Chapter 466: end (top)

Uchiha Kai's state is not very good, but it is definitely not bad.

He really didn't expect that Ya'ao's counterattack was more terrifying than he imagined.

In such a short period of time, it was possible to gather such a huge chakra so quickly, and directly condense it into a tailed beast jade to counterattack.

The consequences of such a counterattack are even more terrifying than their first confrontation, and Uchiha Qiqiu felt the threat of death!

Therefore, he did not hesitate to activate the effect of the 'Leap of Time' in his left eye, forcibly increasing his speed and quickly opening the distance.

However, the speed of the shock wave generated by the explosion was much faster than the speed at which he reacted to using the 'Leap of Time'!

Even if he quickly retreated, he avoided a lot of shocks.

However, the coverage and breadth of these shock waves left him with little help.

Fortunately, he opened a lot of distance, so that he did not suffer so much damage.

What's more, it's not that he didn't have a way to recover himself.

If his right eye uses the 'Retrospect of Time' to the extreme, he can already make the person or thing blessed with the effect achieve the effect of time backflow!

He is doing this now, although it will consume a lot of his pupil power and chakra.

But maintaining a good fighting state is more important than anything else.

Taking a deep breath, he put Imai Kenta into Susanoh's storage tank. Uchiha Kai directly controlled Susanoh and ran back toward Ya'ao's position.

It took a lot of distance to prevent him from taking too much damage, but he also left the battlefield this time.

"Is your chakra enough?"

Imai Kenta rubbed his chest, and now he is still a little stuffy.

"Damn, please remind me next time, it's terrible. Also, if your chakra is not enough, I can transmit some chakra to you."

"No need to try, my chakra volume is not bad, as for the effect of the right eye just expressed, you can understand that through some special techniques, I returned to the previous state."

Uchiha Qi glanced at him and said directly: "This is a kind of secret technique of Sharinyan. As for your Chakra, forget it, you still have to find a way to restore it yourself. Aya, I need your help with something. "

"What's the matter?" Hyuga Aya has been listening to the conversation between Kei Uchiha and Kenta Imai.

She was also curious about what happened to Uchiha Kai that made the blood flow back.

But since Uchiha Kai gave an explanation, even if the explanation was very unreliable, she didn't ask any more.

"Since we are disguised as those 'mysterious people', then we naturally need to attack Yawei."

Uchiha Qi said flatly: "I have seen some records that the eight tails can split into tentacles. This tentacle has powerful chakra and can even temporarily replace the tailed beast to a certain extent, allowing Zhuli to continue when the tailed beast is lost. survive."

"You mean, are you going to cut off his tentacle and let me seal it?"

Hyuga Aya thought for a moment, then nodded directly: "I understand, although this guy does better in this matter, but I can see that he is not in a good state now, and I will be ready."

Indeed, as far as the three of them are concerned, the one who is best at sealing is naturally Kenta Imai.

But this guy was unfortunately injured by the shock wave, even if he used the wooden dug to protect himself, but his state was really bad.

In this case, make preparations with both hands, so that Aya Hyuga, who is in good condition and has barely touched, also participates in the seal to be more secure.

Not long after, Uchiha Kai had already controlled Susanoo and returned to the battlefield again.

Although he was in the state of 'Leap of Time', he evacuated very far.

But Susanohu's size was too large, and his mobility was no problem, so it wouldn't take long to get back.

It was only when they came back that they noticed that the situation in Ya'ao was worse than they had imagined.

If the previous eight tails were slightly less injured, now it can be said to be miserable!

He was covered in scars all over his body, and he didn't know how many tentacles had been directly annihilated.

If it weren't for the constant chakra repairing these tentacles, I am afraid that the eight tails would become 'tailless'.

In addition, one of the hands in front of him was also blown off by the explosion.

However, that arm has disappeared, which makes Uchiha Kai a little disappointed, otherwise he could save a lot of trouble.

However, there seems to be something wrong with Yaao's mood, or perhaps Kirabi's mood is not quite right.

