Chapter 423: weeds to root

"I heard that one of your sub-captains was also dispatched?"

After thinking about it for a while, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but shook his head to stop himself from thinking about these messes.

But he seemed to be used to this kind of work, and he also recalled something.

That is Uchiha Kai, who seems to have dispatched one of his own sub-captains.

In fact, he doesn't need to ask about the security department, because the entire security department is under the jurisdiction of Uchiha Kai.

However, Uchiha Qi made a report on this, and he naturally knew about it.

Dispatching the captain of a detachment out, this kind of thing can be big or small.

To put it mildly, this is to enhance the combat effectiveness of this conflict and enhance the survivability of the members of the security department.

But in a big way, this is simply expanding the level of conflict, and a little carelessness may lead to war!

Moreover, Uchiha Ryuying is a ninja who has opened the Sharinyan, and such blood is very precious.

If Yun Yin is targeted, there is a risk of being captured.

"Ah, yes, it's Liuying." Uchiha Qi nodded: "He asked for it, and I agreed. After all, the loss is a little big..."

Uchiha Kai was also very helpless in his heart, because he agreed to let Uchiha Ryuying try it out.

In fact, he was not the only one who wanted to go to the battlefield, except for him and Uchihagawa, who wanted to go up from the beginning to the end.

Even Hyuga's daily errand and Uchiha Jun have submitted application reports.

But because their identities are really special, Uchiha Kai rejected them all at first.

But as time went by, the number of casualties in the security department began to increase, and he had to decide to send someone who could calm the factory to try it out.

At the beginning, his choice was Uchihagawa, because Uchihagawa was the one who followed him the longest, and his loyalty and strength were completely trustworthy.

But after Uchiha Kai looked at the battlefield resumes of their four sub-commanders, the first thing he ruled out was Jun Uchiha, a woman who had never been on the battlefield, followed by Uchiha Chuan.

Because Uchihagawa's performance on the battlefield can only be described as mediocre, such a battlefield experience does not reassure him.

The battlefield resumes of Hyuga Risari and Uchiha Ryukage surprised him, and he also planned to choose one of the two.

In fact, it is very easy to choose here.

Even if the daily difference of the day has submitted the application report, and there is a promise of the day of the day.

But he couldn't really send the younger brother of the head of the Hinata clan to the battlefield, right?

What's more, Yun Yin's intelligence system is not a fool. If you really want to recognize him, then the problem is a bit big.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai chose Uchiha Liuying, or he could only choose Uchiha Liuying.

"It's really hard for you." Minato Minato sighed, "This is really..."

"Captain Minato, didn't we agree not to talk about work?" Uchiha Kai couldn't help knocking on the table looking at his state of clothes: "It's still time to rest."

"Yes, sorry." Minato Minato patted his head embarrassedly.

He did say not to talk about work right now, and his son was on the sidelines.

But he couldn't stop at all, although he didn't take Yun Yin's affairs too seriously in his heart.

But when each live ninja turned into a cold death list, his heart was definitely not good.

After all, these ninjas went to the center of this conflict because of his decision, and it was because of his decision that they died.

Taking a deep breath, Namikaze Minato was not thinking about these questions.

Even if you want to think about these questions, you have to wait until you go back to the Hokage office to talk about it.

Turning his head and looking at Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya, he suddenly noticed Hyuga Aya's face...

There seems to be some blush?

Could it be that this kid said some love words just now, making this cold girl shy?

Nice, is there any progress?

But then, he seemed to think of something, and his face became a little ambiguous.

"Speaking of which, if I remember correctly, today seems to be Aya's birthday? I saw it last time I dealt with your Jounin report, so I'm sorry I didn't prepare a present.

"So....are you two actually dating?"


Uchiha Ryukage stood on a tree and looked into the distance quietly. He had been in the Land of Iron for a few weeks.

The country of fire and the country of thunder do not border, but there are small countries such as the country of iron, the country of soup, and the country of fields among them.

And even if there are ninjas and ninja villages in these small countries, they are actually not trusted by local big names and wealthy businessmen.

In addition to having no money to choose these local ninjas, otherwise rich people are still willing to hand over tasks to big countries.

Konoha and Yunyin are one of the two great powers in the ninja world.

However, since its establishment, Konoha has participated in almost all the ninja wars, but they have not lost a single one.

Therefore, wealthy businessmen and big names who value stability and mission success rate are more willing to hand over tasks to Konoha.

The Kingdom of Iron is naturally the same, although some people are relatively close to Yun Yin, but after all, they are still a minority.

Because the damage and oppression caused by Yunyin to them is much greater than that of Konoha.

