Chapter 404: Pharmacist Nonoyu and Pharmacist Pocket

The latest website: "I didn't expect that Konoha has become Orochimaru's back garden. It seems that you, the Minister of the Security Department, did not do very well."

On the way to the Konoha Orphanage, the expression on Hyuga Aya's face became more interesting.

They have separated from Orochimaru, and there is no doubt that Orochimaru has finally accepted Uchiha Kai's request.

Whether it is the 'remuneration' that Uchiha Kai gave him is too generous, or he himself is also interested in what Uchiha Kai explores.

He didn't mean to refuse the task at all.

Therefore, after he described the positions of Yakushi Ye Naiyu and Yakushi Dou, they separated directly.

And Orochimaru also kept his psychic skills.

Uchiha Kai has not chosen psychic so far, because he really doesn't think there is any psychic product that can be compared with his own Susanoo.

The tailed beast is in line with his idea, and he also has the ability to control the tailed beast.

In addition, the interaction between Susanoo and the tailed beast can form the difficulty of the beast, which is indeed his best choice.

It's a pity that he almost doesn't need to think about the tailed beast.

Because none of these tailed beasts are alone, and the current situation of Konoha does not allow them to have a tailed beast.

Since there is no suitable one, then Uchiha Kai naturally did not make too many choices.

Anyway, for the fairy chakra, he has already had ideas and preparations, and he is too lazy to practice this technique.

But now he found that although the psychic technique did not greatly improve his combat, it seemed to help him transmit information.

For example, the connection with Orochimaru is definitely not something that is on the table.

It can even be a key point for him to be attacked.

Therefore, covert communication is very necessary.

Spiritualism is obviously a very hidden scheme.

Even if Kai Uchiha doesn't like this, he has no reason to reject Orochimaru.

What's more, this kind of snake psychic is not useless, their defense is very amazing.

If he encounters any huge trouble, he can learn from the junior Uchiha Sasuke, and let these giant snakes become important props to protect him.

"After all, he almost became a Hokage. It's not surprising that he has such skills and abilities."

Uchiha Qi shook his head calmly: "Furthermore, there are still very few people in the security department with strong strength, even if it is Chuan, Liu Ying, and daily errands, Uchiha Jun is probably a woman who is more outstanding in terms of administrative ability. ."

"Is this woman your family arranged for you?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head, and the expression on her face seemed a little weird.

"You know what I mean, she's a little older than you, but she's pretty, isn't she?

And she's smart enough, and she seems to be your patriarch's person, and your combination will probably make your patriarch more confident."

"Do I need him to have confidence in me?" Uchiha Kai suddenly raised his hand, then placed it directly on Hyuga Aya's head and rubbed it hard.

"You underestimate me too much, and you underestimate my relationship with Uchiha Fuyue. I'm not you. I don't need to combine with anyone to improve and stabilize my status."

"Crazy, take your hand away!" Hyuga Aya slapped Uchiha with her hand, and then said with a displeased expression: "If you do this again, be careful that I'll be rude to you, even if I can't beat you!"

Uchiha Kai shrugged, and he felt only amused when he said such a 'cowardly' to Hyuga Aya in such a tough tone.

But he didn't go too far. Looking at Aya Hyuga who was sorting his hair, Kai Uchiha looked forward.

It is true that Hyuga Aya said it well.

Uchiha's appearance, ability, and the forces behind her are indeed very suitable for Uchiha Kai.

But fit is only fit, and he would not be interested in such a theory-based thing.

Uchiha Fuyue will never, nor dare to force him.

"You are such a disgusting fellow, with such a bad character."

Aya Hyuga straightened her hair that had been messed up by Kai Uchiha, and then she raised her head and said, "By the way, is it really appropriate for Orochimaru to do this kind of thing?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, like I said, I just need some help with my hands, and I can't move too much."

Uchiha Kai looked at the looming house in front of him and said, "Besides, I am deliberately arousing the interest of Orochimaru."

"Deliberately aroused Orochimaru's interest." Hyuga Aya was startled, and then she seemed to understand something.

"Are you going to let Orochimaru do some experiments and verifications to verify something we can't verify now? Can he do it?"

"Orochimaru's ability does not need to be questioned, and I know that he can do a trick. If he really finds any traces..."

