Chapter 464: Super Ninja (Part 1)

The smoke of gunpowder has dissipated, and the earth has become riddled with holes.

As far as I can see, nothing is intact.

The pitch-black Susanoo stood on the spot, looking somewhat broken.

The energy caused by the confrontation between the two sides just now was too great.

And Uchiha Kai directly faced such a powerful explosion. Even if he opened the fourth stage of Susanoh, he could ensure that he and Hyuga Aya would not be hurt, but there was no way for Susanoh to avoid it.

He lowered his head and glanced at the Susanoo on his body, and finally he couldn't help shaking his head.

The entire Susanoo's hands have been annihilated by the explosion just now.

Moreover, the legs were also directly broken, and there were many large and small cracks on the chest.

However, these are all good, and the problems that can be solved by using Chakra are basically not considered problems.

In fact, Uchiha Kai is thinking, if his Susanoo has reached the perfect body, it should be much better, right?

But after thinking about it, he felt that even the complete body of the fifth stage might not be able to completely resist such an explosion.

"But if it reaches the fifth stage, I can consider flying to avoid the explosion."

Uchiha Kai thought secretly.

The complete Susanoo seems to have the ability to fly, just look at Kakashi and Uchiha Sasuke.

With the ability to fly, he would naturally not stand in place and resist the impact of this explosion like he is now.

He is still alive after all, and even if he has the eternal kaleidoscope, he can still be killed.

Unlike the dirty soil Uchiha Madara decades later, he is completely immortal.

Naturally, you can tease the Five Shadows at will, and after you have played enough, you can kill them with one knife.

If it wasn't for the right reincarnation of the dirty earth to be lifted, I am afraid that the five shadows will be replaced at that time.

"However, I don't think it's far."

Shaking his head slightly, his eyes stared at the huge eight tails not far away.

"Before using the magic chakra, there are still eight-tailed chakras that can be used here!"

Collecting the tailed beast Chakra into Susanoo is now another major mission goal of Kai Uchiha.

However, it was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and he knew that he couldn't do it overnight.

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry. He has a feeling that this matter really cannot be overly anxious.

God knows what the specific performance will be after he fuses the chakras of the nine tailed beasts?

If one's own strength is not enough, in case of any accident, it will really outweigh the gain.

"It's so strong!"

At this moment, Hyuga Aya's voice rang in Uchiha Kai's ear.

Her cold voice was also mixed with some hoarseness, and it could be heard that she was really frightened now.

"well enough."

Uchiha Qi's voice was relatively calm, and the chakra on his one-handed Yuyin also began to surge.

"After all, it's eight tails, and I prepared a tailed beast jade. I'm too close to him, but there should be no problem with Susanoh's protection. By the way, are you alright?"

"As you said, there will be no problem with Susanoo's protection." Hyuga Aya shook her head: "Don't worry, I'm fine, my physical fitness is better than yours."

"It's physical strength." Uchiha Qi chuckled: "I really don't understand, what's the use of a girl with such a strong body, what's wrong with being delicate and soft, are you going to have eight-pack abs?"

"Are you envious? After all, your physical fitness is the worst among the three of us, right?"

"But my body is well-coordinated and flexible enough, and that's enough."

While speaking, the kaleidoscope in Uchiha Kai's eyes kept spinning.

With his chakra, the broken Susanoo was quickly repaired completely.

The 100-meter-high Susanoo was like a Shura, and the cold aura instantly filled the ruins.

Uchiha Kai stared at the front with his eyes, the smoke and dust completely dissipated, and the huge figure of the eight-tailed cow ghost also appeared in his eyes.

Eight tails are not in a good condition. Several of his thick tentacles are broken, and there are many huge gaps in his body caused by the explosion.

However, it may be because it is a polymer formed by chakra, and it is also using chakra to restore its body.

It's just that its recovery speed is not fast, and it is not like Uchiha Kai has completely recovered Susanoo.

That's fine, Uchiha Kai never felt that it was a fine tradition to give others a fair and absolute opportunity.

