Chapter 453: I agree

Namikaze Minato's first proposal for the reform of the jounin can be said to have directly attracted all the jounin who were present and did not have any positions in them.

However, these ninjas did not dare to express their thoughts too much.

After all, in the Konoha system, there is no family support, not enough positions, or the right to speak.

There is really very little they can participate in and express.

But now they have some understanding of why Namikaze Minato let them participate in this matter.

Because what this young fourth-generation Hokage wants to do is what is most in line with their interests.

To let them participate is to give their support to the fourth Hokage by expressing their stance.

This was the first thing that came out of their minds.

These people are not fools, how could they not have thought of some key information?

But none of them are doing anything now. They know their status in Konoha. Those ministers and patriarchs don't say what they can do?

Moreover, they also have to see what other reforms of Hokage Four Generations have, so that they can make judgments easily.

"Hokage-sama." However, there was still some Jōnin who couldn't wait, and one person raised his hand and asked, "Then, are there any restrictions on these welfare policies?"

"Of course, Nakamori Junin." Minato Nakazema nodded: "But don't worry, I'll explain these things when I've finished all my thoughts and measures, okay?"

The ninja patted his head a little embarrassedly, obviously he looked a little too anxious just now.

He is also a Jōnin who lacks money.

The main reason is that he is currently leading the team and is leading a group of rookies who have just graduated from the ninja school on a mission.

Even so, he avoided going to the front line to fight Yun Ren desperately.

But personally, he is more willing to run to the front line, but for the sake of Konoha's next generation, he really can't get away.

"Then after the first point, I will continue with the second point." Minato Nami paused, then continued: "The money aspect is not a problem, but other resources cannot be left behind. Therefore, I decided to add Dasunin's resource investment!"

Increasing the investment of resources is not something that can be done in a simple sentence.

But it is clear that Namikaze Minato's words have already expressed his attitude.

That is, he wants to promote the process of reform, and in order to achieve his goals, I am afraid that he will really need to invest a lot of resources into it!

Ninjutsu, this can be regarded as a strategic resource.

Could it be that Namikaze Minato really intends to open up all the ninjutsu materials that Konoha collected, those originally intended to reward these jounin, to them?

After that?

How are these Shang Nin going to fight?

Is it all about the minister or some specific office?

Although it is not impossible to say this, but what about the task system in this case?

Originally, Konoha relied on those ninjutsu, so that these ninjas kept working hard.

Of course, these are not to say that there is no way to get more ninjutsu.

They defeat the enemy, and they can also find a way to get some good things.

But these things have to be handed in!

There is also a good relationship, they will communicate privately with ninjutsu and the like.

But this kind of thing is still a minority after all, plus what you are good at, is it really suitable for others?

Could it be that these Shang-Nin people have accomplished some major credits in the mission, and they just opened the book of seals for them to learn?

Everyone present looked at Minato Namikaze with some doubts, and now they really don't understand what this Hokage-sama means.

"Therefore, I decided to open up the stock of ninjutsu collected by Konoha to all the jounin."

Minato Namikaze directly stated his decision: "And, if necessary, I also hope that each family can cooperate and try to come out with some ninjutsu that does not belong to the category of secret arts. After all, this is for everyone."

Namikaze Minato said this sentence, and many clan ninjas who were present suddenly exclaimed!

What's the meaning?

And let them contribute ninjutsu materials?

Although it is very clear, that is to exclude other ninjutsu materials other than family secret arts.

But they are also unwilling. Who wants to use their own resources to nourish others?

Even if they are all from Konoha, in order to maintain the detachment of their own family status, in order to maintain their strength, who would agree?

Not to mention that some families are supported by the powerful and various ninjutsu they have collected.

Just like the Sarutobi clan, and the Shimura clan.

In addition to the emergence of a political strongman in their family, the prosperity of the family relies on these huge numbers of escape techniques!

Since Sarutobi Hizan once served as the third Hokage, he did not serve as the patriarch of the Sarutobi clan.

The current patriarch of the Sarutobi clan is a middle-aged man who looks to be in his forties.

His name is Kento Sarutobi, and his face looks unusually ugly!

"Lord Hokage!" Kento Sarutobi stood up directly: "Although the proposal is very good, I don't think the village needs us to provide ninjutsu materials. You must know that many things in this are our foundation!"

"Yes, Hokage-sama, I am against it too!" The patriarch of the Shimura clan also stood up.

Although Shimura Danzo died, but because his family really didn't participate too much in the research.

