Chapter 435: 4th generation Raikage (below)

Fourth Raikage's face was a little ugly. He didn't expect his attack to be stopped by this guy at all.

Especially since this guy didn't know what method he used, and he intercepted himself so lightly. This is really beyond the expectations of the fourth Raikage!

With the blessing of Raidun Chakra mode, the fourth Raikage of course knows how terrifying the power that he can burst out now.

In particular, he still used the Lei Dun and Lei Ju level, which enhances the ability to burst and stab.

As a result, Uchiha Fugaku, who he doesn't really like at all, actually has such an ability.

But soon, Raikage's ugly expression changed, and his expression became even more excited.

Feeling the pressure constantly exerted on his arm, the fourth Raikage had a certain judgment in his heart.

His right hand suddenly went from the state of the knife to one claw, and grabbed the pale golden Chakra's arm.

At the same time, his left hand quickly followed and grabbed the arm, and then an incredible chakra erupted from this guy.


The fourth Raikage roared angrily, his body squatted down slightly, and then he jumped up while pulling Susanohue's arm forcefully.

"Thunderbolt Thunderbolt!"


Uchiha Fuyue immediately felt great pressure, and the strange pattern of his eyes quickly turned.

In an instant, the golden golden reminder began to expand wildly, but the speed of the fourth Raikage was too fast!

He actually directly pulled Susanoo and Uchiha Fugaku up, and then he twisted slightly in the air.

The direction of his whole body's strength suddenly changed, pressing down on the huge Susanoo, and smashed it into the ground!

A huge roar resounded throughout the camp, the huge shock wave almost flattened the surrounding area, and the sky seemed to cover the entire space.

The surrounding ninjas have already opened up the space for these two to fight, but they still seem to underestimate how terrifying the destructive power caused by these two ninjas!

Many ninjas were directly hit by this shock, whether it was Konoha ninja or those Yun Ninjas.

The unlucky ones even hit those sharp damaged objects directly, causing them to die on the spot.

At this moment, these ninjas who were still thinking about continuing to fight all retreated.

When Yun Ren went deep, they were made dumplings by Konoha. Konoha chased after him and attacked Yun Ren, and he would also be accidentally injured.

In a short period of time, they actually formed a rare state of peace.

"These two...are they monsters?"

"It's terrifying, it's comparable to the Nine Tails at the time... Although it's not as good as the Nine Tails, but..."

Many ninjas began to whisper, and the voice of the Fourth Meg Raikage suddenly appeared aside.

Although the smoke is lingering, his figure is still so tall and straight, and even more stalwart in the smoke.

However, the fourth Raikage did not move, his eyes were still fixed on the center of the smoke.

With Lei Wo Bomb, almost no one can survive under his use.

But he knew that Uchiha Fugaku had a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

A real guy with this kind of power, it is hard to say whether he can directly defend against this ninjutsu that almost no one has survived.

Four generations of Raikage have also read some records about the Uchiha clan, but as time goes by, it seems that this kind of terrifying power has not appeared for a long time.

Although the fourth Raikage has the confidence to solve the Uchiha Fugaku in front of him, he is more aware that he must not have the slightest carelessness!

As the smoke slowly dissipated, the fourth Raikage frowned.

Sure enough, it will be the same as what he thought, Uchiha Fugaku is really fine.

Under his thunderbolt, the first undead actually appeared!

Uchiha Fuyue's face wasn't that good-looking either. There were some cracks on his Susanoo, but he himself didn't have any problems.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Fugaku's gaze towards the fourth-generation Raikage changed, this guy's strength is really a bit terrifying.

"In that case..."

The pale golden chakra on Uchiha Fugaku's body suddenly spread like crazy.

The Susanoo on his body suddenly began to grow, and in just a moment, a pale golden giant over 20 meters tall appeared in this open space!

In the second stage, Susanoo, Uchiha Fugaku kept his hand, and did not directly show his full strength.

Hiding one hand to deal with all kinds of emergencies is the quality of a qualified ninja, not to mention that he himself believes that such a state is enough.

Sidai Raikage watched this scene, his fists clenched fiercely, but the excitement on his face seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

He really didn't expect that this Uchiha Fuyue gave him a surprise.

Originally, he thought that maybe Sarutobi Hizen would give him this feeling.

As for Namikaze Minato, he is looking forward to fighting this guy.

The last failure made him feel very uncomfortable. Now that he has made greater progress, he naturally has the same idea.

But for the victory of this war, in order to avoid more casualties, he was not very willing for this guy to go to the battlefield, so he also made some preparations.