Eight tails are full of scarlet bloodshot eyes, revealing endless hatred, as if to swallow Uchiha Kai alive.

Although this kind of emotion is very scary, Uchiha Kai didn't care too much.

He knows why this guy is like this, this place is Yun Yin's camp.

Imai Kenta, who hunted Yun Ren, was done so miserably, and he still had Mu Dun to protect himself.

So what about the other cloud ninjas?

It's completely conceivable how they are now!

"Does this feel very hopeless?"

Suddenly, Kai Uchiha's hoarse voice passed through Susanoo and echoed in the ruins.

"So many people have died, and they are all your subordinates, people who obey your orders and are willing to fight for you, how does it feel?"

"You...Damn!" Ya'ao let out a roar.

Although his voice was very weak, the extreme anger, whether it was Kai Uchiha, Aya Hyuga, or Kenta Imai, could be felt very clearly.

Despair, this is despair indeed!

His troops were almost wiped out.

The most important thing is that this is the result of fighting against the enemy.

As a result, no matter who they are, they will not feel comfortable.

Especially Chirabi, he was guilty of losing thousands of people because of himself.

Now that such a thing has happened again, he can imagine how desperate he is in his heart.

I'm afraid the only reason for him to live now is to avenge his dead subordinates, right?

"I said it earlier, you won't have so much trouble with us."

Uchiha Kai continued to stimulate Kirabi with an indifferent tone, he didn't care what this guy did in the future, he just looked at the front.

"But now, your subordinates are dead. Although I did not kill the fourth Raikage, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive the impact just now..."

"Shut up!" Kirabi roared.

At this moment, Ya'ao's body seems to be recovering a little faster!

"Ah, but I think he deserves it too."

Uchiha Kai controlled Susanoo and took a step forward.

"If he agrees, naturally there won't be so many troubles. You can only say that this is what you asked for. Now, it's your turn!"

The voice fell, and the pitch-black Susanoo pulled out his ninja sword and charged directly at Yawei.

However, at this moment, the eight tails suddenly burst out with incredible chakra, and its body recovered in an instant....



There was another loud noise, and another burst of earth shaking!

The endless explosions continued to roar, and the huge forest visible to the naked eye was directly smashed into ruins.

Today, the border between the land of fire and the land of soup seems to have become the end of the world.

Uchiha Fuyue took Konoha's troops and cautiously moved towards the Yunyin camp.

They were very frightened along the way, and all the ninjas who knew how to do ninjutsu walked in the forefront.

Once there is something wrong, they can also immediately cast Tu Dun to defend.

Even if the shock wave of the battle is now not as terrifying as before.

But anyway, they were really frightened by the aftermath of the battle not long ago.

They slowly and cautiously ran forward all the way, and it didn't take long for them to feel that the vibration of the earth began to become more and more obvious, and it became more and more serious!

The most terrifying thing is that they can already see two huge figures fighting frantically.

Whether it is the towering black giant that is more than 100 meters away.

Or the eight tails that seemed to be only fifty meters away, but contained terrifying chakra, which gave them an incredible sense of oppression.

However, none of them made a sound. No matter who they were, they seemed to be their enemies, but the degree of hatred was different.

I am afraid that for the vast majority of ninjas, although they also hate Yun Ren, they also hate the mysterious Uchiha who attacked Konoha.

But soon, their hatred began to slowly pass on.

"My God, here....what the **** is going on here!"

"Damn, this..."

"If it wasn't for Captain Fuyue, I'm afraid we too..."


When the Konoha ninjas came to the Yunyin camp together under the leadership of Uchiha Fugaku, they seemed to be unable to control themselves any longer.

Looking at the corpses all over the ground, and the thick piles of corpses that were extremely miserable, these Konoha ninjas couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

If this battle started in Konoha, even if it was started in their camp, I am afraid that they would really be as miserable as these Yun Ren.

Looking at this scene, Uchiha Fuyue frowned involuntarily.

Then he looked to the side vaguely, a guy dressed as a member of the Youru clan.

