Chapter 416: important meeting

Latest URL: "Kakashi?"

Uchiha Kai looked a little surprised and ran to this training guy.

How did this guy get here?

Uchiha Qi and Imai Kenta's training was not secret, or they didn't even think about who to hide from.

But even so, no one really dared to swagger past to see their training.

Ninjas are people who have their own secrets. This kind of training seems to be open, but in fact, everyone knows the unspoken rules inside.

In particular, these two training people are still ministers and quasi-ministers, so no one seems to be running over.

Kakashi's status is now a quasi-minister, and he has a strong relationship with Uchiha Kai, so it makes sense for him to come here.

But Kakashi is also a person. If there is nothing important, he will not go here to disturb other people's practice, especially this type of practice.

"Ah, sorry to interrupt you, but didn't you get the notification?"

Kakashi looked a little helpless, especially looking at the fire that was still burning beside him.

"Besides, isn't it an actual confrontation, as for how big it is?"

"It's okay, this guy will put out the fire."

Uchiha Qi patted Imai Kenta's shoulder indifferently, completely ignoring the guy's rolled-up eyes, he asked directly.

"What's the matter? Seeing you in such a hurry..."

"Lord Naruto asked for a meeting of minister-level and patriarch-level ninjas. Of course, it was a temporary notice to pass information through Anbu." Kakashi spread his hands innocently.

"So here I am, after all my staff told me that you two were together and seemed to come to practice early in the morning, so I thought it would be better for me to come in person."

"A ministerial meeting?" Imai Kenta stood up and patted the ashes on his buttocks: "Then it looks like you're going to go by yourself, Kakashi, do me a favor, and let's get these fires out together. Extinct."

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't stay here to help you, and I'm afraid you have to go with us."

"What do you mean? Isn't it ministerial? Oh, am I defined as a grand patriarch?"

"No, the mission department and Anbu have appointed us to participate as agents. This matter has been affirmed by the two ministers and the fourth-generation Hokage-sama, so..."

This news made both Uchiha Qi and Imai Kenta stunned.

Almost immediately, the two of them looked at each other, and then the two of them looked at Kakashi again.

And Kakashi was also very direct, nodding heavily to them with a smile on his face.

What this means, the three of them are naturally clear.

It can be said that although Kakashi and Imai Kenta are both quasi-ministers, their participation in this meeting is basically telling others that they will definitely be ministers.

Even if everyone knows this kind of thing, but after going through this process, it can be said to be 100% certain.

This time Imai Kenta was very energetic, he immediately stood up and grabbed Kei Uchiha with one hand and Kakashi with the other.

That impatient look surprised both Uchiha Kai and Kakashi.

But neither of them had time to say anything, and the next moment they felt the world spinning.

It's just that they are still familiar with this feeling. This is the technique of flying thunder god!

"You..." Kakashi's eyes widened, he looked at Imai Kenta in disbelief: "How can you do this? This..."

"Please, don't you know that I am a member of the Thousand Hands Clan? Flying Thunder God was originally created by my ancestors. Is it strange that I have a copy at home?"

Imai Kenta said casually and said indifferently, "This is my office, which is very close to the Hokage Building. Let's hurry over there."

"I said, are you overexcited?" Uchiha raised his brows, then looked at Imai Kenta as if he was an idiot: "Did you put out the fire?"

"We still need to do this kind of thing?" Imai Kenta rolled his eyes.

"Next door is the security department, why don't you tell them as a shadow clone and let them send someone to put out the fire?

And Kakashi is from Anbu, so go into the Hokage Building and just find an Anbu and say no to him? "

This kid, Kenta Imai, has made the most of his effort to save trouble, but what I have to say is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with his words.

This kind of thing can really be done directly by the security department or the Anbu people, why should they make themselves so tired?

And it can be seen that Kenta Imai is also very excited now, although he knows that he will definitely be the head of the task department.

But now, to be recognized in front of all minister-level and patriarch-level people, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent.

In fact, Kakashi is almost the same, even if Kakashi and Imai Kenta are the same, they are burdened with other people's expectations, so they try to do it in this direction.

But they have also put in enough effort for this, and since they have paid, they certainly hope to have enough gains.

And now, it seems that it is time to 'harvest' them.

Therefore, Kakashi will inevitably have some mood swings.

