Chapter 442: deathmatch (2)


Flames and thunder intertwined in the sky, a powerful aftermath burst out, and the two figures retreated at the same time.

Uchiha Fuyue held a ninja sword, and the kaleidoscope in his eyes turned slightly, staring at the every move of the four generations of Raikage.

The fourth generation of Raikage did not dare to be careless here. The two had already played against each other last time, and they knew each other's strength thoroughly, so they did not dare to despise each other.

Neither side broke out the strongest combat power immediately, perhaps because of tacit understanding, perhaps because of something else.

But both of them knew that this was just a warm-up state, and their battle was bound to be tragic.

Listening to the ninjas on both sides shouting and fighting together, the last time because of what Uchiha Fugaku did, the Konoha ninja was in high spirits.

The performance on the battlefield is also very fierce, and Yun Yin's side is also the most brave and good at fighting among the five major countries.

The moment the two sides fought, they entered a white-hot simmer.

The sound of weapons clashing kept coming, and along with the roar of ninjutsu, smoke and dust kept rising.

Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage, with their respective troops, kept pounding in Yun Ninja.

Uchiha's clansmen are inherently hot-tempered, and they are extraordinarily fierce in battle.

The two kept waving the long knives in their hands, and the double gouyu slowly rotated in their pupils. Every time they swung their knives, one fell down.

They have participated in the three wars before, but they will not forget the feeling of being a submissive on the battlefield.

Now and this is a great opportunity to improve in every way, they know they have to perform well.

However, because the two of them seemed to be a little too active, they were soon targeted by more Yun Ren.

After all, they were too eye-catching, and it would be abnormal if they didn't attract the attention of the Yunyin troops.

But the two of them were not at all afraid, and even a lot of excitement appeared on their faces...


"Fire Escape·Longyan Art of Singing!"

Over the battlefield, Uchiha Fuyue used his continuous jumps, interlaced his hands, and several fire dragons instantly spewed out of his mouth.

There are only five fire dragons this time, but each of them is almost ten meters long.

Uchiha Fuyue's techniques have always been of terribly high quality.

Even without the use of Susanoo to increase the power of these techniques, they are far more powerful than those used by other ninjas.

The fourth Raikage was obviously not a vegetarian either, so he avoided two fire dragons first.

Feeling the heat wave caused by the two fire dragons hitting the ground, his expression turned ruthless.

"Lei Dun Lei Plough Hot Knife!"

The fourth generation of Raikage shouted, the chakra all over his body suddenly soared, all the thunder condensed towards the left arm, and the blue veins on his face skyrocketed.

With an angry shout, he jumped on the tree sharply and quickly, punching punch after punch, and there was a popping sound in the air.

The remaining three fire dragons turned into sparks under his fist.

At the moment when all the fire dragons were smashed, the fourth Raikage turned around, his left hand became a knife-shaped hand, and Lei Dun made a piercing cry in his hand.

His whole body instantly turned into a lightning bolt and slashed towards Uchiha Fugaku.

"Lei Dun·Lei Abuse Level!"

Uchiha Fuyue looked stern, and he jumped back and opened a lot of distance.

But he found that he seemed to have no way to escape the lock of the fourth Raikage.

The kaleidoscope in his eyes rotated slightly, and the icy chakra covered his body, turning into a skeleton in an instant.

It grew bigger in the next instant, becoming a giant with four arms about twenty meters in height!

The fourth Raikage's hand sword with the terrifying Raikage slashed directly on Susanoo.

This even made Susanoo shake slightly, but in the blink of an eye it all returned to normal.

"The warm-up is over, Your Excellency the Fourth Raikage." Uchiha Fuyue looked cold: "The farce should end, I won't give you any more chances!"

"It's this technique again." The fourth generation of Raikage paused for a while, and this move gave him a very bad memory: "Hmph, I have to say that you are really a tortoise shell.",

Uchiha Fuyue didn't care what the fourth Raikage said. He controlled Susanoo to punch the fourth Raikage.

