Chapter 451: weird meeting

Uchiha Kai walked towards the Hokage Building a little depressed.

He didn't understand at all, how he offended the woman behind him again.

Let her transform into the fairy mode and show it to herself. On the one hand, it is to compare the differences between the fairy modes in her memory.

On the other hand, I also intend to see how she has cultivated in the immortal mode at this stage.

Uchiha Kai has reached the stage of '90% fusion'.

According to his plan, when the fusion degree reaches 99%.

He will draw Hyuga Aya's immortal Chakra to promote himself to complete this final step.

What will happen in the end, Uchiha Kai does not know.

Because this step is already completely different from Uchiha Madara.

Madara Uchiha opened his Samsara Eyes and turned his head to absorb the Immortal Chakra of Senju Hashima.

And Uchiha Qi simply intends to use the fairy chakra to impact the last stage of the fusion of the eternal eye.

Although there is no difference in essence, the actual order has long been chaotic.

But in any case, Uchiha Kei felt that he should be no worse than Uchiha Madara, who had the Eternal Eye and faced off against Senju Hakuma.

He didn't dare to say it was strong, because on the horizontal line, the ninja's competition was really the most basic ability.

Intelligence gathering, actual combat experience, and ability to master are the most important combat details.

Just like the fight between adults and adults, it relies on details on the same basis.

Of course, when an adult fights with a young child, isn't that just a casual fight?

"Joining Xianshu at the stage of integrating Eternal Eye means that I have finished ahead of time, and Uchiha Madara is two steps behind Eternal Eye."

Uchiha Kai thought silently as he walked: "Although the specifics are not clear, at least the combat effectiveness shown should not be weak.

As for how to proceed in the future, this is also something I should consider..."

Although Uchiha Kai always consciously avoids certain things, he also knows that he really can't continue to avoid it.

No matter how long the last ten percent fusion degree is, he knows that at this level, his combat effectiveness will definitely not be too bad.

In this case, he should also seriously consider the future path.

The reincarnation eye thing, although the feeling to Uchiha Kai is very general.

Because his expression of battle seems to be really not as powerful as Tenseisen, even giving him a sense of whether Samsara Eye is an auxiliary type.

But it is undeniable that whether it is biased towards the auxiliary type or not, its existence is definitely on the same level as Tenseigan.

And he also firmly believes in one thing, that is, no matter what kind of ability the eyes are, they must have their own brilliance.

Only skilled enough in the abilities of those eyes, and familiar enough with their own.

Only by combining with each other can the power be released to the maximum, otherwise in the end, I am afraid that it will be nothing more than Toto Otsutsuki and Kaguya Otsutsuki.

A hand that is generally good as a king's bomb, and it's a mess.

It may even be too late to exert all of its strength, and it will be directly blown up by the enemy.

Uchiha Kai will never let such a thing happen to him. He has worked hard to master his abilities from the beginning, and he has not changed anything from beginning to end.

Even if there is no chance for actual combat, he will not do any tentative activities.

So far, he has a good grasp of his abilities.

He didn't know exactly how the Samsara Eye was developed, but he knew that he probably wouldn't have the chance to touch the power beyond the limit normally.

Because what is needed to open the eye of reincarnation is not just the power of yin and yang.

Another key point that is needed is the chakra of Indra and Asura.

Even Uchiha Qi felt that Uchiha Madara opened up this power, and I am afraid he has experienced an experience that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

"That's death."

Uchiha Kai thought silently.

"Uchiha Madara has been beheaded by Senju Hasuma, and he opened his eyes just before he died. Does this mean that these eyes are actually quite harsh?"

Looking back on Madara Uchiha's life, he may have faced more deaths than he himself could count.

And he had experienced firsthand what it was like to die.

In the final break with Senju Hasrama, due to the deviation of his philosophy, he gave a dead hand and caused Madara Uchiha's death.

This is an indisputable fact, even if Madara Uchiha anticipated all this in advance, he also died in earnest.

Uchiha Kai is really worried now, this **** reincarnation will not really have to go through a test of life and death, right?

He really didn't know what to do if he really had to go this far.

He is not worried about the Chakras of Indra and Ashura, because the new generation of Indra and Ashura are basically by his side.

With his relationship with Minato Namikaze, it can be said that Naruto Naruto grew up right under his nose.

He can even get these chakras without risk.

Not to mention Sasuke Uchiha, this kid is strictly named by himself.

His relationship with Uchiha Fuyake, although there are always some small problems.

However, with the development of the Uchiha clan, these problems have also continued to improve with their own strength.

And the terrifying strength that Uchiha Kai himself has shown has basically been completely covered up.

Even if these problems can be dug up is a question.

If Uchiha Kai wants Uchiha Sasuke's Chakra, he just needs to say hello.

Or to find a reason to find Sasuke Uchiha, it's not too easy.

He already has the key props, and he just needs to take out these chakras at the right time.

And finally, these two kinds of chakras with the will of the ancestors are integrated into their own chakras, and the final activation should be completed.

"Just, when will these two guys wake up, Chakra of Indra and Ashura."

Uchiha Kai thought of this and sighed silently: "Also, what kind of experience does that **** life and death want? This is the most annoying."

Uchiha Kei has always cherished his life, and his kaleidoscope was opened just because he was about to die.

If he was asked to experience something between life and death, he would probably reject it without hesitation!

What a joke, he didn't want to die by himself, never wanted to.

Shaking his head silently, he turned his head to look at Aya Hyuga, who had always had a cold face, and Kei Uchiha didn't bother to say anything.

Raised his head and glanced at the Hokage Building in front of him, he knew that he had more important things to do now...


Today is not really a special day.