In addition, Shimura Danzo, like the three generations of Hokage, did not choose to be the patriarch of the family.

Even if they are actually the real controllers of the family, there are some things they do well.

Therefore, this family has remained, and it can be said that it has completely followed the Sarutobi family.

As the Shimura clan joined the wave of opposition, many representatives of the small clan who were attached to them also stood up to express their opposition.

However, there were still many family representatives who did not move, but looked at the big family they were attached to sitting in the front row.

Similarly, those civilian-born Jōnin did not move for the time being.

Clan or commoner Jōnin who did not have any positions stood or sat in the last row.

The civilian-born Junin would not object, but at this time they would not make a statement either.

And the Shangnin in the big family didn't move for the time being, they knew it wasn't time to make a statement yet.

"Is it noisy enough?"

Just when everyone was still arguing, Uchiha Kai suddenly spoke up.

His voice was not loud, but it seemed to have magical power, and it echoed directly in everyone's ears.

For a while, the crowd that was still noisy there suddenly quieted down.

They all agreed, and looked at Uchiha Kai, who was sitting in the first row with his arms crossed.

They were all a little puzzled, because they suddenly didn't understand what this guy's position was...


There is no doubt that Uchiha Kai is a family ninja.

Uchiha Fuyue is not there, it can be said that the entire Uchiha clan has the final say on him!

Even if their Uchiha clan is now so close to Namikaze Minato, the problem is that this cannot change the fact that he is a clan ninja!

What Namikaze Minato is doing is really digging the foundation of the family ninja.

Handing over these things is not the same as weakening the family ninja in disguise?

Your Uchiha clan is also a noble family of Konoha. It can be said that you are the biggest powerhouse of Konoha now, not one of them!

The security department is pulling in your hands, and there are many ninjas under them.

Even if you compromised a lot of seats for the sake of profit, you got three of the four sub-commanders anyway.

And among the members of the security department, there are also many members of the Uchiha family.

The Qianshou clan was dug up by you and basically followed you, and the Hyuga clan is no longer your opponent.

Look at the day difference of the sun, this is the younger brother of the sun, and he is under your hands.

And it is said that Hyuga Aya, who has shown super strong fighting power in the family, is even more inexplicable about this woman's relationship with you.

Don't talk about you, talk about Uchiha Fuyue, and now he is the commander-in-chief of a unit, commander!

A wealthy family like you, now showing such a vague position, what does it mean, and what do you want to do?

Uchiha Qi didn't care what these people were thinking, he glanced left and right indifferently.

Seeing that the people sitting in the row with him were basically quiet and looking at him, he tapped the table lightly.

"Lord Hokage hasn't finished speaking, you are making a fuss, what are you going to do?"

Uchiha Kai's voice was very calm: "Respect for Hokage is a basic quality, don't you even have this quality? Then can I think that you are not suitable for this occasion?"

"Uchiha Kai...." The patriarch of the Shimura family looked at Uchiha Kai angrily.

"Quiet, do you understand?" Uchiha Kai turned his head to look at him, his voice still indifferent.

"Also, you shut up for me too. What qualifications do you have to call me by my name? If this goes on, do I need to call someone from the security department to maintain order?"

"You..." The patriarch of the Shimura clan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Kento Sarutobi.

The guy then sat down with a look of resentment.

Indeed, he is now, in an accurate sense, just the patriarch of a small family.

Without the protection of Shimura Danzo, they are really nothing, a relatively famous and powerful family.

Even if they think they can do it, they really don't have the right to speak.

Offending Uchiha Kai is equivalent to offending the Security Ministry.

At that time, this department will stare at them, I am afraid that they will not feel good no matter how they do it.

Uchiha Kai looked at the quiet Shimura family, then he stood up and turned to look at everyone.

"I don't care what your thoughts and opinions are. But there is a meeting here now, and there are so many people here, which means we will have a vote, and if there is more noise and the meeting does not go well, then... ..."

Speaking of this, Uchiha stopped, and Kakashi stood up with him.

Just a few minutes ago, Kakashi had become the Minister of Anbu, and he was fully qualified to do so.

And the two of them are the only people in Konoha who have real combat troops.

Their deterrent power is really not comparable to ordinary people!

With the collective position of the two of them, those who opposed it did not dare to say anything even if their faces were ugly.

On the contrary, the commoners looked excited one by one, and their eyes were so fiery.

"Thank you, Minister Qi." Minato Minato Minato smiled and nodded, then he continued.

"Of course, just like what Minister Qi said, these are all our motions and proposals now. Whether it is really passed or not still needs everyone's vote. Then, I will continue to talk."

