Chapter 433: intelligence

Dawn broke, and Uchiha also walked out of his tent yawning, and the cold breeze in the morning made people feel agitated.

A good night's rest made him feel very comfortable.

Although he had rested yesterday afternoon, that level of rest was nothing at all.

Sleep is the best way for a ninja to recover, and Uchiha now feels refreshed.

Looking at the early sun rising in the sky, Uchiha Fuyue shook his head slightly, getting up early had already become his habit.

"Oh, it's foggy?" Uchiha Fuyue stretched out his hand, and a thin layer of fog was dispersed in the camp.

The forests in the Land of Fire have plenty of rain, and it's not surprising to see fog in the morning.

Besides, there was some light rain last night, and Uchiha Fuyue didn't take it too seriously.

After sobering himself up a little, he planned to do some simple activities.

These activities won't be very big, and maybe even a warm-up state is not a big deal for him.

But it's still important to stay in shape when you're on the front line, even if it's just a few simple stretches.

But at this moment, the loud and vigorous trumpet sound resounded in the camp.

This voice made Uchiha Fuyue stunned a little, but the next moment his expression changed.

With the sound of the horn, countless ninjas quickly assembled.

Even though some of them were still sleepy, they still rushed out quickly and formed a phalanx under the leadership of their respective captains.

Uchiha Fuyue quickly found Nara Kyouhei, who had already commanded the gathering of troops. He was also a little worried when he heard the sound of explosions from the outside of the camp.

Could it be that Yun Ren has gone crazy and started to launch a strong attack now, this group of lunatics is really fast enough!

"Captain Fuyue." Nara Kyouhei saw Uchiha Fugaku running over, and he immediately bowed slightly.

"What happened, Yun Ren came over?" Uchiha Fuyue was not talking nonsense, he immediately asked.

"It's Yun Ren, about a thousand people, they raided from the back of the camp, relying on the cover of fog."

Nara Kyouhei said quickly: "Their speed is very fast. It seems that they sensed the arrangement outside the camp and attacked directly, and our first batch of guard ninjas have been solved by them."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Fuyue nodded.

"Let our people be divided into four groups to be vigilant around the camp, and have enough reserve troops ready to take over at any time.

Let the perceptual ninja use various secret methods to find the enemies hidden in the fog, and they can't rush in! "

Nara Kyouhei nodded. Although he had already arranged these things, as a member of the Nara family, he definitely inherited the IQ and emotional intelligence of the Nara family.

Therefore, he didn't say anything about what he had ordered, let alone the fact that he had gathered ninjas who were good at Feng Dun and was going to use Feng Dun to blow away the mist.

Although he was once the commander of the front line, he was also very comfortable as a subordinate.

Soon, hundreds of wind escape ninjas were summoned to unleash a powerful wind escape together.

A violent hurricane suddenly condensed in midair and swept out in all directions.

Uchiha Fuyue looked at Kyouhei Nara vaguely. He didn't say a word, but he was very satisfied with this guy's actions.

Although it seems that he is robbing him of his power, Uchiha Fugaku himself has a clear position, and his own desire for power is not too strong.

"Captain Fuyue, they have come in!"

At this moment, a Hinata ninja opened his eyes and glanced around, but his face was very ugly.

"Leading the team...Leading the team is the fourth generation of Raikage!"

"Fourth Raikage?" Uchiha Fuyue's expression changed slightly when he heard the news: "He's here? Where is he now?"

Fourth Raikage?

How did this guy get out?

Just as Uchiha Fuyue asked the words, there was a huge vibration not far away from them, which made Uchiha Fuyue frown.

He has basically figured out what the purpose and idea of ​​these Yun Ren coming here are.

The journey of more than ten kilometers is really close.

No matter where you thought about it, it was the right choice to launch a raid just after their reinforcements had arrived.

And this time, there were only more than 1,000 people in the raid, and they were led by the fourth generation of Raikage, so these people are definitely good raiders.

They are definitely faster than others, and their means of destruction are definitely not weak.

Of course, the most important thing is to be fast.

Only with super fast speed, can you still quickly dash forward to achieve the effect of an attack after being discovered by the eyes.

And after trying to find out the truth of Konoha, he can calmly decide whether to continue the fight and wait for the big troops to follow up, or retreat directly to their own camp.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Fuyue asked directly, "Where is the fourth Raikage?"

"The southwest direction, the speed is very fast!" The Hinata ninja replied quickly, but he seemed very nervous.

