Chapter 412: time to act

The latest website: Uchiha Itachi is really concerned about Uchiha Fuyue's euphemistic proposal to refuse to leave the academy.

In his view, this is a test, a test of his learning during this period of time.

And Uchiha Itachi has thought about it. He hopes to use the answers he thinks of to confirm with Uchiha Kai.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he was still thinking about the answer, Uchiha Kei also came to his home to visit his father.

What Uchiha Itachi didn't expect, his father seemed to think that he had given him a night to think, but he didn't get the answer, so he thought there was no way to get the answer he wanted.

So he called himself over and told Kai Uchiha about it in front of him.

This made Uchiha Itachi extremely uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to say anything.

He felt that he had no reason to blame his father, because Kai Uchiha gave his answer immediately after hearing about it.

To be honest, Uchiha Kai was indeed a little surprised.

Especially when he heard why Uchiha Itachi planned to graduate early, it made him even more amused.

He really didn't expect Uchiha Itachi to be influenced by him, but he didn't think it was a good thing to graduate early.

Just like Uchiha Kai himself, he was actually reluctant to graduate early at the beginning.

But he didn't have anyone to protect him back then, so he had to be "graduated" and went to the battlefield.

Shaking his head helplessly, Uchiha Qi looked at Uchiha Fuyue a little strangely: "Fuyue-kun, haven't you been trying to improve his vision all these years? Why..."

"He is only seven years old this year, and this kind of education is continuous." Uchiha Fuyue also said helplessly: "I don't think you can understand so many things at his age."

Uchiha Qi tilted his head and looked at Uchiha Itachi: "So, do you want me to help him answer this question?"

"Yes." Uchiha Fuyue nodded, and then said with a serious look.

"After all, you are his teacher. Although he has never been recognized by you, I think he should be recognized by you in the future. After all, I have great expectations for him."

Uchiha Qi glanced at Uchiha Fuyue silently. He was really surprised that Uchiha Fuyue actually raised the topic of 'teacher' again.

Uchiha Fuyue raised it once before, but after he exposed the Kaleidoscope Shaker, Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Qi tacitly agreed not to talk about this topic again.

Obviously, Uchiha Kai has a little prejudice against Uchiha Itachi, and at the same time is a little unnatural.

And Uchiha Fuyue is worried, but if his child is sent to him, will it become a tool to deal with him.

For example, will Uchiha Kai brainwash his children with illusions?

Once they have a conflict, the child will be the best tool to deal with themselves.

Uchiha Kai's once dark heart gave Uchiha Fuyue a great shock.

Although it is a little better now, perhaps he no longer regards himself as an enemy.

But that gloomy feeling remained in Uchiha Fuyue's mind from beginning to end.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about now that Uchiha Fuyue once again raised the topic of teachers.

And the conditions given by Uchiha Fuyue seem to be very high.

Through his words, Uchiha Kai can feel that he is probably trying to train Uchiha Itachi into the successor of the next generation.

That is, the future chief of the Uchiha clan.

This bargaining chip is very heavy. It can be said that with such a layer of identity, the status of Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyue in the Uchiha clan will probably become more stable and more equal.

But what was the reason for Uchiha Fuyue to make this decision?

Uchiha Kai is a little strange, but strange is strange, and he can answer this question.

As for whether to let Uchiha Itachi as his disciple, he has not carefully considered these.

Besides, he always felt that it would be better for Kakashi to do it than to let himself be Uchiha Itachi's teacher.

As for the status in the Uchiha clan?

Could it be that if he is not the teacher of the future patriarch, he cannot have a firm and powerful position?

"I understand, but it's really not an easy thing to get my approval. There are very few people who have been approved by me so far. You should know something about Fuyue-Jun."

Uchiha thought of this, and he said plainly.

"I understand what Kai-kun means, and I think Itachi will do well." Although Uchiha Fuyue was a little confused by Uchiha's ambiguous words, he still nodded in agreement.

"If that's the case, then I'll tell you the answer you want."

Uchiha Kai looked at Uchiha Itachi at this moment, and then he said under Uchiha Itachi's slightly nervous expression.

"You do get access to assignments earlier after graduation, but those assignments are fundamental.

It's all about training you as a ninja and integrating what you learned in school.

It is also the process by which your guide ninja determines whether you have a future and whether it is worthy of further cultivation.

