Chapter 431: Performance

The latest website: "This group of Yun Ren, the speed is really fast enough, and they actually broke into this stronghold?"

Uchiha Fuyue listened to the report of the members of the Hyuga clan in front of him, and he already knew the situation ahead.

How long has it been since Yun Ren set off, yet he has already arrived here?

Is it bypassed? Or came in by force?

But no matter what, this is completely different from what Uchiha Fuyue thought, to put these Yun Ren completely on the boundary line and prevent them from taking one step into the country of fire.

However, according to the description of this Hinata Ninja, it seems that these Yun Ninjas are just bypassing.

Because their number is only less than a hundred people.

"Captain Fuyue, there are not many guards in this stronghold, but they are still struggling to support it."

Saito Hyuga quickly said: "If we speed up the past now, we should be able to deal with them, but..."

This Hinata Ninja is Uchiha Ryukage's former teammate, Hinata Cairen.

The last time this guy followed Uchiha Ryukage and Chidurohiro to protect the members of the task force.

Originally he thought it would be an extremely dangerous battle, but what he never expected was.

His sub-commander Uchiha Ryukage actually killed the guy named Troy, which caused the morale of the Yun Ninjas who followed him to drop sharply.

Coupled with the help of Chisate Hiroshi and Uchiha Ryukage, they cooperated with the members of the task team to easily get those Yun Ninjas down.

After that mission, Yun Ren began to shrink the front line, and Hinata Saito also returned to Konoha with Uchiha Ryukage.

This time, he actually had the privilege, that is, he could avoid going to the battlefield again.

But it is a pity that both Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Nisari hope they can go on.

And he, who has cooperated with Uchiha Ryuying, naturally believes in his own sub-commander.

After learning that his sub-captain would choose to go to the battlefield, he also chose to follow without hesitation.

Yun Ren did not have many raiding troops, and it was only about a hundred people when he was full.

There are two thousand ninjas here, no matter how you look at them, you can easily kill them.

It's a pity that these two thousand ninjas are very tired now.

This way of rushing to squeeze their physical strength to the limit has caused them to lose a lot of combat ability.

Although it was easy to kill these 100 people, the problem was that if these 100 people ran back a few times and let Yun Ren know their current situation, it would be considered as revealing their intelligence.

Uchiha Fuyue naturally knew what Hyuga Cairen meant, and he made a decision after a little thought.

"You rest, Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryuying, you two, give it to me, and we'll deal with them."

"Chief....chief captain?"

Saito Hyuga thought he heard it wrong, but seeing Uchiha Ryukage and Uchiha Chuan follow Uchiha Fuyue without any hesitation, he was a little stunned.

"Captain, just the three of you? After a long journey, most of the ninjas are very tired, but they are still capable of fighting. Let's rest for an hour together..."

"No need, leave it to us here." Uchiha Fuyue shook his head, and he showed a slight smile.

"I'm not going to wipe them out, I'm just driving them away. You don't want to take the lead, if they notice..."

While speaking, Uchiha Fuyue had already walked towards those Yun Ren, and Hinata Cairen could only convey his orders.

Uchiha Fuyue really didn't think about killing all these people at one time, it's not impossible but too troublesome.

Because his fighting style will make the ninjutsu too powerful, if a bad one is not good, the entire stronghold will be razed, and all the materials will be turned into ashes.

In that case, what's the point of him intercepting now?

It's better to let all these Yun Ren enter the **** stronghold, and then he directly casts a large-scale fire escape outside.

With his strength, he can definitely burn the people and things inside with a torch!

Of course, if those Yun Ren were too cooperative, he would definitely not have any hesitation.

Quickly brought the two squad leaders of the security department over, and Uchiha Fuyue was also observing the two children of his own family.

To be honest, these two guys are both children from the Uchiha clan.

However, the two seemed to be respectful towards him as the patriarch.

This kind of discovery made Uchiha Fuyue a little depressed, but he also knew that these two people were probably completely at the mercy of Uchiha Kai.

In other words, as long as it is from the Security Department, there are not many who are not completely obedient to Uchiha Kai.

This is a kind of personality charm, although Uchiha Fugaku is a little envious.

But he knew the entire Uchiha clan, and more often listened to him and Uchiha Kai at the same time.

Except for the strength that seems to be inferior to the two in front of them, everything else is fine.

"Chuan, Liuying, wait for the two of you to enter the stronghold and cooperate with the ninjas inside to clean up Yun Ren."

When he was about to approach the stronghold, Uchiha Fuyue suddenly said: "Let me deal with those guys on the front. Be careful, I don't want Qi-Jun to trouble me at that time."

