Chapter 430: Set off

The latest website: When the war order of Namikaze Minato was issued, the entire Konoha began to run at high speed.

Probably because the Third Ninja World War just ended in less than two years.

And there is also the Nine-Tails Incident, which affects the sensitive heart of Konoha Ninja.

Therefore, the efficiency they burst out is really terrifying.

Besides, Konoha has been preparing for almost half a year!

In just one day, the recruited ninjas have been fully assembled according to the battle sequence.

Early the next morning, when the newly born Chu Yang had just risen from the east, Sarutobi Hizan and Uchiha Fugaku led their respective subordinates, and a total of 4,000 people went to the front line.

Almost all Konoha villagers came out to see them off spontaneously, and many of the ninjas who were left behind took a breath.

There are many reasons why they can't go to the battlefield, but they also know that they must handle their necessary work.

Otherwise, the logistics could not be guaranteed, and the security in the village could not be guaranteed, and there was no way to reassure the frontline ninjas.

Uchiha Kei was also in the farewell team, and by his side stood Aya Hyuga, Kenta Imai, and Kakashi.

The four of them don't need to go to the battlefield at this moment.

Uchiha Kai still has necessary work to do, so he doesn't need to set off for the time being.

Kakashi is the associate minister of Anbu, his task is very heavy, but his task will be the most dangerous, so he needs to wait for Hokage's order.

Imai Kenta is the quasi-minister of the mission department. He needs to control and count the issuance and recording of various missions. These are the achievements of frontline ninjas and logistics ninjas.

I am afraid that only Hyuga Aya is the most relaxed, because her identity is really not that important.

And because she is an 'important member' of the security department, neither Uchiha Fugaku nor Sarutobi Hiizan have included her in the call-up list.

Uchiha Fuyue directly regards her as someone Uchiha Kai likes, and he has been teaming up with Uchiha Kai for a long time, so naturally he will not choose to split it up.

And Sarutobi Hiizhan originally had an idea, but he didn't want to touch Uchiha Kai's brow at this time, so Hyuga Aya was left behind.

But this time, the security department was still recruiting a lot of people.

No way, the security department is really hot.

As a team that has maintained combat effectiveness for a long time within Konoha, plus the previous "shadow mission", it has performed exceptionally well.

And there are ninjas from various families or civilians who have had battlefield experience.

Therefore, Uchiha Fuyue and Sarutobi Hiizhan will choose some people among them.

Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryuying were not taken away, and the ordinary team members were recruited a lot.

"It seems that this time we really need to recruit a lot of people."

After the farewell ceremony, Kai Uchiha returned to the office of the Security Department and sighed.

"By the way, do you have any good suggestions for the temporary squad leader list?"

"You ask me about this kind of thing, am I the minister or are you the minister?" Hyuga Aya's voice was slightly cold.

"But you have to explain the list, and it's not that there is no list, but I think you have already drawn up the list in your heart.

But let me say first, I refuse you to arrange for me to be a squad leader, not because I can't, but because I don't want to waste time here. "

Uchiha Kai looked at Hyuga Aya's attitude and couldn't help but pouted, this woman really understood herself.

He did have an idea to ask Aya Hyuga to temporarily serve as the captain of a team, but this woman actually made it stronger.

But it doesn't matter if she doesn't want Uchiha Kai, and he doesn't have other options.

It can only be said that in special times, he can also have some special attempts. Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai made a decision in his heart.

"alright, I got it."

Uchiha Qi took out two documents that had already been stamped, and filled in two names on them, and then he handed them over to Hyuga Aya.

"Pass them on and let the two of them report as soon as possible."

"Well." Hyuga Aya nodded, then she glanced at the name on the document: "Fujiu Hangtai, Uchiha Asahi?"

Fujiu Hangtai is the younger brother of Fujiu Hangping, and this kid is the focus of Uchiha Qi's inspection.

Just because of some special reasons, Uchiha Kai did not reuse him.

And Uchiha Asahi is a loyal follower of Uchiha Kai.

Uchiha Asahi is Uchihagawa's father, and he has followed him before Uchiha Kai has fully gained power.

And he has been diligent and diligent along the way, and has been holding a role that is not important in position, but very important to him.

Although this role has now been replaced by Hyuga Aya to some extent.

But Uchiha Asahi also found a place that suits him in the Security Department building.

He's the manager of the political staff within the Guard, and he's been doing pretty well.

Such a person temporarily puts him in the position of a sub-commander, and Uchiha Kai thinks there should not be too much problem.

After all, he is also very experienced, even if his strength is not enough, his handling of government affairs may be stronger than Uchihagawa.

