Chapter 403: chips

The latest website: Uchiha Kai looked at Orochimaru calmly.

He was thinking about what he could get from Orochimaru.

Uchiha Kai's own thoughts on Orochimaru are much more complicated.

Because of his greed, what he hopes to get from Orochimaru is much more than what Orochimaru hopes to get from him.

However, his rationality is still there, and he knows that if he wants to gain something, he needs to pay enough.

Especially the hidden value of Orochimaru is very high, maybe he needs Orochimaru to help him do something in the future.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai also began to wonder what he could get through Junma Lu this time.

What Orochimaru asked for was nothing more than Junma Lu's blood, or maybe even bone marrow.

After all, his experiments are different from those of Uchiha Kai and the others, and his materials are also very different.

And he absolutely knows that Uchiha Kai will not let Junmalu die, so these materials are completely enough for him to do the experiments he wants to do.

"Should I ask him to test and study the wheel eye for me, or something else?" Uchiha thought silently.

This idea flashed in Uchiha Kai's mind, and then he shook his head. This idea was obviously unreliable.

He had already opened a taboo road for Orochimaru in advance. If he tried too hard, he might have made a lot of messes.

And now at this stage, it seems that I don't have much need for Orochimaru to do.

Is it possible to let this guy attack his teacher?

I'm afraid this matter is really not that simple, and whether Orochimaru is willing or not is also a question.

"So, what are the needs of Lord Orochimaru, and what can you give me?"

Since I can't think of too many things for the time being, let's just ask what Orochimaru can give him.

"Actually, what do I want, Qijun should have thought of it long ago?" Orochimaru licked his tongue.

"But since Qi-Jun asked like this, let me just say it straight, I need the blood of the kid who opened the blood-successor limit, and if I can, I need his bone marrow."

Speaking of this, Orochimaru deliberately glanced at Uchiha Kai's face, very calm as if everything was within his expectations.

Orochimaru was not surprised, the boy didn't want to say so he just said everything he had to say.

And what I'm going to say next is probably what this kid cares about most, right?

Orochimaru also thought about what he wanted to give to this guy.

But after thinking about it, he felt that the best thing he could give Uchiha Kai was to start from the current reality.

For example, some information, or some people who can get information.

Orochimaru is very aware of the current situation of Uchiha Kai, and also a little aware of the current internal structure of Konoha.

Although he is not interested in many things, it does not mean that he does not understand.

Danzo is dead, but Gen is not dead.

And his teacher, the three generations of Hokage, has now taken over and beat the roots into an iron plate.

The opposition between Uchiha Qi and Sandai Hokage is very clear, and he feels that he can do something about these aspects.

"As for what I can give Qijun, there may only be one or two people." Orochimaru said with a smile, but he didn't give a shit.

"Two, people who can let Qijun put his hand into the root of a big tree."

"Reach into the root?" Uchiha Kai looked a little weird, he seemed to think of something at this moment.

Two people?

Pharmacist pocket?

And that pharmacist Nonou?

As soon as Orochimaru spoke, he immediately thought of these two people.

Because in the original plan, he really thought about disgusting Danzo through these two people.

But the Danzo guy was unfortunate and was killed directly by himself.

The series of events that happened later also made him temporarily forget some of the original plans.

Of course, there is another key, that is the guy Uchiha Shisui.

It's not that he didn't have a hand and reached into the root of Konoha.

"Qijun's expression seems a little strange."

Orochimaru noticed Uchiha Kai's expression, and he suddenly thought of something: "Could it be that my amiable teacher put his hand into the Xueji family?"

"Ah, sure enough I didn't lie to you."

Uchiha Kai laughed: "It is true, but it is a pity that he reached out and found me, and it is even more pity that although he did not notice my sight.

Although my attitude is somewhat hesitant, I have never been a good talker. "

"So that's the case, it seems that Qijun already has an idea." Orochimaru licked his tongue.

"Then, I think a pair of people who have just returned from Yanyin, are full of hatred for the root, have the information on Yun Ren and are good at disguising, and can gain the trust of the root, Qijun should be very interested, right?"

"Is it Yakushi No Naiyu?" Uchiha Qi suddenly raised his head and said, "Oh, if I remember correctly, there should be another kid whose name seems to be Yaoshidou, right?"

When Orochimaru heard Uchiha Kai's words, the snake-like golden pupils shrank slightly.

But soon, he showed his signature smile again.

Although a little surprised, he felt that he didn't need to be so surprised.

He didn't know where Uchiha Kai got the information, maybe it was from his adopted sister.

