Chapter 445: You can, can't I?

"Are you ready?"

Uchiha Fuyue didn't care about the blood left in his eyes, looking at the four generations of Raikage in front of him, he asked calmly.

In fact, Uchiha Fuyue was also a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Because he really didn't expect the fourth Raikage to force him to use his strongest state.

He is not the kid Uchiha Kai, who holds the fourth stage Susanoo.

He tried, but unfortunately he failed, and he had no way to make his Susanoo go further.

Maybe it's his own eyes, it's not entirely his own sake, right?

Uchiha Fuyue thought secretly in his heart, but whether it was for this reason or not, he is actually very satisfied now.

Although he originally had a kaleidoscope, he was aware of his ability and also knew that his kaleidoscope could not withstand such a large consumption.

And now?

Not only can he fight the fourth Raikage in front of him to such a level, he even has a huge advantage.

Although Susanoo started the third stage ahead of schedule, this was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Originally, this state was used to fight against the Fourth Raikage and the Eight Tails.

But no matter what, his current strength and level are completely beyond his own imagination.

He is already a strong man standing in the ninja world, and it is difficult for others to easily reach.

Taking a look at the fourth generation of Raikage, Uchiha Fuyue estimated his chakra, and then his face became a lot more sinister.

"Then, let's get started!"

The words fell, his pupils spun slightly, and the next moment a smear of black flame burst out directly from his eyes.

The fourth-generation Raikage's eyes were slightly empty, and he avoided those black flames at a speed that he could only see afterimages with his writing wheel eyes.

The black flame fell directly behind him, and then spread wildly.

Uchiha Fuyue didn't care about these details at all, it was just his attempt.

If you hit it, it's good, if you don't hit it, it's fine, not to mention this is the beginning!

"Fire is life!"

Uchiha Fuyue snorted angrily, and the Eternal Kaleidoscope Shaker Eye instantly burst out with strange power.

The flames of Amaterasu scattered behind the four generations of Raikage, as if they had obtained sufficient nourishment, swelled wildly and spread outwards in an instant!

In just a moment, these black flames have completely turned the vicinity into a sea of ​​fire, and the hot breath wafts around the entire battlefield.

Looking at the black flames that kept burning, both Konoha Ninja and Yun Ninja felt fear.

Especially the fourth Raikage, who was forced to cut off his right arm by this strange flame.

"Hmph, boring!"

Just as the flames of Amaterasu had just covered the surroundings, the voice of the fourth generation of Raikage had already sounded from the side of Uchiha Fuyue!

His speed is still so fast, and there is still almost no trace of movement, as if he has never been injured.

"Thunderstorm level Chiyo Mai" condensed on his left hand, he jumped in the air and swooped towards Susanoo of Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Fuyue knew his speed, and he didn't know how many such ninjutsu techniques he had suffered, so he only did the simplest one.


Controlling one of the four arms, the armor-covered Chakra stood directly in front of him.

In fact, Uchiha Fuyue felt that he did not need to do this, but be careful.

The four generations of Raikage really gave him a great shock, but he used the body of a mortal to fight against himself Susanoo!

The huge roar was both harsh and despairing, but the face of the fourth Raikage changed slightly, because this time he didn't break Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo at all!

"As I said, I'm going to do my best."

Uchiha Fuyue's cheeks were full of blood and tears, and his voice was so indifferent, it was like a ghost crawling out of hell.

"If you only have this level, then you can go to the Pure Land to report!"

The words closed, Uchiha Fuyue quickly sealed the seal.

Four generations of Raikage discovered that the **** Susanoo had actually formed a seal with Uchiha Fugaku!

With such a seal, the black flames around him quickly gathered around Susanohue.

This scene made Raikage of the fourth generation have to withdraw quickly, but as soon as he landed, he suddenly felt a chakra that he couldn't believe!

"Yan Dun·Hoo Fireball Technique!"

