Chapter 414: I am Konoha Ninja (Part 2)

The latest website: Uchiha Kai came to the office of the Security Department early the next morning, but when he saw the documents on the desktop, he suddenly felt that his head seemed to be a little swollen.

No way, there are really too many documents that the Ministry of Security needs to review and approve.

This made Uchiha Kaidu thinking about whether to transfer the woman Jun Uchiha back to the headquarters.

After all, this woman is very good at these things.

Of course, he still has a choice, and that is to continue to dig deep within the three clans of Pig, Deer and Butterfly to see if he can come up with some more capable guys.

But the second option was quickly denied by him.

He does not have any contradictions and conflicts with Zhuludie. On the contrary, he can even form a sharp contrast with Zhuludie.

Some of Zhuludie's current actions are obviously "opposing" him. If he shows his magnanimity at this time, it will give his political image a great bonus.

But thinking about it, he still gave up. He really doesn't like the survival style of Zhuludie, which still affects some of his judgments.

After all, he is still a person, with his own joys and sorrows.

If he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. Unless there are not too many choices, he will probably keep a certain distance from Zhuludie.

Hyuga Aya is a good choice. He also thought of taking advantage of this time to exercise this woman's ability in government affairs.

So that she will have a greater advantage in the future competition for the Minister of Health.

However, although this woman would also do it, her focus was more on her own experiments, and she paid less attention to other things.

"It seems that some people are indeed going to be promoted." Uchiha Kaixin thought to himself: "Let this woman, Uchiha Jun, come back and do something more suitable for her, but who will accept the third team?"

This question is also a little hesitant for Uchiha Kai. There are actually quite a few people he can choose from.

For example, he can give Imai Kenta a face.

Let him choose a person who he thinks is good and who also makes Uchiha Kei feel bad from the clansmen he stayed in the security department to serve as the sub-commander.

But after thinking about it, Uchiha Kai finally shook his head, this matter still needs to be considered in the long run.

It is better for Jun Uchiha to stay in place temporarily, after all, her identity is still quite special.

Even if she is recruited, the most likely person to fill in in the end will be someone from Uchiha Fuyake.

"Or, is it those within the small clan that are attached to the Uchiha clan?"

Uchiha Fuyue has attracted many small families to follow the Uchiha family. This incident has made a breakthrough after the Nine Tails Incident.

Probably because Uchiha Qi and Uchiha Fuyake performed too well, and the current situation of the Security Department is frantically adding points.

As for the Nine-Tails Incident, the actions of the two bigwigs of the Uchiha family gave the family even more points.

Naturally, some small families who swayed left and right, as well as some decent civilian ninjas, finally chose the Uchiha family.

But once there are too many people, there will always be some flaws in the distribution of benefits.

For example, none of the captains promoted by Uchiha Qi really came from those small families or civilian ninjas.

There used to be Kenta Imai, but this **** has turned into a talker of a thousand-handed family. Who can stand such a wonderful thing?

Fujiu Aerospace is also within the scope of Uchiha Kai's consideration.

But his older brother, Uchiha Kai's former mentor, Junin, had some problems, which made Uchiha Kai have to temporarily put him aside.

Unless Kai Uchiha finds out what purpose, what position, and what he wants to do, the former guide Junin.

Otherwise, Fu Jiu Hangtai would not dare to reuse it casually.

The ghost knows whether this kid will betray the internal affairs of the security department because of brotherhood.

Especially the current squad leaders, except for the fourth squad, are all die-hard fans of Uchiha Kai or the Uchiha family!

"There are so many troublesome things that are outrageous, when will it be a head?"

Uchiha Qi sighed, and he found that there were really more and more things around him.

It seems that these things are more and more reasons as his status continues to rise.

This probably really contains a kind of "as much ability, so much responsibility", or the charm of "wealth can help the world" in it?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai glanced at the time, nine thirty is neither too early nor too late.

It happened to be a ninja in a functional department like him, half an hour after going to work.

Today, Aya Hyuga asked for a leave, as if she wanted to take some good measures to stabilize her current weakness.

Uchiha Kai agreed to her directly without any hesitation, and Uchiha Kai could do some interesting things while she was away.

Hyuga Aya's position in the security department is very special, and it seems that everyone regards her as Uchiha Kai's couple.

Therefore, her movement restrictions are very small, and I am afraid she is the only one who can enter the minister's office without permission from Uchiha Kai.

Of course, unless there are special circumstances, this woman will not be so arrogant.

