Chapter 424: turning point

The latest website: Aya Hyuga's seventeenth birthday is not thrilling, but it can't be said to be calm.

The ghost knows why Namikaze Minato remembers Aya Hyuga's birthday.

Probably because Uchiha Qi and this partner personally handled the Shangnin certificate for her.

In addition, they were teammates and there was still a little bit of ambiguity, which made him remember it subconsciously.

And after remembering, he finally did something that embarrassed both Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya on Hyuga Aya's birthday.

That sentence "Are you dating" is too lethal for the two of them.

Why the hell, Namikaze Minato had a day when he turned into a gossip maniac.

Although both Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya looked very embarrassed, neither of them seemed to have any good way to refute.

And the behavior of Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya seems to have caused Namikaze Minato to have a bigger misunderstanding.

He was almost completely convinced that the two were definitely together.

It's just because the families of the two of them created a gap in the middle, making it impossible for them to come together completely.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato couldn't say anything more, he didn't dare to put his hand into the ninja family.

Of course, many things will change when Shangnin has the right to speak after the reform in the future.

However, this incident still affected Aya Hyuga a little, and this woman seems to be a little lost these days.

She seemed to be thinking about some questions, some questions about her current situation.

Hyuga Aya felt that she had changed, and she didn't know when something subtle began to happen to her.

Remarkably, she herself did not pay too much attention to the changes.

Her heart is still hard and cold, and her actions are still cold and ruthless.

But I don't know why, when facing the **** guy Uchiha Kai.

It seems that she can't restore herself to the original state, which is just pure and independent wanting to cooperate no matter what.

This guy Uchiha Kai has given her enough respect, which is something Hyuga Aya has never thought of.

She has been very sensitive in her heart since she was a child, and her experience on the battlefield has also given her strong analytical skills.

When Uchiha Kai became the deputy head of the security department, he still chose to go on missions with them.

Aya Hyuga was keenly aware that Kai Uchiha's motives were definitely not so clear.

Through her knowledge on the battlefield, she knew what kind of person Uchiha Kai was, so his behavior made her feel a huge threat.

Facts have also proved that there is no problem with her conjecture, Uchiha Kai does carry a secret, and his goal is indeed himself!

It was only because of some misunderstandings and the fact that Imai Kenta was worried about Uchiha Kai's gradual clearing of the scene, that she escaped the catastrophe.

But even so, this incident left a great psychological impact on Hyuga Aya.

She knew that she probably had only two choices-either stay in the village and not be a demon, or be killed by Uchiha Qi!

However, neither of these two choices was what she hoped, because she had a dream deep in her heart from beginning to end.

That is the pursuit of freedom, the pursuit of freedom without the restraints of caged birds!

And by coincidence, on the way back, she heard Uchiha Kai deliberately say something to Imai Kenta in front of her.

What's even more interesting is that when she first made up her mind to go to Kai Uchiha, she accidentally discovered the unknown secret of Kai Uchiha!

It is so cruel, so gloomy, Hyuga Aya can be 100% sure that if she finds him and is rejected, then her death will definitely not be far away!

Hyuga Aya also hesitated and worried, but in the end she mustered up her courage.

Because for her, being bound in a caged bird is actually different from the walking dead?

"Fortunately, I was directly arranged for a marriage, and fortunately I caught some interesting things, otherwise..."

Hyuga Aya now recalls the second time she found Uchiha Kai, and she still has some concerns.

She was really prepared to die at that time. In fact, for her, if she was really forced to marry that Hyuga Hui, then she would be no different from dying.

Although she pinched the main artery of Uchiha Kai, but in terms of influence, she is completely impossible to compare with Uchiha Kai.

It was too risky to do this, but she had to do it.

Fortunately, Uchiha Kai really cherishes his own feathers, and this guy is indeed sensible enough.

Therefore, no tragedy happened, and with this guy, she also got the promise she wanted.

This guy Uchiha Kai is still very cautious, and his words are always the most cautious.

It is always ambiguous words like 'try' and 'as much as possible', and also asks himself to do a very dangerous thing - kill his fiancé, Hyuga Teru.

Looking back now, Hyuga Aya also sighed a little.

She was not touched by Hyuga Hui's death. After all, this guy, Hyuga Hui, only relied on his own preferences and completely took her as his personal property and arbitrarily decided her future.

Such a person will die if he dies.