But the speed of the fourth Raikage was too fast, almost at the moment when he threw his fist, the fourth Raikage opened the distance with a blinking technique.

Afterwards, a more powerful Lei Dun Chakra erupted from his body, and his hair stood up.

Without any hesitation at all, the fourth-generation Raikage directly burst out with his strongest combat power.

"Lei Dun, heavy flow burst!"

The fourth Raikage roared and charged towards Madara's Susa with red eyes, hitting Susanoo with a heavy thunderbolt punch.

The violent energy burst out completely, but Susanoo didn't move at all.

Uchiha Fuyue sneered, he didn't talk nonsense, but at this time, black mottles appeared on Susanoo's body again.

This time, he didn't even wait for the fourth Raikage to punch here, and he directly exploded the power of Amaterasu!

A pitch-black flame instantly covered the fourth Raikage.

But the four generations of Raikage didn't care about it at all, and then another punch hit Susanoo of Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fuyue was stunned, but his attack did not stop at all.

Although he couldn't understand why the Fourth Raikage would not be afraid of the flames of Amaterasu, he couldn't bear to think too much now.

Huge chakras erupted from his body, and his hair seemed to be affected by these chakras and began to flutter disorderly.

Susa raised his arms high, and punched the fourth Raikage fiercely!


The smoke and dust stirred up, and the ground shook slightly. Fortunately, after the two started, countless ninjas consciously avoided the place, but there were not too many casualties.

The lessons learned from the last time are echoing in the minds of many ninjas on both sides.

They would rather die under the attack of the enemy than under such a shock wave.

Uchiha Fuyue's eyes narrowed slightly, and this guy, the Fourth Meg Raikage, actually resisted his own attack with one hand.

He was burning with black flames, but he didn't seem to have any problems at all.

"Are you surprised?"

The fourth generation Raikage seemed to have guessed what Uchiha Fugaku was thinking, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Are you wondering why I haven't been burned yet?"

"Ah, you are indeed very interesting." Uchiha Fuyue nodded slightly.

"It's okay to be eroded by the flame of Amaterasu. I have to say that you are really the first. At least I haven't seen anyone who survived."

"Hmph, I have to say that your technique is indeed very interesting." The fourth Raikage smiled disdainfully, and the next moment, he directly opened the distance with a teleportation technique.

Looking down at the black flame on his body, the fourth Raikage suddenly burst into a terrifying chakra light.

Those black flames burst out even more powerfully at this moment.

But Uchiha Fuyue's face became a little ugly, because he clearly saw the fourth generation of Raikage suddenly with a knife, splitting those black Amaterasu flames!

Then he slowly walked out of those black flames...


"Lord Hokage, do we really only send these people to support the front line?"

At the rear of the Yun Ninja camp in the country of soup, the three generations of Hokage led a thousand people and frantically moved towards the Yunyin camp.

After looking at the map for a long time, the third Hokage seemed to know what he was going to do, so he did not hesitate to split his army into two teams.

One team is in charge of himself, the number of this team is one thousand people, and their goal is to be responsible for raiding and raiding Yunyin's camp!

This decision really stunned everyone, whether it was those commanders or ordinary fighting ninjas, they couldn't understand what the three generations of Hokage were doing.

Especially those who followed him towards the Yunyin camp, they didn't even know what this third-generation Hokage-sama was thinking.

These thousand of them, no matter how you look at them, are going to die!

However, the three generations of Hokage are their commanders. Even if they don't understand their thoughts, all they can do is believe in him and obey his orders.

But there are still some people who can't help but try to ask, and this time it is a member of the three generations of Hokage family.

He is a middle-aged ninja who has been a member of the upper ninja for a long time.

The family of Sarutobi's family is not too much, this is probably a way of highlighting his "fairness" when the three generations of Hokage were in power.

Therefore, he will never sign a ninja who directly promotes the Sarutobi clan. Almost all of the Sarutobi clan's upper ninjas are promoted based on the number of tasks and assessments.