A huge black fireball spewed out of Susanoo's mouth, and the fourth Raikage immediately understood what it meant when he saw the color of the fireball!

He jumped frantically to avoid this terrible ninjutsu, and the quality of this black fireball seemed to be very good.

It flew all the way forward until it hit a hill before it exploded violently!

Looking back, I saw that the earth had been opened with a 100-meter-long crack at a time, and 100 meters away was a sea of ​​fire!

"Yan Dun·Dragon Fire Technique!"

There was no pause at all, Uchiha Fugaku once again formed the seal, and the huge Susanoo began to form the seal along with his movements.

The huge fire dragon leaped out from in front of Susanoo again, and the fire dragon was still black.

It let out a roar in the air, and then rushed in the direction of the fourth Raikage!

The fourth Raikage looked at the black fire dragon, and he didn't dare to directly split the fire dragon with his hands like before.

If it was more than ten minutes ago, maybe he would have dared to do it.

But now his chakra consumption is serious, and this fire dragon is much more terrifying than the single black flames before.

If he is hard-attaching such power, he will then use the skills he has mastered to cut off the contamination of the flames.

So I am afraid that next, there is not enough Chakra battle is not sure!

Suddenly, the fourth Raikage thought of a way. He no longer felt that he could defeat this **** Uchiha Fuyue.

This **** guy is too defensive, and his attack ability is extremely exaggerated.

If he's in good shape and his chakra is in good shape, he's not without opportunities and ways to do it.

But at this moment, he really couldn't hold on anymore.

Now he has regarded Uchiha Fugaku as a ninja on the same level as himself or even stronger.

Such an evaluation, for a proud person like the Fourth Raikage, is already a very exaggerated one.

Although he lost again this time, he has to say that he has also figured out the specific power shown by Uchiha Fuyue, which is really valuable to him.

Quickly dodging the flame dragon exuding black flames, the fourth Raikage quickly moved towards Konoha's camp.

Since you Uchiha Fuyue has no ability to move at all, and your ninjutsu is so powerful, then try to see if you can hit me completely...


"Damn guy!"

Uchiha Fuyue scolded secretly, how could he not see the actions of the fourth Raikage.

This guy obviously felt that there was no way to fight against him, so he simply used his ninjutsu to attack the ninjas he brought.

Such an approach is very despicable, but this guy doesn't seem to care so much now.

And Uchiha Fuyue himself doesn't think there is anything wrong with this approach.

Although the essence of war is the acquisition and competition of interests, on the battlefield, war is a life-and-death dispute.

Only those who survived can write history, and those who died can only lie in history textbooks, and there is no way to complain about what was written.

Uchiha Fuyue's face turned cold at this time. It was the fourth generation of Raikage who dared to do this, so why couldn't he?

He showed a sneer in disdain, and then he didn't even look at the Fourth Raikage.

A guy with multiple fractures all over his body and a serious consumption of chakra may pose a threat to the Konoha army.

But Uchiha Fuyue, who was not injured at all, could cause more than a threat.

Of course, he also had to be careful about one person, and that was the eight-tailed man Zhuri.

This is also an important reason why Uchiha Fuyue does not dare to act recklessly, but he still has no problem dealing with these Yun Ren on the battlefield.

"Are you sure you want this?"

Uchiha Fuyue quickly formed the seal, and he had no idea of ​​looking back at the Fourth Raikage.

But his voice was very torrent, and with the blessing of Chakra, it was clearly transmitted to every ninja present.

"If that's the case, then I don't mind doing something that I didn't want to do before."

"Humph!" The Fourth Raikage suddenly stopped, he snorted coldly and looked back at Uchiha Fuyue.

He opened his mouth slightly and was about to say something, and at this moment, a light suddenly appeared in the sky.

It was a flare, and the fourth Raikage naturally knew what it all meant.

It seems that his plan seems to be going well, although there are many problems here, but none of this seems to be important.

