didn't know why he suddenly thought of this guy Yamato.

Uchiha Qi doesn't know how Yamato's fusion is, because he has never seen this guy before, but I think the fusion is not high.

It is also a mystery where this kid is now, whether he is in the Anbu of Namikaze Minato, or continues to serve in the fundamental service of the three generations of Hokage.

These are all confusing.

However, no matter what happened to this kid, he at least knew about Kenta Imai's situation.

In the past, Kenta Imai could use a wooden dung of average strength, so now the quality may have been significantly improved...


With Imai Kenta's attempt this time, Uchiha Kai also has a greater grasp of his control.

To be honest, if he had this ability back then, he could have tried to 'ripen' those eternal eyes.

But if you miss this kind of thing, you miss it, and now he's in good shape, isn't it?

Moreover, now, he can also get some confirmation from other people.

Imai Kenta can only be said to be an experiment, the effect is good but there is a lot of room for improvement.

Hyuga Aya is also taking a fancy to this now, and she hopes that Uchiha Kai can help her speed up her improvement.

And she also noticed something from some of Uchiha Kai's words.

A real woman is very sharp, Uchiha Qi only said "Baiyan's ability to assist is very strong at this stage", and she immediately grasped the point.

At this stage, the word is really very interesting.

The performance at this stage is only like this, so can it be understood that this guy knows the situation of the white eyes in the future stage?

It's been so long, after all, he'll keep investigating these things as he promised.

Now this guy has accidentally said something that shouldn't be said, so does it mean that this guy has got some interesting information.

It's just that for some reason, he didn't say it?

If Hyuga Aya didn't notice it, it would be fine, but now that she notices it, she naturally won't let Uchiha Kai go.

"This question?" Uchiha Qi was a little surprised, but he also felt that something could be revealed.

"There is indeed a lot of new information, but there are too many uncertainties in this content, so I did not say it."

"This kind of thing, but you are not sure, you should tell me, Kai."

Hyuga Aya's face was very serious: "We are now on a groping road, and your forward journey is also groping forward. Do you know how the road ahead is? You are like this, so am I."

Sorry, I really know....

Uchiha Qi thought silently, he always knew how the road ahead.

Although the experiment is really exploring, but from the results of the experiment, he can judge where he has reached.

It can be said that the path of Kai Uchiha is really not groped.

He has a clear positioning and reference, and Aya Hyuga got it completely wrong.

But he wouldn't explain it either. He was thinking about how to talk to Aya Hyuga about the evolution of white eyes.

Kai Uchiha does feel that he can reveal something, but how to disclose it specifically, and how much to reveal to what extent, must be considered.

It can be said that there is no law of white eye evolution in the original work. A pair of ordinary white eyes does not even have any fighting ability blessing.

It turned into a Tenseigan directly, and then came up with a Tenseisen Chakra mode.

This chakra mode is simply outrageous, because in this mode you can even use the Juggernaut!

Uchiha Qi is also not sure whether that thing is the begging jade, because he knows exactly how the begging jade came out.

That is to have all the power of yin and yang and the five elements. In short, it only appears when all the changes of chakra are gathered together.

Is it possible that the Tenseigan mode has been created, which means that it has all the chakra properties?

Uchiha Qi is because he knows this, so he has never forgotten the completion of his chakra attributes in the process of constantly improving his strength.

With the chakra of Feng Dun, he already has some clues. This is an ability he has trained himself.

It is very weak, but after continuous learning and training, it will not be a big problem to take it out for actual combat.

As for the rest, he was born with the Fire Dun attribute, and Lei Dun was similar.

The Earth Dun and the Water Dun are supplemented by the White Absolute Cells. Although they are not used much, they are definitely enough.

Yin Dun is built with Sharon Eye, and he is also very capable in this area. Yang Dun should also thank Bai Jue's cells well.

It can be said that at this moment Uchiha Kai has obvious differences in the strength of these attributes.

But he is indeed an alternative, making up for the chakra that he should have.

However, because of the difference in the strength of these different chakras, he did not dare to try to integrate them casually to see if he could come up with some powerful chakras or ninjutsu.

The fusion of chakras of different natures has never been a simple technique, otherwise the successful ones would not be regarded as the bloodline boundary.

The two are so difficult, let alone the elimination of the blood formed by the fusion of the three.

In the entire ninja world, the old man Ohnogi has this ability.

For the time being, Uchiha Qi didn't think about what he was pursuing in the past. He hoped for the begging jade.

But because of the imbalance in his own attributes, he was really afraid of blowing himself up.

Shaking his head, Uchiha came back to his senses.