"As for the resource provision of Shangnin, I think it is similar to this level.

I hope everyone remembers that Jōnin is our real fighting resource, and a supplement to every important department in a real sense.

And I also want you to remember, and sometimes I want you to remember, we are Konoha Ninjas.

Even if it is crowned with a family name, it is like the ninja of the Uchiha family.

But our essence has never changed, we are all Konoha ninjas! "

"Now what I want to say is the third and most important point about the reform of Shangnin!"

Minato Namikaze took a deep breath, he was a little nervous now.

If the previous content is only a little obscure, and it is not too much to weaken the strength and power of the family ninja, then I am afraid it is a real strike now!

Even the previous content has already caused such a big backlash.

Then what he is going to say now may really be a big problem.

Almost subconsciously, Minato Namikaze turned his head to look at Kai Uchiha again.

Uchiha Kai's face is also a little serious now, but he still nodded at Namikaze Minato.

This move made Minato Namifeng suddenly have great confidence.

What he has to do is to make Konoha change.

It is to change Konoha's internal family problems, and he wants to change everyone's stereotypes.

He wants to change the ninja world, some stereotypes about Konoha ninjas!

He wants the ninjas to break away from the "era of family division" and become an era of "class division of ninjas" again.

In a sense, completely eliminate the contradictions within Konoha that have existed for an unknown length of time.

He wants to make it impossible for certain families to mix in 'identity politics', and constantly absorbs it should be given to those ninjas who originally had such identities but didn't get anything.

"I decided, from now on..." Minato Namikaze took a deep breath.

"I will change the existing meeting mode, and will set up a meeting meeting mode that is completely composed of the three ninja levels: upper, middle and lower ninjas.

The three levels of ninjas will choose enough representatives by themselves. I will give fifty places for the lower ninja, thirty for the chunin, and twenty for the upper ninja. "

Having said that, Minato Namikaze raised his head and glanced at everyone present.

Looking at their stupid expressions, he gritted his teeth and continued.

"That is to say, in the future, when I am in a meeting, except for the minister-level members, everyone else will be the representative of the level ninja as the title of the meeting."

"No, the family ninja, not the patriarch..."


If it is said that the previous proposal of Namikaze Minato is only a proper weakening of the Konoha family's ninja system.

So now, it can be said that it is completely open to declare war with Konoha's family ninja system!

And what he said was not euphemistic, he told you directly, 'Only the selected representatives, not the patriarch, will be able to participate in such meetings in the future'!

What does this mean?

This is to tell you that the family mode will be completely replaced by the ninja level mode!

I was stunned, everyone present was stunned!

Even Hinata Hizu and Nara Shikahisa looked at Namikaze Minato in disbelief.

Not to mention the patriarchs of the other big and small families, they all looked at him in disbelief!

Even Kenta Imai was a little unbelievable, but even if this guy was unbelievable, he didn't say much, but turned his head to look at Kai Uchiha.

Because he knows that Uchiha Kai is definitely an insider!

No wonder this guy started preparing himself for a ninja position so long ago.

It's no wonder that this guy has started to make himself more selective in the selection of candidates in the mission department, and may even be biased towards civilian ninjas!

Because of this change, it is indeed beneficial for civilian ninjas.

Chunin has gotten so many resource tilts since Chunin, plus civilian ninjas are more of a mission ninja.

They accumulate the number of tasks, but much faster than the family ninja.

It can be said that even though they may not be as strong as the clan ninjas, their huge number is coupled with their constant acceptance of tasks in order to survive.

Let them, to some extent, already stand on the same level as the family ninja!

And with the unimaginable resources pouring out of the Shangnin, they will definitely perform better in the future, not even worse than some family ninjas.

This is to elevate the status of commoner ninjas, this is to weaken the privileges of family ninjas, and this is to narrow the distance between ninjas and ninjas!

"It's no wonder that all those Jōnin who were left in the village were found."

Imai Kenta thought of this, and couldn't help but look back at the hot guys in the last row.

"Let them participate, which means they have the right to vote, and when did this guy Uchiha start planning..."

Imai Kenta did not forget that Uchiha Kai started from taking over the security department, even if it was only a deputy director and only mastered one unit.

He has already started, making a huge change in the internal structure of the team.

Such a change has brought the Uchiha clan closer to the civilian ninja.

Before Imai Kenta did not reveal his identity, he was dragged by Uchiha Qi to use his identity at that time.

