Chapter 441: deathmatch (1)

The Fourth Raikage did agree. His brother's opinion was that he was directly fighting Konoha once!

This time he did not intend to raid, but to fight Konoha head-on.

The last time he lost to Uchiha Fuyue made him very unhappy.

Even if he did admit it, Uchiha Fuyue's damned giant Chakra mode made him a little helpless.

But at that time, he didn't completely burst out his power, didn't he?

He felt that he could not break Uchiha Fugaku's defense. As for the **** black flame, he was unguarded last time, but will he still be unguarded this time?

Yun Ren needs to improve morale, which is inevitable.

The last time he lost, the blow to Yun Ren's morale was obvious.

In addition, their offensive progress has been very unsmooth recently, and there is a ghost lurking behind them, which would be very unhappy for anyone else.

Therefore, he intends to fight face-to-face with Uchiha Fuyake again. With the experience and lessons of the last time, he believes that he is sure to defeat Uchiha Fuyake.

If there is a chance, he must capture this guy, and even kill this guy!

Whether it's in exchange for benefits or boosting morale against Konoha, this is a practice that can bring real benefits to Yunyin.

As for how to do it, it depends on the final situation.

Of course, in the heart of the fourth generation of Raikage, in fact, he is more inclined to kill this guy Uchiha Fuyue directly.

It's not because he was shattered by Uchiha Fuyue, and it's not a matter of temperament, but because in his opinion, this guy is too dangerous.

From that battle, he could see that Uchiha Fuyue was simply weak in physical skills.

But such a guy, relying on a pair of writing wheel eyes, actually saw through his actions, and also let himself in illusion.

Although he was cracked by him later, he still had lingering fears.

But he also knew that Uchiha Fuyue couldn't keep up with his speed at all.

Although the defense is strong enough, there is no action at all.

The Fourth Raikage even decided to attack those Konoha ninjas directly if it was impossible.

Such an approach is shameless, and if he does this, Uchiha Fugaku may also do the same.

But in times of war, who cares about your shame?

And when he really got to that point, he was forced to replace each other. He felt that he still had an advantage, because Yun Ren was fast.

Thinking of this, the fourth Raikage has basically made a decision.

He has basically recovered from his injuries now, and even if he loses a hand, it will not affect his combat.

As for Kirabi's proposal, the fourth Raikage admitted that he was indeed moved.

But after some deliberation, he still gave up, and he had heard that Sharinyan could control the tailed beast.

Although you can't be 100% sure, you can't take risks either!

As for tactics, he planned to attack the front and attack the flanks.

He decided to arrange for the troops to advance from the flank, but it would never be Kirabi who would lead the army, because he needed Kirabi's support at all times.

Besides, he has more ideas.

That's why he wanted to see if he could hook out the damned ghost of Hokage III.

"I will make people transform into your appearance, and then lead the troops to attack, but you will stay in the camp to support me at any time." Fourth Raikage's face was extremely serious.

"If the three generations of Hokage surprise our camp, then you use flares to get the troops on the flank back to help.

If he attacks the flank, you immediately go for reinforcements. This mission is extremely important, you know that?"

In the face of his brother's appearance, which can be called a 'Sima's face', even if Kirabi was jumping off and being reckless, he did not dare to violate it in the slightest.

War is like this, subordinates must obey the orders of superiors, and the consequences of disobedience are unimaginable.

Although Kirabi doesn't really want to have such a war with Konoha because he doesn't understand so many interests, he is also willing to fight for Yunyin Village...


In the territory of the land of soup, in a very secret valley, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at the map with a cigarette pouch in his mouth.

He is basically in the rear of Yunyin's army now, but his rear is not the real rear. he

Not stupid enough to go to that kind of place to hide.

Not to mention how many investigation troops there are in that kind of place, just completely losing the logistics troops can kill them.

They came to fight, not to die.

For a month, he has been playing Mizo with Yun Ren, and those guys in Yun Yin really couldn't play him.

After all, there are three clans, Inuzuka, Yuru, and Hinata, and the clan went to investigate their movements.