Quality-wise these ninjas are absolutely fine, but quantitatively they are a bit low.

"Ah, yes."

Sarutobi Hizan looked at a ninja of his own clan, nodded and said, "Although it is a bit risky, I think we should have no problem."

"But..." The Sarutobi ninja glanced around and asked in a low voice.

"Master Hokage, is it really okay? I mean, don't you really explain it to everyone, now everyone is confused, even our captains."

Sarutobi Hizan turned his head to look at him, and then he couldn't help but think.

He was too anxious before, so he didn't communicate with everyone.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is worried that after everyone knows, what will be noticed by those Yun Ninjas when they act.

But now that he thought about it seriously, he felt that it would be better to reveal something to those captains.

At least when the time comes to act, there won't be too many problems.

"It's actually very simple. I really need to tell you guys that it's just right now."

Sarutobi Hizan thought about it and said it directly, but he wouldn't say what he didn't want to reveal at all.

"Do you remember that there was a dam five kilometers southwest of Yunyin Camp?"

"A dam?" The Sarutobi ninja was stunned when he heard the words, and then began to think seriously.

He did remember that there seemed to be a dam not far behind Yunyin.

In fact, this is normal. After all, there is such a thing as setting up a camp, and it is better to be close to the water source.

Moreover, the country of soup is close to the country of fire, and it has always been regarded as rich in rain.

In addition, the terrain bordering the land of fire is relatively low, so building a dam is really normal.

But that dam can only be regarded as their accidental discovery. After all, this place was not drawn on the map, and they didn't pay too much attention to it at first.

But now that the three generations of Hokage took the initiative, he had to think seriously.

Suddenly he seemed to realize something, and he now understood the meaning of the three generations of Hokage.

I also understand why, the three generations of Hokage of the same clan did not intend to tell the reason.

It has to be said that doing so seems too risky.

But turn their heads and think seriously, if they succeed, what will their harvest be?

"do you understand?"

Seeing that the ninja who lived with him seemed to understand something, Hiizan Sarutobi nodded slightly and then said in a low voice.

"So I asked Nara Kashou to go to the dam and have them be ready whenever we..."

"So, can't we tell the ninja below?" The Sarutobi ninja nodded.

"Yes, but we should tell all the captains." Sarutobi Hizan said softly.

"The captains have to know about it because when I announce my withdrawal, I need someone to cooperate with me.

Absolutely strict execution and cooperation, instead of being confused and not knowing where to go Although I am very confident in the quality of Konoha ninjas, Hiruzen Sarutobi does not dare to take risks casually.

There can be absolutely no chaos on the battlefield, especially in such a battle.

When everyone is in chaos, the herd effect is very terrifying.

In addition, the place was very close to the main battlefield, and they rushed over there.

Then the plan of the three generations of Hokage can be said to be directly bankrupt.

Incidentally, he also added a wave of chaos to the front line, and completely exposed his position.

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen to the three generations of Hokage, and he does not want to lose such a person.

If this kind of thing really happens, it is really not guaranteed for the evening.

The three generations of Hokage are now completely ignoring the things that he did not intend to disclose before.

Everyone makes little mistakes from time to time, and he can't avoid them.

But now that he has realized that he has made some wrong judgments, he will naturally not let the mistakes continue.

"Go tell them, remember, hide." Sarutobi Hizan said softly: "But they must be warned, and they must not tell the ninjas under them."

"I understand, Lord Naruto." The Sarutobi Ninja said very seriously.

"I will convey this matter immediately, and I promise that there will be no mistakes. When you give the order to retreat, everyone will follow you."

"Well." Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded: "Then, please."

After speaking, Hiizan Sarutobi turned his head to look at the group of ninjas behind him.

They are either excited or calm, and of course there are a lot of people who seem hesitant and uneasy.

However, Hiruzen Sarutobi did not speak, but looked towards the front, the looming Yun Ninja camp in front of him...
