Chapter 467: end (below)

With a single knife, the blade with terrifying power slashed directly through the body of Eight Tails.

If Yawei had a chance to defend before, now it has no chance at all.

Because of Uchiha Kai, he has absolutely no plans to give it any chance!

The 'Blade of Time' is a brand new one created by Uchiha Kai by combining his three pupil techniques with each other.

For him, it is also the most powerful pupil technique.

As soon as the knife came down, time was completely frozen by him.

The combination of fast and slow is completely unpredictable, and with a sharp blade, it completely slashed Yawei's body!


Just like the piercing low-pitched sound of metal interlacing, Susanoo, who was holding a knife in both hands, slashed it from the upper right, and the blade went directly to the lower left.

For the first time, an arm of the eight tails was directly cut off!

However, all this was not over yet, and the dark Susanoo didn't stop at all.

Taking advantage of the situation, the knife swiped, and the knife was drawn upward from the next left, and the blade was pulled down to the upper left!

There was another low metallic cry, and the other arm of Eight-tails was also cut off by the roots.

After all this is done, the effect of Uchiha's Blade of Time is also over.

He couldn't last this effect for too long, especially when his current state was not good.

After all, it is Uchiha's ninjutsu at the bottom of the pressure box, and this is the effect of the combination of three pupil techniques.

Its consumption is definitely not something that Uchiha Kai can endure in this state.

Even in full state, facing the Eight-Tails completely composed of Chakra, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

Reaching this level is already very good, and Uchiha Qi is also feeling a little tired now.

However, his eyes were not overflowing with blood, and he controlled it pretty well.

Just cutting off the hands of the eight tails, he will not be satisfied!

Taking a deep breath, the kaleidoscope in his left eye began to slowly rotate with a double image.

He wanted to use the ability of his right eye, but his right eye had been used to restore the left eye once, and he also used the 'Blade of Time' with both eyes.

Now that he is a little tired, he naturally can't use up the pupil power of his right eye too much.

The pitch-black Susanoo suddenly underwent an astonishing change.

The original, unpredictable feeling of being fast and slow has completely disappeared.

Instead, it is an incredible speed!

Eight tails are still wailing, although it is only the body condensed by Chakra.

But this kind of pain was still transmitted to Ya'ao's mind, and also to Kirabi's mind.

They can't make any defenses at all now, especially at that moment, they seemed to feel that the whole world was frozen.

However, the 100-meter-high black giant in front of him was not affected at all.

It still swung its blade and chopped off his hands.

Although everything seems to be back up now, as if their previous feeling was an illusion.

But the speed at which the black giant erupted at this time was unbelievable!

"There's no way to resist! Is this guy a human or a ghost?"

Kirabi let out a roar in his heart, his will was very firm, and his heart was full of hatred.

It is true that with enough will and firm belief, many things can be changed, such as the battle of life and death in World War I.

However, not everything can be changed with enough faith and firm will!

Looking at the giant with such a huge body, but showing a speed that is not proportional to it, like a ghost.

In Kirabi's heart, only confusion and helplessness remained.

The blade slashed, and Kirabi's tentacle was directly cut off!

And the next moment, this ninja blade turned around and slashed fiercely at Yawei's huge chest!

This knife seems to have cut off all of Kirabi's beliefs!

No fighting back, really no fighting back.


This knife fell, and the eight tails completely turned into a cloud of smoke.

Uchiha Kai stared at Kirabi, who fell from the air, and watched him hit the ground heavily.

There was no change in his expression, he knew that Ya'ao had failed!

"It's over... it's over?" Hyuga Aya has been observing all this with open eyes, she asked slightly incredulously: "Yaweiren Zhuli, just failed like this?"

This is the power of the eight-tailed human column, this is second only to the nine-tailed, and the power of the eight-tailed human column is perfectly mastered!

Such a terrifying existence, even if she is psychologically sure, Uchiha Kai can defeat it.

But such a rude, almost crushing victory, was really something she never imagined!

Not only did she not expect it, but Imai Kenta also did not expect that his eyes were always on Uchiha Kai.

He and Aya Hyuga are both the people closest to Kai Uchiha, and he may be because of his strength, or because he has mastered a special space ninjutsu like Flying Thunder God.