"Yes, it's the two of them." Uchiha Ki nodded: "One was originally on my training list, and the other had rich experience, so there shouldn't be any problem with the two of them, after all, it's a special moment. "

"Well, I will help you get the documents down." Hyuga Aya nodded: "By the way, when are you going to go to the battlefield?"

"Are you so impatient?" Uchiha Kai asked amusingly: "Actually, unless the fourth Raikage can't stand it, I shouldn't need to go up. Also, even if he can't stand it, Uchiha Fuyue also Enough to teach them a lesson."

"It seems to be the same, so, are you going to focus on the reform you are talking about?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head and asked curiously.

"Of course, otherwise." Uchiha Qi stood up, and then lightly flicked the forehead guard on Hyuga Aya's forehead: "You don't really think that those Yun Ninjas can cause us any trouble?"

"I don't know if they can't cause us any trouble." Hyuga Aya looked at him with a cold face: "But I know, if you continue like this, I'll be rude to you, even if I'm not your opponent."


"I really didn't expect that there will be another war in just two years."

Uchiha Fuyue wore the unique combat uniform of Konoha, with a forehead strap tied on his forehead, and led the troops of two thousand people to quickly approach the border of the country of soup.

They have already determined that Yun Ren will march from Tang Zhiguo, so all they have to do is to intercept it directly.

Their troop is the vanguard troop, a troop specially responsible for dealing with those Yun Ninjas head-on.

Uchiha Fuyue walked at the forefront of the large army. The army behind him was dominated by the Uchiha clan, and there were nearly three hundred Uchiha ninjas among the two thousand people.

Most of these Uchiha ninjas are family mission ninjas.

A small part are his dead soldiers, and some are selected by the Ministry of Guards.

These ninjas are his core combat power.

In addition, he also recruited a lot of clansmen like Hyuga, Oil Girl, Chishou and Inuzuka.

And in large numbers, those commoner ninjas and small clan ninjas who chose to follow him.

It can be said that this configuration is very comprehensive, with comprehensive detection, assault and ninjutsu support.

On the flanks behind them were another 2,000 troops led by Sarutobi Hizen.

The core combat power of that unit is probably from the Sarutobi clan, and by coincidence, he also chose a lot of people from the Konoha Secret Art family.

Konoha's Secret Art family is really very practical, covering all aspects of investigation and exploration, and they all have good combat power.

Sarutobi Hinzan has the intention of establishing his prestige, so he might miss it?

"Lord Patriarch, no one can avoid this kind of thing."

Following Uchiha Fuyue's side were Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage, who didn't need to keep up.

But they took the initiative to submit the application, and Uchiha Fuyue also discussed with Uchiha Kai, so Uchiha Kai let them go.

Uchiha Qi mainly considers that these two people really need actual combat now, and uses these actual combat to improve his writing wheel.

And this war is also adding merit to the Uchiha family, otherwise how could he release his squad leader?

"That's right, after all, who would have thought that Yun Yin's ambitions would be so big." Uchiha Fuyue sighed, and then he looked into the distance: "Speed ​​up, I don't want those guys to enter the territory of the country of fire."

Starting from Konoha to the border of the country of soup, even a ninja needs at least a week faster, and this is still in a state of full acceleration.

The country of fire is really big. To be honest, more than 30,000 ninjas are really not enough.

It's a pity that the training of ninjas is really not an easy thing.

There are only more than 30,000 ninjas in Konoha of more than 100,000 people, although it is because of the remaining ones after the war.

But it is also conceivable that the profession of ninja still needs a good talent.

There is no way to become a ninja without talent. Even if you are only a ninja all your life, you are a superhuman existence to ordinary people.

Uchiha Fuyue's order was quickly issued, and the two thousand ninjas suddenly began to speed up.

They only slept the basic six hours a day and spent the rest of the day on the road.

All ninjas knew the importance of this mission, so they didn't complain at all.

Of course Uchiha Fuyue is not stupid. He knows that if he feels that the front line is basically dead in such a state, he chose his destination early in the morning.

That place is a second-tier base where Konoha is set in the country of fire, close to the border of the country of soup, and that base is also a good camp.

Crucially, that place was also a front-line granary.

If that Yun Ren invaded, that place would definitely become a point that Yun Ren would definitely attack.

Once they fall into the hands of Yun Ren, they will receive a large amount of supplies.

You can even use this as a stronghold to attack all around, which will be very troublesome.

Occupying that stronghold and resting there is the main purpose of Uchiha Fugaku.

What he never expected was that when he brought his troops to this stronghold, they happened to run into a cloud that was attacking this stronghold...
