Chapter 434: 4th Raikage (Part 1)

The latest website: "You are, Uchiha Fuyake."

The fourth Raikage stood on the side of the battlefield, looking at the red-eyed guy who was about the same age as him, and the corner of his mouth showed a touch of disdain.

He knew the information of Uchiha Fuyue. His original purpose of coming here was to try to see the depth of this guy. Of course, he had some other expectations.

Last night, they got the news from the letter eagle that Konoha actually had two troops.

And the person who led the other team is the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiyazaki!

Upon hearing this news, the fourth generation Raikage became even more excited.

Sarutobi Hizan, this guy was once praised by his father.

It's just that this guy is getting older, and many of his ideas have become conservative and stubborn with age, and even in his opinion they are worthless!

But it is undeniable that the prestige of the three generations of Hokage is still there.

The legendary name of Shinobu is still resounding in the ninja world, and of course the fourth-generation Raikage also wants to try the level of this third-generation Naruto!

In his opinion, Uchiha Fugaku and Sarutobi Hiizan are really a lot worse.

There is a huge gap in both fame and strength.

Considering his personal strength, the Fourth Raikage is also a fighting maniac. Of course, he is happy to fight with powerful people, so that he can improve his strength.

In terms of politics and war, defeating a patriarch of the Uchiha clan would be a big blow to the morale of the Konoha troops.

Although the fourth Raikage is belligerent, although his personality is indeed reckless, it does not mean that his mind is full of straws, he is smart!

In the original book, this guy's performance is not a fool.

Although he is very fond of using force to threaten, so as to achieve his purpose.

But the essence of each of his goals is to enhance Yun Yin's prestige and status.

Just like the position of the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces of the Ninja World in the Fourth War.

After this position is obtained, how much profit it can bring to him and Yun Yin after the war can be imagined by anyone who has no problem in their minds.

However, at that time, Konoha, Shayin, Wuyin, and Yanren were all rebels, and three of them had been ruled by Xiao, so they had no ability to persuade.

There is only one Yanyin who has the ability to fight for it, and there is really no way to fight it.

It can be said that this matter is basically a certainty, but Konoha is the protagonist. They have two men who are open.

"The next is Uchiha Fuyue." Uchiha Fuyue's scarlet eyes stared at the Fourth Raikage: "Your Excellency Fourth Raikage, don't you think you are too much?"

"Excessive?" The fourth generation of Raikage showed a sinister smile on his face: "Then you Konoha obliterated our sincerity in bringing peace and killed our special envoy, don't you think you are too much?"

"It seems that there is nothing to say." Uchiha Fuyue sighed: "Everyone knows how this matter is, I can only say, do it yourself, Your Excellency Raikage."

"Really?" The Fourth Raikage snorted coldly: "Then let me see, what qualifications do you have to say to me, 'Do it yourself'!"

As soon as the words fell, the Fourth Raikage rushed towards Uchiha Fuyake like a bullet!

That terrifying speed, I am afraid that other people will not be able to react at all.

But for Uchiha Fugaku, who has eternal eyes, he can still keep up with this speed!

With a slight deflection of his body, he directly avoided the fist of the fourth Raikage with the arc, and then he kicked the fourth Raikage fiercely in the stomach!

What Uchiha Fuyue never expected was that when he kicked it, he felt like he was kicked on the steel plate, and his right foot even went numb!

The Fourth Raikage also seemed to have reacted. Although his right fist was empty, he directly twisted his body and clenched his left hand, and attacked Uchiha Fugaku fiercely.

Feeling the terrifying fist style, Uchiha Fuyue scolded a monster inwardly.

His eyes turned into Eternal Eyes directly, and he activated illusion.

Fourth Raikage's body froze slightly, and his fist stopped in mid-air.

Uchiha Kai immediately took out the kunai. He stabbed Raikage in the neck!

Originally, he thought that when he kicked Raikage in the stomach, it felt like he was kicking the steel plate, but now he found that it was not the case at all.

His kunai was stabbed in Raikage's neck, but he didn't stab it at all.

This guy's body is basically a steel plate, and when Kuwu stabbed it, only a white mark was left, and then he could no longer enter an inch!

Uchiha Fuyue saw this scene, just like when Uchiha Kai faced the loess a few years ago, and even he was not as good as Uchiha Kai back then.

At any rate, Uchiha Kai scratched the loess with blood, but at this moment he couldn't even do that.

It is conceivable how exaggerated the physical fitness of the fourth-generation Raikage is!