Do you feel that you need to participate in this process? "

"I..." Uchiha Itachi was a little hesitant when he heard the words, but he still said confidently.

"These things, my father has taught me. Although he has taught me more about other things at this time, I have learned these things a long time ago."

Uchiha Itachi is, after all, the eldest son of the Uchiha clan's patriarch, even though what Uchiha Fuyue has taught him over the years is more inclined to something that expands his thinking structure and vision.

But Uchiha Itachi is someone who has followed him to the battlefield at the age of three or four. He once stabbed a seriously injured Iwanin when he was extremely young.

This kid has seen blood, and his foundation cannot be weak.

And Uchiha Kai wouldn't believe that he didn't have a teacher who was in charge of guiding his basic training.

Or, this kid is still secretly training with Uchiha Shisui or something.

"In that case, do you think you have anything to do after graduation?"

Uchiha Kai tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, his voice very rhythmic.

"Now is not my era, you won't have the chance to go to the battlefield after graduation, but you have to go through a long period of assessment and judgment.

In addition, your age is too young, the task department will not give you high-level tasks, because you are still the seedlings of the village, you are the object to be cultivated, not the object of death. "

"I... I can protect myself..." Uchiha Itachi said here, his voice has become very low: "But if I continue to stay in the school, what can I do? "

"Hey, I really doubt now that you have studied what Fuyuejun taught you, although I don't know what he taught you."

Uchiha Qi glanced at Uchiha Fuyue, and finally said lightly: "I ask you a question, do you know the influential families in Konoha?"

"A lot, such as..." Uchiha Itachi heard this question and said directly: "Hyuga, Uchiha, Yuru, Inuzuka, and Zhuludie, and..."

Uchiha Itachi didn't care at first, because this problem couldn't be easier for him.

But Uchiha Itachi felt that his teacher should ask such a simple question, which definitely has his own purpose.

So he started while reciting his surname, just as he recalled the situation of his classmates.

While talking, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Because he found that the people in his group actually included all the members of Konoha's big family!

Uchiha Itachi has an amazing memory. Although he always uses shadow clones to deal with school lessons, he knows the names of the people in the class.

As he kept saying the names of these people, he finally understood what his teacher's purpose was.

In his class, there are not only big families, but also many small families, as well as families that used to be brilliant, but are now a little lonely.

Almost everyone in this class is not simple, even some civilian-born students, their knowledge level and strength level are not low!


Uchiha Kai saw Uchiha Itachi's stunned look, and finally couldn't help shaking his head.

"Although I don't pay attention to you, I also know some things. As I thought, your class is almost a small inner circle of Konoha. In other words, it may play an important role in Konoha in the future. people."

"However, some of the information I get is that you seem to be proud that you are of no use in there."

Uchiha Qi changed into a comfortable sitting position, and then continued to say: "Exercise with Uchiha Shisui? Yes, this is indeed very important, and strength is indeed an important ability for ninjas to stand in this world. But are you bad? Are you short of time?"

"Teacher Kai...I..." Uchiha Itachi lowered his head, he suddenly didn't know how to speak.

"Don't call me teacher, I said I didn't admit you, and I said the same in front of your father." Uchiha Qi took a peek at Uchiha Fuyake and found that this guy was continuing to drink tea before he continued.

"For your age, although it is a growing age, you must know that your mission is not just to improve your strength. Do you think which of your class is weak?"

"They.... they should be very good." Uchiha Itachi still lowered his head and whispered.

"So did they skip class like you?" Uchiha Kai continued to ask with a cold face.


"So what qualifications do you have to do this? A perfect place where you can increase your bond with each other, a place where you can develop mutual understanding and prepare for the future when you get along all year round, you just deal with it like this?"



In Uchiha Kai's view, Uchiha Itachi seems to have never really taken his classmates too seriously.

Maybe in his eyes, there is only "what is the meaning of life", and the training with Uchiha Shisui.

According to Uchiha Kai's memory, this kid used a shadow clone to skip class at a very young age.

For his classmates, he almost always maintained this relatively arrogant attitude.

Of course, Uchiha Kai is not so sure.

But at least that's what he saw from anime and manga.

But his ideas were too naive, and he had almost nothing to do with his fellow students.

At this point, he is not even better than Kai Uchiha.

Although Kai Uchiha has a very dark heart, his relationship with his classmates in the same period is not too bad.

It could even be said to be very good, whatever the ultimate purpose.

