Chapter 452: reform proposals

"Qi, what's going on with this meeting?"

When Kai Uchiha just sat down, Kakashi couldn't help but ask directly.

As a disciple of Hokage, he is still a little inexplicable now, and he really has not received any news of such a meeting.

But Uchiha Kai may not be clear about these things, because he knows very well that this guy has a close relationship with his teacher.

It is very likely that he will know some things that he does not know.

Imai Kenta also glanced at Uchiha Kai, but he knew a little something.

It's just that Uchiha Kai has always expressed too vaguely about these things, which makes Kenta Imai quite helpless.

And there are too many things about him recently, which makes him basically have no time to meet with Uchiha Kai.

This made him lose too many opportunities to learn about relevant things in advance.

But he didn't care too much about the solution, and he also received information from the front line.

He knew that it might not be long before Uchiha Kai was on the front line.

Keeping this guy in Konoha is actually a huge loss, but he must have a purpose for staying.

I'm afraid now is the time to reveal his purpose?

Imai Ken tilted his head too much, and he was also a little curious about what was going on.

But he didn't bother to care. What he cares more about now is the issue of going to the battlefield.

Because Kei Uchiha is going up, I'm afraid I have to go up with him as a teammate, and the same woman, Aya Hyuga.

Going to the battlefield can avoid a lot of onerous things, there is no doubt about it.

Although Kenta Imai really likes the power in his hands, he is really in a hurry to operate it.

But he is not very willing to miss some credits, so getting some benefits from other aspects has become an inevitable choice for him.

In this situation, where can I get more benefits?

After thinking about it, it seems that only the battlefield can give him enough opportunities to improve himself.

"Actually, it's not a bad thing, but for some people and some families, it's not necessarily a good thing."

Uchiha Kai sat down with Hyuga Aya, and he didn't care about the strange eyes that others looked at Hyuga Aya.

"Overall, it's a good thing, at least not a bad thing for most people."

"Your style of speaking..."

Kakashi gave Uchiha Kai a helpless look, and finally he nodded.

"Okay, sure enough, you know about it, but you all agree. I don't think it's a bad thing."

"By the way, Kai, are you going to the battlefield this time?" Imai Kenta suddenly asked in a low voice, "I heard that the third generation came back and was seriously injured. Now the Konoha frontline troops lack command, and you... .."

"It should be me." Uchiha Qi thought about it and said: "But you know, if I go, I'm afraid.... And there are more important things to do now, when everything is stable, I should Going to go."

Imai Kenta glanced at Uchiha Kai, and he knew exactly what this guy meant.

That means, 'I go and everything will end'.

Imai Kenta didn't doubt his words, and he who knew Uchiha Kai's strength would not doubt it.

Just to stabilize the situation inside Konoha?

This made Kenta Imai start to get serious, and he could feel some of Uchiha Kai's thoughts.

But he found that what Uchiha Kai thought was probably more 'dangerous' than he thought.

"Are you all here?" Just as Imai Kenta was thinking about it, Minato Namikaze walked to the front of the stage.

His appearance immediately quieted the slightly noisy venue, although everyone was curious about what this was for.

But now that it's about to start, there's no point in cranking it up.

It's better to concentrate and see what the four generations of Hokage-sama plan to do.

Such a big show, so many people attended.

No matter how you think about it, it will not be a simple matter, he needs to concentrate on analyzing various situations.

"Very well, since we're all here, let's start." Minato Namikaze said directly.

"Now it's the first issue, everyone knows that the current ministers of the Dark Ministry and the Mission Ministry have decided to retire or schedule work.

So they submitted their options to me, and after this period of review, I felt the time was right. "

"Uh, this is..." Kakashi and Imai Kenta were stunned when they heard Minato Namifeng's words.

In fact, the official promotion of the two of them should have been at the end of last year, but unfortunately, a war broke out during that time.

Therefore, the promotion of the two of them was also stopped.

They did not expect to bring this matter up at this time.

Not only them, but other people are also a little surprised, but it seems natural to think about it carefully.

Although these two are very young, their performance is really not bad.

Especially with the precedent of Uchiha Kai, Kakashi and Imai Kenta did not encounter any trouble in their work.

Of course, it also has something to do with the fact that the two of them were personally chosen by Minato Namikaze.

After all that time, they've been doing pretty well.

Maybe not as sophisticated as their former ministers showed, but at least up to the mark.

Now that the Konoha frontline battlefield is temporarily stabilized, this matter can also be acted upon.

"Do you have any opinions?" Minato Namikaze glanced at everyone, and then asked, "Then, please raise your hands to vote."

"No." All the ministers, patriarchs and the like looked at each other and agreed.

They naturally fully support the promotion of new people, which is good for the development of the village.

Of course, the most important thing is that this is a kind of sign of the new pattern in the village.

It is also a signal that they can take the opportunity to seek greater interests for themselves. How could they object?

What's more, this matter has long been regarded as the default, and they have no reason to object.

As for those Shangnin, there will be no objection.

They don't even know what to call them for such an important matter.

Isn't this what you ministers, patriarchs and the like, who really hold the power of Konoha, decided?

But I have to say, being able to participate in such a thing, I seem to be able to express my own opinions and ideas.

It can even be said that they participated in the decision-making of the promotion of ministers, which really touched them a lot.

It's just that they don't dare to think too much, because they know that they basically have no say in this kind of thing.

"Very good." Minato Namikaze watched everyone raise their hands, he smiled with satisfaction, and then his face became serious: "Then go to the second issue..."


"Here it is."