Of course he was nervous, and I am afraid that few of the Konoha ninjas present were not nervous.

They all know the glorious record of the three generations of Raikage, that is a person who resisted tens of thousands of troops!

The fourth Raikage may not be as strong as the third Raikage, but Yuzhu is in front, and they are father and son again.

The ghost knows whether they have reached a similar level in terms of strength!

Everyone has this kind of fear. The key is that they only have 4,000 people deployed here.

The 2,000-strong army led by the three generations of Hokage has not arrived yet, and it is not known if they do not intend to join them, or if they have gone around to the flank to cover.

Uchiha Fuyue shook his head, he was too lazy to think about these issues, just this was a chance for him to play.

Closing his eyes slightly, the next moment his eyes had turned into a scarlet three-gou jade state.

The fourth generation of Raikage, it is just that he can try to see the strength of this shadow!

"Nara Kyouhei, I leave this to you." Uchiha Fugaku said quickly.

"You are in charge of commanding this place, you can't let a cloud ninja slip through, if you can directly wipe them out!

Uchiha Ryukage, Uchihagawa, I appoint you two as captains, follow the command of Nara Kyouhei, and I will intercept the fourth Raikage! "

After saying this, Uchiha Fuyue didn't give Nara Kyouhei a chance to talk nonsense at all, and the next moment he rushed directly towards the position of the fourth Raikage.

Nara Kyouhei saw Uchiha Fugaku rushing out, his mouth opened slightly, and then he simply closed it.

Looking at the ninjas who had gathered around, he immediately thought about it, and then issued an order according to Uchiha Fugaku's request.

At this time, there were constant screams in the camp. If he didn't move quickly, he would know what would happen.

Uchiha Fuyue moved forward all the way, the whole camp started to be noisy, the clash of weapons sounded, and it quickly became chaotic.

"Here, there is Yunyin's ninja here."

"Here I am, someone is injured, the medical class, where is the medical class."

"I cut him, a Yun Ren was cut by me, the perception class quickly find him!"

In the chaos, the voice of the Konoha ninja kept ringing, and all the voices fluctuated with each other, making it difficult to distinguish.

When Uchiha Fuyue heard such a voice, he was also a little anxious.

These Yun Ren really can choose the time, which makes him have to speed up at one time.

But at this moment, two Konoha ninjas suddenly flew upside down and smashed to the ground, the sound of broken bones was unusually harsh.

Uchiha Fuyue quickly dodged, he stopped and looked up slowly.

Not far away, a tall, sturdy and dark-skinned ninja was standing there with a look of disdain.

He was not wearing a forehead guard, only a white robe on his body.

But he stood there alone, even without any movement, unconsciously brought unimaginable pressure to Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fuyue also recognized who this ninja was. He was the leader of this raid, the fourth-generation Meg Raikage of Yunyin Village!


Uchiha Qi gently flicked the blood from the knife, looking at the corpses on the floor in the room, he smiled disdainfully.

In fact, such a task really does not need him to do it himself.

But since Kakashi found him, and it was proposed by Minato Namikaze, then he doesn't mind the activities.

Just take it as it is, warm up a little before going to the battlefield.

The person inside is almost Yun Ren, and Uchiha Kai can confirm it, because he knows that there are two corpses in one place.

He didn't know the two, but Hyuga Aya provided him with a piece of information.

On the night Hinata Hinata was kidnapped, there were two ninjas who were responsible for sensing and delivering information.

This made Atsby unknowingly touch the clan of the Hinata clan, and hijacked Hinata to Hinata without any movement.

Hyuga Aya provided the portraits of the two to Kai Uchiha. Although he didn't care that much, he still remembered these two guys anyway.

He really didn't expect that this information would actually be used at this time.

However, these two guys were very resistant, and at the moment Uchiha Qi appeared, they directly pulled out their weapons and desperately tried their best.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai did not leave them any chance to survive.

After determining who the leader here is, he directly killed the two.

In addition to them, he also killed three of the other four Yun Ninjas in this wooden house.


Kakashi rushed into the wooden house, and he frowned immediately, because the smell of blood in it was really strong.

However, he was not surprised by the tragic scene in this place. Although Uchiha Qi is afraid that he himself does not know, but he knows that this guy is definitely too strong to exist.

"Solved?" Kakashi glanced around before asking.

"Well, except for this leader who was controlled by my illusion, everyone else is dead."