This guy is actually Minato Namikaze, and he was also startled when he saw this scene.

He knew that although Kai Uchiha's goal was to attack Ya'ao, they would also attack these Yun Ninjas.

But this is not just as simple as doing it, it is completely destroying the opponent!

This gave Minato Naikamo a little headache, but this time it was really troublesome.

To make Yun Ren like this is almost to the point of being immortal.

Although he is more concerned about the situation of Kai Uchiha than the mysterious organization that lurks in Obito.

But now it is basically certain that the kid is fine, and he is also worried about other things.

But after thinking about it, things have already developed to this point, and it is useless to worry about it.

Yun Ren and Konoha went to war, although there were factors that were used by Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Kai.

But if it weren't for this group of people who really wanted to use Konoha, and made a series of measures.

If Konoha hadn't noticed these things in advance, I'm afraid Konoha's current fate would never be much better.

Therefore, when this group of people died, they died. According to the understanding of war, they deserved to die.

If they hadn't violated Konoha, this wouldn't have happened.

Shaking his head slightly, Minato Namikaze quickly noticed Uchiha Fugaku's gaze, and after thinking about it, he nodded slightly to indicate that there was no problem.

This gesture made Uchiha Fuyue heave a sigh of relief. He knew what Namikaze Minato meant and what he should do.

Obviously, Minato Namifeng also had some concerns, worried about whether the arrangement of the mysterious organization would be destroyed.

But things have happened, and Yun Ren is strictly their current worst enemy.

Although it will affect a lot of their arrangements, there is nothing to say about the matter.

The enemy is the enemy, even if it is a pity that these guys died, it can be said that Yun Ren's plan was completely shattered.

But this is not necessarily a good thing for Konoha.

They can be compensated in other ways too, can't they?

Uchiha Fuyue withdrew his gaze, Minato Namikaze could not be exposed, then everything was directed by him, at least on the surface.

With a wave of their hands, they immediately set off again.

However, when they reached the edge of the battlefield, they were all stunned. …



Susanohu's ninja knife slashed down with one slash, but Ya'ao avoided it directly, and slammed it up with a tentacle!

Although the eight tails were severely injured, Kirabi was obviously desperate at this moment.

He has no scruples squeezing his chakra in a frantic battle!

Uchiha Qi's situation is much better, especially before he also consumed a lot of pupil power and chakra to restore his state.

Kirabi, who was transformed into eight tails, avoided this knife, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and also took the opportunity to launch a counterattack, Uchiha Kai didn't care too much.

He has decided to fight with all his strength, and naturally he will not give Kirabi any chance!

When those thick tentacles were about to touch him, Kai Uchiha's left eye twitched quickly.

In an instant, the pitch-black Susanoo's speed suddenly increased, and with a slight sideways he avoided Yau's tentacles.

Immediately afterwards, Susanohu's ninja knife deflected, and the ninja knife with dark flames was pulled towards Yawei's arm!


At this moment, Ya'ao let out a miserable roar, and his arm had been directly cut off by Susanoo!

However, Uchiha Kai did not stop at all, he raised his sword again and continued to attack.

However, Yawei raised his head and aimed at Kai Uchiha, and then he kept spewing powerful chakra **** from his mouth!

"Continuous tailed beast jade?" Uchiha Qi chuckled: "I don't know whether to live or die!"

The kaleidoscope with the double image spun, and Susanoo swept out with a huge ninja sword in both hands.

Time seems to stop at this moment.

With the blade of brilliance and divine power, those continuous tailed beast jades were instantly smashed to ashes!

The sound of a series of explosions sounded, the earth was divided again, and the huge smoke rose into the sky, and a hill in the distance suddenly turned into two pieces.

However, all this has not stopped, because the position of Uchiha Kai is in the country of soup, and naturally Kirabi's attack will not cause any trouble to Konoha.

With the help of the continuous explosion and the smoke formed by the explosion, Uchiha Qi was dispatched instantly.

His ninja knife ripped apart the sky and landed straight on Yawei's body...



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