Chapter 402: Orochimaru's visit

The latest website: Yun Ren may be coming, but it's really not Uchiha Kai's conjecture.

It is based on intelligence and the results of various analyses.

Unfortunately, both Uchiha Kai and Nara Shikahisa's initial guesses were confirmed.

The entire Yunyin Village can be said to have suffered the least losses in the Third Ninja World War.

Even if they did have a hard fight with Konoha, they are very smart, and their attacking team is led by the future four generations of Raikage and Yatai people Zhuri.

There were these two people fighting and holding back the Konoha ninjas who were looking at them, but they didn't send many ninjas.

Therefore, even if they fail, the real loss is not really big.

And at that time, Konoha had to deal with the attack of Kirigakura, so the troops dispatched were not too many.

In the real fight, in addition to the confrontation of ordinary ninjas, the confrontation of top ninjas is also more important.

And Namikaze Minato showed his unique fighting talent here, he was almost alone in the face of these two people and could defeat them.

Forcing the two of them to choose to withdraw, coupled with the fall of the three generations of Raikage, stabilized Konoha's offensive against Yunyin.

But it is precisely because of such a coincidence that the loss of Yunyin Village is really too small, so small that it is almost negligible.

After the war, Yunyin's recovery speed was also the fastest in the entire Ninja continent.

They have a good relationship with the name of the country of Thunder, and they have also received a lot of financial aid.

This further stimulated their post-war recovery potential, and now they have been further enhanced.

But unfortunately, Konoha, like the original, suffered heavy losses because of the war.

But the difference is that in the Nine Tails Incident, Minato and his wife did not die in battle.

And Konoha resealed the nine tails at a very fast speed, coupled with the transfer and integration of Konoha's internal security department, protecting the vast majority of people.

Therefore, Konoha's overall image in the ninja world has not suffered as much damage as the original.

It is still the most trusted ninja village in the ninja world.

And this has also become the goal of Yun Ren.

If it was said that they were in the original book, it was to step on Konoha ruthlessly and let the already precarious Ninja Village fall into the abyss.

And show your own force, so as to gain greater trust in the ninja world and get more tasks.

So now, it is because Konoha suffered trauma but still stands, and at the same time holds a huge share of the task, causing Yun Ren's strong dissatisfaction.

They were the ones who recovered the fastest after the war, and they also believed that their military strength was the strongest in the ninja world.

Whether it is the number of ninjas, or the quality of ninjas.

The most important thing is that they did not encounter any tailed beasts breaking out of the seal and destroying the village.

So they think that they are underestimated by the world and that they have to do something for their own development.

Whether it's to show his strength, or to win the title of the 'No. 1 Ninja Village' on the Ninja Continent.

They have ideas about Konoha, and it is only natural.

What's more, the information passed back from Anbu also shows that they have started secretly training and dispatching their own ninja army.

The war is over, but they have adopted a militarized management model that puts almost every ninja in a state of war to obey and execute orders.

This is a very noteworthy point, and it often happens that there is only one thing to say.

That is probably the haze of war is coming.

However, it is not Uchiha's turn to care and have a headache for this kind of thing. Namikaze Minato did ask Uchiha's opinion, and he asked directly at a certain meeting.

And the answer given by Uchiha Qi is also very simple, that is, they have to prepare both hands now.

"Peace is earned by oneself, not by the exchange of interests or by sacrificing some people."

Uchiha Kai's voice at that time was calm and calm: "We don't like war, but we are not afraid of any invaders, not to mention Konoha also took a sigh of relief after the Nine Tails Incident, we also need to vent."

"Are you ready for war?" Minato Namika nodded earnestly when he heard the words: "So what about second-hand preparations?"

"It's very simple." Uchiha Kai glanced at Nara Shikahisa and the others, and then said slowly.

"That is to solve these problems through normal diplomatic channels. You can try to contact them without harming Konoha's own interests, although I don't think it will be very effective."

"It seems that Minister Qi and I have the same thoughts." Minato Namikaze showed a smile: "It is true that we do not want to have war again, but we are not afraid of war, especially war against us, this matter Just deal with it.”

Of course, Uchiha Qi knew that Namikaze Minato actually wanted to express his thoughts through his own mouth.

In other words, I hope I can help him attract some firepower.

Perhaps the haze of war was too heavy for some of Konoha's ninjas.

Coupled with the relatively conservative style of doing things of the three generations of Hokage and others, they are not willing to confront each other like this.

