Chapter 440: planning an offensive

The latest website: Leave the Orochimaru as a chess piece on the outer periphery of Konoha.

No matter how you look at it, it is the most cost-effective plan.

Of course, the deterrent power of this guy, Orochimaru, is really not something that ordinary people can resist.

Therefore, Konoha also needs a person who can really watch over him.

And this person is naturally Uchiha Kai!

In terms of strength, Uchiha Kai will definitely not be worse than him, and it can even be said that he is much stronger than him.

As for the means and strategies, Uchiha Kai's performance is definitely not too much.

In fact, in the original work, after the end of the Fourth World War, Konoha's disposal plan for Orochimaru is roughly the same.

It's just that the person who guarded Orochimaru at that time was Yamato who was sent by Ming Ming, and the other real guard was Sasuke Uchiha.

Although Sasuke Uchiha is often not with Orochimaru, he even wanders in other places for a long time.

But his deterrent power and his knowledge of Orochimaru, plus his character that he was pulled back after being beaten by Naruto Uzumaki.

He is definitely the best person to deal with Orochimaru!

What's more, Sasuke Uchiha has a case of killing Orochimaru before, but the ability of this guy Orochimaru is really weird.

When everyone thought he was dead, this guy came back to life one after another.

If you really want to talk about the ability to save lives, I am afraid that there is no one in the Naruto world who can compare with Orochimaru.

Even if this guy becomes one of the existences with 'zero magic resistance', he can always get up and disgust you in various ways, which is very disappointing.

The Orochimaru thing was dealt with like this for the time being, and Namikaze Minato then happily told Uchiha Kai another thing, something about the battlefield.

Uchiha Qi really did not guess wrong. This time there were some interesting situations on the battlefield, that is, Uchiha Fuyue seemed to have a brilliant performance.

He first dealt with a Yunyin brigade that was trying to attack the base, and then in the probing raid led by Raikage himself, he lost Raikage's right hand!

"Is history ahead of time?"

After Uchiha Qi heard the news, he was really surprised.

He knew that Uchiha Fuyue had absolutely no problem dealing with Raikage, but he didn't expect this guy to let Raikage lose his arm more than ten years earlier.

All I can say is that he is indeed a father and son.

When Sasuke Uchiha in the original book attacked the Five Shadows Conference, he didn't have as powerful eyes as Uchiha Fugaku now.

But Sasuke still let Raikage cut off his own arm, and now it is Uchiha Fugaku, it seems that it is not too difficult to do this step.

After all, they are all ninjas who have mastered the art of 'Amaterasu'.

As long as the timing is right, when Raikage launches a series of attacks, let Amaterasu cover Susanoo, then Raikage will be difficult to miss.

After all, Raiying has a strong personality, and when faced with the choice of 'advance or retreat' at critical times, his choice is often 'one step forward'!

This kind of practice is very gambling, and it is also very easy for people to find opportunities.

"It seems that Lord Fuyue has completely stabilized, and by the way, he has also improved the morale of the front line."

Uchiha Kai looked at the report and couldn't help but sighed: "By the way, what about the three generations of Hokage's current situation? I remember, he seems to be responsible for coordinating and cutting off supplies?"

"Ah, yes."

Namikaze Minato nodded, he took out a map without hesitation and pointed.

"He has entered the country of soup, and their actions are very secretive. No one knows where they are except me, Lu Jiu, and now you."

"It seems that I shouldn't have asked." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "Such a secret, you should remind me next time."

"You know it's okay, can't I even trust you?"

Minato Namikaze smiled indifferently: "They are now looking for Yunyin's supply line, and now I am afraid that no one will pay attention to their own supply line when they are facing us."

This is a fact, because Konoha's ability to cut supply lines can really be said to be the strongest in the ninja world.

Think about how the Third Ninja World War came to a halt.

In addition to the entanglement of various interest factors and various misguided decisions, the most critical point is that Konoha cut off the supply line of Yanyin.

As a result, thousands of ninjas in the country of grass lost their supplies and lost their retreat route, and they became real lonely ghosts.

In addition, Yanyin used the crowd tactics to directly kill the three generations of Raikage, which led to Yun Ren's direct withdrawal from Konoha to seek revenge for Yanyin.