To be more fair to others, isn't it unfair to yourself?

"I'm still very good at beating drowning dogs!"

Uchiha's eyes narrowed, and the next moment, Sanohu's ninja knife in his hand directly slashed at Yawei's head!

Although the eight tails were also severely damaged, the main control of it now is Kirabi.

Almost as soon as the ninja knife slashed it, it raised its hand and randomly assumed a 'Buddha' posture.

The precise ninja sword of Susanoo got stuck in his own hands!

In an instant, a larger crack appeared in the already collapsed earth, and the huge shock wave ruthlessly impacted everything around.

Eight tails were a little bit hurt. Although he wasn't directly hit, he didn't feel bad at all in the face of such a huge force.

But he was very calm, and it immediately launched a counterattack after catching the knife!

Its tentacles swept out with force, and threw it directly towards Susanohu's body.

Uchiha Qi frowned, and then a sneer appeared on his face, his eyes had clearly seen the attack trajectory of those tentacles!

Susanoo in the fourth stage fits very well with Uchiha Kai.

It has almost reached the point of mutual understanding, and Susanoo has the ability to move in the fourth stage.

Although he will be a little clumsy due to his size, he is extremely flexible in the face of the equally huge Eight Tails!

The idle left hand grabbed Yawei's tentacles, and at the same time, the ninja sword in his hand suddenly appeared dark like flames!

"Like taking a bare-handed blade? Then try this, Amaterasu's Blade!"

Eight tails reacted sharply, and it felt a huge threat almost immediately.

Before the power of the pitch black flames had bloomed, it slammed the ninja sword with both hands and completely threw it away.

At the same time, taking advantage of the grabbed tentacles, he also pulled back with force, and then hit Susanoo with a punch.

However, Susanoo let go of his tentacle at this moment, raised his left hand just to block his fist, and then the dark Chakra kicked him hard!

Eight tails had no way to resist this, the opponent was so huge but flexible.

'boom! ’

A huge roar sounded like thunder in this forest, and the huge figure of Yawei flew out and smashed to the ground.

At this moment, landslides and fissures...


Eight tails, who were kicked away, dragged a long mark on the ground.

I don't know how many meters he slipped out, but in the end he stopped steadily.

It's just that its face looks a little dignified, and Uchiha Kai kicked it hard enough.

It seems that he still feels that his pain has not been completely relieved.

Raising his head, looking at Susa who looked like a **** in front of him, Kirabi's eyes suddenly widened, and an inexplicable chill rose from the bottom of his heart.

"What the **** is this guy?" Kirabi's voice seemed a little trembling: "Is he really human?"

"This is the Uchiha clan." Yaao's roaring voice answered in Kirabi's mind, but it also sounded solemn.

"This guy's eyes have reached an unbelievable level."

"Do you know his intelligence?" Chirabi immediately reacted when he heard the words: "Tell me quickly, I think about how to deal with him."

"All I can say is that the technique is Susanoo, and you already know it."

Eight tails thought for a while, and said helplessly: "But this Susanoo is already a high-level Susanoo, and its destructive power and combat power are not lost to the tailed beast at all, and even stronger!


"And what?"

"Although I don't think I'm worse than Kyuubi, but a few decades ago, a man named Madara Uchiha used the eyes of the guy in front of him to easily defeat Kyuubi, and... enslaved Kyuubi!"

Defeat the Nine Tails easily and enslave the Nine Tails?

Hearing this news, Kirabe's face became even more ugly.

No matter what the ultimate purpose of the other party's coming to you is, it doesn't seem like a good thing no matter how you look at it.

And the danger level of this guy in front of him seems to be completely beyond his imagination!

Where did this dangerous guy come from?

What is the purpose of this guy looking for Manzhuli, or in other words, what is the purpose of looking for tailed beasts?

All of this made Kirabi unable to understand at all.

But no matter how he thought about it or not, he knew that he could only stay and fight.

Retreat is definitely an excellent choice, but he has completely transformed into a tailed beast state, and he naturally feels this guy's teammates.

