Chapter 463: Stage 4 Susanoo and Complete Body 8 Tails

"Calculate the time, Qijun and the others should also meet the fourth-generation Raikage brothers."

Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fuyake stood on a big tree and looked into the distance.

He didn't go back to Konoha directly, and for him, going back was just an instant thing.

He just wanted to see how far Uchiha Kai and the others were going.

Then he can also judge according to the current situation, what to do after he goes back.

He has already asked Uchiha Fuyue to distract the people around him. He doesn't want to expose his Flying Thunder God, and already has the ability to teleport over long distances.

At the beginning, he ran to Kirikin to take away Uchiha Kai and his party, which can be regarded as the ability to be exposed.

However, he was wearing a mask at the time, and he even found a cloak to cover his blond hair. He could basically conclude that the other party didn't recognize him.

Therefore, he wants to continue to maintain such a mystery.

Of course, this action is not an upright action.

Namikaze Minato is even more reluctant to expose himself, nor does he want Uchiha Kai and them to be exposed.

"Well, based on time, we should have met." Uchiha Fuyue nodded.

"Actually, there's nothing to worry about. We all know Qijun's strength, don't we? That guy has completely exceeded our imagination."

"It's true." Minato Minato rubbed the back of his head: "Kai, this guy is really unimaginable. How on earth did you raise such a child, this child..."

"He learned it himself on the battlefield, and he has always been good at analysis." Uchiha Fuyue was actually very puzzled himself, and Uchiha Qi really gave him a lot of pressure.

Fortunately, although this guy recognizes one thing, and when he does it, he will appear to have no bottom line, and even that dehumanizing appearance makes him feel terrified.

But this guy still retains his humanity, provided that the element is not the guy's enemy.

Otherwise, this guy will definitely show his most sinister side.

It seems that until now, except for the guy who is too special, the third generation Hokage.

Others, almost without exception, have already entered the Pure Land.

"Is that so?" Minato Namikaze sighed.

"War really distorts everything about a person, but it can also make a person grow.

It is probably because of the experience of the war that he has some thoughts that are different from the ninjas of this era.

I read the report, his teammates saved him so many times, they fell, but he survived. "

"Maybe." Uchiha Fuyue didn't know how to answer.

But he only thought about it for less than a second, and then said firmly: "That child has never set his sights on the restrictions of a family or even a village. Of course, he is loyal to Konoha."

Minato Namikaze smiled and didn't say anything, he still looked into the distance, that direction was Yun Ren's camp.

Suddenly, Minato Namikaze's face changed, and he felt a suffocating chakra brewing.

And the appearance of this chakra made the nine tails in his body seem to be affected, and it began to boil slightly in his body.

Namikaze Minato's expression became a lot more serious. If there was no accident, Ya'ao should have come out!

Sure enough, in the Yun Ninja camp in the distance, a huge, light red monster suddenly appeared!

Uchiha Fuyue also noticed this scene, and when he looked from a distance, a smile appeared in his mouth immediately.

"Looks like Ya'ao was forced out."

"Yes, I don't know if Qi Jun can handle it well."

"No problem, his strength is much stronger than mine. I'm thinking, should I send troops to attack Yun Ren now?"

"It's shameless enough, Fuyue-Jun. But... go ahead, I'll wait for your good news..."


After Chirabi completely dispelled the surrounding Yun Ren, the chakra in his whole body suddenly burst.

These chakras are violent and unusual, but they are constantly combined with incredible self-discipline.

In just a moment, a huge monster with a length of at least 100 meters, even if it was squatting, was more than 50 meters long and appeared in the Yunyin camp!

This monster is a giant bull with an octopus tentacle tail. It has two horns on its head, but one is intact and the other is broken.

Imai Kenta watched this scene, and immediately thought, did he **** off Kirabi?

Otherwise, this guy wouldn't be just simple, and even if he didn't take it seriously, why would he release the huge guy Yao?