"Captain Liuying." At this moment, a Hinata ninja suddenly called out to him.

"Cairen, what's wrong?" Uchiha Ryukage turned his head and looked at the Hinata Ninja.

The name of this Hinata ninja is Hinata Saito, a member of a branch.

This time, he was dispatched to form a team with Uchiha Ryukage, and the other team member's name was Chijuhiro, who was a good earth and water ninja.

"I found that Yun Ren was heading towards the people in the task group." Saito Hyuga said quickly: "There are six people in total, and it should be two fast mobile teams."

For a normal ninja team, the normal number is usually four.

However, on the battlefield, the number of fast mobile teams is generally three.

Such teams generally exclude medical ninjas, or ninjas who are not good at attacking.

The situation of Uchiha Ryuying and his team is similar. Of course, it is not ruled out whether it is because the opponent's downsizing that the team can't reach full capacity.

After all, although the current battle is defined as a 'conflict', such a 'conflict' is always accompanied by death!

"Six people?" Uchiha Liuying nodded, he took a deep breath and said directly: "In that case, let's go!"

"Yes, Captain." Said Hinata Sailor and Chisatehiro immediately.

With an order, the silhouettes of the three people disappeared in place in an instant.

Uchiha Ryukage is the fastest. Although he is a sub-commander, he has always regarded himself as an assaulter on the battlefield.

And even as a sub-commander, he has to lead by example, so that his subordinates can summon the courage to fight.

He has plenty of actual combat experience, and he has been on the battlefield for at least eight years, and he is very clear about what he should do.

Quickly closing the distance, he had already opened his own writing wheel halfway.

The two gouyu in the scarlet eyes are slowly spinning, and his speed seems to be faster at this moment.

The three of them kept walking through the forest one after the other, and in less than a minute, they had already arrived behind the ninjas in the task force.

What they have to do is not to wait for Yun Ren to take action, but they want to directly intercept and annihilate these Yun Ren!

"Cairen, you are covering the task team, Xun, you are supporting me from the side." Uchiha Ryuying gave an order while moving quickly: "Action!"

"Yes, Captain!" Said Saito and Chijuhiro immediately, and then the two of them separated.

One of the ninjas continued to follow the mission team, and the other went around Uchiha Ryukage's side.

It didn't take long for the three of them to be able to see the Yun Ren who was rushing over from the front and back.

"Fire Escape: The Art of Fire Phoenix Immortal." Uchiha Liuying saw this, and took the lead in printing and issuing difficulties.

After finishing the seal while running, he sprayed directly at the places where there were many Yun Ninjas.

To be honest, he doesn't know whether this technique is effective or not.

But anyway, there are many people on the other side, and the chance of getting hit is high.

Facing the sudden appearance of the Konoha reinforcements, Yun Ren didn't seem to have any panic.

Seeing the Huo Dun flying towards him, the Yun Ninjas rushing to the front formed seals almost at the same time.

"Peng! Peng! Peng!"

In the fire, two clouds of smoke rose, and then a few pieces of wood fell to the ground.

Substitute technique, one of the most basic three-body techniques of ninjas, is often the most life-saving technique.

Uchiha Liuying's scarlet writing wheel eyes glanced left and right, and he quickly determined the specific location of those Yun Ninjas.

But just as he was about to make a surprise attack, he suddenly felt the hairs on his entire body stand up, and an extremely unpleasant sense of danger rose in his heart.

Immediately used the substitute technique, and at the same time, the sound of breaking wind sounded, but unfortunately, it was only a few pieces of wood left on the ground.

The figure of Uchiha Liuying appeared under a big tree not far away.

Glancing at the ripped clothes on his shoulders, he turned to look at the tree stump that was split in half and falling from the air.

He knew that he might have encountered an extremely dangerous guy this time.

But how dangerous the opponent is, Uchiha Liuying can't think too much, cowardly before fighting is courting death!

"Not bad." This Yun Ren glanced at the broken wood on the ground, and then turned to look at Uchiha Liuying's position: "Boy, you are very good, and your eyes are also very good."

"Troy?" Uchiha Liuying frowned: "That, the magnetic shield ninja of Yunyin Village?"

"Oh? It seems that you know me." Troy nodded: "However, I accept your eyes."

"Really?" Uchiha Ryukage's voice was very flat.

He looked around, and he found that the only person he was facing seemed to be Troy. The rest of the people were probably going after the people in the task force, right?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Ryukage could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the guy he is facing now is very dangerous, his situation is relatively bad.

But if it's one-on-one, then he still has some confidence.

