Chapter 413: I am Konoha Ninja (Part 1)

Latest URL: "Who Are You"

The three generations of Hokage sat in the root's office, and he looked calmly at the Yun Ren below.

He didn't know this guy Sarutobi Hizan, and in his opinion, the guy in front of him would definitely not be a big man.

But what made him feel strange was that this guy actually had a seal that could contact him.

In fact, each shadow has a unique seal that can make people contact them.

This is very conducive to achieving, the communication between shadows.

There are too many secrets between the villages, and what action each village has to do will inevitably affect the nerves of the entire Ninja continent.

Therefore, there is enough private communication between shadows and shadows, which has become a very necessary thing.

For example, if Iwa Shinobi attempts to enter the Land of Rain, he will suppress the Shinobi Village led by Hanzo.

However, the geographical location of the country of rain is easy to attract attention from many parties, so the country of land must also make some compromises.

And this kind of compromise cannot be made in the open, it requires the filmmakers to understand each other in private.

For example, knowing what Onogi's motives are, and at the same time, he also needs to promise that he will not cross the line in some aspects.

In this way, the actions of the Land of Earth can go smoothly, without being overreacted by other Shinobi villages bordering the Land of Rain.

But this kind of seal is very secretive, and their objects of knowledge are generally only shadows.

Sandaime admits that he has now abdicated, and he also admits that he has lost some fights.

But anyway, he used to be a Hokage.

Even though his current position is embarrassing, he believes that he can definitely start all over again.

But now Yun Yin's actions have made him feel a little irritated.

However, he was still very restrained and calm, because he knew that Yun Yin came to him by this means, must be because of important matters.

And Yun Yin's current situation is still very familiar to him, even if he is no longer Hokage, but he still pays attention to Konoha and the situation of the entire ninja world.

"My lord, Atsby, I have seen Mr. Hokage three generations." Atsby bowed slightly to Hizan Sarutobi, and then he straightened his back.

"Atsby" Sarutobi Hiizhan quickly filtered it in his mind.

In his memory, there doesn't seem to be any Yunyin diplomatic personnel named Atsby.

This guy is not a ninja engaged in foreign affairs!

Sarutobi Hizan thought silently in his mind, this made him feel a little inexplicable, and at the same time, his inner unhappiness increased even more.

Send a ninja who is not engaged in this aspect at all, and teach him to contact his own seal, those people in Yunyin Village are too arrogant

"Say your purpose, especially if you come here in such a secret way, and you also have the seal of contacting me."

Sarutobi Hizan stood up, still maintaining the demeanor and power of a shadow.

He will never show a loss of grace because of Yun Yin's strength: "It's better to give me a reasonable explanation, or I will drive you out."

"Oh, it really exceeded my expectations. I thought Lord Hokage III would arrest me, and then try to let the people of the mountain family see what information I have in my brain." Atsby also seemed to be a bachelor, and he had a look on his face. Said with a smile.

"If necessary, I will do it, but I will not break the long-standing peace between Konoha and Yunyin." Three generations of Hokage frowned deeper.

He couldn't figure out what the purpose of this guy was here.

Is this provocation?

Sarutobi Hiizhan thought to himself, running to himself to provoke

This is a bit too much!

Does this guy really think he is afraid to do something?

Sarutobi Hiizan clenched his fists slightly, but after a while, he sighed helplessly in his heart.

He found that he really dared not do anything to this guy.

If the years go back twenty years, no, ten years, maybe he can take down this rude guy directly.

But now that Sarutobi Hizan is 'mature', he knows he has too many things to think about.

Even if he knew that he only needed to be secretive and clean up the corpse.

And when Yun Yin came to ask for trouble, he directly denied that he had seen this guy. This matter can be dragged on like this.

But he didn't dare, what if Yun Yin's purpose was this?

They just need an excuse to go to war with Konoha again

The loss of Yun Ren in the third battle and how terrible the current combat power is, the three generations of Hokage are very clear.

He absolutely does not want Konoha to be involved in the war again.

In the third ninja war, Konoha lost too many excellent ninjas.

It was finally peaceful, and he really didn't want the war to break out again because he couldn't hold his breath for a while.

Taking a deep breath, the third Hokage stared at the guy in front of him, thinking about what he should do now.

"Really? But I don't think the three Hokage-sama would do this."