This is the goal he has set in his heart, and it is a step closer to the goal that Uchiha Kai, Namikaze Minato, and that Uchiha Lin hoped!

In the end, Kakashi decided to let Anbu handle this matter. After all, they had to go directly to the Hokage Building. No matter how you looked at it, his Anbu people were closer.

After simply explaining the matter, the three of Uchiha Kai came directly to the Hokage office.

At this time, the Hokage office was already full of people, and even the three generations of Hokage sat there without saying a word.

But what's interesting is that the youngest in the whole room seems to be the three of them.

Even the young people like Minato Nami and Shikahisa Nara are actually twenty-five years old and above.

But the three of them are all alternatives, the oldest is only eighteen years old, and Kakashi and Uchiha Kaito are only sixteen years old.

However, no one thinks that they are incompetent, and no one thinks that it is very abrupt for them to appear here.

Especially Uchiha Kai, this guy has long proven his strength and his ability.

"Qijun, where have you been? I went to your house on purpose, but I didn't find you."

When Uchiha Kai took Imai Kenta and Kakashi and sat in front of Uchiha Fuyue, Uchiha Fuyue immediately pointed his head and asked him in a low voice.

Although the chief patriarch has a good position in Konoha, in terms of voice and influence, they are still no match for minister-level figures, so their position is relatively low.

In fact, there is a very interesting point in Konoha, that is, the patriarchs of the big family do not seem to hold important positions.

Except for Uchiha Fuyue who served as the minister of the security department, and the patriarch of the Nara clan who served as the minister of the government affairs department and the task department, no one else has such an experience.

"Go and exercise, who would have known such a thing would happen." Uchiha Qi tilted his head.

"Besides, it's not a day off today. Naturally, I'm going to the security department to report, right? By the way, what happened to calling us here today?"

"I don't know, it happened suddenly, and I don't know what happened." Uchiha Fuyue shook his head: "It seems that something unexpected happened."

Uchiha Kai nodded, it seems that everyone present is probably not prepared for this.

Although Uchiha Qi swept a circle of everyone present, they all looked as if the old gods were there.

But in fact, I am afraid that it is similar to Uchiha Fuyue, and I don't know anything at all.

But don't know, since everyone doesn't know, there won't be any omissions.

Uchiha Kai was thinking, what will be said at this meeting, could it be about war preparations?

It's just that before Uchiha Kai had time to think about it, Namikaze Minato already stood up.

The audience was quiet for a while, Uchiha Fuyue had already shrunk his head back, and he was sitting upright and staring at Minato Naikaze.

Uchiha Qi also quieted down. He glanced at Imai Kenta who was not sure when he took out a notebook to record, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Is there something wrong with this guy?

Ordinary ninjas are not qualified to participate in this kind of meeting. Do you record it?

Can you be responsible for losing it?

"Everyone, I'm really sorry for calling everyone from various positions so early."

Just as Uchiha Qi was good at pulling out Imai Kenta's notebook, Namikaze Minato also spoke.

"However, there is indeed a very important matter that needs to be communicated with you today. In fact, you should have been called over for this matter last night.

However, in order to give everyone a better energy to deal with this matter, I am only calling you here now. "

Minato Namikaze's words made Zou frown subconsciously in all the people present.

Although everyone predicted that this matter would not be easy, it seems that the trouble is far beyond imagination.

Everyone's brains began to turn, and the people present were also smart people. They thought of it almost immediately. I am afraid that this time it has nothing to do with the war.

After all, Hokage spoke like this, so something must have happened, and the war between Konoha and Yunyin is probably impossible to avoid.

It's just that many people present almost subconsciously looked at the three generations of Hokage.

At another meeting, Namikaze Minato publicly supported Kai Uchiha's proposal.

One is to negotiate, and the other is to prepare for war.

And in this matter, everyone knows in their hearts.

The three generations of Hokage have always been conservative, and he prefers to rely on negotiation to solve problems.

But unfortunately, he is too weak now, and only those who support him will oppose that proposal.

Could it be that this relatively conservative third-generation Hokage was persuaded by the fourth-generation Hokage?

Just when everyone was most puzzled, Minato Namifeng continued: "However, I am afraid that this matter needs to be explained by the three generations of Hokage, because the three generations of Hokage are the ones who have the most say..."