Uchiha Itachi almost didn't get along well with his classmates, and I'm afraid the only contact was just that they knew each other.

Other than that, there is nothing else, and of course the relationship is not necessarily very good.

Otherwise, he would not have been stoned because of the affairs of the Security Department.

Uchiha Fuyue looked at Uchiha Itachi and seemed to understand these things, and he nodded with satisfaction.

It's not that he didn't try to teach Uchiha Itachi these things, but the problem is that some things he taught are relatively vague.

In addition, Uchiha Itachi himself is not very interested, so this kid didn't understand the meaning, Uchiha Fuyue was also helpless.

But now, as Uchiha Fuyue did not give him any time, he also did not give Uchiha any reaction time.

But Uchiha Kai was able to know the stakes of these things in an instant.

Then he pierced these things in front of him. It is conceivable how much impact such a huge gap will bring to Uchiha Itachi.

Through this incident, I told Uchiha Itachi how immature he is now.

At the same time, it also told him what he should do in school, what to do, and what kind of mentality he should use to do it.

Uchiha Kai picked up a cup of tea and took a sip, but he gave Uchiha Fuyue a meaningful look.

Obviously, this guy used himself as a tool man.

Not only did he say some things that were hard to say as a father, but he also fulfilled his obligation as a teacher once.

But after thinking about it, he thought about it, and Uchiha Kai would not think there was any problem with this.

What he used Uchiha Fuyue to do for himself was far less than what he let himself do.

"Everything that needs to be said has been said, what to do is your own problem."

Uchiha Kai put down the teacup, and then his eyes locked on Uchiha Fugaku.

"Jun Fuyue, although your combat ability is a little sparse, your understanding and application of 'shu' has reached a level that is beyond the reach of ordinary people, but I think you need to continue to prepare."

"Continue to prepare?" Uchiha Fuyue froze for a moment, and then his face became serious: "Qijun means, is that inevitable thing about to happen?"

Uchiha Fuyue obviously knows the information about Yunyin Village, Uchiha Kai will tell him this, and Namikaze Minato will also inform him.

After all, as the patriarch of one of the Konoha aristocrats and a collaborator of Namikaze Minato, he is also one of the insiders.

Hearing Uchiha Kai speak like this, he didn't know what was going on.

This is not really good news, especially when he noticed Uchiha Itachi's doubtful eyes, he felt a bit of a headache.

"It seems that the ninja world is not peaceful." Uchiha Fuyue sighed: "Is there any plan over Minato?"

"Captain Watergate's meaning, in fact, I have helped him to say it at that meeting, and he has not changed his mind."

Uchiha Qi said flatly: "But this time the conflict will be controlled within a reasonable range, although I don't know how long it will last, but I think it should be stretched infinitely by us."

"For a long time?" Uchiha Fuyue frowned, and suddenly he realized something: "Could it be, is it time?"

"Yes, this is a good opportunity." Uchiha Qi nodded: "We have been planning for more than a year or two years, and now is the time."

Uchiha Kai's words made Uchiha Fuyue think, but soon his face became serious.

Indeed, it's been that long.

At that time, Namikaze Minato had just taken the position, and his power was almost empty.

At that time, they had already started to think about how to help Namikaze Minato to get back their rights and how to break the current Konoha system.

Uchiha Kai's genius-like thinking ability, he found the essence of Konoha in the hands of the third generation, and also thought of how to break such an iron curtain.

His plan is slowly being realized, and the reform of Chunin and Genin is already underway and getting better and better.

So the only trouble now is the reform of Shangnin.

If it is said that the resource tilt obtained by the lower ninja and the chunin is only one, then the resource tilt obtained by the upper ninja is ten!

And now those chunin and lower ninjas, even the chunin who have been deprived of their special jounin titles.

They were all satisfied with such a pouring of resources, and it was conceivable how terrifying the resources would be when Junin got them.

This resource is not only about money and ninjutsu, of course, these are also things that are addictive enough, and more importantly, the right to speak.

When you become a Jōnin, you have enough right to speak.

Even if it is still not as good as a minister-level figure, it is almost on an equal footing with some family patriarch-level people!

It is perfectly safe to say that this is the ascension that changes fate!

Of course, this is also an extremely dangerous reform, so to do such a reform, you really need something that attracts attention.

Uchiha Fuyue is now clear, and Uchiha's words "control the conflict within a reasonable range" mean.