Taking a deep breath, Kenta Imai knew that he had to be serious.

In the battle just now, it is true that he was not so serious.

Otherwise, he knew that without completely mastering his own offensive rhythm, the eight-tailed man Zhuli would definitely not be able to withstand it.

He barely used chakra to cover his ninja.

Although there is also the problem that his chakra is constantly moving, and keeping the chakra running on the ninja knife stably will bring him a greater burden.

But that doesn't mean he can't do it, especially since his wooden escape has not been used yet.

Taking a deep breath, the ninja sword in Imai Kenta's hand began to appear chakra.

His ninja knife is not an ordinary thing, otherwise, according to his previous use method, this ninja knife would have been broken long ago.


Suddenly, Imai Kenta's face turned sideways, because he found that the huge eight tails suddenly began to spin.

The terrifying whirlwind seemed to be sucking him in, and everything around him began to be destroyed by him recklessly!

This guy is more unscrupulous than Uchiha Kai.

Anyway, Uchiha Kei didn't dare to do this in Konoha. Even if this guy has evacuated people, but you don't care about the substances in it?

But the next moment, Imai Kenta suddenly changed his face, and then became a little ruthless.

Because of this **** guy, the range of rotation is not large.

But no matter what, he has cleaned up all the 'branch buds' that he has arranged around here!

Those branches and buds are all imprinted with the existence of their own Flying Thunder God Rune.

Did this guy find these things?

If this is the case, then Imai Kenta will have a headache.

The perfect human pillar power, but the existence that can best reflect the powerful chakra and terrifying power of the tailed beast.

Crucially, they have a ninja sense of self.

Any move a ninja makes in battle is very valuable and meaningful.

Now that Yao is doing this, Kenta Imai can't help but think about it.

Thinking of this, Imai Kenta gritted his teeth, and once again formed a seal with one hand, countless young shoots appeared hidden around him and Yao again.

However, just after he completed the seal, the eight tails in front of him slammed over with a tentacle!

Imai Kenta disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had already come to Hyuga Aya's side.

His face became extremely gloomy, because once again his mark would be destroyed.

"It seems that it's troublesome." Imai Kenta sighed faintly, no matter what kind of ninjutsu, there are pros and cons.

"It's really troublesome, is that guy very sharp?" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind Imai Kenta: "But don't worry, I'm back..."


"You are so slow. If you come later, your girlfriend and your good friend will die."

Imai Kenta was really relieved after hearing this voice.

Because the owner of this voice, he is really familiar, that is the guy Uchiha Kai.

Perhaps hearing this voice completely reassured him, this guy's mouth could not control himself again.

Uchiha Qi glanced at this guy angrily. He suddenly felt that he had come too early. Is this guy still full of energy now?

"I can't see it, didn't you have a good time playing?" Uchiha Qi said disdainfully: "But you are also unlucky enough that your technique was discovered by others."

"No way, I can only say that no matter what technique there is, there are pros and cons." Imai Kenta sighed: "It's a surprise, this guy actually has the ability to perceive, he sensed my mark, and he directly wiped it out on a large scale. ."

Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, he felt that this guy did not have the ability to perceive.

At most, it is relying on the eight tails to perceive.

And a technique always has advantages and disadvantages, even Susanoo has its own limitations.

For example, in some specific cases, he is too big.

Imai Kenta used a wooden dungeon to make buds and inscribed his mark of the God of Thunder on it.

This is very stealthy, and the transmittable frequency is very high within a certain range.

But in this case, it also lost a certain amount of action.

Because he fixed himself in a relatively narrow range.

Once he was noticed, as long as he was lucky and escaped from that area, or directly destroyed those branches, his Flying Thunder God would be abolished.

But just thinking of this, Uchiha Kai shook his head.

If you want to achieve this step, unless you also have space ninjutsu, or your defense is strong to a certain point, you can't do much.

"You're just out of luck."