But because of one incident, the patriarchs of all the Konoha families, the ministers of various departments, and the Jinnin who were temporarily staying to rest, ready to enter the front line to replenish at any time, felt strange.

Because all of them were called to the Hokage Building by the Fourth Hokage.

Looking at the number of over a hundred people, these ninjas seem to have realized the seriousness of the matter.

But they had no idea what was going to happen.

Uchiha Kai came to the downstairs of the Hokage Building, where more than a dozen members of the Uchiha clan were waiting for him.

They are all members of the Uchiha clan, and they are absolutely up to the standard in terms of strength and number of tasks.

Originally, they should also follow Uchiha Fuyue to the battlefield.

You must know that the Uchiha family is almost the largest family in the village under the "prophecy" of him and Uchiha Kai.

Therefore, the number of people drawn by Uchiha Fuyue is often given priority to the members of the family.

But they were kept by Uchiha Fugaku, which made them feel a little depressed.

But they didn't refute either. After all, Uchiha Kai, who was in the Uchiha clan and almost on an equal footing with Uchiha Fuyue, is still in Konoha.

There are about 30 Joinin members in the Uchiha clan, and this time more than half of them were recruited.

They thought that they might have other tasks in Konoha, such as assisting the Minister of the Security Department.

"Master Kai." When they saw Uchiha Kai approaching, they immediately surrounded him.

"Ah, I've been waiting for a long time." Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, then turned to look at Aya Hyuga: "Okay, why are you still angry? Are you going up with me, or looking for Hinata Hizu?"

"I'm under the security department now, so I'll naturally follow you." Hyuga Aya still looked so cold.

I don't know if she is still angry, or if she is like this when facing outsiders.

Uchiha Kai nodded. Although Hyuga Aya is a member of the Hyuga clan, her position is a member of the security department.

Therefore, whether she chooses to follow Hyuga Hizu or Uchiha Kai, it is completely possible.

After all, she is a Jōnin, and she is still a Jōnin under the protection of Uchiha Kai. Her actual freedom is still very large.

Hyuga Sunzu doesn't care so much, but I don't know if he will not care so much after today?

"Well, I understand." Uchiha Qi turned back and glanced at the Uchiha members who were standing in front of him respectfully, he smiled slightly: "Let's go, I don't want us to be the last group of people. ."

"Yes, Lord Kai." The Uchiha ninjas nodded, and then followed Uchiha Kai into the Naruto building honestly.

Although they always felt that a Hinata ninja appeared in a Uchiha team, no matter how you looked at it, it seemed strange and out of place.

But when they thought about the relationship between Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya, they resolutely shut up.

It's not that they didn't complain privately, as the most powerful and powerful ninja of the Uchiha family.

Why did they have such a good relationship with their opponents, the members of the Hinata clan.

It even developed into a lover's relationship, and the most important thing is that this person is still a separate family!

However, they only dared to complain in private, and really said in front of Kai Uchiha that they really dared not do this.

Being able to become a Jōnin, at least proves that their brains are not stupid.

In addition, they more or less know that what happened within the Uchiha family, they dare not mess around.

In particular, the patriarch Uchiha Fuyue did not seem to have any comments on this.

I just complained, ‘Are the girls of the Uchiha clan not as good as Hinata’s? ' In that case, there's not one other fart.

Walking to the conference room, Uchiha Kai found that it was already full of people.

However, the people sitting are basically patriarch and minister-level guys. These people sit from the innermost to the outermost according to their position and status.

Ordinary Jōnin didn't dare to take their seats yet, they all stood in the back row and waited.

They themselves do not know why, they can come to this meeting.

Therefore, they did not dare to sit down easily, but waited for the people who should be seated to sit down and talk.

"Kai, here." At this moment, Uchiha Kai heard someone calling him.

Turning to look, he found that Kakashi and Imai Kenta had already found their positions, and their positions were still very advanced.

After all, one is the acting minister of Anbu, and the other is the acting minister of the mission department.

The departments that these two belong to are very, very important to Konoha, especially Anbu, needless to say.

In fact, strictly speaking, the security department in Uchiha Kai's hands is really not as good as the two of them. UU reading

But after so long development, his security department has long been no worse than these two departments, or even more important.

"Find your own position." Uchiha Kai beckoned to the two of them, and then said to those Uchiha ninjas: "Aya is following me, and there is one more thing to remind you."

"Master Kai, please speak." These Uchiha clansmen whispered immediately.

"In fact, the patriarch and I have already known about the results of today's meeting."

Uchiha Kei lowered his head very low, and his voice was so low that others couldn't hear him at all: "And it can be said that this time I, the patriarch, and the four generations of Hokage-sama led together, so... ."

"We understand." These Uchiha clansmen immediately nodded to show that they understood.

It's just that they are also very puzzled. What is it? It requires Uchiha Kai, Uchiha Fuyue, and the four generations of Hokage to plan and decide together.

But they are very sensible. Anyway, this matter will be known soon, and there is nothing to worry about.

Of course, there is one more thing they are very puzzled about.

That's why, Uchiha Kai wanted to tell them in advance.

Isn't this kind of thing Uchiha Kai represents the Uchiha family, and it's over with a direct statement?

They really don't think they can play any role.

With a random wave of his hand, Uchiha Kai walked towards Kakashi and Imai Kenta's position with Hyuga Aya.

Looking at the patriarchs or ministers of the various families who were constantly whispering around, and Shikahisa Nara who was standing on the rostrum preparing for the meeting but was also puzzled, Uchiha Kei couldn't help but chuckle.

I am afraid this meeting today will exceed their imagination, and it will also exceed the imagination of the entire ninja world...
