Chapter 444: Phase 3 Susanoo!

The three generations of Hokage watched the enchantment over the Yunyin camp continue to twist, and the constantly twisted enchantment appeared a slight crack, he couldn't help but nodded.

Many of his troops chose ninjas from the Sarutobi clan, whose ninja characteristics are good at ninjutsu.

Although they are not a big family in name, no one thinks that they are a big family even under the constant operation of Sarutobi Hizen.

However, the population and strength of their family will not be weak, especially the performance in the aspect of escape is even stronger.

Such an army is very suitable for side ninjutsu support, because the real face battle actually relies on the competition of taijutsu.

When all the ninjas are all mixed together, you can directly use ninjutsu to strike, it is really too easy to hit your own people.

But it's different on the flanks and behind the enemy, they can use all their strengths to attack and destroy.

The powerful Fire Dun continued to smash into the transparent barrier, and soon the barrier became more and more overwhelmed.

After another bombing, the barrier finally shattered like glass!

"Very good!" The three generations of Hokage nodded, and then he raised his hand: "Everyone, get ready to go, and those who are good at fire escape destroy their substances as much as possible, and move quickly!"

"Yes!" All the Konoha ninjas shouted.

The three generations of Hokage nodded, and then he took the lead in running towards Yun Ninja's camp, and Konoha's ninjas quickly followed.

It's just that as soon as they got close, they noticed that Yun Ren had already rushed out under the leadership of one person!

The three generations of Hokage looked at it intently, and suddenly his face changed slightly. The thing he least wanted to happen still happened.

Because he could clearly see that the leader of those Yun Ninja troops was actually Rabbi Zhu Liqi, a man of eight tails.

According to their observations before, this person Zhuli had already set off with the troops to attack the flanks of the Konoha frontal troops.

But now it seems that this is a trap at all, and it is completely to lure them out.

However, the three generations of Hokage know that now is not the time to be entangled in such things.

He immediately made a quick seal with both hands, and in the blink of an eye, he completed the seal, and his chakra had swelled on his body.

"Tu Dun · Earth Dragon Bomb!"

After an escape technique was completed, Hiruzen Sarutobi did not stop at all and continued to seal the seal.

When a huge dragon head appeared on the ground and started to shoot soil bombs at Yun Ninja, he had completed another seal.

"Fire Escape Fire Dragon Bomb!"

"Compound Ninja Technique, Earth Dragon Flame Stream!"

After all, Sarutobi Hizan is a powerful ninja who has mastered all the attributes of chakra and its changes in nature.

Even though he has begun to decline now, he is still at the end of his peak.

His magic power is much greater than in the original book, and these 'earth dragon flames' are comparable in size to boulders.

I saw that the terrifying flame was paired with the earth dragon bullet, and quickly rushed into the crowd of Yun Ninja, and Kirabi also directly drew a Ninja knife in his left hand at this time.

Kirabi can use a total of seven knives, and now it's only two knives, but it's about the same for him.

With his hands constantly waving, these huge earth dragon flames were quickly cut into two sections by him.

After doing all this, red chakras suddenly appeared on Chirabi's body, and these chakras directly wrapped him like a coat.

Kirabi clenched his fists, and looking at the third Hokage who was rushing in front, he jumped up directly, and the double knives in his hands quickly slashed towards the third Hokage!

The three generations of Hokage stopped immediately when they saw this scene, and it was very dangerous to face Renzhuli.

Although it's a pity that he didn't have the confidence to use illusion to control him, and he didn't even write the wheel eye, but he also knew what he had to do.

"Tu Dun · Earth Flowing River!"

At the moment of stopping, the three generations of Hokage have completed the seal.

The ground under Kirabi's feet instantly turned into a quagmire, and the huge impact rushed him directly into the Yunyin camp.

But after a while, Kirabi in the quagmire turned into a cloud of smoke, leaving only a piece of wood inside.

The three generations of Hokage looked left and right, and the next moment he heard a harsh sound coming from behind him.

This sound is like a fly flapping its wings at a high frequency constantly in the ear, and the three generations of Hokage quickly seal without the slightest hesitation.

