Chapter 436: Information on Orochimaru (Part 1)

"Captain, is there something wrong with our current route?"

On a small road in the land of fire, thirteen figures appeared in groups of three, protecting a single ninja in the middle, moving quickly towards Konoha.

It's just that one of the young people asked in a strange way, because he found out that the place they went to was not the place they had reserved at all, which made him feel very strange.

And their captain glanced back, then looked forward, and didn't seem to have the idea to solve his confusion for the first time.

The leader of the team is a middle-aged man who looks to be in his thirties. He is not as strong as a normal Yun Ren, and he also wears a blindfold on his left eye.

This guy is Tutai, the guy who once protected Naruto Uzumaki in the original book!

The experience of this guy Tutai is actually quite legendary. In the past, he served as the shadow guard of three generations of Raikage, and he was also the chief examiner of the ability test of "Extreme Bull Thunder Plow Hot Knife"!

'As a courtier of Raikage III, he is the one who tells the strongest myth! ’

This is the best evaluation for this guy Tutai, and he was a member of the liaison team in the Fourth Ninja World War. He is definitely a thoughtful strategist.

Normally, such a mission would not allow such a guy to participate, especially since he also has the bloodline limit of Fudun.

It is conceivable that once his mission fails, his fate will not be much better!

But unfortunately, the person who was supposed to perform this task was Troy, and the guy who mastered the magnetic shield should be the real candidate for this task.

But it didn't work out, that guy was actually killed by a once-unknown Uchiha in the conflict in the Iron Country a few months ago!

It can be said that this incident completely changed Yun Ren's strategy. You must know that the existence of Troy is really a very valuable existence!

He has the magnetic shield that Sandyin Village is thinking of, if this ability breaks out in Konoha.

Maybe you can put the blame on Sayin's gang, which will cause huge psychological pressure on Konoha.

But now there's nothing left. That guy's body was burned to ashes by Uchiha who killed him. In a real sense, his bones were turned to ashes.

The leader of this task can only be replaced by others, and mastering the soil platform that is not the unique blood successor of Yun Ren has naturally become one of the best choices.

Tutai naturally knew about this, and after thinking about it, he finally took the initiative to choose this task.

Although for him, perhaps his greatest value is on the frontal battlefield, but that doesn't mean he can't do something on the battlefield behind the enemy.

Whether in the frontal battlefield or in the battlefield behind enemy lines, a qualified commander is required.

Not the kind of commander who taught them how to hide, but the commander who taught the personnel who performed the task how to maximize their value and maximize the chaos within Konoha.

The three people who followed him on the mission were all carefully selected by Yun Yin. They were originally members of the battle sequence to which Troy belonged.

It can be said that these three people are not really the confidants of Tutai.

But such mission personnel have already been trained and the configuration is ready.

Naturally, it is impossible to give Yun Yin any more time to help Tutai select and train players again.

As he walked forward, Tutai also glanced vaguely left and right.

He found that these players seemed to have doubts in their hearts, and he could only sigh helplessly.

"Our route is correct, let's speed up, and we will try our best to reach outside Konoha Village." Tutai's voice sounded very flat.

"But, according to the original plan, shouldn't we go to meet the 'Wolf'?" A Yun Ren looked puzzled, he asked in a low voice, "Captain, wasn't this already planned before departure?"

"Indeed, it's planned." Tu Meai said expressionlessly, "But I decided to change the plan temporarily."

"What?" Tutai's words immediately surprised Yun Ren who was present.

Temporarily changing the mission plan, this kind of thing can be said to be very dangerous!

Could it be that Yun Ren's high-level plan was leaked, and this was a temporary decision?

No, this kind of thing is really difficult to happen, because Yunyin's meetings are completely closed.

And the people in the meeting are Yun Yin's absolute power core, they can't do such a thing, and their mouths are very tough.

Could it be that the 'wolf' that has been lurking in Konoha for more than 20 years is no longer trustworthy?

This is also a bit nonsense. The seal in the 'wolf' brain is completely of the type that cannot be removed.

Once he reveals the secret, whether it is written or spoken, it will make the seal burst out with terrifying power.

Even if it is an illusion communication, this situation is also taken into account.

Once the seal recognizes that the illusion has invaded the brain and begins to seek or induce secrets, these seals will be activated directly!

This kind of seal is very cruel, and it is also a very effective tool to protect one's secrets!

As for Tutai's rebellion, are you planning to send them to Konoha?

This seems to be even more unreliable, because Tutai's status in Yunyin is very high, and he is an existence with a very high voice.

Such people have served Yunyin faithfully since the third generation of Raikage, and even the fourth generation of Raikage has been trained by him.