The corner of Uchiha Kai's mouth outlined a radian: "Although it is difficult, because it takes too long after a person's death to deactivate the body's cells and other things, but if he is lucky enough, maybe he is in control of the dead. The art that was brought back from the Pure Land."

Pulling a dead person out of the Pure Land seemed unbelievable to Aya Hyuga.

But looking at Uchiha Kai's eloquent words, I'm afraid he definitely has something incredible.

However, Hyuga Aya really didn't have much interest in the technique of pulling dead people out of the Pure Land.

She didn't have anyone who was too important to have passed away. She died in front of her either by being executed by her own hands, or by someone she had no sense of.

However, if Orochimaru has mastered this ability and is lucky enough, some people from the Hyuga clan in ancient times will be resurrected.

Then this matter is really interesting, and it can be regarded as confirming some of Uchiha Kai's words.

As for the experiment, she is not optimistic about Orochimaru at all, because Orochimaru has no information and materials in this regard.

Hyuga Aya also thought of some interesting things, that is, Uchiha Kai may be using Orochimaru to find the way to the moon in his mouth.

However, Hyuga Aya didn't say anything about this matter. Uchiha Kai was the leader of this matter. He must have his own ideas when he made this decision.

What's more, if more people come to help, it will naturally make them a lot easier.

In particular, Orochimaru is not in Konoha, and his degree of freedom is not comparable to Uchiha Kai and the Uchiha ninjas under this guy.

Such a huge flexibility and flexibility, Hyuga Aya is not absolutely will not refuse.

The two chatted all the way, and it didn't take long for them to come to the Konoha Orphanage.

The orphanage at this time looked no different from before. It still looked so cold, but it was full of vitality in this coldness.

In the courtyard outside the orphanage, many children are playing in it.

It's just the same as before, when they noticed Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya, their movements suddenly stopped, and then they involuntarily ran back into the room one by one.

"These little guys seem to be quite afraid of us." Hyuga Aya glanced at it and asked softly, "Did you do the same when you brought Iori back?"

"Almost, probably because they were asked for too much. You must know that orphans have always been relatively good 'consumables'."

Uchiha Kai shook his head: "And at that time they also lost their dean, and even more did not have the ability to protect themselves."

"Is that so? Could it be that the walking witch has returned, and there is no way to change this?"

Hyuga Aya didn't feel much about this, but she directly opened her eyes to observe everything around her.

"I haven't found Anbu yet, but I found our target, but I seem to have found an interesting person."

"Interesting person" Uchiha Qi frowned: "The three generations of Hokage are wrong, if it were him, I'm afraid you would not be so calm, could it be....Iori"

Uchiha Kai really doesn't think that the three generations of Hokage will be here, and they should have appeared long ago.

And when the two came back, they should have come back with Orochimaru.

Orochimaru probably won't let himself be exposed to the sight of the three generations of Hokage.

Then the most likely possibility is that Kai Uchiha has not paid much attention to it recently, and he is also Iori from the orphanage.

Kai Uchiha didn't know what Iori was doing during this time.

Because the current experiment does not require her to participate, or Uchiha Kai does not trust her to continue, she now has a lot of freedom.

Apart from helping out at his home shop, this little guy is just learning what she should learn normally.

Uchiha Kai used his relationship and power to send her directly to the ninja school, in order to let her make more friends.

I don't know if it's a school break today, but if it's a break, it's normal for her to be here.

"That's right, it's Iori." Hyuga Aya nodded: "It's really interesting, isn't your sister very caring, she's ten years older now?"

"I'm ten years old this year." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and said, "When are you interested in these things, and you're still here, I'm not here to find her."

"Ki-kun still intends to erase her memory." Hyuga Aya shook her head: "It's really miserable, but in order to protect the secret, it seems natural to do so."

"Protecting secrets or something may not be important, what is important is that I intend to make her life better."

Uchiha Kai put his hands on his chest, and his voice was very flat: "And they should come out too. I don't believe their reaction speed will be so slow, especially if they return to Konoha now, it may not be so 'legal'. ."

"Indeed, if I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid that the walking witch has come out, she has a child, oh, and your sister has come out too."

"It's interesting, then let's see what she's going to say."


"Master Qi, this is the first time we meet, please give me more advice."

In an office in the orphanage, the pharmacist Ye Naiyu took the pharmacist pocket and bowed slightly to Uchiha Qi.