Uchiha Qi glanced at him, and a dark chakra suddenly appeared on his body, and then he looked at Hyuga Aya.

"Are you OK?"

"I didn't participate in the war, and this guy didn't let me fight." Hyuga Aya shook her head: "Where is your side? Where is the fourth Raikage?"

"He's not dead."

The Susanoo on Uchiha Kai's body is getting bigger and bigger, and a crystal-like cabin has wrapped him and Hyuga Aya.

"He taught me a new ninjutsu, so I didn't kill him directly. Of course, if he was courting death, I wouldn't keep it."

The voice fell, and the dark chakra on Uchiha Kai's body had completely solidified.

The pitch-black Susanoo was 100 meters tall, and its face was extremely clear, like a Rakshasa in a temple.

Fierce and terrifying, it makes people feel terrified at first glance.

The figures of Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya are on Susanoo's forehead, where there is an energy crystal wall for them to shelter.

Imai Kenta's figure had already appeared in another place, and he was almost crushed to death by Susanoo of Kai Uchiha.

"Go hunt and kill those Yun Ninjas." Uchiha Kai said in a hoarse voice above Susanoo's head: "As you play, if the situation is not right, send it to me, and leave the rest to me."

"You guy..." Imai Kenta glanced at the 100-meter giant, and finally shook his head helplessly.

The next moment, his figure disappeared directly in place.

Uchiha Qi quietly looked at the eight-tailed giant beast that was not far from him, and a dark-tailed beast, jade, was condensed in front of his mouth, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He really hasn't tried and fought against such a complete state tailed beast.

Nine tails that time, because he had his own plan.

In addition, he did not intend to fully show his power, so he only split a shadow clone to deal with.

And now, he has the fourth stage Susanoo.

The opponent in front of him is a perfect person who has completely transformed into a beast. He can finally use his power well!

Suddenly, Susanoo moved.

The god-like Susanoo pulled out the ninja sword from his waist with one hand and swung it down in an instant!

At this moment, it seemed that the space had been shattered, the earth split, and the sky tilted.

Without the slightest hesitation and without the slightest mercy, Kai Uchiha has now entered a state of battle!

Such extreme power seems to make Yawei feel fear.

His tail beast jade also sprayed out at this moment, and suddenly collided with the blade wind swung by the Chakra Ninja!

The extremely strong energy burst out suddenly. It was only a little at first, and then it instantly increased, surpassing any previous energy explosion indefinitely.

Between the sky and the earth, it became a blazing white The distance between the two of them is too close!

There was a cold snort from Bawei's mouth, and then his eight tentacles directly wrapped his body, and the two arms in front of him also crossed to block his chest.

The explosion lasted for a very long time. From a distance, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the cracked earth spread for almost a hundred miles!

" this an earthquake?"

"Damn, the earth is cracked!"

"What happened to that explosion?"

"It seems to be from Yun Ren!"

The Konoha Camp, which was not too far from Yun Ren in the first place, was considered a disaster at this time!

The spreading crack directly caused Konoha's camp to be divided into a huge crack.

Even the enchantment of the camp shattered at this moment!

Both Namiba Minato and Uchiha Fuyue looked at this scene dumbfounded. They expected that the battle between Uchiha Kai and Ya'ao would definitely not be a simple battle.

But now it seems that they still underestimated the tragic situation of such a battle!

"Jun Fuyue, gather your troops."

Seeing this scene, Minato Namikaze thought about it seriously, and then he said directly: "Perhaps, this will be an opportunity for us to truce, and it is also an opportunity to win over and gain benefits."

"So, what about Qijun's original plan?" Uchiha Fugaku was stunned for a moment.

In an instant, I wanted to understand the meaning of Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Kai is now playing that group of villains!

"I think Qijun will understand, especially that there are people from us in that organization. For the time being, this organization can't be so famous that everyone is shouting and beating."

"Is that so? I understand, I'll prepare now."



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