Glancing at the Konoha ninja who quickly retreated because he rushed in, he smiled disdainfully.

Just this smile immediately made him feel the pain in his whole body.

Maybe he was better in a tense state, but now that he relaxed a little bit, he suddenly felt the sharp pain.

Taking a deep breath, the four generations of Raikage's eyes locked on Uchiha Fuyue.

He knows that his current state is definitely not the opponent of Uchiha Fuyue, but he is absolutely sure that even if he is injured now, Uchiha Fuyue will not be able to catch up with him.

That being the case, let's try this Uchiha Fuyake's ability.

If you can know more information, it will be better, if not, then leave here quickly.

This guy Uchiha Fuyue, he really can't solve his current state!

"Also, what is the situation of the Uchiha Kai he mentioned?"


"Huh? Retreat?"

Kirabi looked at these Konoha ninjas in a strange way. They had only just been in contact for five minutes, and the other side actually chose to retreat?

This made Kirabi completely unaware, and the desire to fight was released.

Especially the three generations of Hokage known as Shinobu, this old man is very strong, but he doesn't seem to be using his strength yet, right?

This kind of feeling made Kirabi feel very uncomfortable. After finally encountering a powerful opponent, they ran like this. How could he bear it?

"What a bunch of idiots, assholes!" Kirabi rapped, thinking about what to do next.

He can now withdraw to support the front line, because the battle marks that broke out on the front line made him feel a little excited.

But the three generations of Hokage in front of him also made him hesitant. It is true that the three generations of Hokage led a team to raid their camp and was stopped by him.

It didn't even cause much damage, which made him feel like there was a big problem in it.

However, his brother has been emphasizing the identity of the three generations of Hokage, and his brother seems to be very unhappy with this ghost-like force hiding behind them.

Kirabi can understand this feeling, even if it is transformed into a ninja's thinking, there is such a group of guys hiding behind him, who can give you such a fatal blow at any time.

Anyone else would feel uncomfortable and unhappy, right?

Thinking of this, Kirabi has already made up his mind.

He intends to go after him. It is best to capture the third Hokage. Of course, if not, it would be good to kill him!

At least this can give them a sense of security behind Yun Ren.

"Huh? Is this back?"

Kirabi suddenly found that there was a troop of ninjas on their flank running towards them quickly.

This can make him realize that it is probably his own flare that brought them back, right?

Thinking of this, Chirabi ran directly towards that troop, and he didn't forget to turn around and explain as he ran.

"I'll go after those Konoha ninjas I'll leave it to you here!"

"Lord Kirabi!" The guard ninja in the Yun Nin camp suddenly couldn't help shouting.

But what made him helpless was that Kirabi had already rushed out, and he couldn't stop him at all.

"This is troublesome." The guard ninja touched his head helplessly.

The fourth Raikage went forward to face the enemies of Konoha, while Kirabi went directly to pursue the third Hokage.

Now in their camp, there are no ninjas as strong as these two.

Fortunately, it seems that they don't need to worry so much.

Because according to the information, the two commanders sent by Konoha are Uchiha Fugaku and Sandai Hokage.

Uchiha Fuyake is almost the type that has made a name for himself, although he was also famous because of the name of the Uchiha clan chief.

But judging from his actual performance on the battlefield and his mission history, he was nothing at all.

But this guy actually defeated the fourth Raikage once, and also made the fourth Raikage lose an arm, which is very scary.

"It's just some tricks." The guard ninja couldn't help shaking his head when he thought of this: "Now, I need to worry more about Lord Kirabi. The three generations of Hokage are not weak, but the guy with the title of ninja."

"But it's okay, after all, our number is not less than the opposite.

Kira is even more powerful than the lord of the eight tails, and it's hard to say if you really fight.

Forget it, let's hurry up and tell the other commanders about the current situation. "

Thinking of this, the garrison Yun Ren quickly ran towards the headquarters.

He always believed that their Yun Ren would definitely win this time...



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