For the safety of his hometown, Yanyin had to stop fighting.

But no matter how you look at it, this time, the practice of cutting off the logistics route of Yanyin is extremely successful and deterrent.

But no Ninja Village is willing to be the next target of Konoha, obviously Yun Yin is even more reluctant to become this unlucky target himself.

"It seems that the three generations of Hokage are tired." Uchiha Kai smiled softly.

"Not only did he try to hide himself, but he also had to constantly dispatch personnel to investigate and identify whether the supply routes were correct. It was really embarrassing for him."

"Indeed, but I can only trust him now." Minato Namikaze sighed slightly.

"There are not many people we can use now. In fact, I really want Minister Lu Jiu to go, but his father is old and can't be the same as during the Third World War, and it seems that he can provide more help in the rear. "

"Indeed, it would be great if Minister Shikahisa could be on the battlefield." Uchiha Ki also nodded, but now this idea is basically impossible.

As Namifeng Minato said, now Nara Shikahisa's father is old and has basically started to abdicate completely.

In addition, it has been a while since he left the Ministry of Government Affairs. If he is allowed to run to this position again, I am afraid that he will not be able to achieve the current performance of Nara Shikahisa.

While there are trust issues here, there are other issues as well.

But after all, the Ministry of State Affairs is too important, I am afraid that Nara Shikahisa will not be able to go out for the time being.

Although the three generations of Hokage can also be the acting minister of the Ministry of State Affairs, it was difficult to kick him out of these key areas.

Now even if the reconciliation agrees to the outside world, no one is willing to take risks.

Even if Minato Namikaze himself is willing, other people who follow him may not be happy.

Therefore, it became an inevitable choice to let the three generations of Hokage still have strength and have commanded the old Hokage who had commanded World War II and World War III.

"But Lord Sandaimu shouldn't have a problem, he is very wily." Uchiha Kai opened his mouth and comforted: "By the way, when will I go up?"

"It's still early, when we plan to end this war." Minato Namikaze said with a smile: "Now, I think we can almost make some changes."

"Ah." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Indeed, you can make some preparations, I'm afraid Konoha will not be peaceful in a few months..."


When Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato were discussing this type of topic, the situation on the battlefield became more tense.

However, such tension is completely within the acceptable range.

After all, after a 'wonderful performance' by Uchiha Fuyue, the fourth-generation Raikage was injured and evacuated, which not only greatly improved Konoha's morale, but also made Yun Ren dare not act so rashly.

Although they are still fighting continuously, the scale of such fighting has returned to normal, but it is in a small-scale battle with intensive squads.

They surrounded the border between the land of fire and the land of soup, and they had no idea how many times they had clashed.

Now the fighting methods of the two sides almost every day are almost to check whether there is an enemy army on their side, and let them protect their respective strongholds.

Of course, they will also try to use such small-scale conflicts to constantly erode each other's sphere of influence, so that their troops can move forward smoothly.

This kind of fighting conflict unknowingly continued for a month.

However, this month, it is not without the outbreak of relatively large conflicts.

For example, in a certain time, the two sides fought for a strategic area.

This time, even if the two sides are restrained, the number of ninjas participating in the battle has reached nearly 1,000. It is conceivable what the battle of nearly 1,000 ninjas will be like.

In the end, neither side got a good deal.

And that area also lost its strategic value because of the small-scale deformation of the terrain directly because of the coverage of ninjutsu.

Ultimately, both sides had to give up the fight for that spot.

However, if it was like this, neither Uchiha Fuyue nor the Fourth Raikage came forward, which was regarded as a successful containment.

However, Uchiha Fuyue didn't dare to have the slightest complacency. The four generations of Raikage were nothing, and that guy didn't completely lose his combat effectiveness.

And he hadn't forgotten that the Eight-tailed Man Zhuri hadn't been dispatched yet.

Although it is said that they also have three generations of Hokage on the flank, this kind of thing is really not so clear.

Because they didn't fight, they didn't know the real strength of the two sides at all.

"Damn Konoha!"

In the camp of Yunyin Village, the fourth Raikage slammed the table hard, and the table was turned into pieces directly under his fist.