It's too far to ask Daoyu or something, and he didn't even get the Eternal Eye completely.

What's more, it takes time for him to temper the nature of chakra, and he can only do it step by step.

As for whether the black **** in Tenseigan mode are the jade, it has nothing to do with him.

At most, he reminded Hyuga Aya to pay attention to this aspect, and there was not much else he could do.

"Okay, I should tell you directly." Uchiha Kai said.

"However, the information I got all came from some records, even broken records. Although they have been summarized and classified, the information is also very messy."

"No problem, I'm mentally prepared."

Although Hyuga Aya was a little impatient, it was normal for Uchiha Kei to repeatedly emphasize such an important matter.

"Don't worry, my mental capacity is far beyond your imagination."

"That's fine, just be mentally prepared." Uchiha Ki nodded, and after thinking a little, he said directly.

"According to those scattered pieces of information, someone has seen your ancestors and showed different eyes.

But after all, that's a very small number, and the white eye is always the one who looks like you. According to the information, there was once a genius Hyuga, who was separated.

But even if he was alone in the face of twenty ninjas at least at the Ninja level, he used his physical skills to solve all of them in less than a minute. "

Uchiha Kai said calmly, he really wasn't joking about this.

There seems to be a Hinata clan root in his memory who has done such exaggerated things.

That kid is now considered to have quit the Hinata clan, because he inherited a white eye across generations, so his name is Kohinata Mukai.

But this guy doesn't seem to have heard of Uchiha Kai now, but he still knows how terrifying his record is.

It seems to be official or somewhere, Uchiha Kai has not been clear.

But the information he got was that this person, who didn't even know whether this world existed or not, once led a team to sneak into Kazeying's bedroom to eavesdrop and negotiate with the Mist hidden alliance.

As a result, the teammates made a mistake and they were exposed, and this guy simply led the team and escaped from the Kazekage bedroom back to the country of fire.

And in the case of a pair of twenty, one person completed the lore in the shortest time.

Even Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui dealt with him, and they were all overturned by him alone.

It's a pity that this guy is also an early death, Uchiha Kai doesn't know how he died in the end, how he was turned over by Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi.

But he didn't care either. The ghosts knew whether these things were true or false, but it didn't matter if he said it and fooled the woman.

He even thought about it, whether to weaken the eye-cleaning thing a little, and use it as a forward goal for Hyuga Aya.

Of course, if she really went that far and found out that it was wrong, then Uchiha Kai can also be said to be wrong in the intelligence records.

"Is it that strong?" Hyuga Aya frowned: "I'm afraid this kind of intensity is stronger than Hyuga Hizuzu. You might be able to do it if you come, but the person you are talking about is just a separate family..."

"There is no record of him in the follow-up. It seems that he is dead. No one knows. After all, it was a long time ago."

Uchiha Kai said with a very calm face: "But there are still records, and there have been people who have erupted with more terrifying power."

"Is there something more exaggerated?" Hyuga Aya felt like she was listening to a book from heaven.

If she didn't fully trust Uchiha Kai, she felt that this guy was lying to herself.

The power that broke out from a branch actually killed twenty ninjas who were at least at the Ninja level in one minute?

Although the job title is really useless, and there was no such title in ancient times.

At most, it is based on Chakra to judge the strength of the opponent.

But a ninja with a chakra of the upper ninja level, at least he won't be too idiotic, right?

Kill so many people in one minute?

This is too exaggerated!

Aya Hyuga now thinks that it is Uchiha Kai who can do this.

After all, she knew Uchiha Kai's cards, how fast he was, and how terrifying his eyes were.

I am afraid that what this guy has to do is to directly explode his fastest speed, and then add an illusion and a knife, which is absolutely easy and hassle-free.

But that Hinata didn't have such treatment, he did it entirely by his own physical skills.

"Yes, there are more exaggerated." Uchiha Kai nodded, UU reading www. uukanshu. His face also became a little serious: "The most important thing is, according to the records, that guy's eyes are already different from the normal Hyuga clan."

"Different from the Hyuga clan?" Hyuga Aya frowned: "Be clear, why is it different?"

"According to records, when that guy was fighting, his eyes turned into a pair of eyes that radiated dazzling blue, like the stars of the Tianshan Mountains."

Uchiha Qi recalled the appearance of Tenseisen, and said with the habit of using old words: "When he was fighting, he even had blue chakras on his body, and..."

"And what?" Hyuga Aya frowned, "Don't stop talking halfway through!"

"And he has all the chakra attributes like me now. It's just that his control is definitely stronger than mine, otherwise he will never be able to do that kind of chakra mode."

"Have you mastered the chakras of all attributes, the bright blue eyes..."