But now that he knows this information, I am afraid he also understands the value of these two people, right?

"It seems that Qijun's power in Konoha must have reached an enviable level."

Orochimaru nodded: "Yes, it's them."

"As expected, the walking witches go back to their old jobs, and no one knows where they are going."

Uchiha Kai glanced at Hyuga Aya, who had been silent for a while, and then said with a smile.

"Along with it, there was a boy named Yaoshidou, but it's normal for a few children missing from the orphanage, but as long as you think about it, you can come up with a lot of key points."

"The sharp sense of smell is indeed Qijun." Orochimaru felt that Uchiha Qi was talking nonsense, but he did not interrupt: "I don't know what Qijun thinks?"

"Very good." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and then nodded directly: "I am very interested in these two people."

Uchiha Qi is indeed very interested in these two people, one of them left a legendary nickname in the original book, and the other is one of the driving forces behind the four battles of Konoha.

The most crucial point, if he mastered the pharmacist Ye Naiyu, it was equivalent to that he mastered the pharmacist pocket.

There is indeed Uchiha Shisui at the root, but there is so little that Uchiha Shisui can reveal.

Moreover, it is very difficult for him to gain 100% trust of the three generations.

Although Uchiha Qi has some confidence in Uchiha Shisui, he cannot ignore the inspirational ability of the three generations of Hokage.

Planning for the worst and making the most comprehensive preparations have always been the consistent style of Kai Uchiha.

Otherwise, after he mastered Uchiha Obito, he still thought that if Shishui was honest and obedient, he would send him to the Akatsuki organization at a certain point in the future.

Having a few more cards in your hand is always the safest and most reliable, especially the cards sent by Orochimaru are very hidden.

"Can you make sure they listen to me?" Uchiha Kai looked directly into Orochimaru's eyes.

"I don't want to get some people that I need to deal with myself, although this is more reliable, but it is a waste of my time."

"They will be obedient. Of course, they will listen to me more, but I can guarantee that if there is no invitation from Qijun, I may not be in Konoha."

Orochimaru said with a smile: "In this case, what difference do they listen to?"

"Interesting, it's really rare for me to think Master Orochimaru is so frank."

Uchiha Qi also showed a smile, but he soon shook his head: "However, these two people are not in my complete control, and I will not be satisfied with this price."

"Oh, so what are your thoughts on Qijun?" There was an obvious pause in Orochimaru's tone, but his expression remained the same.

Uchiha Qi looked at Orochimaru quietly, but he was actually satisfied with the result.

The easiest way to control a person can't be three, coercion and inducement count as one, sincerity is counted as one, and the other is to use magic to control.

However, none of the three Uchiha Kai apparently had the time, energy or ability to do it.

Orochimaru doesn't know what method he has used, but he thinks it's nothing more than a mouthful of 'Xiaozhi's emotion moves him with reason'.

Even if Orochimaru promises that without his invitation, he will never take the initiative to return to Konoha.

But he felt that the reason why Orochimaru didn't take the initiative to come back was because the inside of Konoha was relatively more dangerous than the outside.

And the tools that the two others have cultivated are really tools to listen to him temporarily, and the actual value to him is probably much less.

It's like the people who Uchiha Fuyue handed him to him at the beginning, although they can't reach that level, they are similar.

"Don't worry, although I want to increase the price, it will definitely not be too much."

Uchiha Kai glanced at Hyuga Aya who was standing beside him, although he took out a scroll and threw it to Orochimaru.

"And I will also give you a 'remuneration'. I prefer direct transactions. I say you do it, and I will pay you to do what you need to do. It's that simple."

"Interesting, I don't know what Qijun gave me, and what did he want me to do?" Orochimaru looked at the scroll in his hand and licked his lips unconsciously.

"There are a pair of writing wheel eyes double hook jade." Uchiha Qi said flatly: "The former owner is the same as the pair of eyes he gave you last time. One of the members I killed, how do you feel about this 'reward'?"

"Shuanggou jade? It looks like a big deal." Orochimaru was a little surprised, but the smile on his face became more intense: "I don't know what Qijun wants me to do?"

"It's very simple. I don't have enough staff. They are too slow to collect the information of the Hyuga clan. It's not the current Hyuga clan, but the Hyuga clan a thousand years ago."

"The Hyuga Clan a thousand years ago?"

"These have nothing to do with you. Of course, if you are interested and I happen to know what you do, I will visit you. But before this, you only have one task, and we will deal with it if you accept it."

"What mission?"

"Looking for the traces of the Hyuga clan a thousand years ago, we didn't find any traces..."