Thinking of this, the Fourth Raikage decided to be serious.

The previous battle could only be regarded as a warm-up, and now he needs to go all out!

The Lei Dun chakra pattern on his body has become even more terrifying, and his hair has stood up.

The huge chakra swept over the place where he stood, the ground was suddenly overturned, and the rubble flew.

"You're very good." Fourth Raikage's voice was like muffled thunder: "But, that's it!"

The voice fell, and the fourth generation of Raikage had already rushed directly in front of Uchiha Fuyue. Such a speed was exaggerated to make people feel outrageous!

For a moment, Uchiha Fugaku even felt that he was facing Naikaze Minato.

But the difference is that the trace of Raikage's movement in front of him can still be captured by the writing wheel, and the movement of Namikaze Minato is completely undetectable.

Only in this way made him feel even more exaggerated. This is purely using the power of his body, reaching a speed comparable to the flying thunder god!

"What a monster!"

Uchiha Fuyue clenched his teeth, his Susanoo was already shaking violently, he knew that this Raikage had attacked him!

But fortunately, his Susanoo has a very good defense and protection effect, both in size and quality.

Although the fourth Raikage's attack was extremely terrifying, even that power had already been transmitted to him through Susanoo.

But such shocks are completely acceptable to him.

Although this Susanoo has not reached his strongest state at this stage, the attack of the fourth Raikage is not as exaggerated as that of Uchiha Kai's Susanoo.

Feeling the constant shaking of Susanoo, Uchiha Fugaku quickly adapted himself to such an attack intensity, but it is obviously not his way to be beaten passively like this!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Fuyue already has a strategy to deal with Raikage.

Since you like strong attacks, let you attack enough!

The scarlet kaleidoscope slowly rotated, and the next moment, a little black light appeared on the pale golden Susanoo.

These black rays of light continued to spread, and it didn't take long for the entire pale golden Susanoo to contain such little black rays of light.

This strange scene was naturally seen by the Fourth Raikage.

But after he hit Susanoo's body again and made the chakra monster take a step back, he was still careful but didn't care too much.

He didn't have any information about Uchiha Fugaku, so all he could do was to remain vigilant and keep attacking.

But what he didn't know was that Uchiha Fuyue remembered the frequency of his attacks.

Uchiha Fugaku, who has always been able to see his figure, can naturally know the frequency of his movements and the frequency of his shots.

He didn't activate the power of these black lights for the first time, he was worried that the fourth Raikage would suddenly change the rhythm.

Once this kind of speed ninja gets close, the rhythm of the attack almost falls into their hands.

Uchiha Fugaku is very self-aware. After fighting with Uchiha Kai, he is aware of his weaknesses.

Of course, he also knows his strengths!

"It's now!"

After waiting for a few seconds, it was confirmed that the fourth generation of Raikage had not changed.

After accurately calculating the time for Raikage's next punch, he activated the power of those black dots the moment Raikage pulled back.

The terrifying flame of Amaterasu erupted in an instant, but for an instant, the pale golden Susanoo was instantly covered with a black flame.

At first glance, it looks like Uchiha Kai's Susanoo!

This terrifying and hot flame suddenly changed the complexion of the fourth Raikage, and he had already punched at this time!

The speed and strength with which he burst out made him unable to hold his hand at all.

But under such extreme circumstances, the fourth Raikage suddenly became extremely frenzied.

The Lei Dun chakra on his body became more violent, the strength on his fist seemed to become stronger, and the terrifying electric arc continued to run wild on him!

Not retreating, but advancing, the fourth Raikage slammed into Susanoo of Uchiha Fugaku with this punch!

"Lei Dun·Lei Abuse Level Chiyo Mai!"

The power of terror was completely released at this moment, although Mai Chiyo, the level of thunder and cruelty, released it more in the form of a hand knife.

However, in the original book, he used this trick with the fist of the three generations of Tsuchikage, and with one blow, Madara Uchiha's Susanoo was torn apart!

But unfortunately, at this time, he did not have the cooperation of the three generations of soil shadows, and because of the slightly rushed state, the power he exerted this time was not so powerful.

But the fourth Raikage is still the fourth Raikage, and his punch directly caused a terrible crack in the pale golden Susanoo!

With a teleportation technique, the fourth Raikage opened the distance.

He looked at the chakra giant like Shura with a solemn expression.

Then, he lowered his head cryptically and looked at his right hand.

On his right hand, the black flame was already dyed.

This flame is constantly burning, the Lei Dun Chakra covering his body, and this flame has spread to his muscles.

The severe pain was constantly affecting his nerves, but his expression didn't change in the slightest.