"Supersonic shock thunder escape knife!"

"Tu Dun·Tu Liubi!"

Before Kirabi's ninja sword was about to hit the third Hokage, several huge walls rose up and blocked Kirabi's face!

However, the earth wall didn't last long before it was chopped to pieces, and the three generations of Hokage also prepared another ninjutsu at this moment.

Huo Dun·Fire Dragon Flame Bullet danced like a violent dragon, and slammed into Kirabi fiercely.

Seeing this, Kirabi slashed forward with the blade of his left hand, and the fire dragon was directly cut off.

But after a while, he found that countless shuriken flew towards him, which made him have to pull out a ninja knife again to frantically resist.

"Inject Lei Dun chakra into the ninja knife to enhance the sharpness of the knife?"

Sarutobi Hizan also opened a little distance at this moment, and he silently looked at the ninja sword in Kirabi's hand.

"Using Thunder Dun to trigger high-frequency vibration waves, so that it has a penetrating power that surpasses Wind Dun. It's really interesting, and it's also extremely dangerous!"

After all, it is Shinobu, and the three generations of Hokage analyzed the secret of Kirabi's swordsmanship in almost a moment. It is very scary but also very useful.

Looking at Kirabi, who kept dodging his shuriken shadow avatars while dodging, and also knocked all those shuriken flying, the three generations of Hokage couldn't help but feel that he was indeed getting a lot older.

But getting old, he has a wealth of experience that no one else has!

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hizan once again formed the seal and was about to make a move, but a Hinata ninja suddenly ran to his side.

"Three Hokage-sama, we are in trouble."

This Hinata Ninja looked very anxious. There were still many traces of blood on his body, and he didn't know whether it was the enemy's or his.

"What's wrong?" Three generations of Hokage dragged him and jumped back, dodging a few sneak attacks from Yun Ren, and then asked, "What's going on, tell me quickly."

"The troop of Yun Ren that was going to attack the flank of our frontal troop has returned!" The Hinata ninja looked a little tired and a little scared at the same time.


The three generations of Hokage were stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the other party to be so decisive. Was the previous signal flare telling them?

But hearing this news, the three generations of Hokage did not panic at all, on the contrary, he was still a little excited.

I glanced at the ninjas who were constantly working hard all around, and listened to the screams that were constantly being made around me, as well as the sounds of ninjutsu collisions and weapons rubbing against each other.

He calmed down his emotions, and then shouted with a serious face.

"Everyone, retreat!"



The huge explosion sounded off countless rubble, and the dust splashing around made the sky a little gray.

At this time, the confrontation area between the borders of the land of fire and the land of soup has been completely destroyed.

Countless ninjas stared blankly at the terrifying scene in front of them.

It's not that they don't want to fight, they can't wait to rush to each other's hinterland to kill each other.

But what made them extremely helpless was that there were two super monsters fighting frantically in the middle of them.

Their battles easily shred the earth, and the aftermath of random collisions can kill countless ninjas.

Such a terrifying scene forced the ninjas to evacuate this area.

And they didn't dare to go to the other side's area at all, the ghost knows how many people there are waiting for them.

It can only be said that when the too powerful ninja can't hold back, the war will become a one-man show for two people.

Whether the other ninjas like it or not, things are going to be like this, because they're hardly in the same dimension anymore!


Uchiha Fuyue stood in a huge deep pit with some breath, and the Susanoo on his body was still intact.

But the four Raikage attacks have already broken his defenses many times.

This guy is really like crazy, launching an attack with complete disregard.

Uchiha Fuyue even noticed that there were multiple fractures on his body, but he seemed to not care about these injuries at all, and still launched a terrifying offensive.

With such an aura, such an attack efficiency, even Uchiha Fugaku was a little frightened.

He was frightened by the determination of the other party, but he could understand why the fourth Raikage was so desperate.

This is desperate for their own village. Although they took the initiative to provoke a war, their actions also completely served the interests of their own village.

Uchiha Fuyue even sometimes thinks, if he were himself, would he work so hard for the Uchiha family?