"Don't worry, patriarch, we will come out to assist you immediately after we clean up the Yun Ren in there." Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryuying glanced at each other, and then Uchiha Chuan said directly.

The two of them didn't know at all what the specific strength of Uchiha Fuyue was.

Except that Uchihagawa once saw him deal with the nine tails, he has never seen the patriarch take action again.

They do know that Uchiha Fuyue has kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, and these eyes are very scary.

It is said that the entire Uchiha clan is now only possessed by this patriarch and their ministers.

It's just that their minister, Uchiha Kai, didn't seem to show those eyes.

However, both of them firmly believe that Uchiha Kai definitely has such eyes. After all, Uchiha Kai's strength is really unfathomable.

Just the words of Uchiha Fugaku...

Even if he also has such terrifying eyes, his actual combat experience and the number of battles are really unacceptable.

Maybe his commanding ability is very good. After all, he was in charge of a family and had a good performance in the third war.

But in terms of combat, it really made them not have much confidence.

Uchiha Fuyue also seemed to know what the two clansmen were thinking, which made him a little angry but funny.

However, he didn't have any idea of ​​explanation. He jumped up and then accelerated directly, rushing towards Yun Ren directly.

Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryuying glanced at each other, and the two of them quickly ran towards the inside of the stronghold.

They only hope that there are not too many Yun Ninjas in this stronghold, so that they can quickly support.

In other words, if there are more Yun Ninjas, then this can make Uchiha Fugaku safer.

Uchiha Fuyue rushed forward quickly, and while sprinting, he had already opened his own writing wheel.

When he came to these Yun Ren, his eyes had completely turned into a kaleidoscope state.

The kaleidoscope glanced lightly, and in just a split second, he had already judged how many Yun Ren were present—about sixty.

These cloud ninjas belong to the type that uses ninjutsu from the side. Of course, they seem to be eager to try to rush into this stronghold.

It may be that the defense of the Konoha ninja in that stronghold is too strong, and there are all kinds of seals and enchantments in the stronghold, which makes it impossible for them to flood in together at one time.

The sudden appearance of Uchiha Fuyue really surprised them!

But they are qualified ninjas after all. Although they were startled by this Konoha ninja who suddenly appeared in front of them, they still reacted immediately.

However, Uchiha Fuyue did not intend to give them any chance at all.

Knotted with one hand, the weird kaleidoscope instantly burst into an incredibly weird chakra.

These Yun Ren who looked at him suddenly felt that his body seemed to be pierced by something, and was completely fixed in place.

And in their minds, a strange, scarlet and black graphic that was slowly selected appeared invariably.

Uchiha Fuyue didn't pause in the slightest, and after finishing all this, he quickly formed a seal with his hands.

In the next moment, a flame that was as wide as a sea of ​​fire, so wide that it made people desperate, spewed out!

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"


"This is...."

Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage just jumped over this stronghold, and they are still trying to figure out how to enter this stronghold.

As a result, the terrifying chakra erupted directly from the front of this stronghold, and the scorching sparks rushed towards the face in an instant!

Such a terrifying aura really made them both stunned.

So after the two of them looked at each other, they immediately jumped up and jumped to a big tree at the same time.

Looking at the forest that had turned into a sea of ​​fire in the distance, they swallowed involuntarily.

Obviously, they have realized that this is the masterpiece of Uchiha Fugaku.

It seems that such a terrifying fire escape can only be released by their Uchiha clan.

As for the Sarutobi clan who are also good at fire escape?

They are really good, but their family playing with fire is worse than Uchiha.

Such a terrifying fire escape really made the two of them take a deep breath. Now they find that they seem to underestimate their patriarch...



Saito Hyuga stood in front of the large army, watching the huge flames continue to spread in the distance.

Seeing that Yun Ren was wrapped in flames and was directly burned to ashes, he was really taken aback.

Not only him, but the ninjas who had all recovered from sitting on the ground behind him stared blankly at the huge fire in the distance.

Feeling the scorching heat that came to their faces, this scorching heat made them feel fear in their hearts.

But at the same time as the fear, it also made them feel extremely at ease.

With such a powerful ninja and such a terrifying ninja, no matter how they look at it, they will be much safer.

This war, with such combat power at the same time, maybe the balance of the battle can be tilted in their favor.

Counting the people on the front line together, it is only 6,000 people against 8,000 people, and they actually have a certain degree of depression in their hearts.

But in order to protect their homeland and everything they need to protect, they went to the battlefield with a strong enough belief.

At this moment, this move of Uchiha Fuyue seems to have given them confidence, and some of them have the confidence to win...


In fact, most of the Konoha ninjas who set out on the expedition have some pessimism in their hearts.

Although they are fighting on the borders of the Fire Nation, even if the supply speed may be faster.

