Chapter 417: Sarutobi's proposal

The latest website: "Actually.... this kind of thing happened"

Looking at Sarutobi Hizan who was on the stage and told the whole story, Uchiha Kai thought silently.

It seems that the changes in this world are really bigger than I imagined.

Actually that damn, Yun Ren who will lead the team to Konoha in the future.

He went to Konoha alone, and tried to use some well-known contradictions within Konoha to make Konoha achieve the purpose of internal friction.

And Uchiha Qi also had to admire this guy, he didn't have any idea of ​​showing weakness at all.

It was so straightforward, and faced the three generations of Hokage with a strong force.

Seriously, if this guy is that kind of person who faces the three generations of Hokage with a kind-hearted performance, I am afraid this matter will become more interesting.

The third generation of Hokage is an old river and lake after all, and he has seen intrigue in the position of Hokage, I am afraid that there are many more than others.

And a Yunyin is too friendly and full of goodwill, this is probably the alert of the three generations of Hokage.

I have to say that this group of Yun Yin seems to be not as stupid as imagined, or it would be stupid not to have the high-level of the Ninja Village.

Strongly expressing his attitude, let the three generations of Hokage know his own situation, and also know the current situation of Konoha.

Accurately grasping the fact that the three generations of Hokage seem to be unwilling to start a war.

Using this to coerce and induce the old man to cooperate with them seems to be a win-win rhythm no matter how you look at it.

The three generations of Hokage hope that Konoha will be peaceful, and the Yunyin army will press the realm, which will naturally lead to various situations, and this will also be a good time for him to make a comeback!

And once he gains power again, then his policy is the most direct and easiest way for Yun Yin to profit.

Although Yun Yin is confident, he is confident that he can force the entire Konoha into chaos, and he is confident that he can definitely defeat Konoha.

But war kills people after all. If the greatest benefit can be obtained at the least cost, no one with a good mind will refuse it!

But it is a pity that after all, they were still clever but were mistaken by wisdom, or their intelligence was incomplete.

The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden are indeed selfish, and he really does not want to stand again and come again, and he really hopes that he will regain control of Konoha's rights.

However, there is one essential difference between Sarutobi Hiizan and Danzo, that is, he will make a choice without hesitation for the benefit of Konoha.

Whether it's what he thinks or the objective facts.

Although his subjectivity still occupies a relatively high position, it is absolutely difficult for him to accept the humiliation of the village in this way.

Knowing in advance that the village will suffer unbelievable losses, and pretending to know nothing for his own benefit, this is not his character!

It seems that at this moment, he has returned to more than thirty years ago.

Back to the young man with vigor who could say, "I'm willing to break up" without hesitation.

Although there is a conflict with the fourth generation of Megami Feng Minato, although he hates Uchiha Kei of Shiba Shimura Danzo in his heart.

But now the village is facing such troubles, it is natural that the village should be the priority.

First resolve these **** external contradictions, and then slowly clean up these internal contradictions.

And Sarutobi Hizan is also a confident person, he is confident that he can solve these internal problems.

True, Namikaze Minato now has the upper hand.

Admittedly, I am in a delicate situation right now.

Even the right to the root, Minato Namikaze seems to be starting to plunder now.

But the three generations of Hokage are not worried, the mechanism of the root is destined to be replaced.

The things involved in it are definitely not something that can be solved in a few years or even a decade.

What's more, he also has relatively important departments such as the medical department in his hands.

He is confident that he can start all over again.

He was confident that the choice he made was in the best interests of Konoha.

"I don't know if that guy is making plans." Uchiha Kaixin thought to himself.

"To be able to come up with such an insidious way, if another person is threatened by such a threat, and if he does it, then he will start the fight directly. If he doesn't start to think about the possibility of cooperation, then Konoha will have a fight inside."

It's really dangerous. If the old man Sarutobi Hizan didn't make his decision, I'm afraid that the real Konoha will be pulling each other's backs.

Of course, Uchiha Kai did not expect this to happen.

Because of this, he has reasons and methods to send this old man directly to the Pure Land!

However, to his disappointment, the old man finally made a choice that made him sigh.

Although he was very upset and wanted to kill the old man because of his position, but at this moment he had to admire the old man.

But there is one thing that Uchiha Kai thinks crookedly, that is, the decision made by Artsby is not a decision made after careful research and planning at all.

It's completely because that **** finds it troublesome. It may be due to personality or other reasons, and he is too lazy to cut the virtual and the snake with Sarutobi.

In the end, he used his truest face to face Hiruzen Sarutobi.

I have to say that sometimes, some things, it is really luck and coincidence that decides everything.

"Ki, what do you think about this?" Just as Uchiha Qi was thinking, Imai Kenta suddenly asked, "It seems that this time, there is definitely going to be a fight."