Even if she solves it with her own hands, she will not be touched.

What she sighed was that she really walked into a road that could only keep moving forward, and would completely fall into the abyss if she hesitated!

"But.... this road doesn't seem to be an abyss now..."

Looking back now, Hyuga Aya seems to be a bottomless abyss unlike what she once thought about her cooperation with Uchiha Kai!

Although there were indeed many difficulties and troubles at the beginning, as their cooperation deepened, they also had an incredible tacit understanding.

The most important thing is that although Uchiha Kai is still vigilant about her, and at certain moments she will feel that she is being used.

But no matter what, Uchiha Kai has performed well, as a collaborator should have the attitude.

He used his own experiments to open a path for Hyuga Aya, and he dispatched his subordinates to find a lot of literature for Hyuga Aya that she never thought of.

He guided Aya Hyuga to discover the relationship between Hyuga and Kaguya.

Most importantly, he gave Hyuga Aya that kind of special respect that he had never experienced before!

That experience, coupled with the help she's been getting.

It really made her mood slowly, some signs but more quietly changed.

When it all started she had forgotten, when it became obvious she remembered.

Maybe it was a series of misunderstandings after bringing Kimamaro back?

And Hyuga Aya has to admit one thing, that is, their relationship seems to be getting better and better during this period of time, and their relationship seems to be warming up.

And the culmination of all this seems to be her seventeenth birthday, when she was pierced by Minato Minato.

It is true that there are already many people who are speculating and discussing their current relationship, but they can completely ignore these people.

But Namikaze Minato is different, he is Hokage!

He thought so, so one could imagine how deeply rooted and entangled her relationship with Uchiha Kai was.

At the same time, it is also foreseeable how much she has changed!

"What's wrong with me...? What the **** am I going to am I going to face this bastard..."

Hyuga Aya's head was full of question marks and distress, and she was distressed by her inadvertent change.

She was worried about why she was getting closer and closer to Uchiha Kai, but she didn't feel disgusted at all.

She was worried about how she would face Kai Uchiha.

Coincidentally, Uchiha Kai is also full of question marks and distress now.

Because he received a report, a report from the Iron Country.

The content recorded in this report is not much, but it can affect the nerves of Konoha and Yunyin, and this report is enough to make Uchiha Qi vomit blood.

Uchiha Ryukage killed Yunyin Join Troy!

Who Troy is, Uchiha Kai doesn't have much impression.

There seems to be nothing special except that he knows that this guy has been reincarnated by dirty soil and has a magnetic shield.

Once you understand the essence of the blood and follow the boundary, it will not be so mysterious.

But the problem is that this guy is still a person with a lot of voice in Yunyin.

Moreover, he is also a diehard loyalist of the fourth generation of Raikage Ai, and is the captain of a battle sequence!

Such a character was actually killed by a little-known Uchiha?

Could it be that this guy Uchiha Liuying doesn't know that he leaves prisoners in exchange for more benefits?

Well, even if you are going to kill, why don't you leave your head and bring it back to investigate?

It's really not good, it's better to leave some blood back for research!

But Uchiha Ryukage didn't do it at all, maybe he thought it was a waste of time.

It may be that he is worried that with this guy's head or blood, it will attract the pursuit of Yunyin troops.

Therefore, his approach is almost decisive, steady and cautious. He directly burned this guy into coke with a fire, which can be said to be smashed to ashes!

Uchiha Kai, who saw this piece of information, was stunned at the time.

Because he always felt that he saw his own shadow in this guy.

"This guy, really..."

Uchiha Qi was in the office of the Security Department, looking at the report with a bit of confusion.

Hearing the news from Minato Namifeng, this incident made the three generations of Hokage very angry.

Because this is purely to expand the scope and intensity of the collision between Konoha and Yunyin, which will seriously affect Konoha's interests in the Iron Country.

Indeed, although the three generations of Hokage are not against Uchiha Kai and the others.

But his idea is indeed correct, if he takes revenge for this person with status and strength.

Thus expanding the scope of the battle and evolving into a war, then Uchiha Kai may really be to blame.

"However, this is also a conjecture. War will inevitably kill some people who shouldn't have died. I am afraid that Sarutobi Hizen has seen it very well, so he is just angry and not attacking.

But anyway, this is a small lesson, and, is it a turning point? "

Uchiha Kai looked out the window. Indeed, this was a serious incident, but war would inevitably kill people.