There are also those who were transferred from the Security Department. The Uchiha family used a writing wheel to scan the end. Basically, those Yun Ninjas don't want to catch them easily.

But unfortunately, they have also investigated a lot of Yunyin's logistics routes this month.

But none of them were true, which made him extremely depressed.

"Where are the logistical supply routes for Yun Ninja?" Looking at the map in his hand, Hiruzen Sarutobi really had a headache.

He was thinking about whether he was going to the big city in the country of soup, and specially found some guys who were familiar with the whole picture of the country of soup to help him make a map.

The area where the land of soup and the land of fire borders has a similar environment to that of the land of fire, with dense forests and a lot of rain, and the climate is very good.

The problem is that this large forest has almost become the biggest cover.

In addition, the central part of the country of soup is connected, and the mountains are continuous. The map does not clearly mark the trails in those places, only bridges and the like.

It can be said that during this month, they basically did nothing.

However, there was a lot of good news from Uchiha Fuyue.

For example, that guy first killed Yun Ren's 100-man commando team, and then he killed more than 200 opponents with Raikage personally leading the team.

Although he also died more than 100 people, and lost a lot of materials, but the fourth generation of Raikage was cut off by him because of him!

This kind of record can be said to be very exaggerated. It not only improves the morale of the frontline ninjas, but also the ninjas who hide behind the enemy.

Sarutobi Hizan is also very happy in his heart, even if he doesn't deal with it, even if he is an enemy in the village, he is the same on external issues.

It's just that when he thinks of the other party's great achievements, he hasn't even moved here, which makes him very uncomfortable.

"Although these Uchihas have big problems, they have to admit that they will become extremely powerful after they have those eyes."

The three generations of Hokage thought silently while biting the cigarette bag, but when he thought of those eyes, his face became slightly gloomy.

He knows how his teacher, the second generation Hokage, evaluates those eyes, and he also recognizes the evaluation made by his teacher, so he really doesn't like those people in his heart.

But when the third Hokage was still looking at the map in a daze, a ninja suddenly ran in front of him...


"You're telling the truth" The third Hokage looked at the Konoha ninja in front of him, his face became a little strange: "Yun Ren really moved"

"Yes, Lord Hokage III." The ninja in front of him said very seriously.

Yun Ren moved, and it was still such a large-scale operation, which naturally made the face of the three generations of Hokage a little unsightly.

They haven't found Yun Ren's supply route yet, and the strength of Yun Ren's actions has also caused a headache for the three generations of Hokage.

The fourth generation of Raikage personally led the team, and the number of ninjas they led was also very large. According to their investigation, there were at least 3,000 people!

And the eight tails were also dispatched. He did not follow the fourth generation of Raikage to attack from the front, but led the troops to raid from the flank.

This approach is obvious. As an old fried dough stick, how could Sarutobi Hiizhan not see what Yun Ren was thinking?

This is forcing him out!

If he didn't go to support, I'm afraid the ninjas on the ground might not be able to defend themselves.

And once he appeared, he would reveal his current whereabouts.

The dilemma made him very uncomfortable, not to mention that he also received information that Yun Ren had dispatched backup troops to the front line.

It can only be said that Yun Ren is really strong now.

"These **** guys are really annoying."

Sarutobi Hiizan bit his cigarette bag and began to think quickly in his heart.

He only has two options now. The first is to pretend he doesn't know, but the risk is too high.

The ghost knows that if he does not support, those Yun Ren will directly disperse their large troops and then be forced to appear in the defense line and stronghold. In this case, it is equivalent to Yun Ren directly stepping into the country of fire.

But to support it, the cost is too high.

They finally lurked, so that after being forced out directly, the difficulty of getting in early was infinitely increased.

And he didn't forget what his mission was to lead this unit.

That is coping, support, plus finding a route for logistical assistance.

Coordination and support are the top priority. If he doesn't do anything, it will be really troublesome.

Biting the cigarette bag, Hiruzen Sarutobi thought quickly.