"Yeah, it's definitely going to start a fight." Uchiha Kai nodded: "The purpose of calling us here this time is basically to tell us about this. As for the more core deployment plan, it shouldn't be too much. Talk in depth."

Imai Kenta nodded, he also knew what was going on.

In fact, the purpose of calling the people present is very clear.

The people present are considered to be people in the core power circle of Konoha. Whether it is the patriarch or their ministers, the number of people under them is absolutely terrifying.

Therefore, it is reasonable to start to do some combat mobilization in a veiled manner.

And this task is naturally completed by their patriarchs and ministers.

The task department of Kenta Imai is strictly speaking, it belongs to the logistics department, so his mobilization is actually very easy.

But Uchiha Kai is different. Although his security department is now focused on 'protecting the internal stability of Konoha'.

But don't forget that ninjas are real machines, even if he has made a new definition for the security department.

But in the event of a war, they still need to go to the battlefield.

Even departments like them that maintain combat readiness for a long time are definitely the first choice in times of war.

There is no way for Uchiha Kai to refuse this kind of thing, because there are more ninja teams that need to go to the battlefield.

Especially those ninjas who have been quest-oriented for a long time, they will also be the main fighting force.

However, there are some relatively good things about the Ministry of Guards. It always needs to keep enough staff to maintain the stability of the village, and this time the war....

Rather than calling it a war, it is better to say that it has been planned for a long time, and conflicts that will control the scope of proliferation will basically not cause too much trouble.

"Minister Kai." Just as Uchiha Kai was thinking, Minato Namikaze suddenly called out to Uchiha Kai: "During this period of time, the situation in the village needs to be taken care of by you and Kakashi."

"Yeah." Uchiha Kei was distracted just now, and he really didn't listen to what Namifeng Minato was saying.

But as soon as he heard Kakashi, he knew what he meant: "We are, Lord Hokage, let us leave this matter to us."

Even if he didn't listen, he knew what was going on.

That is the issue of public security and stability in the village, and...

Cloud Ninja spy question!

During the battlefield, the presence of spies is absolutely essential.

This time, the guy named Atsby can deal with the three generations of Hokage in this way.

To put it bluntly, their intelligence system is in place, letting them know that there is such a thing, which gives them room for expansion and extension.

Although it is impossible to destroy all of them, Uchiha Kai can still do it by taking away a part and quieting the other deeply hidden parts.

In cooperation with Anbu, they have already had an experience.

That is to remove the spies from the Hidden Mist Village inside Konoha. Kakashi was not the minister at that time, but they also did a very good job.

This time Kakashi can be regarded as the acting minister, and it is completely conceivable that their cooperation this time will definitely be better than the last time!

"Very good." Minato Namikaze nodded: "Then I'll trouble you."

"This is what I should do, Hokage-sama." Uchiha Kai smiled slightly, and then he immediately asked: "By the way, I don't know what other ninjas are on missions, what are you going to do?"

"Naturally let them all come back." Nara Shikahisa said at this moment.

"Although this will create a backlog of tasks, cause a certain degree of trust crisis for Konoha, and cause some trouble to our internal economy. But it's better than death, and the money supported by the daimyo is enough for us to use temporarily. "

"But if Yun Yin suddenly stops moving, he plans to consume us like this."

Just when Kai Uchiha was about to speak, to his surprise, Hinzaki Sarutobi actually spoke.

"Our task volume is not comparable to them, so this is definitely not a good way."

Uchiha Kai unexpectedly glanced at Sarutobi Hizen, he had not thought that this guy would refute Nara Shikahisa's relatively conservative opinion.

To refute a relatively conservative opinion means that he has some relatively radical ideas, which makes Uchiha Qizhen a little incredible.

It seems that those guys from Yunyin really made Hizan Sarutobi feel angry, otherwise this conservative guy would never make such a choice.

Nara Shikahisa was also a little surprised, but after thinking for a while, he nodded: "I was negligent, although considering that our current situation needs to be restored, he made such a decision.

In this case then we will send some 'shadows' to follow, so that we can try their depth, if possible, directly..."

"Yes, I think so too." Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded, and then he glanced at Uchiha Kai vaguely.

"Now the ninjas in Konoha need to be trained, but there are many ninjas who have been trained effectively, and in terms of cooperation, I am afraid that only the ninjas of the security department are the best choice."

Uchiha Kai frowned, this guy has this purpose and idea

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi directly refused: "Lord Sandaime, although the security department has enough manpower, don't forget that the security department also needs to cooperate with Anbu."

"I can get the roots out so you can ease your understaffing troubles."

The three generations of Hokage showed a kind smile: "The security department is one of the only combat powers in the future, and now is also an opportunity to train them, isn't it?"