And, it's really a turning point...


Troy's death was really a big deal for the battle between Konoha and Yun Ren.

It's not even an exaggeration to call it a turning point!

Who would have thought that a ninja who had a good voice in Yunyin and mastered Xueji would fall into such a conflict.

This level of conflict is actually the pre-war 'warm-up' link.

No one will really invest too much troops, and too powerful characters to entangle.

The reason why Yun Yin let Troy out was mainly because Konoha's reaction speed was fast enough, and it also caused Yun Yin to suffer a lot.

Although it was only a small-scale conflict, they were eager to recover the scene and dispatched such a ninja without hesitation.

But the reality is that Konoha did the same thing.

I don't know if it's a tacit understanding, or the spy that Konoha stayed in Yunyin is really powerful.

Although it is just a little-known Uchiha, but it is indeed a Uchiha who has opened the wheel!

Ninja battle is really not about your chakra, you can win with high position.

Instead, it should be considered according to the capabilities of both parties, the ability to obtain information during the battle, the grasp of the timing and the use of techniques, and so on.

That guy named Uchiha Ryukage killed Troy in just a few minutes.

This not only shows that this guy's strength is very good, but also shows that his ability to obtain information, the use of his own skills, etc. are very good!

Shaking round eyes is indeed one of the most terrifying and bizarre boundaries of blood in the ninja world.

Even a little-known guy can kill a powerful ninja with a shackle, how can this not make people feel emotional?

However, Uchiha Liuying is no longer a little-known person, and the changes brought about by his actions this time are really too big.

As Uchiha Kai had expected, if Yun Yin planned to follow up on this matter, he would probably have rushed to the Konoha border by now.

But they didn't, they were still waiting, waiting for a better opportunity to leave more pain behind Konoha!

And their actions also surprised the other Shinobi villages.

That is, while adding more people, it also shrinks the scope of their attacks and conflicts.

It can be said that this is a turning point, a turning point that allows the Konoha mission ninjas to reduce their losses and do not need to be too frightened.

It also marks the turning point of Konoha's small victory!

"However, some things should not be so naive."

After learning about this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but sigh, the response of the Konoha ninjas was a little too happy.

"They just wanted to show weakness, and then took the opportunity to visit Konoha, and finally let their mission die in Konoha. Using this as an excuse, they started a real offensive against Konoha."

I have shown weakness, and I have come to negotiate and sign a peace treaty with you.

But you also attacked my people and killed my people. Is there anything more humiliating than this?

This is how Yun Ren in the original work played, but they were on a strong side at the time.

Although Uchiha Kei does not know, is there a small country like the Kingdom of Iron, which is adjacent to the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder, where similar conflicts occur.

But he felt that there should be, but the original book did not go into detail, just simply mentioned "Konoha and Yunyin are in constant conflict".

Yun Yin in the original work came to negotiate and sign a treaty with a victorious attitude.

The posture he put on is also a pair of strong people who are unwilling to bully the weak, and slapped Konoha in the face.

But it's different now, and there are so many different things now.

But they will still do what they should do. After all, such a thing that shows military strength and can make Konoha humiliated, they will never give up!


"Qijun, this time, the security tasks in Konoha are completely handed over to you."

In Hokage's office, Minato Naikaze sat at the Hokage table and looked at Kai Uchiha with a smile on his face.

And Nara Shikahisa stood aside, constantly flipping through the materials.

Time has unknowingly reached the end of the year, and the autumn has been completely gone under the blowing of the cold wind, leaving only one side wrapped in silver.

The battle between Konoha and Yunyin lasted for more than half a year, and finally there was a tendency to stop.

Especially when the fourth Raikage publicly announced that he would send messengers to Konoha for a visit and negotiation, this time the conflict slowly began to stop.

This news also spread throughout the Ninja world for the first time.

I don't know how many Shinobi villages are regretting, but why didn't these two Shinobi villages fight completely?

But some things really won't change with their thinking, but they don't dare to underestimate any of these two Ninja villages.

It's no surprise that Konoha can win, after all, Yunyin didn't invest too much manpower.

This kind of small-scale battle is purely to see whose support is faster.

Even a small ninja village with a strong enough staffing can still win.

In the same way, they will not underestimate Yun Yin. Everyone can see Yun Yin's military strength. On the contrary, they will agree with Yun Yin.