Uchiha Fuyue was taken aback by this scene, but he was also someone who had fought with Susanoo in the fourth state.

He didn't use all his strength at all, so the moment he realized that Raikage had regained his sanity, he directly used the telekinesis to leave the place.


A thunderous roar resounded in the Konoha camp, and along with this roar, the earth began to vibrate, and many ninjas could not even stand still in battle at this time!

Moreover, the power of this vibration also blew away many ninjas around, the trees broke in an instant, and some buildings in the vicinity were also directly collapsed by the shock!

Such a terrifying scene naturally attracted all the fighting ninjas to look here.

And because of this punch, the surrounding shields broke and collapsed, and those Yun Ninjas had no place to hide.

I saw that there were an unknown number of Yun Ninjas around the camp. They held kunai or ninja swords in their hands. Although they were scattered, there were thousands of them, even in the camp.

But at this time, they both stopped at the same time.

They have already realized who is fighting, it is their leaders who are fighting!

Normally, the boss fight will not affect the battle of these ordinary ninjas.

However, Konoha had already noticed that the other party was Raikage, and did not dare to act rashly.

And Yun Ren's side is because the number of people is relatively small. Once Konoha launches a large-scale attack on Raikage, then they can take necessary measures to protect Raikage.

Nara Kyouhei had also noticed this scene, and he immediately asked Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukyo to come over.

He whispered something in their ears, and then let them both set off quickly.

"Not bad." The fourth generation of Raiying's face is not good-looking: "There are not many people who can use illusions on me and still succeed. You are not bad, but that's all."

"Really?" Uchiha Fuyue sighed slightly, and the next moment, the three hook jade writing wheel eyes in his eyes quickly spun.

"I have to say, Your Excellency Raikage is indeed powerful, but are you really at my level?"

The words fell, and the three hook jade in Uchiha Fuyue's eyes were completely connected, and a strange pattern was formed in his eyes.

Facing such an enemy, Uchiha Fugaku had to use his strongest power.

Although the power contained in these eternal eyes is not the power of his original ecological kaleidoscope.

But after a long period of training, he has long been able to use it proficiently.

Especially when these eyes can open Susanoo, this is the necessary power for him to deal with tailed beasts and guys like Raikage!

The fourth generation of Raikage noticed the difference between Uchiha Fugaku and the breath he released at this time was completely different from before.

This guy has a problem!

The fourth generation of Raikage thought silently, although he didn't know what the qualitative change had happened with this **** Uchiha, but he definitely didn't want to take such a risk.

The body squatted down slightly, and the next moment, the four generations of Raikage appeared on the body of the blue, and the chakra state with the arc!

Lei Dun Chakra mode, this technique is the most unique technique in Yunyin Village.

This technique also has a name called 'Lightning Armor', which concentrates the Lightning Chakra on the whole body, so that the whole body is covered with chakra and lightning.

It can activate the body and use the lightning body, and the defense ability will also be greatly improved, and the lightning that bursts in the body can increase the conduction speed of the nerves.

With the increase of Thunder Chakra, defense and speed will also increase.

The most terrifying thing is that the level of this technique is not high, and the difficulty is the level of B-level ninjutsu.

However, its upper limit is incalculable. It belongs to the kind of art that is easy to learn, but extremely difficult to master and exert great power!

Taking a deep breath, the fourth Raikage rushed out like a cheetah in the blink of an eye.

His speed is like a flash of lightning, his arms are slightly forward, and all the squares of his fingers are like a knife.

"Lei Dun·Lei Abuse Level!"

With such a terrifying speed and such a terrifying aura, the Konoha ninja watching the battle couldn't help but tremble with fear, while those Yun Ninjas burst into cheers.

Uchiha Fuyue has long been prepared for such a scene, and he has completed the seal at the moment Raikage shot.

Walls of earth rose up in an instant They blocked the four generations of Raikage.

But at this moment, these hard earth walls were directly pierced by the palm of the fourth Raikage like tofu, and they did not play any role at all!

When the palm of the fourth Raikage shattered the last earth wall and was about to face Uchiha Fugaku, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

The patriarch of the Uchiha clan seems to be at this level, not worth mentioning at all!

But in the next second, his expression changed.

Because when the earth wall collapsed, revealing Uchiha Fudake, who was hiding behind, pale golden chakra had already condensed on this guy's body. This terrifying chakra had the shape of a giant.

That huge skeletonized arm actually grabbed the right hand of the fourth Raikage's surprise attack.

For a time, the fourth generation of Raikage was simply unable to advance half a step...