None of the surrounding Yun Ren generals dared to say anything, and they all knew that the pressure of the four generations of Raikage was very high during this time.

The war was dragged directly into the quagmire, which was definitely not what the Fourth Raikage expected.

After fighting for a whole month, they actually had only two large-scale battles.

Moreover, the raid led by Raikage failed once, which did not meet their expectations at all.

Although the elders in the village remained cautiously optimistic, even the frontline ninjas remained optimistic.

After all, they firmly believe that their strength is stronger than Konoha, but this kind of delay really makes them uncomfortable.

Especially since they haven't found the troop of the third Hokage until now, they seem to have disappeared, and they can't find the shadow at all.

Although the troop learned through intelligence, there were only 2,000 people.

But these two thousand people are hiding on their flanks, or even behind them, how can they dare to act rashly in such a situation?

In case they launch a massive raid and this unit pops up out of nowhere, how can they stand it

It's not that they didn't think about it, and they also sent a troop into the country of fire.

But Konoha has such an existence as the Hinata clan, and it can only be said that the configuration is different and really can't play that kind of effect.

What's more, the three generations of Hokage are leading the team. Even if this old man is almost sixty, no one dares to underestimate him.

For a long time, the fourth generation of Raikage seemed to have calmed down a lot, and he asked directly: "When will our reinforcements come?"

"Lord Raikage, there is about a week left." At this time, a Yun Ren quickly replied.

"Very well, you send a letter back, so that they don't need to approach the main force when they come, and they can be scattered directly behind us."

The fourth Raikage thought for a moment and said directly: "We always have the advantage in frontal troops. We must let them find that troop. We are still sending fewer people out now."

"Yes, Raikage-sama." That Yun Ren nodded.

In order to maintain a positive force against Konoha, the force in charge of searching for the third Hokage has always been small.

Now that a thousand people are looking for it, the fourth generation of Raikage can't believe that the team of the third generation of Hokage can really be invisible.

These guys, Konoha, are nothing more than relying on the fact that there are not many super-strong investigations to achieve this step.

Since the configuration is not comparable, use the number of people to make up for it!

The fourth Raikage thought very clearly, and he really has some thoughts now.

For example, did you think of a way to learn from those people like Kiriyuki, and come over with a blind eye?

But soon he shook his head, which was obviously unrealistic.

"By the way, is there any news from Tutai?" After suppressing the thoughts in his heart, the fourth Raikage continued to ask, "He hasn't reported for a month. Does the shadow in Konoha have any information?"

"This..." That Yun Ren was hesitant to hear the words, and finally he reluctantly said: "I haven't received any news so far, it may be that Lord Tutai is keeping silent..."

keep silent

When the fourth Raikage heard the news, the blue veins on his forehead burst out.

Silent for a month, what kind of answer is that?

Could it be...

Four generations of Raikage didn't dare to think about it anymore, this guy Tutai has always been cautious.

To be reasonable, although he is not the kind of latent ninja, his ability to avoid Konoha's investigation and pursuit should be the most problem-free.

But there was no contact for a month, and the fourth generation of Raikage was optimistic and did not dare to think in a good direction.

This made him extremely helpless, and he even regretted why he agreed to let Tutai accept this task.

Even if the soil platform is well prepared, he has read a lot of information and materials.

Even the map of each route into Konoha has been completely written down.

But no matter how well prepared you are for this kind of task, you can't hold back all kinds of accidents Now it seems that Tutai has encountered an accident, and he doesn't know what the accident is.

"Big brother." Just when the fourth generation of Raikage was extremely angry, Kirabi suddenly said: "Otherwise, let's join forces."

"Yeah." The fourth generation of Raikage frowned when he heard the words: "No, if we attack together and the third generation of Hokage raids our camp, then..."

"I mean, you attack from the front and I support from the side, idiot."

Kirabi continued to say in that rap form: "If I meet the third Hokage, I can also compete with him. If not, we can try to raid Konoha's camp, idiot, idiot."

"Yeah" Raikage 4th generation frowned, he was thinking seriously, thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

But eventually he shook his head, but soon he nodded again...