He used 'conflict', not 'war'.

Obviously, he does not intend to completely expand this matter to affect the internal situation of Konoha.

But if you want to make 'war' a 'conflict within a reasonable range', you need powerful people to handle it all.

And the purpose of Uchiha Qi finding him is obvious, that is, I hope he can be ready to take action when needed.

And his shots can't be too ruthless. If things are too ruthless, there will only be two results. The first is to beat the opponent and be afraid.

Then the other party admits and directly withdraws and does not play with you, then this can't achieve the "long-term" purpose that Uchiha Kai requires.

The second result is the intensification of hatred. Of course, hatred is not a fart. The biggest possibility is to seek greater interests.

Yun Ren was unwilling to give up such an opportunity, and they wrongly judged that the ceiling of Konoha was Uchiha Fugaku.

There will be a larger and wider war, which is completely contrary to their ideas.

Of course, it's not good to shoot too lightly. This will make Yun Ren think that your Konoha is at this level, and they can have unbridled desires.

Uchiha Fuyue knew how troublesome this task was, but he knew even more that he could only do it now.

Namikaze Minato is Hokage, and in order to show Konoha's current strength, it's best if he doesn't make a move.

And the kid Uchiha Kai got into a lot of trouble in Kirikin, and he can't take action yet.

Of course, it is not necessarily impossible to shoot, it requires some operations.

Uchiha Fuyue really has some expectations in his heart now, although the task is very troublesome, he has not shied away.

In addition to the desire to fight inspired by Uchiha, he is also looking forward to this reform.

Uchiha Fuyue has made a lot of preparations for this reform.

He is sure that the family with the most Jōnin after this reform is bound to be his Uchiha!

This can be regarded as a reasonable means of using the rules. Although Uchiha Fuyue is very satisfied with the current environment of Konoha, he also hopes to go further.

This step is not tied to the family, but a dream, or ambition, to go beyond the constraints of the family and realize one's own value.

He hopes to become the monitor of the Shangnin class, the monitor of the Shangnin class who represents the interests of all the Shangnin.

No longer, a patriarch representing the interests of the Uchiha family.

Uchiha is Uchiha Kai to the outside world, not his Uchiha Fuyue.

He Uchiha Fuyue is in the family, so he naturally needs to maintain and manage Uchiha, but outside is not his responsibility!

This is a leap beyond imagination, and he has not told Uchiha Kai about this.

He hopes to realize his own personal value, and it can be regarded as completing one thing from another angle.

That is, as a typical representative, breaking through the family prison and breaking the inherent political identity.

Be a 'Konoha Ninja', not Konoha's 'Uchiha Ninja'.

If Kai Uchiha knew what he was thinking, then he would probably only give an evaluation.

That's the 'converter's frenzy', and he doesn't have much to say beyond that.

"I understand, Qijun." Uchiha Fuyue nodded, his expression was extremely serious: "Leave this matter to me, I will prepare well."

"That's fine." Uchiha Qi nodded, then stood up: "Also, if there is time and opportunity, I also hope that Fuyue-kun can reveal some of Susanoh's abilities to outsiders without a trace, especially 'color' Might be the same' concept."

"Oh?" Uchiha Fuyue's eyes suddenly lit up: "What is Qijun planning to do in this 'conflict'?"

"It can only be regarded as a bottom-line measure." Uchiha Qi glanced at Uchiha Itachi, who was bewildered, and then smiled slightly: "Of course, it may not be my shot, and maybe it is."


Just when Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyue were discussing something interesting.

Atsby was also alone, and quietly came to the outside of Konoha Village.

He didn't bring anyone, because this time he was the only one on the mission.

Although he is not a negotiator, nor is he a ninja who is good at government affairs, he has his own advantage, that is, he is a qualified fighting ninja.

His goal this time is only one, and that is to meet the three generations of Hokage.

"Although I was thinking of showing goodwill to the three generations of Hokage, it is better to think about the reality rather than being so timid.

I've heard what the original conditions were when he signed the armistice treaty with Tsukage, if that's the case..."

Taking a deep breath, Arsby quickly completed a knot seal.

This seal was given to him by Raikage before he set off. Although his camp and Raikage did not deal with it, he would not feel that Raikage had to deceive him in this kind of thing.

Waiting quietly, Artsby even had time to look around Konoha.

However, before he had time to observe deeply, several ninjas in black had quietly appeared beside him...