That is, the guy who fought with him before, the guy who can use space ninjutsu, has already intercepted those Yunyin ninjas in order to prevent himself from retreating!

Not to mention whether he can run or not, as a Yunyin ninja, Kirabi has something that he must protect.

Even if he is not a shadow, he still has a reason why he must fight for it!

Uchiha Qi didn't care so much about him, the eternal kaleidoscope of his pupils revolved.

The huge Susa suddenly held a knife in both hands, obviously unpleasant, but it made Kirabi feel an irresistible feeling!

He also immediately gathered his chakra, although there was a voice in his heart telling him that he couldn't resist it at all.

"Although it's a pity, I can't use illusion to directly control the eight tails, after all, is it a human pillar force?"

Kai Uchiha's voice sounded faintly in the crystal cabin, and Aya Hyuga also turned her head to look at him.

"However, if you can't control it directly, then just defeat it!"

Shut up, Susanoo controlled the ninja sword and slashed straight away!

The ninja knife drew a blade from the bottom up, and the world seemed to lose its color in an instant.

The earth, which had already been cracked, was once again forcibly torn apart.

This knife was too domineering, and it was beyond Kirabi's expectations.

The previous knife, he felt, should be the embodiment of this monster's terrifying strength.

But now it seems that he has not reached his limit at all just now!

Facing the straight slashing blade, Kirabi even felt a sense of powerlessness.

He had forgotten when was the last time he felt this way.

It might be better if he was alone, but behind him was Yun Yin's camp, and he really couldn't think of a way to run away.

This is probably the first time that he has such a strong feeling after he became Yao Ren Zhuli and became good friends with Yao?

Of course, it is impossible to capture without a hand, and the chakras in Kirabi's body are condensed crazily.

Originally, he was a person who was out of character and full of madness in his heart.

Facing such a terrifying opponent, even if he felt powerless in his heart, such emotions would not affect him, and he felt that his heart was full of anger!

Perhaps because the chakras gathered too quickly, there was a slight tinge in the whole body of the eight tails.

It may be that the originally cracked wound swelled even more, like a blood mist.

It's just that these wounds quickly blew out white smoke, and under the action of powerful chakra, they have begun to heal quickly.

Eight tails raised his head high, and the black chakra gathered frantically.

Tail Beast Jade, and this time, I use Tail Beast Jade without any scruples!

Because it was kicked flying by Susanoo's kick, the distance between it and Susanoo was already very far away.

This gave him enough time to condense his tail beast jade, but he also knew that he didn't have much time, because the blade was so fast!

The black tailed beast jade with a little red light was completed in an instant The chakra provided by the eight tails is too huge.

The size of this tailed beast jade completely surpassed the tailed beast jade it used in the past.

It is completely predictable how terrifying this collision will be.

With one mouthful, the tailed beast jade with a radius of more than ten meters went straight towards Susanoo, and then they collided again in mid-air!


In an instant, there was a white light in the sky, a loud noise, and the smoke and dust rushed into the sky.

A winding canyon quickly appeared, spreading at an exaggerated speed into the distance until there was no end in sight.

The huge energy shock wave instantly covered the surrounding area, even the Konoha camp stationed in the stronghold in the land of fire suffered at this moment!

"Tu Dun·Tuliu City Wall!"

Uchiha Fuyue has already turned on Susanoo, and he knew that things were going to be bad the first time he sensed the gathering of terrifying chakras.

Therefore, he ran to the front of the camp for the first time, and turned on Susanoo to perform defensive ninjutsu.

The chakra enhanced by Susanoo's seal instantly becomes the soil linking the earth.

These soils became extremely hard, and a huge soil wall quickly swelled up at the foot of Uchiha Fugaku.

This earth wall is like a mountain city wall, blocking the front of Konoha camp.

And Uchiha Fuyue continues to provide Chakra, making this earth escape even harder and larger.

However, when the terrifying shock wave spread to the front of the camp, there were cracks in the huge earth wall, and even Uchiha Fugaku's instructions took a step back.

One can imagine how terrified he was in his heart at this moment...



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