Chapter 443: deathmatch (3)

"Qijun, are you here?"

In Konoha Village, Uchiha opened the door of Hokage's office, and now there is only one person in the office.

He nodded to Uchiha Ki with a smile on his face, and motioned for him to come over quickly.

Uchiha Kai got up early this morning and reported to the Security Department on time.

Now the security department has basically stabilized the situation in Konoha.

And in the case of the three parties working together, the Yun Ren spies in Konoha are either completely eliminated, or they are completely made to look up, and they don't dare to come out and make trouble.

"Captain Minato, what's the matter?" Uchiha Qi simply said hello to Minato Minato, and then walked to his desk: "So early, is there any important situation?"

"Of course, it's good news to be precise." Bo Fengshui smiled, and then pushed a document in front of Uchiha Kai: "Although, there are some problems, but it's okay..."

good news?

Uchiha Qi curiously picked up the document on the table and looked at it, and the next moment his face became serious.

I have to say, this is really good news!

Whether it's the good aspects of this report or those so-called minor issues, it's all good news.

Uchiha Qi put down this document silently, he basically already knew what the purpose of Namifeng Minato came to him.

It can be seen that now does seem to be a good time.

"It's really good news." Uchiha Kai showed a smile: "I have to say, this is really convenient for us."

"After waiting for so long, it seems that this time has come." Minato Namifeng nodded, and then his face became serious: "Qi-jun, do you think we..."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Uchiha Kai's face also became serious.

"It'll be alright. We've been preparing for so long, and we've prepared for all kinds of situations, so don't worry. Besides, I also have Fuyuejun, who will always stand with you, Captain Watergate."

Uchiha Qi knew Naikaze Minato's mood, and he also understood his worries.

The closer it gets to this critical period, the more nervous Namifeng Minato will be. This is normal human nature.

In fact, Uchiha Kai himself was a little worried. He was a little worried that what he was thinking about would not work in this world.

But things have come this far, and he really has no reason to stop moving forward.

Of course, this is only the share in his heart that can be gained or lost, and he believes that all this can be successful.

Most importantly, he still has a way out.

"Ah, I know, just a little nervous."

Minato Namikaze sighed slightly, but then he showed a hearty smile: "I believe, I also firmly believe that we will succeed, because we are doing it for Konoha."

"Ah, yes." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Although there will be a lot of controversy, and Captain Minato will have to face a lot of pressure, but..."

Having said this, Uchiha Qi stood up: "But I believe that these things will only take some time, after all..."

"Everyone's eyes are on the front now..."


"What a terrible guy, Raikage 4th generation..."

Uchiha Fuyue looked at the four generations of Raikage slowly coming out of Amaterasu, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

This guy, actually found a way to deal with Amaterasu?

In other words, this guy already had the means to deal with Amaterasu, because he didn't use any other means at all.

Uchiha Fuyue has seen through the use of the four generations of Raikage through these eternal eyes.

It's very simple, but it's a method that can't be replicated at all.

Lei Dun Chakra mode, he deliberately stacked this chakra state very thick, so that his whole body was covered with thick chakra.

Uchiha Fuyue noticed it at the beginning, but he didn't care, but now he seems to understand this guy's intention.

He is completely using this heavy Thunder Dun Chakra mode to fight against those flames of Amaterasu!

Stack heavy chakras on your body, use them as nourishment for Amaterasu's flame, and use it to resist the erosion of Amaterasu.

Just like **** at the end, just cut these chakras open.

It should be the last time that Amaterasu's flames burned his chakra as nourishment, and he noticed it.

This seems to be a waste of chakra, but this chakra is nothing to the fourth Raikage.

I have to say that this fourth-generation Raikage is really interesting, and I just thought of such a method after a fight.

This made Uchiha Fuyue sigh slightly, because he found that he seemed to have no means to be a yin person.

But if that's the case, let's fight head on!

Uchiha Fuyue will not be afraid, although fighting with the fourth generation of Raikage is not the same as Uchiha Kai, but his inner desire to fight has also been provoked!

Staring at the fourth generation of Raikage, Uchiha Fuyue suddenly showed a smile.

The Fourth Raikage suddenly sensed a crisis, and the next moment he disappeared in front of Uchiha Fugaku.

At this moment, the flame of Amaterasu, which was forcibly opened by the fourth generation of Raikage, burst out with incredible power in an instant.

The originally dead flame seemed to be activated, and then suddenly expanded.

With the fourth generation of Raikage as the center, it spread frantically towards the outside, and many Yun Ren in that area didn't even react at all, and were directly infected with the flame of Amaterasu.

They kept roaring and slapped the black flames on their bodies.

However, no matter what they did, there was no way to put out this terrifying flame, and their whole body was the nourishment of this terrifying flame!

Uchiha Fuyue looked around, and he suddenly lost the trace of the fourth-generation Meg Raikage.

And because of his attack, almost all the ninjas dared not approach them.

Just for a moment, Uchiha Fuyue suddenly felt an incredible chakra.

"Lei Dun Yi Lei Shen Furious Thunder Axe!"

Suddenly, a figure descended into the sky, and the powerful Chakra gathered completely on his lap. It was the fourth-generation Raikage!

This guy used it in mid-air, kicking his legs from top to bottom at Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo.

The terrifying power Uchiha Fuyue can be sure, no matter who gets this kick, I am afraid it will be dead!


Uchiha Fuyue snorted coldly, and then Susanoo raised his arm directly.


A powerful crash sounded, and Raikage's foot collided with Susanoh's arm.

There was even a circle of invisible airflow spreading in the air, which was formed by the shock of the air, and the two people's place became a vacuum in one thousandth of an instant.

Under the powerful impact, the fourth Raikage flew backwards like a cannonball.