Just to prevent these special circumstances, Uchiha Kai didn't dare to discuss something openly when she stayed in the office.

The ghost knows if this woman will hear or perceive anything.

Just as Uchiha Qi was waiting quietly, the door of the minister's office was finally knocked.

After getting his permission, the people outside the door also came in, and it was the people he was waiting for - Uchihagawa and Uchiha Ryukage.

"Master Minister." Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryuying bowed to him very respectfully. The two of them can be said to be Uchiha Kai's biggest loyalists.

"Well, come on." Uchiha Ki nodded, then pointed to the chair on the side: "Bring it over and sit by yourself, there are some things I need to ask you, and there are some things I need you to do."

"Yes, the Minister." The two were very obedient, and soon the two of them pulled the chairs over and sat in front of Uchiha Kai.

Uchiha Qi nodded silently, both of them are doing very well now.

Not only in government affairs, but they can always fulfill Uchiha Kai's requirements perfectly, and they also perform very well in terms of strength.

Although both of them were opened by Uchiha Kai through special means, this did not affect their subsequent progress in improving their own strength.

Even after opening the Sharinyan, their strength has grown very fast.

Uchiha Chuan is now a pair of double hook jade writing wheel eyes, and Uchiha Liuying is also a pair of double hook jade.

Although Uchiha Liuying opened his eyes, he was the same as Uchiha Sasuke, with a single hook and a double hook.

But after more than a year of training, he has raised his eyes to a higher level.

The same is true for Uchihagawa, two years are not in vain.

It's a pity that the war is over, otherwise they may have improved even more.

"I called you here this time, first of all, I want to ask, how is the information I asked you to prepare now?"

Uchiha Qi lowered his voice and asked in a low voice: "Although these materials are difficult to process, you have to speed up."

"We know, Master Kai." Uchiha Liuying also said in a low voice.

"But these materials need to be divided into years, and the processing of years is very complicated. We deliberately arrested a few guys who are good at tomb robbing and forgery and ask them to help, but this also takes time."

"I know, I'm just reminding you, after all, that woman has asked more about this recently." Uchiha Qi sighed, but he quickly recovered: "Also, those people you arrested... ..."

"They all have blood on their hands, not the kind of people who are forced to do it because they are stuck with life."

Uchiha Chuan said at this moment: "We were also worried about the exposure, so we specially selected a group of scumbags, so we have a reason to silence them. And if they die, no one will suspect too much."

Hearing their explanation, Uchiha Ki nodded.

He doesn't care about those tomb robbers, and whether the forgers are dead or alive.

He was only worried about what would happen if the incident was exposed, and whether it would have any impact on the security department.

And Uchihagawa and Uchiha Ryukage are obviously aware of these things, so they deliberately found some scum to deal with.

No one will sympathize with these scumbags if they die, and they may not even suspect that it was the Konoha Ninja who did it.

"Very good, you handled it well." Uchiha Qi nodded with satisfaction: "The second thing I need to tell you about, I have recently tried to restore my fighting state. I am afraid that the people from the security department will go to the battlefield in the future. ."

"Go to the battlefield?" Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Liuying were stunned when they heard the words.

This news is not really good news, but the two of them didn't think about it, but nodded seriously and said, "No problem, Mr. Qi, 60% of the members of the security department have been on the battlefield, so It's not that hard to get them back in shape, it's just..."

"Don't ask, I won't tell." Uchiha Qi interrupted the question of the two, and finally he folded his hands under his nose.

"Just be prepared, this is an opportunity, and you will gain more of your Shangnin status in the future. Finally, I need you to do one more thing."

"Lord Kai, please say that your subordinates will do their best!" Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage immediately lowered their heads.

"I need you to help me spread some words, but these words have a great impact. I don't want to be deliberately done, and I don't want this to be too powerful, so you have worked hard..."


In the basement at the root of Konoha, the three generations of Hokage sat quietly on a chair.

His eyes were deep and distant, as if he was thinking about something.

For a long time, his eyes were tightly closed, and the next moment, his eyes opened, and an incomprehensible light erupted inside.

He slowly raised his head and looked at a sculpture that meant 'root' in the room, and a sneer appeared on his face for a long time.

"Hokage is always Konoha's Hokage. No matter how hard we fight, it's just an internal conflict of consciousness. Do you want to use this method to achieve your goal? Are you underestimating the old man!"


At that time, the spirit of light slowly crossed the Hokage Rock, and the fifty-eight-year-old Sarutobi Hizan was there.

He looked over with affectionate eyes, all of which were his twelve-year-old shadow, and the elf who hurried away with time.