Uchiha Qi calmly sat on the chair and looked at the two of them. Beside him, Hyuga Aya was pulling Iori, who had been keeping her head down.

I'm afraid Iori didn't understand why Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya appeared here, especially after her dean came back.

Iori was really afraid, afraid that what happened before would happen again earlier.

Although she knew she couldn't do anything, she still followed in.

"Walking witch, pharmacist Ye Naiyu. I have heard your name, a long time ago."

Uchiha Qi nodded slightly: "And it seems that you already know who I am, so do you know the purpose of my coming?"

"I know, Master Qi." The pharmacist Ye Naiyu lowered her head, and her voice seemed very calm.

"Master Orochimaru has already given me this information. If you come to me today, it means that you have already negotiated with Master Orochimaru. If you don't come today..."

"Then it means that I have not reached an agreement with Orochimaru, and you will return to the root to continue to deliver information for Orochimaru."

Uchiha Kai laughed: "I have to say that you are really interesting, or that you are quite prepared."

Uchiha Kai's voice was very flat. Although he seemed to have said the thoughts of Orochimaru and the pharmacist Ye Naoyu in an understatement, he was also very vigilant.

This guy, Orochimaru, seems to have really gained the trust of this walking witch.

He even deliberately stayed here, waiting for the appearance of Kai Uchiha.

And Orochimaru also predicted a lot of things, especially since he has made a lot of preparations before Uchiha Kai meets.

It can be seen that this guy is probably very confident, trusting that the chips he gives will make Uchiha Qi eat.

I'm afraid the only thing that Orochimaru didn't expect is that Uchiha Qi has made some preparations.

But so what?

The more hidden pieces, the more secret and real information can be obtained.

Everyone knows this truth, and this is one of the sources of confidence in Orochimaru.

The views of the three generations of Hokage on the Uchiha family, and the current alliance between Uchiha and the fourth Hokage, these are the prominent points of contradiction.

The most important point is that the fourth generation of target people is being cultivated, which also leads to the third generation of Hokage can still hold some positions.

"Master Qi, a person of my identity often has no choice."

The pharmacist Ye Naiyu still lowered his head: "If Lord Orochimaru hadn't rescued me and told me what Danzo and others did, I'm afraid I really can't imagine the despair I and Dou will be in in the future!"

Orochimaru told the pharmacist Ye Naiyu about the matter

Uchiha Qi tilted his head, no wonder the pharmacist Ye Naiyu is obedient, but I am afraid it is not just that simple.

As a determined Anbu, it can even be said to be the root of inhuman treatment, even if they are desperate in their hearts, they will not be easily persuaded by Orochimaru.

Orochimaru definitely also came up with some more interesting things to make the pharmacist Ye Naiyu obedient.

However, Uchiha Kai was not interested in learning about it.

"So you are willing to work for me because I killed Danzo?" Uchiha Kai looked at the pharmacist Ye Naoyu calmly.

"Yes, but more than that."

The pharmacist No Naiyu raised her head and looked at Uchiha Kai, but her gaze also swept to Iori who was behind Uchiha Kai.

"There are also some other personal factors. Although I admit that between Lord Orochimaru and Lord Kai, I prefer Lord Orochimaru, but if Lord Orochimaru is not there..."

"These words were taught by Orochimaru, right?" Uchiha Qi interrupted her with a sneer.

"It's not so naive to say, for example, if you support me 100% and follow me, I won't believe it.

It's better to tell the actual situation to gain my trust. You guys are really interesting. "

"Lord Kai, please forgive me." The pharmacist Ye Naiyu's voice was very flat, and he didn't seem to worry about what Uchiha Kai would do.

In fact, he really won't do anything, because he is very satisfied with this answer to Uchiha Kai.

Although there are indeed some regrets, the two are not fully serving themselves now.

But Uchiha Kai has some time, some opportunities and methods to completely pull these two people out of his own camp.

Especially after a glance, there is still a little shy of the pharmacist's pocket.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that he would be the one who reincarnated countless filthy soils by himself in the future.

As for getting this kid done, who will create the fourth ninja war that will shake the ninja world in the future?

After thinking about it, Uchiha Qi felt that it would be better not to think too much about this matter.

It is not even certain that there will be four wars in the future!

Of course, it's better to let it appear if necessary.