Atsby showed a wicked smile: "Of course, if you do this, it doesn't matter, after all, am I just here alone?"

"Speak your purpose." Sarutobi Hizan's face became even more gloomy: "If it is just such an ugly provocation, then I think you should leave, and we have no good reason to talk about it."

"Is that so, then I'm really disappointed." Atsby shook his head: "I thought Sandai Hokage was a more sensible person, but it seems that you are like that. Then I leave, by the way, Next time I will come to Konoha with integrity, and I will go to see the Fourth Hokage."

"What do you mean?" Sarutobi Hizan took a deep breath, and soon he calmed down his emotions.

In the end, it was the person who served as Hokage for a long time, and his age also made him extremely rational and restrained.

This guy named Atsby, although what he is doing now makes him very dissatisfied, but he also got a message.

That is, Yun Yin will officially visit Konoha soon.

And the main leader and messenger of this visiting group will also be this guy.

It also means that this guy has enough information to dig.

Sarutobi Hizan is really considering whether to detain this guy or not, and then let the people in the mountains come over to check.

But after thinking about it, Sarutobi Hizen finally gave up on the idea.

It can be seen that this guy is a fighting ninja, and he should not have received much diplomatic training.

Sending such a person here is nothing more than trying to cause conflict to test Konoha's current bottom line.

Or expect Konoha to do something to him, and then use this as an excuse to do something to Konoha.

Sarutobi Hizan wants to try it now, to see if he can get some substantive content through this guy's mouth.

However, what he never expected was that this guy actually spoke directly.

"I heard that the three generations of Hokage are not having a good time now." Atsby suddenly showed a slight smile: "I don't know if the three generations of Hokage are interested in cooperation."

"Collaboration" Sarutobi Hiizhan's face became a little inexplicable, and even his face showed a sneer: "Are you joking when Naruto and Yun Ren cooperate, or you Yun Yin also like to dream? You go, I will When I haven't seen you."

"You don't need to be so anxious, Lord Hokage III." Atsby didn't seem to feel that Sarutobi Hizan's disdainful attitude, he said slowly.

"Although it was just an attempt, and we didn't meet at all tonight, did we?

Could it be that the three generations of Hokage really intend to be suppressed by a junior like this all the time, and to completely break the order you established with the person who killed your best friend?"

"You're really just a fighting ninja." Sarutobi Hiizhan looked at him indifferently, and it took him a long time to slowly ask.

"I'm really just a fighting ninja, but you self-righteous people like to do some intrigues and tricks every day, and you really don't know what you mean."

Atsby said disdainfully: "As a ninja, the most important thing is strength, whether it is the strength of the village or the strength of the individual, this is the most important, otherwise I will not be here."

Atsby is a typical Yun Ren, and the characteristic of Yun Ren is that the proportion of strength is more important than anything else.

The essence of the ninja, the essence of the village is actually the same.

This point, Sarutobi Hizen also agrees to some extent.

As Atsby said, if Yun Yin was not strong now, then he would not be able to stand in front of him so recklessly and say such rude words.

After all, Yun Yin is still very strong now, and Konoha is only recovering after the war, so it is not suitable for war.

"It seems that you are indeed not a qualified government official, and your thoughts are too barbaric."

Sarutobi Hizan shook his head, and he said indifferently: "These words are what Raikage asked you to convey to me, let's just say it, what do you want, what do you want, I want you to finish it all at once."

"Hypocritical." Atsby seemed to be getting more and more open, and he smiled unceremoniously.

"Actually, you are also thinking about taking back what belongs to you, right? Besides, you also want to avenge your best friend, don't you?

During this time, Yunyin will start to block the mission of Konoha Ninja, which will last until the end of the year. At that time, I will personally lead a team to Konoha to meet with the fourth generation of Hokage to discuss how to stop these things. "

"And at that time, it was also the time when Yun Yin made a statement. I don't believe that the four generations of Hokage will hold their breath. Didn't you also find some of our actions?

Coincidentally, we also noticed some of your actions.

But we Yunyin still yearn for peace, so I came to see you, a peace-loving Hokage-sama.

Do you want Konoha to re-enter the shroud of war, or do you want to fight against Minato Namikaze during this period of time, and when the shadow of war comes, get back what belongs to you. "

"It all depends on your choice, Lord Hokage III..."