After all, he is a Uchiha with a shackle eye...


Uchiha Ryuying stared at the Yun Ren in front of him, and began to quickly analyze the pros and cons in his heart.

After all, the enemy he has to face is really not an ordinary person.

Troy, this guy is also a weird enough guy.

As a Yunyin ninja, he actually mastered the boundaries of the blood of the people of Shayin.

Instead of those traditional, blood-successive boundaries of the Kingdom of Thunder.

But it is undeniable that this guy's strength is absolutely strong.

Uchiha Liuying doesn't even know if he can fight this guy.

In fact, he also had some doubts in his heart, why an old and powerful ninja was dispatched.

But he knew better that he was definitely not the time to think wildly.

After so many years on the battlefield, he learned a lot.

The most important thing is that you must abandon distractions when fighting, and you can only win if you concentrate on the battle.

Thinking of this, he immediately threw the Kunai in his hands on the ground, and at the same time threw away all the metal utensils on his body.

The other party is a magnetic shield ninja, and it is too dangerous to keep such a metal device on the body.

"Not bad." Troy's eyes were slightly blank, and a disdainful smile appeared on his face: "Throwing away the metal can indeed limit some of my performance, but..."

"How do you face me without a weapon!"

Without any sign, Troy had appeared in front of Uchiha Ryukage, and he punched Uchiha Ryukage fiercely.

It's a pity that after he punched down, he suddenly found that the hand was not quite right.

And the smoke that came out later also let him know that this **** Uchiha used the double technique.

But he didn't care too much, he noticed this Uchiha ninja, and the writing wheel eyes in his eyes were two gouyu.

This also shows that this guy's wheel-writing skills have not yet reached the pinnacle, and Troy himself has a very good grasp of victory!

Randomly took out a scroll, and Troy tore the scroll directly.

At a time, dozens of square-shaped shurikens floated up under his control and began to rotate slightly one by one.

Uchiha Ryukage didn't attack immediately, he was still observing something.

Because this opponent really has nothing else except to know some specific information.

"Got you!"

Suddenly, Troy shouted.

Those square-shaped shuriken seemed to have received an order, and they quickly flew towards the hidden position of Uchiha Ryukage.

Uchiha Qi Liuying jumped up quickly, but unfortunately the speed of the shuriken was still a bit fast.

And they seem to have locked themselves in, even if he used the avatar technique to hide again, these shuriken still caught his position immediately!

"Why is this?"

While Uchiha Ryuying dodged, he kept thinking in his heart.

In his writing wheel eyes, he clearly saw the special chakra on those shuriken.

These chakras are the main driving force of these shuriken, but these chakras also seem to be a little strange, as if....


Suddenly, Uchiha Liuying seemed to have thought of something, and he quickly avoided those shuriken at the first time, and dodged behind a big tree.

When his figure overlapped with the big tree, he immediately looked at the corner of his clothes cryptically.

Sure enough, there were some special and obscure chakras on the corner of his clothes that was cut open by Troy on his shoulders!

Uchiha Liuying can basically judge now how this guy found himself, found himself and used these techniques to track himself.

In fact, it is nothing more than the characteristics of the magnetic shield!

"Fortunately, Lord Qi helped me to open the Shaanyan, although the taste was very uncomfortable..."

Uchiha Liuying sighed secretly, but at the moment when his figure was about to step out of this big tree, he had already thought of how to do it.

Constantly dodging behind these big trees, Uchiha Liuying's figure finally escaped the cover of these big trees.

Because Troy started to increase his strength, those big trees couldn't resist his attack at all.

However, the moment he escaped from the cover of the big tree, a fire escaped from the seals on his hands.

The violent explosion caused a lot of shuriken to be blasted, and he himself picked up the branches on the ground, and then dodged and rushed in front of Troy.

Troy smiled disdainfully, this Uchiha ninja was too whimsical, he actually wanted to use branches to fight himself?

After a little bit of feeling, the chakra left behind on this Uchiha ninja, Troy nodded secretly.

This kid still has his own Chakra, so there should be no problem.

But he still has to be careful, once the ninja is careless, then he is not far from death.

With a wave of his hands, two square shurikens came to his hands.

The rest of the shuriken stabbed towards Uchiha Ryukyo as fast as a magnet.

Uchiha Ryuying's figure is very agile, even if he holds a branch in his hand, he is constantly dodging and shooting down those shuriken, and is constantly approaching Troy's position.

Such a physical blow basically made Troy sure that the guy in front of him was the main body, not a clone or something.

"Qi, I thought the people of the Uchiha family would be so powerful."