Yun Ren's plan wasn't that brilliant, if they had the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli in their hands, they wouldn't be so passive.

He really hates Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Kai now, that is, they refused the nine-tailed man Zhuli to participate in the war.

"Are you sure it's the two of them?" Sarutobi Hizan looked at the map while biting his cigarette bag, and said somewhat vaguely: "It's the fourth Raikage and the eight-tailed person Zhuri."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Su nodded: "According to the investigation, it is indeed them."

"It's really troublesome." The three generations of Hokage sighed helplessly, and finally he could only stand up and said weakly: "Notify everyone, let them gather quickly, we..."

Just halfway through the words, the three generations of Hokage were stunned.

His eyes were fixed on the map, as if he saw something.

Then he fell into contemplation, and for a long time, a sinister smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He knows what to do...


On the border between the land of fire and the land of soup, Uchiha Fugaku stands on a big tree.

Behind him and in the woods below, there are countless ninjas wearing green leaves, and the closest to him is Nara Kyouhei.

And right in front of him not far from him, in the forest where the ninjas of Yunyin Village were, the robes of the Fourth Raikage fluttered in the wind.

Although he lost a hand, he still looked majestic, and he was looking at Uchiha Fuyake with a serious face.

Uchiha Fuyue got a report last night. Those Yun Ren had changed. They began to adjust the deployment of troops and have already begun to assemble.

This kind of news immediately made Uchiha Fuyue realize that this group of people is probably going to attack.

After getting the news, he didn't slack in the slightest, and he immediately asked Nara Kyouhei to assemble the troops.

Like Yun Yin's side, he also left a troop in the camp.

The remaining troops are the frontline ninjas who were originally stationed in this camp, and they are more familiar with the surroundings of this camp.

In fact, Uchiha Fuyue didn't want to do this either, but according to the information, Yun Ren sent a troop with great fanfare and disappeared on the flank.

He wasn't sure where the third Hokage was, so he could only make such a decision.

The breeze blew, and Uchiha Fugaku's long hair was messy in the wind.

His eyes had already turned into a scarlet three-goat jade state, and he had to be careful about Raikage.

"Fourth Raikage, I didn't look for you, but you came to the door yourself. Could it be that you are in such a hurry to find death?" Uchiha Fuyue's voice was cold, and his words were arrogant.

This is not in line with his character, but he knows that he can maximize the morale of his side by saying this. After all, they have fewer people facing each other.

"Uchiha Fuyue, the last time I just got hit because I didn't know you."

The fourth Raikage also sneered and said **** for tat: "I have to admit that you are really interesting, your black flame is really good, but do you think I can't deal with it?"

"Really?" Uchiha Fuyue's face became colder.

"Only the weak will keep talking, but it's a pity that your hand was burned to ashes by the flames of Amaterasu, otherwise it would be an excellent trophy.

But it doesn't matter, this time I will take your head back as our Konoha trophy! "

"Hmph, I want to take your eyes back too!" The Fourth Raikage roared angrily, and then he waved one hand.

The Yun Ninjas behind him suddenly let out a thunderous roar, and then they quickly rushed towards Konoha.

"Then it's up to you."

Uchiha Fuyue sneered, and the next moment his eyes turned into a kaleidoscope state, and his hands also completed the knot seal.

"The fire escapes the fire and extinguishes it!"

The sky instantly turned into a fiery red, as if a sea of ​​fire was poured down, covering the entire mountain.

"Lei Dun, Lei Jue Wu!"

The Fourth Raikage let out a bang, and the large robe was thrown away by him, rushing straight into the sky.

The highly condensed Lei Dun gathered on his remaining arm, splitting the sea of ​​​​fire in two in an instant.

Uchiha Fuyue didn't care about this kind of thing. He raised his right hand and waved it fiercely. The next moment he rushed out himself. His goal was only the fourth Raikage.

And the Konoha ninjas rushed towards this side shouting after receiving the command of Uchiha Fugaku.

Yunyin's ninja showed no signs of weakness, and the troops with a total of more than 5,000 people collided in an instant...