Uchiha Kai leaned on the chair, watching the change in Minato Namikaze's expression, he already knew that the main event was coming.

What is the highlight of this meeting, he is very clear.

And he also knows how much impact this change will have.

As you can imagine, this is a super bomb.

This bomb can not only blow out all the fish in the pool or even stun it, but it may also injure yourself.

At the same time as Uchiha Kai looked at Namikaze Minato, Namikaze Minato also seemed to feel something.

Turning his head, he looked at Kai Uchiha, and he could see that he was a little nervous now.

Uchiha Qi smiled slightly and nodded at him, showing his firm support for him.

Namikaze Minato nodded slightly when he saw this scene, and then he took a deep breath and looked at everyone present.

The small actions of the two of them were still noticed by some people, such as Nara Shikahisa and Hyuga Hizu.

They suddenly felt that this matter was not easy at all!

"Since the positions of the ministers have been filled, and the chiefs, ministers, and the Shangnin who stayed in the village have basically arrived."

Minato Namikaze's voice was very clear: "Then let me tell you about my plan."

"As we all know, a year and a half ago, after much thinking and discussions with Minister Kai, Minister Shikahisa and others, I put forward a reform proposal.

That's the reform plan for Shimonin, Chunin, and special Shangnin. I think everyone is familiar with this matter, right? "

Everyone present nodded, how could they be unfamiliar with this reform?

Although it is said that this reform has eliminated the position of special Shangnin, and it has also caused quite a stir.

But in the end, because Minato Namikaze "gives too much", and a big event happened in the fog, the attention was attracted and slowly subsided.

But I have to say that this reform plan of Genin and Chunin really brought a lot of benefits to Konoha.

Especially members of certain families, their strength is not that strong, but they have smart heads.

They have gained incredible benefits from the new policy being changed.

There are also many civilian ninjas, because they are good at different aspects.

Originally discriminated against, or even impossible to become ninjas, they have received special and comprehensive education under the care of these new policies.

As a result, they became some ninjas who performed well and made a lot of contributions to Konoha.

Suffice to say, such a policy now looks really good.

Even if it takes a lot of energy and money, but these financial problems are caused by the village, and they have nothing to do with them, right?

It's just that the resources obtained by these Genin and Chunin people are not inferior to those of Shangren at all, which even makes many Shangren feel a little dissatisfied.

What do you want to do with this now?

Do you want to reform the Jōnin policy?

To be honest, this is a good thing, but they are not optimistic in their hearts.

Because of this kind of reform, the Shangnin suffered to a certain extent.

The conditions of the lower ninja and chunin are so good, so how good should the upper ninja be?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that apart from money and various resources, there is nothing that can attract Shangnin, right?

There is absolutely no shortage of Qian Muye, but what about those resources?

For example, techniques, these techniques are not simple things.

Although Konoha Village has mastered a lot of ninjutsu, the problem is that these things are basically basic education types, such as learning in ninja schools.

Either powerful, dangerous spells are basically in the book of seals.

Even if there are a lot of used and powerful spells, it is generally not easy to teach them.

But based on task performance and evaluation, it will be handed over to these Jōnin to a limited extent.

So what does the fourth Hokage want to do, or what can he come up with?

"Then, the reform of Genin and Chunin has been completed, and it can be said to be very successful, and I am also starting to think about it."

Namikaze Minato glanced at everyone present, and then his voice became a little higher: "I'm thinking, is it time to reform our Konoha's Jōnin?"

Sure enough!

Everyone present nodded, it was the same as what they thought in their hearts, and now it was time to see what Namikaze Minato could come up with.

Imai Kenta turned his head and glanced at Uchiha Kai.

He remembered that back then, this guy asked them to raise the ninja level to Shangnin as soon as possible.

You must know that many people are now unable to improve their ninja level. Obviously Uchiha Kai is involved in this matter.

"So I decided to improve the welfare system of Shangnin!"

Namikaze Minato said this resolutely: "Junin is the highest level ninja in our Konoha ninja system.

The same is true of Shang Nin, the candidates for various important positions, those who have reached the position of Shang Nin are the elites of our Konoha, and everyone here is the elite of our Konoha! "

"But even Shangnin will encounter a lot of troubles For example, they sometimes face not enough money to maintain their practice and make up for the loss of their missions.

So I decided, first, to increase the benefits of Shangnin.

In the future, all Konoha's Jōnin will receive a designated guarantee amount issued by Konoha every month.

This amount of money is definitely not less, and it will not conflict with the mission income at all.

With this money, the Shangnin will have no worries! "

Money is always the key to attracting people. To put it bluntly, how do you think of ways to improve yourself without money?

With no money, how do you buy the latest gear and medical substances?

Joinin's quests are highly rewarding, but they also have to be high-level quests.

But don't forget, the Shang Nin people have other tasks.

That is to lead Konoha under the Shinobi and guide them to practice, to help them get through the period of the Shinobi, and to protect them at critical moments.

These three points add up, and it is very distressing.

Guiding them to practice is nothing, but to help them get through the period of ninja, then help them adapt to the life of a ninja.

In this case, it is absolutely impossible for them to accept any high-level tasks.

The reward for low-level tasks is just a little bit, and if it sounds ugly, the money for a meal may be gone.

For a slightly more dangerous mission, the upper ninja has to protect those lower ninjas, which is a bit of a loss.

It can be said that leading the team is really not necessarily how rich the pocket is.

Namikaze Minato just put forward the first point of reform, and it has already made the eyes of the Joinin who do not have any positions lit up...



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