And they also received a certain degree of support in this matter.

So Namikaze Minato does need people to share some of the pressure.

And Uchiha Kai is naturally the best choice.

In fact, they have already passed the gas for this matter, and as Uchiha, he himself is not interested in the three generations of Hokage.

And for something deeper, like the actions of that kid Zhishui.

He still hasn't figured out what the three generations of Hokage and others want to do.

"However, it doesn't matter how weird it is, I don't believe there are foxes that don't show their tails."

Uchiha Qi sat back at his desk, but he didn't expect the door of the office to be knocked at this moment.

Before he could say anything, the door was pushed open.

Uchiha Kai felt that he didn't need to ask anything, because it seemed that only Hyuga Aya could dare to do this.

At this time, Hyuga Aya was holding a pile of documents in his hand, and his scalp was numb when he saw this scene, but he also knew that he might not be able to escape.

Since he got the Ministry of Guards involved in the Kirigakura investigation last year, Minato Namikaze seems to have intentionally put him in this type of thing.

Now that his net has indeed been rolled out, Anbu is more likely to perform tasks outside the village, as well as some more secret tasks that are not suitable for public disclosure.

Since there is no way to get the roots, and basically Namikaze Minato doesn't like roots.

Therefore, he hopes to solve these problems through other means.

For example, using the power in their own hands to differentiate the fundamental power and rights.

If he could, he would find a way to devour the division.

Leaving what it deserves to keep, also removes some of its qualities that it shouldn't have.

Now he's just trying to do it, and he doesn't know how it will turn out.

But Uchiha Qi knew that the power in his hands now was really great.

This right covers almost every corner of Konoha, so he has more things now.

"There are so many documents." Uchiha Qi sighed helplessly: "Didn't you hand these things over to those who handle government affairs?"

"It has been filtered from them, these are some very important things." Hyuga Aya said directly, but her face looked a little too pale.

"It's really annoying, there are so many things." Uchiha Qi sighed: "Okay, I will deal with it as soon as possible, but how is your situation now?"

Hyuga Aya nodded: "The situation is okay, except for my physical condition and some negative reactions, everything else is okay."

Aya Hyuga's answer made Kei Uchiha nodded.

The main reason why she did this was that she took the initiative to request and made some attempts, the same as Imai Kenta.

This kind of acceleration has indeed allowed her to get a good harvest now.

But her negative reaction was bigger than Imai Kenta.

This is also something that can't be helped, after all, she can't completely control that kind of reaction.

There is no way to know how far such a reaction will go.

As a result, Aya Hyuga's reaction was a little less optimistic, but it was considered a rest for her.

She herself didn't care too much, because she made her gene unlock a step further through this "serum outbreak".

Either way, this is good news.

And while she was recovering, she also planned to take good care of her Chakra issues.

She always kept in mind what Uchiha Kai said, but whether it was true or not, she decided to believe Uchiha Kai once.

"That's good, let's get used to it during this time." Uchiha Qi nodded: "By the way, what about Chakra?"

"Chakra's words are still exploring, but are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

Hyuga Aya came over with a chair, and then sat across from him: "Also, what about the information you told me?"

"How many times have I said that, I didn't lie to you. Besides, what's the use of lying to you about this kind of thing?"

Uchiha Qi said helplessly: "You got rid of the control of the Hinata clan, no matter how you look at it, I am the biggest beneficiary.

Didn't I also say that this is just an attempt, success or failure, isn't the most critical way for you to unlock your genes?"

Uchiha Kai is really helpless. He is still letting Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryuying forge the data and so on.

Falsifying information takes time.

And Hyuga Aya seems to be really skeptical about this matter, she has asked herself how many times.

Fortunately, every time she asked, she was temporarily persuaded by herself.

Although it was a headache for him to go back and forth, at least he could comfort this woman.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi stood up and patted her shoulder: "Let's go, let's go"

"Where are these documents?" Hyuga Aya asked inexplicably.

"Don't worry, I will give it to the shadow clone, and I also have some suggestions for you."

"It's lazy to be lazy. Why do you say it so nicely? Apart from making me more embarrassed, is there any better situation for your suggestion?"


Probably because of the spring, the weather seems to be a little cooler.

Among the pedestrians who came and went, many people wore scarves, whether they were civilians or ninjas.

Scarves are basically hand-woven in this world.

Because it carries the strong personal feelings of the weavers.