This war can be regarded as making the entire Ninja world settle down, and it can be said that it has brought a rare peace to the Ninja world.

Because they were facing the same enemy.

If the enemy is not dead, if the enemy is simply defeated.

So is it possible that the entire ninja world is always in a state of tension and opposition?

It's just that this confrontation has changed from a form of crusade against each other by many large-scale ninja villages, to the alliance of big countries in the ninja world.

Together to deal with a huge and powerful force

But this kind of thing will be discussed in the future.

He has a general concept, but he doesn't know how to operate it, but it is absolutely right to organize Sai Xiao to keep people going.

Anyway, in another world, a world of 10,000-year-old elementary school students, there is not a super secret organization that is about to be infiltrated.

The only pity is that these infiltrated people don't even know if other people are spies.

Uchiha Qi is not so stupid. Since he wants to infiltrate this organization, it must be all his own people to infiltrate.

Now even their bosses are their own people, these things will be very easy no matter how you look at them.

"Okay, although I'm a little disappointed, as long as you complete your mission, I can guarantee that your orphanage is under my protection."

Uchiha Qi stood up, his expression calm and confident: "If there is no accident, you will be re-engraved on your tongue in the future, how do you plan to transmit information?"

"Master Orochimaru has come up with a method. Although it can't be completely eliminated, it can weaken the effect of the curse mark." The pharmacist Ye Naiyu said in a low voice, "This will not affect my message to Master Qi."

"That's good." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Then when are you going to 'exposed' yourself to attract the attention of Hokage III"

"If there is no accident, the communication eagle should arrive at Konoha around tomorrow afternoon, and directly enter the station at the root." The pharmacist Ye Naiyu replied quickly.

"Then why?"

"I got top-secret information in Yanyin Village, but it was noticed, so I retreated."

top secret information

Uchiha raised his brows, and Hyuga Aya seemed to pause as well.

Then she didn't need Uchiha Kai's prompt at all, she stood up and took Iori out.

After Iori was pulled out, Hyuga Aya didn't forget to lock the door, and there were only four people left in the room for a while.

Uchiha Kai nodded silently, Hyuga Aya and him had a really high tacit understanding, which was also very comfortable.

"Tell me, what kind of top-secret information." Uchiha Kai stared at the pharmacist Ye Naiyu.

"To convince the three generations of Hokage, you at least convince me first, I don't want to make any mess. Moreover, this is your first mission report."

"Yes, Master Qi." The pharmacist Ye Naiyu knelt on the ground directly, with a solemn and serious expression.

"Although this matter was arranged by Master Orochimaru, it is also true information. Master Kai should know about the relationship between Yanyin and Yunyin."

"Don't ask me if I know, just say what you should say." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "I know more than you think."

"I understand, Master Qi." The pharmacist Ye Naiyu nodded.

"Because of the third battle, Yanyin has been carrying out strict intelligence monitoring on Yunyin, and Yunyin is also doing the same thing to Yanyin.

It's just that this time Yanyin first discovered something interesting, that is, Yunyin picked out some people, some were going to Konoha, and these people did not have any administrative experience. "

The pharmacist Ye Naiyu directly skipped Yun Yin's preparations for the battle. After all, although this kind of thing was covered up, it was impossible for Anbu who stayed in Yun Yin to not notice this kind of thing.

She directly chose to say what she got, the most practical and straightforward news.

That was the information Iwagakura got, and this information also made Kei Uchiha frown a little.

Has Yunyin started to prepare?

So early to prepare for this

However, Uchiha Kai did not speak, but quietly looked at the pharmacist Ye Naiyu At the same time, he was also thinking about the actual value of this matter.

With this information, it can be basically determined that Yun Yin should start.

Because his personnel selection is very interesting, a ninja with absolutely no administrative experience, this kind of person is not here to negotiate.

The main reason why Namifeng Minato was able to participate in the negotiation at the beginning was that he had Nara Shikahisa by his side.

"This information is very interesting." Uchiha Kai nodded, but this information is obviously not enough: "Other than that, this information is not enough."

"Besides, I also got an inaccurate piece of information." The pharmacist Ye Naiyu nodded: "But it can be used as a reference alert."

"What information, tell me, I'm listening."

"They seem to be planning to visit Konoha on the birthday of a certain Hinata family member..."