Suddenly, the black flame on the terrifying Chakra giant disappeared.

And the huge crack has also been completely repaired. The fourth generation of Raikage knows that he may not be able to continue to entangle...


Raising his left hand, the fourth Raikage raised his sword and dropped his sword, cutting off his right hand with a single sword!

The right hand that was contaminated with Amaterasu's flame instantly fell to the ground.

The black flame instantly eroded the right hand that had lost the protection of Chakra, and after a while, a ray of black flame emerged.

That arm was directly burned by the flames of Amaterasu until there were no ashes left!

The fourth Raikage looked at the black flames that were still burning on the ground, at the Konoha ninja who was ready to go, and at the giant pale-gold Chakra giant, he finally gritted his teeth and gave the order!

"Everyone, retreat immediately!"

With the issuance of this order, it was basically determined that Yun Ren's raid this time failed.

I am afraid that the fourth Raikage himself did not expect that his raid would end with such a bleak ending.

A Uchiha Fuyue, a guy he never cared about, he actually mastered such a strange technique, such a terrifying flame!

Moreover, this guy actually defended his attack and defended it frontally!

When he and his younger brother Kirabi faced Minato Namikaze, he felt only aggrieved.

Because of the unrestrained ninjutsu that Namikaze Minato had that day, combined with his reaction speed, the two brothers really had nothing to do with him.

Moreover, that guy's attack methods are not weak. The light blue name of the ninjutsu called Spiramaru has also left a deep influence on the fourth Raikage.

But no matter what, Namikaze Minato did not defeat him with a hard bridge and a hard horse.

In the heart of the fourth Raikage, although he recognized the strength of Namikaze Minato, he recognized his victory.

But he didn't like this guy so much, that guy didn't fight him head-on at all!

But now it's different. This **** Uchiha clan guy actually went head-to-head with him and was still unscathed.

Although there is an element of sneak attack in it, he did let himself lose at the front, which he couldn't deny at all.

Now that he is injured and has lost his right hand, his combat effectiveness has been greatly weakened, and he must rush back to stop the bleeding for treatment.

And Konoha's side probably made some arrangements while he was fighting with Uchiha Fugaku?

It's okay to say that he won, but now that he has lost, Yun Ren's morale is obviously not very good. If they continue to entangle them, it will be dangerous!

The fourth Raikage knows this truth no matter how tough he can stretch and bend.

And he has to think hard about how to deal with this guy next time.

After the fourth Raikage issued the order, Yun Nin, a raiding force, immediately showed amazing execution.

They were evacuating in all directions immediately, and some ninjas continued to perform some evasion techniques to raise dust or destroy the surrounding buildings to stop Konoha's chasing troops.

But unfortunately, just as the fourth Raikage thought.

Nara Kyouhei had already let Uchiha Ryukage and Uchihagawa lead the troops and went around in a circle to intercept and outflank them...


The first confrontation was resolved by Uchiha Fugaku in an understatement.

Of course, it's an understatement, but anyone with a discerning eye can see the danger in it.

Four generations of Raikage personally led the team, if it weren't for Uchiha Fugaku in this camp, and this guy's strength is strong enough.

Otherwise, although it is impossible for them to be completely destroyed, the trouble and danger they will face is absolutely unimaginable!

After Uchiha Fugaku returned to the camp, the first thing was to ask Nara Kyohei to count the number of casualties, and to pass the loss report to Konoha through the letter Eagle. The second thing was to build the fortifications.

Although these fortifications are useless for a powerful ninja like the Fourth Raikage.

But the fourth Raikage was injured so badly this time, I'm afraid he won't act rashly.

Therefore, Uchiha Fugaku can also rest a little at ease, and at the same time he has to think carefully about how to report the matter.


"Lord Raikage, it's all right."

In fact, similar to what Uchiha Fugaku thought, Raikage's current situation is really not that good.

His arm was cut off by himself without hesitation because he wanted to prevent the terrifying black flame from being swallowed up.

In addition, he has to rush back for treatment, even if he uses a hemostatic bandage on the way, the effect is not so good.

But fortunately, his speed was indeed fast enough, so he arrived at the camp without losing too much blood and was healed.

"Well, how long can I recover my combat power?"

Shidai Raikage glanced at his amputated right hand, and finally shook his head and asked.

He is in a very bad mood right now. The first time he tried to attack, he had such a problem. No matter who changed it, it would be uncomfortable.

Besides, he is Raikage, the main commander of this unit, and his status is very important.

Even if he can't rush to the front line to continue fighting, he still has to maintain his fighting power.