Now it seems that the thoughts and thoughts of this **** Uchiha Kai really surpasses everyone!

Not only did he have such an idea, but those present who knew Uchiha Kai's family ninjas or ministers.

They all thought of something, and then their eyes couldn't help looking at Uchiha Kai.

Their hearts are full of horror, how long has this guy been preparing?

When in the world did he join forces with Namikaze Minato?

They were so terrified that they were even thinking about whether the high-ranking Namikaze Minato had something to do with him?

After all, the situation at that time was so complicated, but the incident of Orochimaru broke out!

And those who oppressed Orochimaru most fiercely were also the Uchiha family.

At that time, there was one missing person in the Uchiha clan. It was the sub-commander of the security department. That guy seemed to be Yuchi Uchiha.

The disappearance of Yuchi Uchiha caused the security department, which belonged to Uchiha at the time, to start firing at Orochimaru with all his strength.

However, because of the disappearance of that guy, Kai Uchiha became the sub-commander and deputy director, and at the same time started a more legendary career.

Is it possible....

I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it at all!

They really don't dare to think about this kind of terrifying thing, especially their status is more or less, so that they have noticed some unusual things in the past few years.

Back then, the great elder of the Uchiha clan, and several elders who belonged to the same camp, were all burned to death by a fire.

And those people didn't seem to deal well with Uchiha Kai, and they occupied all the leadership of the security department at that time!

"How can this be done!" At this moment, the patriarch of the Mitomon clan stood up and said loudly.

"This is absolutely impossible! The existence of the ninja family is the consensus of the entire ninja world. Lord Naruto, don't forget that the ninja family is the key to maintaining the stability of a village! The Mito family, vote against!"

"Lord Hokage, although your idea is good, I'm sorry, a family is always a family, and only the elites of the family have enough power and power to make a village develop better."

The patriarch of the transitioning clan also stood up. He calmly looked at Minato Namikaze and said, "We will also vote against it, and at the same time, the Shangren of our family will also vote against it!"

Although the Mitomon clan and the Chuan clan are not the wealthy families of Konoha, their population and their family strength are not weak.

It's just that they are usually low-key enough, and always put themselves in the category of 'civilian ninjas without bloodline boundaries'.

In addition, their family has two minister-level figures, Mito Menyan and Kaoru Koharu, and their development is also very good.

With these two clans taking the lead, those clans who followed their shelter could only bite the bullet and stand up and vote against it.

In fact, these little families are really hard to say, whether they really agree or disagree.

But they are clear that now I am afraid that it has been upgraded from a "decision-making and judgment problem" to a "campaign and position problem".

They can only make their own choices if they want to get enough protection and not to have the reputation of being "betrayed by benefits".

The small family does have too much helplessness, and the choice of interests really makes them sometimes have no choice.

"I'm sorry Hokage-sama, the Sarutobi clan, and the Joinin members of the Sarutobi clan will also vote against it."

"The Shimura clan also objected, Hokage-sama."



There is no suspense, as this once Konoha Big Four family speaks.

For a time, the ninja family who followed them had to stand up and vote against it.

Namikaze Minato looked a little quiet, but his eyes didn't change in any way, but let the ninjas under him start recording the number of people who voted against it.

However, Uchiha Kai noticed that there seemed to be a drop of sweat on his forehead.

It can be seen that he is not as calm as he appears...


"Hey, if this goes on, it looks like your plan is going to go bankrupt."

Just when the clan ninjas who depended on them under the leadership of the big four Konoha families started to vote, Kenta Imai suddenly turned his head over and said a little jokingly.

Strictly speaking, this guy is also a family ninja. It is not clear what he thinks of Uchiha Kai, but this does not prevent him from finding out.

After all, if the cooperative relationship between them is removed, the normal relationship is still good.

It can be said that this guy is one of the two people who knows Uchiha Kai best.

"What's the hurry." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "I didn't make a statement, and Kakashi didn't make a statement. Don't forget that the number of votes at the ministerial level is equivalent to double. One vote for Join, then two votes for the patriarch, and so on. , how many votes do we have as ministers?"

"Four votes, I said this before the meeting." Imai Ken too tilted his head: "You didn't pay attention to it at all, did you?"

"I'm not too late, but definitely not too early." Uchiha Kai glanced at the guy.

"Well, I have four votes, Kakashi four.

All the Junin of the Uchiha family listen to me, even if they are not happy, but if they don't want to be troubled by me, they will vote honestly. Don't forget that the Junin of the Uchiha family is probably the most. "

Imai Kenta was a little upset when he heard this, because Uchiha Keiza was right.

