Chapter 401: The turbulent Konoha 49 years

The latest website: In the matter of flicking Aya Hyuga, Uchiha Kai has no burden at all.

To be precise, everything he said was true.

It's just that this authenticity is expressed by him in other ways.

But no matter what, he has opened up Hyuga Aya's horizons.

Let this woman know that she can really change her appearance after white eyes.

As for the so-called full-attribute chakra, he is really fooling people.

Although Kei Uchiha didn't think that, Aya Hyuga really got that far.

But since he has already said this information, can't he be more comprehensive?

Although his statement is full of inductiveness, and Uchiha Qi himself does not know, it is natural to have Tenseigan, and obtain the chakra of all attributes.

But this did not prevent Uchiha Kai from saying these words.

And it's not a bad thing to let this woman do some preparations by herself.

How bad is Otsutsuki's performance? Although he doesn't remember the plot so much, he really remembers this incident.

So can it be understood that Otsutsuki Tototo is actually his essential strength, or the foundation is really too poor.

As a result, his Tenseigan's performance was not up to standard, but it was equivalent to "temporarily" gaining terrifying power.

Of course, it does not rule out that his eyes are not his own, but belong to Hinata Hana.

This led to his strong incompatibility, plus his Tenseigan fetal movement was not completed, and finally dissipated directly.

"Anyway, all kinds of situations are possible. Although it may not be successful to explore the so-called full-attribute chakra, and it will greatly consume her concentration and time, but..."

Uchiha Qi was sitting in the office of the security department, holding a chakra test paper in his hand and thinking silently.

"But after laying such a foundation, for her, I am afraid that the future benefits will be much greater than the present. I just don't know how well she can perform."

There are indeed too many unknowns, but the benefits are also obvious, but these things need to be chosen by Hyuga Aya.

Whether she chooses to strengthen her inquiry and study of chakra attributes, or focus more on unlocking her genes.

Uchiha Kai will give great support.

Looking down at the piece of paper in his hand, suddenly blue chakra burst out from his hand.

Then the Chakra test paper in his hand immediately showed the different states of the species.

If you look carefully, you can find that this piece of paper has five completely different states of damage.

Uchiha Kai threw all these papers on the ground, and then burned them all directly with a fire.

He wasn't afraid of these things being exposed. As an owner of Sharinyan, no matter how many ninjutsu he copied, it was normal.

How many attributes of Chakra he can show depends purely on his talent.

This kid Kakashi is basically an all-around warrior, and as the biggest genius of the Uchiha family now, it is not surprising to have such a performance.

"Find time to try it out." Uchiha Kai thought with a smile.

Looking up at the snow dissipating outside the window, he knew that spring had come.

Time really flies fast, and it has been forty-nine years of Konoha before you know it.

Uchiha Kai has also moved from fifteen years old to sixteen years old. At the age of sixteen, in this world, he can almost be regarded as an adult.

Even though the ninja world is very peaceful now, there are actually a lot of open and secret fights.

The casualty rate of ninjas has never been reduced in a real sense.

Standing up slowly, Uchiha Ki walked to the window, and his thoughts drifted away at this moment.

The forty-ninth year of Konoha is actually not a big year.

Because in this year, all the Xiaoqiangs are only two or three years old.

Uchiha Qi was fortunate to participate in Hinata Hinata, Sasuke Uchiha, and Naruto Uzumaki's first birthday, but he was not invited by the pig deer butterfly.

And in some political affairs, their performance also seems to have a different voice from Uchiha Kai.

Although the vast majority of cases are still standing together, only a few cases will there be rebuttal voices.

But this also allowed many people to see something different.

Namikaze Minato has long seen through the idea of ​​Zhuludie, but he is the same as Uchiha Kai, although he doesn't like it, he will not reject different voices.

And he was worried that Uchiha Kai would have dissatisfaction in his heart, which would lead to anger and then deliberately sing the opposite.

Therefore, he also specifically pulled out Uchiha Kai to explain it.

This incident made Uchiha Qi laugh and cry. In the end, he could only tell Namikaze Minato that he actually understood what they meant, and there was no need to worry about this matter.

Namikaze Minato heard Uchiha Kei say it so rationally and methodically, which made him completely relieved.

He was really worried about his most trusted and most sophisticated collaborator.

There are irreconcilable conflicts with the political elites of the Konoha tradition.

This is definitely not what he wants to see, because it will definitely cause some problems inside Konoha.