Uchiha Qi nodded: "As for other things, I didn't give them a chance to deal with them, but I think you should clean up and collect them quickly."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai grabbed a document and threw it to Kakashi.

Kakashi frowned as he looked at the document in his hand...


"This is...."

Kakashi frowned as he looked at the document in his hand.

This document records Konoha's detailed dispatch time, as well as those who lead the troops and what their tasks are.

Even the members of which families they probably chose.

If this information is fatal, it is reasonable. After all, the information that can be provided by the first-time intelligence can give a lot of decision-making space.

But it's ok if it's not fatal.

After all, with such information, as the war continues, the other side will definitely be able to figure it out.

Of course, it is best not to disclose such information.

Their deployment and personnel have been figured out by others, so it is conceivable that every step of their decision-making will become extremely difficult.

Kakashi sighed, and he turned his head to look at the man who was spread out on the ground under the illusion.

The man looked in his forties and fifties, and he was a bit fat.

On the surface, it seems that he is a middle-aged farmer who has not received ninja training and is harmless to humans and animals.

Kakashi has seen the intelligence of this guy, and in the intelligence he is an ordinary hunter.

Wounded when he was young, he likes to live in the wild and hunt for a living.

He has a wife and a son, who have collapsed to one side.

There was a knife mark on the side of their necks, and the knife mark directly cut off the artery and cut off their hope of life.

The most terrifying thing is that almost all the corpses in this wooden house only have a knife mark, and there are no other traces. It is conceivable how terrible the people who raided.

This guy's wife is also a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s, and their son looks like he is in his twenties.

Such a family would be impossible to attract anyone's attention in the country of fire.

But it is such an ordinary family that has been rooted in the land of fire for an unknown time, a spy from Yunyin Village!

If it weren't for this investigation, I'm afraid these household jobs would not be easy to find out.

"You go to collect the documents and materials here." Kakashi turned his head directly to look at Anbu and Genbu who followed up: "Remember, don't make any small moves, we will hand over these materials to Hokage-sama."

"Nisiri." Uchiha Qi was not idle either, he turned his head to look at Hinata Nisari: "You help me make a record, you don't need to wait to send this guy to the interrogation class, we can do it directly here. ."

"Yes, the Minister." Hinata almost nodded, then walked in directly.

The Security Department, Anbu, and Genbu act together. How can the Security Department have only one Minister, Kei Uchiha?

There are still quite a few people who came with Uchiha Kai this time, but he doesn't need these people to do anything at all.

For him, so many people came over actually didn't make any sense at all.

But since it's here, let's do something inevitable. It can't be a waste of time, can it?

What's more, Uchiha Qi himself is also curious, how much information these guys have obtained in this place, and how much information is to be sent to Yun Ren.

Kakashi frowned. He wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he shut up.

Uchiha Kai's behavior is not very in line with the rules. Normally, this guy should be sent back to the interrogation class.

Especially this guy, obviously there must be a seal in his head.

After all, Kakashi also has a wheel eye, and he can see that this guy has no chakra in his body at all.

Such people must have mastered some special secrets, and in order to prevent them from revealing these secrets in the face of danger, they must also set something unique on them.

For example, some seals, some seals carved into their brains.

But after thinking about it, he felt that this kind of seal would be useless even if it was handed over to the interrogation squad.

It's not that they haven't caught such a guy before. Often, when such people are stimulated by illusions or drugs, the seals in their bodies will work quickly.

These seals can restore the sealed person, but at this moment the seal also begins to destroy the sealed person's brain!

The war of intelligence is often so cruel, and ordinary ninjas will not accept such an approach at all.

But for such intelligence officers, they don't have many options.

Uchiha Kai saw that Hyuga Risari was ready, and he pulled up the Yun Ninja spy who was still absent, and threw it on a chair.

His eyes once again turned into a state of writing wheel eyes, and he didn't need a kaleidoscope at all. In the face of such an enemy, he didn't even need to turn on the kaleidoscope.

At the moment of the writing wheel in the state of Sangouyu, the Yun Ren spy immediately had some reactions, and he raised his head dully.

"Tell me, how much information did you pass on to Yun Yin." Uchiha Kai's voice was unusually flat: "Also, what does Yun Yin ask you to do?"

"I..." The Yun Nin spy said slightly.

But the next moment he hugged his head, his face twisted and seemed to be in abnormal pain.

This state did not surprise Kakashi and Uchiha Kai.