For a moment just now, he was keenly aware that Uchiha Kai used an unusual and special technique that was very similar to Fei Lei Shen's spatial characteristics, but was completely different and even more exaggerated.

He couldn't tell, he just felt it, but it also made his heart palpitate.

Obviously, he basically overturned the idea that Uchiha Kai's "fast speed may surpass Flying Thunder God".

Even if someone can do it, like the speed shown by the fourth Raikage guy before, I am afraid that it is not necessary to fly the Thunder God much slower.

But he was still restrained by Uchiha Qi, plus the blood backflow before...

Kenta Imai didn't dare to think about it, and he knew that no matter what he came up with, Kai Uchiha would never admit it.

Instead of asking for trouble, let's be more emotional.

I actually have such a terrifying guy to be my partner.

Although it always makes him feel dangerous, but overall everything is still very good.

Although Uchiha Kai is insidious and ruthless, he has always been kind to his partners.

This is something that both he and Aya Hyuga can experience firsthand.

The most important thing is that the three of them seem to have reached a point where their relationship is better, especially those two guys.

"It should be." Imai Kenta thought about it, but still rubbed his chest and said.

His chest was still a little tight, but it was much better now.

"Yao's chakra aura has begun to dissipate, and it seems that you solved it directly.

Although I don't know if he is dead or not, but his strength is below, and you have defeated the fourth Raikage today..."

"Probably not dead." Uchiha Kai suddenly frowned and said.

"Have you noticed just now, at the moment Yawei disappeared, I noticed a figure flying out, and then I saw this guy fall."

"What do you mean?" When Hyuga Aya heard the words, she immediately opened her eyes and searched around.

Soon, her eyes locked on the Yunyin camp not far away.

On the criss-crossing corpse, there is a figure lying on it, if you don't look carefully, it seems that you can't tell the difference at all.

Imai Kenta also closed his eyes. He also remembered Kirabi's Chakra. After all, he had played against Kirabi, and he soon locked the same position.

"It looks like he's not dead, but it's not much better." Kenta Imai opened his eyes and shook his head: "Also, there is some bad news."

"Huh? What news?" Uchiha Qi asked in surprise.

"Konoha's troops are coming." Hyuga Aya directly solved his doubts: "The specific situation is unknown, but it is conceivable that he intends to take advantage of this opportunity to raid Yunyin, or..."

"We came to attack us, after all, we are the mysterious people who 'attacked Konoha and Kiriyuki'." Imai Kenta smiled bitterly: "The battle is over, Yunyin's troops are over, so..."

Uchiha Qi fell silent, and then he nodded.

Indeed, there were too many accidents in this operation. Originally, he never thought of killing Yun Ren completely.

Keeping them can continue to fight against Konoha, which can attract more people to the battlefield.

Even Uchiha Qi can throw all those who oppose their reforms to the battlefield, and then let them go to their own devices!

Such a black-hearted thing, Uchiha Kai can definitely do it.

He has never been a good person, and it is already very face-saving to the opposition by consuming him on the battlefield.

At least they didn't die in brutal internal purges, or even stigma behind their backs.

But now it looks like it's all in vain.

The plan he and Minato Namikaze made didn't seem to go ahead either.

This incident made Uchiha Kai a little helpless, but it seems that there is no possibility of change.

"No, Minato Minato is still here, he naturally knows what happened here." Uchiha Qi suddenly thought of something, and he frowned.

"Then, Uchiha Fuyue sent troops, I am afraid that he was instructed by Minato Namikaze. Even if he wants to send troops, he definitely has some ideas."

Uchiha Qi scattered Susanoo, and the three of them quickly fell to the ground.

The battle is over, whether it's Raikage the Fourth and Yoshitoki still alive.

For them, there is no need to continue, especially the ninjas of Konoha are here.

In the shot, that is to kill your own troops.

To Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai, she gestured slightly to the body of Ya'ao, which fell to the ground and hadn't dissipated.

As well as the "Kirabi" who didn't know whether to live or die, the two of them quickly understood the past, and began to seal it, and Uchiha Qi also began to think seriously.

"So it is!"

Uchiha Kai's reaction speed was still very fast, but after a little thought, he immediately understood the meaning of Namikaze Minato.