Whether it is family or friendship, of course there is also love.

It's just that whether it's Uchiha Kai or Hyuga Aya, it seems that both of them have bare necks.

None of them had scarves.

"It seems that we don't fit in a little again." Uchiha Qi looked around, and finally spread his hands helplessly: "Speaking, you really don't have a scarf, right?"

"Yes, but I don't want to wear it." Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai, then shook her head: "As the head of the security department, you probably haven't received such a gift."

"Yes, but I don't want to wear it, not to mention..."

Uchiha Qi touched his chin and said, "Besides, people in my family are also asking why you didn't knit one for me."

"Boring, I won't weave this kind of thing for you."

Hyuga Aya glared at Uchiha Kai, and finally said, "Damn rumors, you know, my mother also taught me to learn to knit a thread for you, and I'm getting sick of it."

Seeing Aya Hyuga's depressed look, Kei Uchiha shook his head amusingly.

It seems that both of them have encountered some minor troubles.

Especially for Kai Uchiha's sixteenth birthday, he hardly invited anyone.

Instead, he chose to simply be outdated at home, which made his family feel extremely puzzled.

However, Uchiha Kai did not invite anyone on his birthday, but he received a lot of birthday gifts.

But here, there is really no gift from Hinata Aya.

This time, apart from his family, was there any conflict between them.

But in fact, not only did they not have any conflicts, but their relationship was still very good.

It's just that the relationship between them is not the same as what their family members or the whole village thinks about.

Uchiha Kai shook his head. When Hyuga Aya celebrated her birthday last year, he didn't have anything for her either.

To be precise, he had already given what he could give her, and Hyuga Aya didn't invite him, so he didn't bother to give it.

"By the way, where are we going now?" Hyuga Aya looked around, and many people around looked at them.

She even had a kind smile, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Just walk around, why should you care about what others think?" Uchiha Kai shrugged: "How about we go..."

Before Uchiha Kai finished speaking, his voice stopped.

Hyuga Aya glanced at him strangely, and then her eyes also looked over.

As a result, she saw a small white snake, hiding in a small bush not far away, and it kept spitting letters at him and the other two.

This kind of snake is not unfamiliar to the two of them. Whether it is in Konoha or in the land of water, they have not seen anything less.

And there is only one master of this white snake.

"It's Orochimaru." Hyuga Aya frowned: "Why did this guy run back to Konoha, and he was looking for you specifically?"

Hyuga Aya wouldn't believe such a coincidence, this white snake appeared directly on their way.

And they went out for a walk, but there was no sign.

Then there is only one explanation, I am afraid that Orochimaru has arranged a lot of such things waiting for them, or Uchiha Kai.

Once he leaves the building of the security department, these white snakes will take the initiative to find him, attract his attention and take him to see Orochimaru.

"It seems yes, I'm afraid there is only this guy. As a rebel, he has the ability to enter and leave Konoha at will."

Uchiha Kai nodded, but soon he showed a smile: "Go and see? I'm really curious about what Orochimaru is going to do."

"Since Qi-jun has an idea, let's go and have a look." Hyuga Aya thought for a while and then agreed directly.

She is not worried about whether she will encounter danger, after all, Uchiha Kai is by her side.

She already knows Uchiha Kai's strength very well. No matter how strong Orochimaru is, it may not be his opponent.

And half a year ago, Uchiha Kai was already able to display that giant like Shura.

And she can also be protected with her, why should she worry with such protection?

What's more, they are all members of the Security Department, and they are also the direct management of the Security Department.

The emergence of Orochimaru is also provoking them to some extent, but this provocation depends on how they understand it.

Because they are completely definable people who are 'pros and cons' of this kind of thing.

If it's a good thing, or it's a real deal, and it doesn't leave any traces.

Then the definition of this matter can be 'positive' or 'positive'.

If it is the kind of person who deliberately seeks trouble, then Orochimaru is in danger.

The two followed the white snake and walked to a forest in Konoha. This forest seems to be called the Forest of Death, which is the place where the Chunin exams will be arranged in the future.

This forest is rarely visited, so the wild creatures that look at it live in it.

It's just that the people are rare and it's just a superficial phenomenon. There are still many ninjas stationed in this forest.

And a forest like this is very suitable for some secret laboratories, but I don't know whether it exists or not.

"Ki-kun, and Ling-kun, long time no see." When the two of them walked all the way to the deepest part of the forest, a voice sounded in their ears.