That year, he was selected by Senju Tobirama, who had not yet become Hokage at the time, and became his disciple.

That year, he made a lot of new friends, and everyone seemed to be still active in his heart.

Shimura Danzo, Uchiha Mirror, Autumn Path, Mito Gate Yan, and Koharu, this was the choice of Qianshou Tobirama, and this is also the best memory of Sarutobi Hijen.

They were classmates of the same period, they all had the same goals, and they had the same teachers.

It's a relationship that keeps them connected, it's a relationship that keeps them separate from each other.

However, as time goes by, people will always change, and everyone will change because of the general reasons.

Quietly looking into the distance, the fifty-eight-year-old Sarutobi Hizan was there, and his affectionate gaze vaguely revealed that he was twenty-five years old.

Although the expectations in the distance are beautiful, the difference between dreams and reality is always huge.

Twenty-five-year-old Sarutobi Hizan is already a qualified ninja, a ninja who has experienced many battles and has a lofty ideal.

But that year, everyone changed.

Although the relationship is still close, the inner part has changed silently.

Maybe it's the price of growth, everyone has become a little more realistic.

Maybe it's a family problem, and everyone has their own secrets in their hearts.

For their own interests, in order to get more for themselves, although they will not do each other, they have their own plans and ideas.

This kind of feeling is very bad, even if it is Sarutobi Hibiki himself, he has changed a lot.

This change became particularly prominent after their teacher, Tobirama Senju, became Hokage.

Even Hiruzen Sarutobi's own house, some voices began to appear, some forced him to make concessions and compromises, forcing him to change himself.

For the development and future of the family, make more changes that he had never thought about.

People always change, and the twenty-five-year-old Sarutobi Hizan has been comforting himself in this way.

But slowly, he found that such a change has developed in an unpredictable direction.

He could no longer find the feeling he once felt in himself or in these friends.

More, it is an indescribable, icy and unbelievable feeling.

Not only him, but his friends seem to be the same, everyone is trying their best to climb up for their own interests and the interests of their families.

Although their relationship still looks good, they both seem to feel their indifference.

Even though they are trying their best to avoid all this, some things are really not so easy to cover up.

At that time, the light played a moving sound of nature, and the fifty-eight-year-old Sarutobi Hizan was there, looking at him with affectionate eyes and sketching a moving picture of himself at the age of twenty-nine.

Friendships that have drifted farther and farther have been changed with the occurrence of one thing.

The Ninja world has been peacefully reconciled for nearly 30 years, because the country's strength has continued to increase, but due to various reasons, the economic development has been unbalanced.

Violent conflicts broke out between countries for territorial sovereignty, which directly led to the outbreak of war.

Konoha and Yunyin also had a fierce exchange of fire in this war. After strengthening the national strength, Yunyin Village, the country of thunder, made a desperate attempt and invested more than a thousand ninjas to attack Konoha.

The second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama led the elite ninjas in the village to stop the invasion of Yun Ninja, guard the Ninja village, and bring victory to Konoha.

This also forced Yunyin to end in defeat, thus causing internal divisions.

The second-generation Raikage wanted to truce and negotiate with Konoha, but the brothers of the martial arts faction, the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn, were unwilling to end in a disastrous defeat.

Sarutobi Hizan still remembers the time when his teacher led them to Yunyin to participate in the negotiations.

Until now, I have not forgotten that at the alliance ceremony between Raikage and Hokage, the golden horn and the silver horn set off a coup d'état.

Those two guys brutally killed the second-generation Raikage in their village with the power of the six-path ninja tool and the nine-tailed chakra, and also seriously injured the second-generation Hokage on the verge of death.

During the pursuit and escape, Hiruzen Sarutobi still remembered the question asked by Chishou Tobirama at that time.

"I'd like to stay behind."

Sarutobi Hizan faced Senju Tobirama's question at the time, and his answer was so decisive and decisive.

Even now, he would never hesitate.

He is willing, he is always willing, he is willing to fight to the death for Konoha!

It is precisely because of his belief that he has the belief that he will give everything for Konoha to death, and he became the third Hokage.

This is something that Sarutobi Hizan didn't expect, but it also made him extremely excited!

These people, those who are also disciples of Qianshou Tobirama, who doesn't have a Hokage dream in their hearts?

It's not that other Konoha's ninjas don't have Naruto's dreams, but because they are the ones who have recently picked up Naruto.

Whether it is them personally or the family behind them, they all yearn for them to take that position!