I am afraid that this dispatch was already thought of by Namikaze Minato.

After all, he is fighting, although he can continue to consume Yun Ninja's ninja, and he can guide Konoha's attention to this side for a long time.

But if this continues, Konoha's ninjas are also victims.

Minato Namikaze has personally participated in the war, and he naturally knows how much damage the war will bring.

And now that he is Hokage, he is no longer thinking about casualties.

He also needs to consider economic issues, as well as Konoha's image in the ninja world, all kinds of issues.

Even considering casualties alone, this is definitely not what Namikaze Minato would like.

Therefore, the war was stopped because of the "Mysterious Man Raid the Eight Tails", and the stage of actual combat was changed to the stage of "negotiation".

As long as it is handled well, it can also achieve the effect of attracting the inner attention of Konoha!

Only in this case, there is no way for Uchiha Kai to throw all those opposing guys on the battlefield and let them "reasonably die" when he is unhappy.

But now doesn't seem to be the time to worry about these things. The troops sent by Yunyin are basically dead, and even some survivors are only a few.

It can only be said that the luck of these Yun Ninjas is really bad and a little too much.

In other words, Uchiha Kai and Kirabi's fighting locations and fighting methods are beyond their tolerance.

Of course, it's also their fault that they didn't take Kirabi's words too seriously.

After all, in their opinion, there are two super powerhouses, Kirabi, the Ya-Tai people, and the Fourth Raikage.

There should be no problem dealing with a mysterious and unknown Uchiha.

Moreover, there are a lot of substances in the hidden cloud camp, and they also need to transfer these substances in order to reduce losses.

But they never thought that Uchiha Kai didn't talk nonsense with Kirabi at all.

In addition, the original distance was close enough, so that the tailed beast jade released by Kirabi through the eight-tailed mode did not fly out at all, and exploded in place!

After that, he exerted terrifying power, and the direction was also the Yunyin camp. Kirabi didn't dare to escape at all, and could only find a way to resist these forces.

However, this time, Yun Ren, who had not had a good time, made it even worse.

This is what caused them to be almost wiped out.

Kirabi is also unlucky enough. If he doesn't have the idea of ​​guarding those Yun Ninjas in his heart, there is no need to resist Uchiha Kai's attack.

But he has a mental concern and has the belief to guard all of this.

This caused him to be seriously injured in the first confrontation, and then he was easily dealt with by Uchiha Qi!

Ninja battles are full of uncertainty and unknown.

But no matter what, the Yunyin army was almost wiped out by the battle between the two of them, and the life and death of Kirabi and the fourth Raikage were also unknown.

Now Uchiha Kai can only pray, these two guys better not die.

They were captured by Konoha, and they could exchange more benefits and get more things Of course, Konoha didn't necessarily suffer too many losses when they died.

What happened today will inevitably come to the Land of Thunder. At that time, the negotiation will still be negotiated, and the joint deal with the 'mysterious organization' will still do the same.

It's just that Uchiha Obito's black pot is a bit big.

"It's done."

Just when Uchiha Kai was thinking about it, Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta had already come to his side.

Not only that, but those Konoha ninjas also appeared around them, and surrounded them faintly.

The sharp-eyed Uchiha Qi also unexpectedly discovered that the fourth generation of Raikage was actually pulled from the corner by the Konoha ninja, and then silently sent to the rear.

"Well, it's done." Uchiha Kai nodded, and then his eyes locked on Uchiha Fuyue: "Is it here to destroy Yun Ren? Don't thank me, it's just a trivial matter."

"Your Excellency, the battle just now was not easy." Uchiha Fuyue's voice was very high at this moment, and his eyes became an eternal kaleidoscope.

"Although it is a bit of a danger, should your Excellency calculate with us and release the hatred of the nine tails?"

"What a showman!" Uchiha Qixin complained, and then he replied disdainfully: "Let Uchiha Kai come, you are not my opponent, and... You hope Konoha Ninja will also be with those Is Yun Ren the same?"

Speaking of which, a figure suddenly appeared beside Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Qi's expression was slightly stunned, and then he showed a smile: "Goodbye then, Uchiha Fuyue."

"I hope next time, you will give me the desire to fight..."



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