But soon he stood firm, and the powerful impact instantly shattered his foothold.

Under the protection of Susanoo, Uchiha Fuyue also retreated a lot.

There were also huge cracks under his feet, and his Susanoo's arm was even shattered by this kick!


Fourth Raikage raised his head slightly, looking at the pale-gold giant whose arm was completely broken and many cracks appeared on his body, a sneer appeared on his face.

But soon, his eyes turned slightly towards his right leg.

Just now he concentrated a lot of chakra on his right leg, and used all his strength to complete the blow.

The effect of that blow was very good, but it also caused some damage to the fourth Raikage.

He felt a tearing pain on his right foot.

It was as if the bones of his feet were broken, and he would not feel wrong for such pain.

However, the fourth Raikage did not show any discomfort, he knew that he must not do this.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he jumped up again without hesitation, his right hand became a knife in his hand, and the light of Lei Dun kept gathering!

"Lei Dun·Lei Abuse Level Chiyo Dance!"


"Has it all been conveyed?"

The third Hokage glanced at Sarutobi Ninja who had already run back, and asked in a low voice.

The Sarutobi ninja nodded lightly, indicating that he had completely completed the mission.

Sandai Hokage breathed a sigh of relief, but he still looked back.

All the captain-level ninjas nodded at him as far as they could, and it was obvious that they had already received the order.

At this moment, the three generations of Hokage really felt relieved. Having these captains to help command can definitely reduce their losses.


Suddenly, the three-generation Hokage team suddenly felt the crazy shaking of the earth.

Accompanied by such vibrations, the terrifying chakra continues to spread.

The third Hokage was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately jumped up, stepping on the trunk of the big tree and jumping several times to the top of the tree in one breath.

He looked at it intently, and saw the flames in the distance, accompanied by all kinds of lightning and thunder.

This terrifying scene can be clearly seen even more than ten kilometers away.

"What the **** is this..." The three generations of Hokage were somewhat incredulous.

Looking at the location, if there is no accident, it should be the place where Konoha and Yun Ninja fought.

And he also knew who Yun Ren led the team this time, that was the fourth Raikage.

Although he also knows that the last time the fourth generation of Raikage led the team was defeated by Uchiha Fuyue.

But he guessed, I'm afraid Uchiha Fuyue used some sinister move.

But no matter what kind of shady move it is, winning is the best move.

The three generations of Hokage don't think there is anything wrong with this, but the problem is that the last time the four generations of Raikage and Uchiha Fugaku fought was not long.

Does this mean that the fourth Raikage has no time to exert all his power?

"This time, is he recovering and starting to give his all?"

Three generations of Hokage gritted his teeth, and to be honest, his heart was not optimistic about Uchiha Fuyue at all.

Although this guy won once, but now this scene is obviously an upgrade of the scale of the first battle.

He has no clue whether Uchiha Fuyue can do it or not. He has the glorious deeds of three generations of Raikage, and even he will feel difficult.

If he could be a few decades younger, he wouldn't have to worry about that.

It's not that he hasn't faced the former three generations of Raikage, but now he is really old.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama." At this moment, the ninja of the Sarutobi clan appeared beside him and whispered: "Everyone is waiting, we are now..."

"Well..." The three generations of Hokage calmed down his mood. Looking at the flames and thunder that continued to erupt in the distance, he nodded heavily: "Everyone, let's go!"

"Yes! Three generations of Hokage-sama!"


"It's so boring."

Chirabi was bored in the Yun Ninja camp, watching the flames and thunder that erupted in the distance, but he wanted to go up and play.

That's right, from his point of view, this kind of battle is actually just for fun, and by the way, have a good time.

Although he didn't like this kind of war very much, he didn't quite understand the significance of such a war.

But he and the eight tails in his body are full of warlike genes.

Being left behind as support made him less reluctant, but it was an order from his brother, and he really didn't dare to go against it, especially on the battlefield.

"Although I don't understand why I'm fighting, but..." Kirabi sighed: "But it's so boring, it seems to be going up too, idiot, bastard!"

Bored to stand up, Kirabi stretched.

But at this moment, there seemed to be a little restlessness in the eight tails in his body.

This made Chirabi a little inexplicable. Turning his head, he suddenly saw an unknown number of fireballs flying frantically toward them from the back of their camp!

And the enchantment in their camp was activated at this moment, and those fireballs hit the enchantment one by one, and immediately set off ripples.

Such ripples seem to be unable to withstand the impact of these flames, and it seems that some cracks have begun to appear.

"Aha, it's still here, bastard, idiot!"

Kiraby didn't panic when he saw this scene, on the contrary, he was even more happy now.

However, although Kirabi was excited, he did not forget what his brother said.

He immediately took out the flare around his waist, and then launched it towards the sky.

Looking at the fireworks that erupted in the sky, Kirabi then stood up.

He now seems to have felt that every gene in his body is active.

Looking at the Yun Ninjas who had already assembled below, Kirabi jumped down. There were naturally a lot of ninjas left behind in the camp. The purpose was to prevent others from attacking Besides, they also had a support unit. , and now they are rushing back at full speed, it can be said that they basically have no problem.

In fact, Kirabi doesn't care about so many things. There is only one person in his eyes and heart, and that is the third generation of Hokage.

Although this guy is old, the prestige of that ninja is still so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Kirabi has never fought with the three generations of Hokage, how could he not have the idea of ​​fighting as a Yun Ninja?

Pulling out his ninja sword, Kirabi joined the cloud ninja troops below.

Looking at the phantom of the enchantment that was constantly swaying, he felt that he was getting more and more excited now.

And the chakra on his body is getting stronger and stronger, and he is ready to fight.

"Get excited, Hokage III, don't let me down, idiot, bastard..."