Sarutobi Hizan is no exception. Looking at the statue carved behind the Hokage Building, Sarutobi Hizan knew that he was ahead of everyone!

When the years quietly turned around with tears in their eyes, the fifty-eight-year-old Sarutobi Hizan was there.

Looking at him with affectionate eyes, it was his forty-five-year-old self in full bloom.

Inheriting the legacy of the second-generation Hokage, he strives to make himself a qualified Hokage.

However, only when he really sat in this position did he know how difficult it was for Hokage.

He never thought that he would be opposed by so many people when he became Hokage, and he never thought that becoming Hokage would offend the interests of so many people.

These are things that he didn't know before, or knew but didn't study in depth.

But now, he had to study these things.

He has to learn to compromise, make concessions and balance the interests of all parties within the village.

He has to learn to intimidate, induce and even write all kinds of empty promises to win over and unite various interest groups.

He also has to learn to hide his thoughts and learn to judge whether his friends and subordinates are lying.

Most importantly, he also decisively dealt with the people in the village and learned how to stabilize his own interests and position!

It took Hiruzen Sarutobi fifteen years to explore step by step, creating a firm and stable Konoha internal interest group.

In these fifteen years, he has witnessed the death of Uchiha Mirror and the performance of the hawks of the Uchiha family.

Witnessed too much betrayal, entanglement of interests and all kinds of hopeless darkness.

But he survived, because his heart was always thinking about how to make Konoha better.

In the environment outside the village, he also learned more things, or applied what he learned in the village to the outside of the village.

His techniques became more sophisticated, his judgments became more precise, and his heart became more indifferent.

The only ones who can make him feel some warmth are only his former partners and the disciples he accepted because of the balance of various interests.

He was very tired, but he never forgot his identity. He was Konoha's third-generation Hokage!

The main theme of war has never stopped. Less than a year after the end of World War II, the Third World War broke out again.

And this time, Sarutobi Hizen is also facing unprecedented pressure!

He was exhausted, but he had to withstand it.

Whether it is the encirclement and suppression of the four countries outside the village, or the various contradictions in the village, he has to show the face that a Hokage should have!

Konoha won, but at a heavy price, the village was stable, but there were endless drawbacks.

Finally, it all seemed to start to explode.

His chosen successor betrayed him, and so did his disciples.

His close friend, who accompanied him from childhood until he left Hokage, Shimura Danzo died in the entanglement of interests within the village.

His wife also died, at the hands of an unknown Uchiha.

He is old, he is tired, he has lost everything.

But his heart has not changed, and he hopes that Konoha will be better from beginning to end.

He is also pursuing this goal from beginning to end, and is working hard in the most correct way in his mind!

Sarutobi Hizan took a deep breath, he lowered his head and glanced at the Hokage Rock under his feet, and he couldn't help but be silent.

In that time tunnel, there was always a moment when he couldn't tell whether he was fifty-eight or forty-eight.

There are always some memories, let him pour out all the past without regret.

There is always a scene that makes him think that youth can come back.

There is always a time when he looks back, so that he can't see how young he looks.

But when he walked out of the time tunnel, he finally had a bright light, and he was grateful that it gave him a wonderful journey and gave him the glory of three generations of Hokage in his life.

The distant back still reverberated in his mind.

In the same path of time, there will always be visitors here and new life will be ushered in.

Senju Hashima, Senju Tobirama, this is his teacher.

Uchiha Mirror, Shimura Danzo, these are his former friends.

There are countless faces echoing in his mind, whether friends or enemies.

Raising his head slightly, the fifty-eight-year-old Sarutobi Hizan was fighting there.

Looking at the past with affectionate eyes, it was the shadow of his 28-year-old. That was the moment when he calmly said, "I am willing to stay and break up."

"Master Hokage III." At this moment, Minato Namikaze suddenly appeared behind him.

His voice is young and full of energy just like the Sarutobi Hizenzan.

"You are here, Fourth Eye." Sarutobi Hizan slowly closed his eyes, and he said in a low voice.

"Originally, I didn't want to find you, and I didn't want to tell you something. But my heart, my original intention, and my dream are all telling me.

If I make such a choice, I do not deserve to bear the name of the three generations of Hokage. "

Sarutobi Hizan opened his eyes, and at this moment his eyes looked so deep.

He looked directly at Minato Minato Namikaze, and finally he could only sigh helplessly when he saw the young face.

"I've always been a Konoha ninja, and I've always been a third-generation Hokage. I absolutely won't allow it..."

"You did something to betray Konoha by yourself!"