"I'm afraid it will take some time to correct, Raikage-sama." The medical ninja said with some embarrassment.

"Although Raikage-sama's physical fitness is very good, and he came back very quickly, after all, you cut off your arm and didn't get immediate treatment, so you might get some infection, and your blood loss is not too small, even if... ..."

"Okay, you go down."

Fourth Raikage waved his hand a little unhappily, he was full of boredom now.

When he was evacuating yesterday, Konoha's group of beasts had already dispatched troops to intercept them just as he thought.

This kind of troops is not so much an interception, it is better to say that Uchiha Fugaku won the interception, and if they lost, they surrounded them and attacked their rear.

And the appearance of this troop really brought great trouble to their retreat.

The two Uchihas who led the team were very strong, and one of them, the Fourth Raikage, was recognized.

That guy seems to be Uchiha Ryukage who killed Troy!

If it wasn't for his arms, I'm afraid he would have wanted to stay and chop these two guys.

But he knows his state, and he doesn't want to be besieged to death like his father!

At the time, his father was surrounded by thousands of people and was not injured, so he was able to endure for so long.

He knows his current state, I am afraid that if Konoha drags on a little longer, he will bleed to death.

However, the power he left behind and the speed of his retreat also made Konoha Ninja unable to do anything. The most important thing is that Uchiha Fugaku has no way to pursue.

He could see that although Uchiha Fugaku's ability was strong, his mobility was weak.

To put it bluntly, this guy is an existence similar to a fort and a fort.

Such a guy has powerful destructive power and terrifying defensive power, but has no commendable mobility.

Having tried this ability himself, he already understood why those guys from Kirigakushi suffered so much.

Even he suffered such a big loss in this technique, not to mention those Kirigakushi ninjas who only played assassination.

"And that guy's illusion ability is not bad, so even if he casts it in a hurry, he can get me."

The fourth Raikage thought to himself that as a Taijutsu ninja, he knew his weaknesses.

Therefore, in order to make up for this weakness, he deliberately improved his illusion resistance ability.

It can be said that his ability to resist illusions is already very strong, and there is no way for ordinary illusions to deal with him.

But Uchiha Fuyue made him fall into the illusion with just one glance. Even if the illusion didn't last long and was quickly solved by him, why didn't the other party use it in a hurry?

Sighing slightly, Uchiha Fugaku is really a troublesome opponent, but he already has a way to deal with it in his heart.

The big deal is to let his younger brother deal with this guy, and he himself should go to kill Konoha's position!

However, when he thought of Miyuki, who was under the control of Kirigakushi's side, was released and attacked Miyuki's army, he was still a little hesitant in his heart.

Shaking his head, Raikage was too lazy to think about this.

Uchiha Fugaku's mobility determines his means of attack, which can be fully exploited, but this time the loss really gave him a headache.

The troops brought by Uchiha Ryukage and Uchihagawa intercepted their retreating troops, which resulted in only 700 people who retreated.

This means that at least 200 people stayed with Konoha!

Of course, the loss of Konoha is definitely a lot.

Because they launched a surprise attack, they used their speed to make Hyuga's people ignore the report.

The material and personnel losses on Konoha's side are not small.

Perhaps the number of dead ninjas was less, but in any case there were more than one or two hundred.

And in terms of materials, I am afraid that it will be difficult to make up for it in a while.

Thinking of this, the fourth Raikage's mood has improved a lot, and he won't take it lightly.

I'm afraid Uchiha Fuyue wouldn't take it lightly in order to deal with him.

Well, it's time for them to compete on the qualities and abilities of ordinary ninjas Hmph, although large-scale battles can't be fought all at once, but let's use up the energy first. "

The fourth Raikage stood up, his eyes were cold and cruel: "It just so happens that I have to think of a way, Uchiha Fuyue, third Hokage, hum, let you be proud for a while!"

The fourth Raikage thought of this and walked straight out of the door. He needed to show that he had no problems at all for his subordinates to see.

He is the backbone of this army, anyone can fall but he alone cannot fall!

Even if he is forced to sacrifice himself, he has to show a style that is no weaker than his father!

Raikage are tough guys, they will never make themselves look like cowards, even if they want to die, they will die vigorously!

And the fourth Raikage didn't think he would die, but he would be ready for such a battle. This is the belief that every ninja must do well.

Raising his head and looking into the distance, the smile on the fourth Raikage's face became more abundant.

That direction is Konoha, and he made a lot of arrangements.

"As long as it's successful, I'm afraid you won't be able to come out easily, Namikaze Minato..."


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