But they are really nearly 2,000 fewer than Yun Ren. No matter who changes the number, there will be some fear.

It's not that Konoha didn't win more with less, on the contrary, there were quite a few, but who were the people who led the team at that time?

Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, and now the fourth generation Naruto Naruto Minato!

Although Uchiha Fuyue is good in strength, he really doesn't have many outstanding records.

Even if there are some hindsights, because Namikaze Minato was the fourth Hokage who became the fourth Hokage after the war.

During the war, no one thought that he could do it. Orochimaru's strength is not what most people can imagine.

Unfortunately for Orochimaru, he encountered a sinister opponent.

In addition, he himself has done some bad things, plus his character, so he lost the position of Hokage.

But in any case, Namikaze Minato, becoming the fourth Hokage is an established fact.

Therefore, these ninjas now believe that under his leadership, it is not a rare thing to win more with less.

And Uchiha Fuyake itself really doesn't have any outstanding record.

The position of the Minister of the Security Department has long been replaced by Uchiha Kai.

Under his leadership, it was hard to give them hope no matter how they looked at the ninjas who faced Yunyin head-on.

But now, Uchiha Fuyue has shown strength beyond their imagination, which has given them a lot of confidence.

Even if they are indeed ready to die in battle, everyone's desire to survive is the same.

As long as there is a slight chance, they will try their best to grasp it.

Just as people always yearn for the light, there is only one chance in life, and this is the light.

This is one of the most primitive longings in the heart of every human being.

Uchiha Fuyue caused a huge movement, and his fire escape was not only powerful, but also covered a huge area.

Even in the Yunjin Camp, which is more than 30 kilometers away, it seems that some traces can be faintly seen on the ground.

The billowing smoke continued to spread outward, and God knew whether Uchiha Fuyue did it on purpose or he did not intend to.

But his approach not only boosted morale, but also put a lot of pressure on these Yun Ninjas.

In the tent at the center of the camp, the fourth Raikage was discussing some matters with his subordinates, while Kirabi was bored and meditated on his own rap.

But at this moment, a ninja suddenly rushed in and half-kneeled and said, "Lord Raikage, there is a sudden fire in front of the Konoha stronghold, according to the investigation, it should be caused by the fire.

And according to the ninja report of the perception class, the leader seems to be Uchiha Fugaku, our raiding force...

And because the distance is too far, the perception class can't determine how many people he has brought, but it must be at least 2,000 by visual inspection. "

"What?" Raikage 4 was stunned when he heard the news, although his face immediately became extremely ugly: "You mean, our raiding force was destroyed? Who was the leader? Uchiha Fuyake Why did Konoha send him here?"

It was his intention to send a hundred Yun Ren to raid that stronghold.

It's just that he didn't expect Konoha's reaction to be so fast, and he sent troops to come directly in just a few days.

And by coincidence, it happened to run into his own raiding force.

What only puzzled him was how Konoha would send this guy Uchiha Fugaku to the battlefield.

Who is Uchiha Fuyake? As Raikage, he naturally knows that this guy is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

But this guy didn't have any actual achievements, except for commanding troops to fight against Kirin and Iwanin, nothing else.

As for combat records?

This is even less information, after all, the patriarch of a big family, who would let him go to the front line to fight.

But what made him feel incredible was that Konoha would actually choose this guy as the commanding ninja to lead the team.

Does this mean that no one can use Konoha now?

Otherwise, why didn't they send ninjas like Jiraiya and Tsunade who had enough command experience and were powerful?

Although he has already received information, it seems that none of the guys like Jiraiya and Tsunade are in Konoha.

And Orochimaru, even defected to Konoha.

But now that the war has started, why didn't Konoha summon them back?

The Fourth Raikage couldn't figure this out anyway, but he seemed to have seen through Konoha that not many people could use it.

"This seems to be good news." The fourth Raikage said to himself: "It's really interesting to send such a guy to the front line."

With a wave of his hand, the fourth Raikage asked the half-kneeling intelligence ninja to retreat first.

Then his eyes turned to the map, Uchiha Fuyue, although he couldn't judge his specific strength.

But he believed that he would definitely be able to get rid of this guy.

As for how many ninjas Konoha sent over, he had no way of knowing.

The reinforcements of 2,000 people obviously cannot be all Konoha's manpower.

But no matter how many people Konoha sent, he planned to try the depth.

Especially, try the depth of this Uchiha clan chief.

"Go on, send a thousand ninjas to follow me tomorrow, and you can evacuate at any time if you want to be fast."

The Fourth Raikage thought for a while, and then he said in a stern voice: "We will set off early in the morning and raid the Konoha stronghold. I want to see how strong they are!"