This **** already knew this was going to happen, so he was already working on it.

In addition, Namikaze Minato seems to be conscious, and began to reduce the number of declarations and approvals of the Shangnin very early.

Only a few dozen people have been promoted by Konoha in the past few years, and most of these dozens are from the Uchiha clan.

It is conceivable how excessive these guys are.

"Are you preparing for today?" Imai Kenta rolled his eyes: "Why didn't you tell me? Maybe I can help you."

"Idiot, didn't he say it a long time ago, the future is very important, who do you blame for not taking it seriously?"

Hyuga Aya suddenly said: "Or, you didn't have a good grasp of the family at that time, and others didn't buy your account?"

"Hey, hey, you haven't married yet?" Imai Kenta rolled his eyes immediately.

"Although it is for the people, I thank you, but please restrain yourself...

Okay, I'm not going to talk about it. By the way, Kai, don't worry, at least 15 votes from the Thousand Hands Clan belong to you, although I'm still not very optimistic..."

"Oh? Is that so?" Uchiha Kai couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence, he cut off Imai Kenta's words: "I was worried that after you got four votes, will you have other ideas? ."

"Don't be kidding, how did those people treat our Qianshou family back then, I remember clearly, what's wrong with pulling them down?

Besides, I hate them, not Konoha, and I also hope Konoha is okay, so that I can be okay. "

"Ah, it seems you do have more vision than they do. It's just that the mouth is particularly annoying."

Imai Kenta rolled his eyes, what did he say wrong?

We are all teammates, and Aya Hyuga is so biased towards you, there is no problem between the two of you.

Although he also knows, I am afraid that these two guys have no problems until now.

It can only be regarded as a state of 'youda and above, but not full of lovers'.

But so what?

Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya's relationship has improved, but it's a good thing.

In particular, although this experiment is to improve their strength, it is also to help Aya Hyuga get rid of the bad luck of the 'caged bird'.

This woman has such a high level of experimentation and has mastered the skills both of them need, and it will be a real reassurance to keep her by her side forever.

However, this woman is too scheming, and at the same time, the method is also cruel, which makes Kenta Imai feel a little chilled.

If he really let him come into contact with this woman, he would not be willing to kill him.

If he remembered correctly, one of this woman's fiancés died, and he died at her hands.

This kind of woman should be handed over to Kai Uchiha, who is also as cold as a poisonous snake.

He Imai Kenta is a normal person, not these two guys with mental problems.

"Anyone else object?"

Just when Imai Kenta was full of messes, the whole venue quieted down a little, and Minato Namikaze asked loudly.

Probably they also knew that the noise was going on, maybe Uchiha Kei really called someone from the security department.

This interrupted their vote, and finally led to the resolution being passed directly.

Everything needs to be done in moderation, and if it's really too much, it's not good.

Now they still have a chance to object, and if they really turn things into a farce, it would be bad for Uchiha Kai to intervene.

"So, does anyone agree?" Namikaze Minato finally took a deep breath and asked after seeing the quiet venue.

Quiet, the whole venue is still quiet.

It was as if no one heard him at all, neither Uchiha Kai nor the commoners they seemed to have no intention of speaking at this moment.

Those civilian ninjas seemed to be full of scruples, but they were frightened by the previous battle.

In their opinion, Namikaze Minato is indeed helping them.

But almost none of those big shots agree. Although some big people keep silent, they are not optimistic at all.

And Kenta Imai glanced at Kai Uchiha strangely, this guy was still sitting there motionless, what was the situation?

Minato Namikaze frowned, he took a deep breath and asked loudly again, "Does anyone agree?"

Quiet, still quiet, still no one gets up to speak.

Seeing this scene, not only Namikaze Minato was a little disappointed, but Uchiha Kai was also a little disappointed.

Have those civilians Junin been oppressed for a long time and have lost their minds to resist?

Originally, he also hoped that the civilian ninjas would stand up and say something, and at least have a leader.

But now, it seems that these civilian ninjas have been suppressed for a long time, and there is almost no idea of ​​resistance.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly, and then he slowly stood up while everyone was watching.

Following his actions, Hinata Hizzu, Nara Shikaku and the others couldn't help but look serious.

The brows of Kento Sarutobi and others also frowned. They knew that the weight of the representative of Uchiha Kai was very large, and his appearance was probably the real beginning.

"Lord Hokage, I agree." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "As the Minister of Security, I agree. And, on behalf of the Uchiha family..."

"I agree too!"



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