After thinking about it, he thought he would. If the Uchiha family was still as bad as before, he would definitely work hard.

He also has this kind of consciousness, after all, he is willing to give everything for his family!

Of course, maybe it would be better if a smoother approach could be taken?

Uchiha Fuyue gasped slightly, but at this moment, the fourth generation of Raikage suddenly rushed in front of him again, and then he punched Uchiha Fuyue fiercely.

And Uchiha Fuyue also quickly controlled Susanoo and blocked his fist.

"I have to say, you are really powerful." Uchiha Fuyue turned his head slightly to look at the fourth Raikage: "Such a terrifying speed, such a terrifying attack power... Even Susanoo at my stage. I can't resist..."

"Who wouldn't say big things?" Although the fourth Raikage felt pain all over his body now, his expression was still very tough: "How long can your Susanoo last?"

Four generations of Raikage can naturally hear the words of Uchiha Fuyake.

At this stage?

So what do you mean, there are other stages of this Susanoo?


If there is, why can't you come out and use it?

Although it is very necessary for ninjas to keep one hand to guard against various emergencies, but in such a battle situation, the fourth generation of Raikage will not think that Uchiha Fuyue can keep anything.

The current four generations of Raikage are already fighting with all their strength.

Both of his legs were fractured to some extent, and he also had some problems with his left hand.

It can be said that he is fighting recklessly with Uchiha Fuyake at all costs.

He is confident, and his strength is one of the best in the entire ninja world.

Although Uchiha Fuyue, the bastard, really has a hard shell like a bastard.

But this tortoise shell has also been broken by him I don't know how many times, he is confident that he can completely consume Uchiha Fugaku until he can't open the tortoise shell!

"Ah, maybe." Uchiha Fugaku nodded.

"Although I have never wanted to use this power completely, to be precise, I am preventing Yatai Ren Zhuri from causing trouble.

But I have to admit that you are really strong, and the only person who can defeat you relatively easily is Kai Uchiha, so..."

"Uchiha Kai?"

The fourth Raikage didn't speak, but he remembered the name in his mind.

The owner of this name seems to be a seventeen-year-old kid who is a war hero.

But why would a powerful ninja like Uchiha Fuyake say such a thing?

And what do these words of Uchiha Fuyake mean?

Could it be that this guy really...

"I think I will go all out to send you on your way!" Uchiha Fuyue controlled Susanoo with a hard hand, and instantly swept the fourth Raikage out.

"Hmph, I want to see what other tricks you can play." The fourth Raikage stood firmly on the ground, he really didn't step forward Perhaps, he really wanted to see What other means does Uchiha Fuyake have?

Or maybe the injury on his body made him really unable to be so impulsive, and he had to take this opportunity to recover his body and Chakra.

The eternal kaleidoscope pattern in Uchiha Fuyue's eyes slowly revolved, and an unbelievable terrifying chakra surged up.

His eyes seemed to be unable to withstand such pressure, and blood began to flow continuously from the corners of his eyes.

The second stage of Suzuo's ascension changes, in the breath, it expands to an incredible size, and a shuddering chakra is emitted from him.

In a terrifying change, Susa transformed into a giant fifty meters high, while Uchiha Fugaku's was still condensed with chakra.

This Susanoo seemed to let out a roar along with his movements.

The next moment, the armor like a **** of war covered the whole body, and a mask was put on the face like a ghost.

Uchiha Fuyue stood in it, his hair constantly fluttering with the surging of chakra.

At this moment, the third stage Susanoo, like Shura, was officially formed!

The fourth generation of Raikage looked at this scene sluggishly, and the characters as crazy as him were startled by the giant in front of him.

That terrifying Chakra, that seemingly bright Chakra that seems to make people feel uncomfortable, is so terrifying.

He really couldn't believe that this kind of thing could really be done by human beings. How would he deal with such a monster?

At this moment, the four generations of Raikage have never seen Susanoo of Madara Uchiha in the future.

And at this moment, the Susanoo shown by Uchiha Fugaku has surpassed his imagination...



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