Uchiha Qi raised his head and looked at a towering giant tree. A man with long black hair was standing on top of a beige shirt with a purple serpentine belt hanging from his waist.

There is no doubt that this guy is Orochimaru.

And Uchiha Qi also noticed that there were two little ghosts standing beside him.

Although they all have black hair, without exception, there are two purple cinnabars between their eyebrows.

Ghost of Kaguya Clan

Uchiha Qixin thought silently, he seemed to know what the purpose of this guy was.

"Long time no see, Lord Orochimaru." Uchiha Qi nodded at Orochimaru: "Is Lord Orochimaru coming down, or we are going up, I'm not used to talking to others with my head up."

"Of course we're coming down." As soon as he finished speaking, Orochimaru had already landed on the ground with two of Kaguya's goblins.

There was a smile on his pale face: "We naturally won't make Qi-Jun embarrassed, and Qi-Jun seems to be getting more and more terrifying."

Uchiha Qi didn't answer, he just looked at Orochimaru silently, he really didn't know what Orochimaru's purpose was.

Hyuga Aya glanced at the two little devils of the Kaguya clan, and these two little devils were carved out of the same mold as Junmarou.

But the only difference is that although Junmalu still looks indifferent, he already has some humanity.

These two people seem to have lost the emotional fluctuations that people should have, and they look like ice cubes.

"These things just feel without any accuracy, after all, everyone will continue to move forward on the road."

Uchiha Qi said indifferently: "For example, Lord Orochimaru, it seems to be a bit incalculable now. I feel as if I am no longer a match for Lord Orochimaru."

"Qijun really knows how to joke." Orochimaru shook his head, and then his face became a lot more serious.

"I don't think I can defeat you with a kaleidoscope writing wheel. Okay, Qijun, I have something important to discuss with you on this adventure."

"Please speak." Uchiha Kai said expressionlessly.

Orochimaru is very self-aware, this guy fought with Uchiha Kai once in Konoha.

In the Hidden Kiri Village, I have seen him alone against the large-scale Kirin Shinobi, the terrifying Susanoo and his ability to directly control the three tails.

It can be said that this also gave a person like Orochimaru with extremely strong fighting ability, unimaginable shock.

He will not underestimate Uchiha Kai, and he will not overestimate his own strength.

Therefore, his attitude will always be so 'good'.

"Qijun, shall I bring the two of them here? I believe you already know the reason."

Orochimaru said directly: "I hope you can do me a favor, I received news about the kid in your hands, the kid from the Kaguya clan..."

"Who gave you the news." Uchiha Qi interrupted him directly, his eyes were a little blank.

"Anyone in Anbu? I didn't expect that Orochimaru-sama would have such an ability. I really admire it."

"I've been in Konoha for so long, how could I be completely unprepared." Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

"But that's not the point, the point is that Qi-Jun can rest assured that no one will know about this.

The reason why the little devil of the Kaguya clan in your hand was exposed is because he left a bone in Anbu nearly a year ago, full of chakra bones, and nothing like this has happened since then. "

bones from a year ago

Uchiha Kai frowned, and he was relieved soon after.

A year ago, Junma Lu just came to Konoha. At that time, although Uchiha Kai restricted him and prevented him from using his own blood limit, he was not allowed to try it.

And what this kid did was discovered by the people of Orochimaru, so is it possible that it was discovered by some people in the three generations of Hokage?

Looking at Orochimaru who made a vow, Uchiha Kai couldn't believe him so much.

"How can you guarantee this?" Uchiha Qi asked indifferently.

"Furthermore, if you want to threaten me with this matter, isn't Master Orochimaru a little naive?

Since I dare to bring him back then naturally I will not be afraid of those three generations, what do you think?"

"Qijun naturally won't be afraid of them, and I can fully guarantee it, because the only person who knows about it has died in the mission."

Orochimaru's face showed a bit of a sinister smile: "Of course, it wasn't me who did it, it can only be said that his luck was bad. And I came to you because I encountered some trouble."

"There is no way for these two little devils to open the bloodline limit" Uchiha Qi tilted his head.

"No, it's just that I don't want to make it so troublesome." Orochimaru put his hands on the shoulders of these two little devils: "Since Qi-Jun already has a result, why don't I borrow it?"

"Oh, it's not an easy thing to ask me for something."

"Of course, a deal can only be reached if both of us are satisfied, isn't it..."