What Kakashi didn't expect was that Kai Uchiha didn't seem to have the idea of ​​solving those seals at all, but continued to exert continuous pressure!

He wanted to remind Uchiha Kai, but after thinking about it, he remained quiet.

Uchiha Kai definitely has his own ideas, so he will do this.

And for such a key person, he didn't think Uchiha Kai would let this guy die so easily.

In fact, it was similar to what he thought. Under the continuous suppression of Uchiha Kai, this guy finally spoke up.

"I have passed some information back."

The Yun Ren spy said dully, but as he opened his mouth, blood began to leak from the corners of his eyes, nostrils, ears and mouth.

"But some intelligence hasn't come back, and I've got some new instructions."

"What instructions." Uchiha Qi said flatly, and the speed of the rotation of the writing wheel in his eyes became faster and faster.

The seal had apparently started to operate and destroyed the brains of those who had been sealed.

But no matter how the seal works, the Yun Ninja spy, who should have recovered by now, is still controlled by Uchiha Kai.

This sealing technique has absolutely no way to affect his illusion!

Such pain can make the practitioner unable to escape the confinement of illusion. It is conceivable that Uchiha Kai's current level of illusion has made terrible progress.

What he has to do now is to force this guy to tell the most important information before his brain is destroyed.

"According to.... According to the information from the Kingdom of Thunder..."

This Yun Ren spy could not speak clearly, his entire face had begun to distort, and the blood had dyed his entire face red.

"They asked me to plan a route and then...they would send....some create hold..."


Having said that, suddenly there was a muffled sound in the head of this Yun Ren spy.

When Uchiha Kai and Kakashi heard this voice, they jumped out.

Hyuga's reaction was a little slow, but he also fell to the ground immediately.

After this muffled sound, the brain of this Yun Ren spy exploded!

Bright red blood exploded all over the room, and many white things were attached to the blood.

Uchiha Qi tilted his head and glanced at the scene in the house, and couldn't help sighing, while Kakashi rubbed the back of his head.

The two of them evacuated quickly, and the members of the Anbu and Roots in the room were out of luck.

Their bodies are covered with these things that ghosts know is blood or brains, and they look disgusting.

The luckier ones were the people from the security department. They all stayed outside the door and didn't go in.

The only one who went in, the day difference, seems to have no problem.

I have to say that Yun Ren is really ruthless, the seal they set up seems to want to kill the torturers together.

"It seems that you don't need to take him back." Uchiha Kai spread his hands to Kakashi: "As for the information, I think it is very clear?"

"Really, you are too risky." Kakashi gave Uchiha Kai a slightly dissatisfied look, but he quickly nodded: "Indeed, this information is completely enough."

The meaning of this information is very simple, that is, Yun Ren will send a team to Konoha.

Let them enter Konoha, and cooperate with other undiscovered spies to create chaos so that Hokage can't get to the front.

In the entire ninja world, if the assassination ability is the strongest, the ninja with the highest quality is the mist ninja.

Then the ninjas who are best at raiding and sabotage, and who can finally evacuate, must be Yun Ren's group!

More than ten years ago, these guys had raided Konoha once.

Back then, after they got the specific information of the nine-tailed people Zhuri, they sent ninjas into Konoha and captured the young Kushina.

Their evacuation speed is extremely fast, and their physical fitness is definitely far better than the Konoha Ninja.

If it weren't for the equally young Namikaze Minato, who noticed the problem in time, and tracked them all the way to find them.

Then he showed his incredible ninja talent and killed Yun Ren, I'm afraid Kushina is already in Yun Yin now.

As for whether she is alive or dead, it is unknown, but it is conceivable that her fate will be absolutely tragic.

Namikaze Minato's performance not only won him a future wife.

It was also because he showed his exceptional ninja talent that he was valued by Jiraiya, which gave him the foundation to become Naruto.

Now that more than ten years have passed, these Yun Ren still want to play this game again, is it really naive?

Not to mention that Hiruzen Sarutobi was still trying his best to get those big families down, everyone was not too impressed with this new Hokage.

Coupled with the influence of the battlefield, the internal defense of the village was limited, which gave them the opportunity.

And now, no matter what the other families are, at least Uchiha is standing by Shidaimu's side.

The security department led by Kai Uchiha also stood by his side.

In addition, they also unexpectedly obtained such information, how could Kai Uchiha give them a chance to act recklessly...