"Yes! Raikage-sama!"


Uchiha Fuyue used a large-scale fire to extinguish it, and burned more than 60 Yun Ninjas to ashes at one time.

It seemed wasteful, but he knew very well that it was necessary to do so.

When it was issued, he already felt that the team's mood was not high.

This is very deadly for the state of war, so Uchiha Fuyue can only think of some ways, or do something to improve the morale of his team.

He really didn't expect that Yun Ren would cooperate so well with him.

It seems that his performance is not bad now. When he returned to his team, he found that the atmosphere of the team was indeed a lot more active.

Unlike the slightly lifeless atmosphere before the arrival, the aura that makes people unable to see the future continues to spread in the team.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Fuyue was relieved.

He doesn't want the team he leads to be like this before the battle, so what else is there to fight?

Under his leadership, the Konoha ninjas filed into the store.

Maybe it's because Uchiha Fugaku's performance is too conspicuous, or the performance of the attacking Yun Ninjas is very powerful.

They have destroyed the defense facilities in the stronghold and plan to retreat quickly.

However, once these things are destroyed, it will be completely convenient for the two guys Uchihagawa and Uchiha Ryukage.

The two of them quickly rushed into the stronghold, and cooperated with the Konoha ninjas in the stronghold to start blocking, intercepting and killing these cloud ninjas.

When Uchiha Fuyue led the team in, those Yun Ren had been basically cleaned up by them.

"Are you all right?" Uchiha Fuyue asked, looking at the ninja being helped by Uchiha Chuan in front of him.

"I'm Uchiha Fuyake, the commander-in-chief of the first unit. Tell me about your situation here."

"The first unit? Captain?" The Konoha ninja was stunned when he heard Uchiha Fuyue's words, and then he immediately turned around. Now is not the time to be dazed.

"Captain Fuyue, subordinate Hiraga Yuanta, the position of Chunin. It is from this stronghold.... A small captain, our captain and deputy captain..."

Having said that, Hiraga Yuanta couldn't go on, and Uchiha Fuyue basically understood what he meant.

It seems that his captain and vice-captain are basically sacrificed.

Such a small second-tier stronghold is basically used as a granary for the first-tier stronghold.

Now whether the first line of defense has contact with Yun Ren, Uchiha Fuyue is not quite sure.

It's just that Yun Ren can go around to their rear and attack this stronghold, which makes Uchiha Fugaku feel a little big.

"How many Hinata ninjas are there on your front line?" Uchiha Fuyue thought about it, and then asked, "Is there still a war with them on the first line of defense?"

"Captain Fuyue, there has been a conflict, but we don't know the specific situation."

Hiraga Yuanta sighed slightly: "Now our main force is about ten kilometers ahead, and Yun Ren is thirty kilometers away. As for how many Hinata ninjas there are, I don't know too much, I'm just one. ..."

"I understand." Uchiha Fuyue nodded, he didn't even blame this ninja, or the ninjas on the first line of defense.

After all, the land of the Fire Country is really too flat, and because of the influence of the ecological environment, there is also sufficient rain here. This environment and terrain are very suitable for planting economic activities.

But in the same way, there are also a lot of trees here, and the most important thing is that there are no mountains here.

This situation also caused the enemy to easily find opportunities and rely on those trees as a cover to quickly break into the country of fire.

So Konoha had to place so many ninjas on the border.

These ninjas are not only defending against raids by enemy nations, but also patrolling those trying to defend against those entering the Land of Fire.

In addition to this, they must also set up various strongholds, relying on these strongholds to inspect and probe these ninjas.

Now due to the war, the Konoha front-line troops have been shrunk together, and naturally a lot of gaps have been exposed to Yun Ren.

Those Yun Ren are strong and strong, and their physical strength is quite good.

Long-distance raids are probably not difficult for them.

So rushing them in is not too difficult to understand.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Fuyue patted him on the shoulder: "Go down to rest, my subordinates also need to rest, but they came here after a lot of wasted time. If possible, prepare some food and hot water, We have to go in a little while."

"No problem, Captain Fuyue." Hiraga Yuanta nodded immediately and said: "Although our losses are relatively large, relying on defense, the reduction of personnel is still within an acceptable range. I immediately arranged for people to do these preparations, but I don't know. Can Captain Fuyue…”

"Sorry, I can't leave some people for you." Before He Yuantai finished speaking, Uchiha Fuyue shook his head directly: "However, it won't be long before another troop should arrive."

"Another unit?" Hiraga Yuantai was still a little disappointed, but when he heard Uchiha Fuyue's words, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Captain Fuyue, what do you mean..."

"Ah, didn't I say so? I'm the commander-in-chief of the first unit..."