Troy thought to himself: "But considering the age of this guy, and most of the people who have seen my technique are already dead, his performance is already decisive and excellent."

Really decisive and excellent.

In the face of his unfamiliar abilities, he only knew that the other party was good at magnetic shields, so he resolutely gave up weapons with magnetic attraction.

To be able to do this step is really not comparable to ordinary ninjas.

But without knowing the enemy's intelligence, this guy is doomed to fail!

The chakra suddenly poured into the two lijian, and in the blink of an eye, the two lijian became as slender as a blade.

Then he swung fiercely and slashed towards Uchiha Ryuying.

That kind of special chakra attraction can almost guarantee that his knife can accurately concentrate Uchiha Ryukage!

"Unfortunately, you still don't know my information, for me, no matter what weapon you use, it's the same!

If that's the case, I'll send you on your way! Magnetic Escape · Bird and Bee Double Blades! "

The sharp blade slashed directly at Uchiha Ryukyo's body, and at this moment, Troy suddenly felt something was wrong.

The Uchiha in front of him suddenly showed no fear of death, and he rushed towards him in a daze.

It seems that the power of this technique is not taken seriously at all.

This situation suddenly gave him a bad premonition, but at this moment he couldn't worry so much at all, and he slashed directly with a heavy knife!


White smoke is wanton, this is a shadow clone, a torn clothes fell to the ground.

Troy's face changed slightly, this kid discovered the characteristics of his technique?

And this shadow avatar, how much chakra did that kid take away?

How sure is he to do so?

Troy was not allowed to think about it at all. A figure suddenly came out of the ground and punched Troy in the chest.

Troy is also an excellent Yun Ninja. There is no problem with his physical fitness at all. It can even be said that he did not pay attention to this punch at all.

He was a little astonished as to why this Uchiha guy made such a choice.

Under the cover of Tu Dun, he could attack behind him completely, why should he attack the front?

However, at this moment, a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his mind.

However, before he had time to close his eyes, Uchiha Liuying's scarlet double hooked jade writing wheel eyes were already looking at him.

The weird chakra has been transmitted to his eyes through the pair of writing wheel eyes, and then spread into his brain!

"Secret Art, The Art of Hanging!"

It was only for an instant that Troy felt that he was being anchored.

He felt like his limbs were pierced by nails, completely deprived of freedom of movement!

Uchiha Ryuying stood in front of him with his upper body naked, he seemed a little tired, but he knew he had succeeded!

Under the glance of the Sharinyan, he can judge whether the person in front of him is the main body or the avatar.

The incredible and unwillingness on Troy's face was mixed together, and he looked so embarrassed.

"Is the magnetization right?" Uchiha Ryukage made his body stand a little straighter, and at the same time he was recovering chakra silently.

This battle seems to be only a few minutes, but it is really a big drain on him!

In a very short period of time, he equally shared more than half of his Chakra and handed it over to the shadow clone.

Let the shadow clone break out the ability not weaker than the main body, and also hand over all his clothes to the shadow clone.

And he used the explosion created by the shadow clone to hide underground.

You must know that he is not an earth escape ninja, and forcibly using such escape techniques is another burden on his consumption and control.

Finally, he used a very powerful illusion, which made him so tired now.

But it was precisely because of his thinking, and seeing through Troy's technique with the cooperation of the Shaker, that he had the opportunity to arrange all this.

In the end, Yun Yin's magnetic shield ninja was bound by him without exerting his full strength at all!

The battle of ninjas is like this. Unless it has reached an incredible level of power crushing, the competition is still the use of techniques and the detection of intelligence.

"As expected of Uchiha..."

Troy struggled forcibly, and then he smiled disdainfully, he didn't seem to be worried about his own safety at all.

"It's the magnetization. I have to say that your Uchiha's blood limit is really scary enough. Guys like you can defeat me."

"Do you think that I won't kill you?" Suddenly, Uchiha Ryukage said plainly, his hands had already begun to seal.

"Do you think you are a ninja of the bloodline boundary, for the sake of the bloodline boundary, we should not kill you but take you back, so that we can use some other means, such as negotiation, and let you go back? "

"I'm sorry, you were wrong."

Uchiha Liuying's voice became more and more cold, his chakra has recovered a little, and his seal has been completed!

Under Troy's slightly unbelievable gaze, he said indifferently: "If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would indeed give you a headache. With a bloodline like you, coupled with your position in Yunyin, few people would do it. That's a good choice, but..."

"My boss is Kai Uchiha, Lord Kai.

Before I set off, Mr. Qi said, if you take action, don't keep your hands, and cut the grass to eradicate the roots! "