If it wasn't for the fact that their previous captain was killed and Tutai took the initiative to apply, this mission would not have fallen into Tutai's hands.

"There's no need to panic, this matter was discussed with Raikage-sama."

Tutai noticed the surprised expressions of the Yun Ren people around him, and he sighed helplessly.

"This is for our safety and for the normal execution of our mission."

"Captain... Lord Tutai, what the **** is going on?" A Yun Ren seemed to be full of doubts: "Did something happen to the 'Wolf'?"

"No, this is to protect the secrecy of the 'wolf'."

Tutai actually didn't want to explain these things, but he didn't say anything at this moment.

"We have a lot of people. Although we will lose a lot of supplies if we don't go to them, but even if we go, it will not be now. Moreover, my usual contrived strategy is not to trust anyone at will, except you."

"Although 'Wolf' has been lurking in Konoha for 20 years, he wondered if Konoha had noticed him long ago, but he just didn't do it.

Don't forget, more than ten years ago, we once plundered the Nine-Tailed People's Pillar Power, but unfortunately... and now is the time of war.

Maybe they kept the 'wolf' just to see if someone like us went to him.

So I told Raikage-sama before I left, and he agreed with my suggestion. "

Tutai's words were very clear, and he briefly revealed some of his thoughts.

He has always been very cautious, as he said, he will not easily trust anyone other than himself.

It's not that those people are untrustworthy, but that the environment they're in right now is very bad.

And the task that Tutai is going to perform is too dangerous and too important. He will never allow himself to be exposed, and he will never allow any unexpected things to happen.

After his explanation, everyone present, Yun Ren nodded.

I have to say that after Tutai's explanation, these Yun Ninjas suddenly became more stable in their hearts.

Although Tutai was very suspicious, his actions were indeed for their own good.

So they all kept silent and moved forward fast, but they didn't notice that a little snake was spitting out a letter and watching them pass over their heads...


Uchiha Qi was bored standing on a big tree, about three kilometers away from him was the Yun Ninja den that he cleaned up.

When he and Kakashi handed over the action report and the documents recorded by Hyuga's daily difference to Minato Minato.

Namikaze Minato immediately knew Yun Ren's thoughts and goals, and Namikaze Minato also recalled the incidents when Yun Ren swept away Kushina.

The result of this memory is very good, but now it seems to make him a little depressed.

When you look at something from different perspectives at different levels, the results and moods you get are naturally different.

As Minato Namikaze, he won Kushina's heart because of this incident, and he was also recognized by Jiraiya, which made him very happy.

But as a Hokage, he saw Konoha's slightly negligent and weak defense.

Perhaps it was due to overconfidence that led to the darkness under the lights, which allowed Yun Ren to find an opportunity, but this would make him very uncomfortable.

Therefore, Minato Namikaze directly ordered to let Uchiha Kai and Kakashi stop at the Yun Shinobi who were trying to infiltrate in vain.

And the security mission of letting them guard Konoha must definitely find them in advance when they are close to Konoha.

This task is difficult and troublesome because the goal is too small.

In addition, although Konoha is in a state of war, it is not completely closed - in fact, few Shinobi villages will completely close themselves, because there is no way to stop business transactions and activities.

"Aya, did you find anything?"

Boredly glanced at the small woods in the distance, the **** wooden house was completely hidden under the big tree, Uchiha Kei couldn't see anything at all.

"No." Hyuga Aya was standing beside him. She opened her eyes and glanced at the wooden house before shaking her head.

"Do you think they would deliberately put a smoke bomb, not because they couldn't tell, but because they didn't plan to come to this stronghold at all?"

"That's why full control is needed Kiha Uchiha sighed.

"It's because of this that I let Kakashi take Anbu to the outer edge of the Konoha nodules, but I haven't seen a flare so far, and I'm afraid I haven't found anything.

As for the gate, **** it, we don't know how many and who they are, it's a huge hassle to check each and every one of them. "

"It's really a little troublesome." Hyuga Aya nodded, and then her eyes fell on Uchiha Kai: "However, what do you think will be the situation on the front line?"


Uchiha Qi tilted his head, he really didn't know what the situation on the front line was now, but he really didn't think there was anything wrong with the front line.

Uchiha Fuyue has the existence of eternal eyes anyway, even if it is not his own eternal eyes, but he can show the strength of these eyes, right?

Uchiha Kai fought with him before, and he was able to force Susanoo out of the fourth stage, and he also forced out Uchiha Kai's pupil technique. This guy's strength is definitely not simple!

It's just that when Kai Uchiha was about to say something, he suddenly noticed with sharp eyes.

Under their tree, there was a small white snake spitting out letters.

And none of the surrounding security guards noticed...


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