Although they did provoked this incident, Konoha was robbing the quest resources near the Land of Thunder, and other Ninja villages would definitely not be able to stand it!

And Raikage took the initiative to make choices for peace and tranquility, which really made Raikage add a wave of points in the eyes of these Shinobi villages.

Refreshed the past and recognized Yun Yin's reckless political image.

In fact, Uchiha Kai was a little surprised, Yun Yin actually used such a move to give himself extra points and created a really good political image.

Although they are full of misfortune, once the guy whose name seems to be visiting is named Atsby and dies in Konoha, they will definitely do it right away!

And when they win, their goal will be achieved.

And it will not leave a kind of "they are not aggressors", and then run the rain silently showing his military strength.

And if the plan is passed, a big thunder can be planted in Konoha.

It can be said that killing two birds with one stone is very insidious.

The most important thing is that even if the government elites of other ninja villages see their purpose, they cannot change the views of other ninjas.

Even if they fail, they won't suffer too much.

If you succeed, you will be seen by others, but if you fail, you will not be seen.

Once they fail, they will definitely automatically intervene in Konoha's further actions.

Konoha is too powerful to allow them to gain more benefits!

Now that Atsby guy has set off, he will arrive at Konoha tomorrow if there is no accident.

The Konoha ninja who had just been in conflict with these cloud ninjas for more than half a year will definitely not be happy with them.

And in order to avoid some unnecessary accidents, someone must be required to maintain the order of Konoha, and there is the security issue of this guy named Atsby.

This problem naturally falls on the body of the security department, and it also falls on the body of Uchiha Kai.

"I understand, don't worry." Uchiha Qi nodded calmly: "Although my subordinates may not be very happy, I will let them restrain themselves."

In this conflict, the three generations of Hokage interfered, and many members of the security department were dispatched to fight against Yunyin, which also caused the security department to lose a lot of manpower.

This naturally made Yun Yin very unhappy in the security department, even with obvious hostility.

But it doesn't matter how hostile it is, because just a word from Uchiha Kai, he can make these guys honest and quiet.

This is his absolute authority in the Ministry of Guards!

"It's really embarrassing you." Minato Namikaze sighed, then he turned to look at Shikahisa Nara: "By the way, have those heroes' pensions gone down?"

"It has been fully distributed." Nara Shikahisa said immediately: "After the statistics and planning of Minister Qi, we have applied for the money as soon as possible. Of course, Minister Qi is very anxious, so I used the money from the Kaguya clan. Those funds, the first step is to send the money down."

"That's good, by the way, this matter is not exposed, right?" Minato Minato Namikaze nodded with satisfaction, but then he still did not forget to remind: "After all, what we did is not a glorious thing."

"Don't worry, Hokage-sama, Minister Qi." Nara Shikahisa smiled slightly: "This matter is all under my control and management, and there will never be any problems."

Nara Shikahisa does have confidence that he can do this completely, and he can make sure that it will never be exposed.

The circulation of money needs to be reviewed at various levels, but Uchiha Kai is so tight that he has no good solution.

Therefore, he can only use some special means to quickly 'get in' some of the applied funds.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at Uchiha Kai again, this guy is really merciless now.

Nara Shikahisa actually knew in his heart that Kei Uchiha was very unhappy with himself, but for the survival of his family, he sometimes had to make some necessary choices.

It just made him a little depressed that Uchiha Qi clearly knew what was going on.

Even Namikaze Minato told him privately that Uchiha Kai knew everything.

But this kid knows yes, but he should be emotional. Maybe he hates his choices and actions?

Fortunately, although Kai Uchiha has such an emotional side, it makes Nara Shikahisa feel that this person is more real and although Kai Uchiha is not happy with his actions, he is only in the Some things that are not important, or some things that are necessary are just forcing yourself.

For Shikahisa Nara, these things are almost as if they never happened.

Although it sometimes embarrassed him, for those who have struggled in the Konoha system for a long time, it is really nothing more than thunder and rain.

"That's good." Minato Namikaze nodded, and finally looked at Uchiha Qi: "Then I won't say more, Qi-kun, please."

"I understand, Hokage-sama." Uchiha Qi nodded: "I will figure out the purpose of his coming here, and I will try to make people look good to him as much as possible."

It's natural to look at them, and look at what they do.

If necessary, Uchiha Kai can even give them a ride...