Namikaze Minato even decided that if Keiza Uchiha didn't want this, he would try to communicate with Shikahisa Nara and the others.

However, since Uchiha Qi fully understood, this made him relieved and relieved at the same time.

The role of the Security Department in Konoha is really getting bigger and bigger.

In addition, Uchiha Kai himself is very capable and logical, and he is one of the people who pushed Namikaze Minato with one hand.

Therefore, in terms of close relationship, I am afraid that Uchiha Kai will only be slightly worse than the family of Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya.

Moreover, Uchiha Kai is the same age as Kakashi and Obito. Although he is not his disciple, he is closer than his disciples.

Moreover, he also saved his two disciples.

If he really had to make a choice, Namikaze Minato thought that he probably wouldn't think too much about it at all, and would stand on Uchiha Kai's side.

At the thought of Naruto Minato's sigh of relief, he dragged himself to see Naruto at his house, and at the same time enjoyed a good dinner, Uchiha Kei couldn't help but want to laugh.

The relationship between Namikaze Minato and him is very good, and now it is developing in a better direction. He really doesn't need to care about too many problems.

And the final result of the daimyo incident, although Namikaze Minato is biased towards Nara Shikahisa in some options.

This is what he thinks in his heart, and he doesn't want to go too far.

However, in the official announcement of the matter, he completely used the content of the report provided by Kai Uchiha.

The words used are also relatively condescending.

The tone set throughout the article is almost always 'condemnation', 'regret', and ends with words such as 'warning'.

Those who can understand will naturally know what it means, and those who can't understand will also know that the daimyo did something that shouldn't be done.

The daimyo matter was completely determined, and with the funds promised by the daimyo in place, the economic vitality within Konoha was greatly stimulated.

With this money in place, Minato Namikaze has more confidence to promote the reform of Konoha Chuninin.

Under the huge actual benefits and the pouring of resources, those original special Jōnin have made their voices heard.

But these voices were attracted by the Kirigakura incident on the one hand, and the Daimyo incident on the other.

And the middle and lower ninjas also got actual benefits.

Including them, they have also shared these benefits after they have been stripped of the "Bei Te Junin" coat and become Chunin.

Naturally, their voices began to dissipate, and they even began to accept these things in their entirety.

It can be said that the daimyo incident was not originally within the scope of Uchiha Kai's plan.

However, this incident has greatly accelerated their reform of Konoha.

Through the great influence of this event, and also through the benefits obtained from the reform of this event.

The hidden benefits Kakashi obtained were beyond imagination.

Although he has not yet made a final decision, he was officially promoted to the Minister of Anbu.

But in fact, his right to speak in Anbu has reached a peak.

At the request of Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku, the members of the Uchiha family in Anbu firmly supported Kakashi.

Although they are few in number, they also represent an attitude.

The members of the other groups who have ideas for Minister Anbu, although they are not convinced, can only feel that Kakashi's benefits in this matter have really surpassed all of them.

Plus they're not brainless guys.

Even if they really don't understand it, someone behind them will help them analyze it.

Therefore, they also began to gradually restrain some of their own ideas, and began to support Kakashi either explicitly or implicitly.

"The Kakashi situation has stabilized, and we just have to wait for the election in December this year."

Uchiha Kai looked at the bustling crowd outside the window, and then turned his eyes to the building of the mission department involuntarily.

"Kenta Imai, maybe after December this year, he will also be the head of the mission department."

Imai Kenta has taken over more and more things, perhaps because Minato Namikaze does not want two ministers to occupy the core position of Konoha at the same time in a family.

And the people of the Nara family also understand this very well, so the current head of the mission department has been delegating power, and now it has almost reached its limit.

Imai Kenta and Kakashi if together, successfully ascended the stage on the stage of the change of power between the old and the new.

This is also a continuation of the adjustment of Konoha's internal power core, and it also means that Namifeng Minato has more complete control of his own rights He had no one before, so now there is a huge improvement.

Although the people he trains and chooses are still young, no one dares to deny the abilities of these young people.

Just look at Uchiha Kai, the head of the security department, I am afraid that young people like him are the future of Konoha!

But thinking of this, Uchiha Qi silently shook his head again.

Forty-nine years of Konoha is indeed not a special year.

But to Uchiha Kai, to Nami Kaze Minato, to Hinata...

It was definitely a different year even for Konoha, definitely a year of disasters.

"If there is no accident, this year should be the year that Yun Ren's group will come to trouble..."
