
When Uchiha Kai left such a sentence, the man in black who suddenly appeared behind him took their group and disappeared in front of these Konoha ninjas.

This scene suddenly stunned all the Konoha ninjas present.

They are all ready to die, ready to fight with these guys who attacked Konoha and caused huge losses to Konoha.

But now it seems that they no longer need to fight.

I don't know if it's because of Uchiha Fuyake, the existence of Uchiha who also has a kaleidoscope, which makes them a little bit afraid and therefore has no desire to do it.

It was the previous battle with the Yatai people that had consumed them too much, and now there is no idea of ​​continuing to fight.

But no matter which one it is, at least those that make these Konoha ninjas extremely jealous.

Even the guy whose heart was filled with fear and hatred, did not choose to fight but left directly.

This made them a little disappointed, but at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

The aftermath of the previous battle had almost wiped them out.

If you face these guys and fight hard, even though Konoha had been freed in order to report the revenge of the village and the death of hundreds of people.

But the probability of them being directly killed on the spot is probably even greater.

Look at those Yun Ren who died around the camp, and look at his tragic death.

They really don't want to follow in the footsteps of these guys, especially now...


Suddenly, these Konoha ninjas seemed to react to something.

These cloud ninja troops were almost wiped out, and even the Yatai people Zhuri and the Fourth Raikage disappeared.

So, does this mean that this war is over?

As soon as this idea appeared, it immediately spread uncontrollably throughout the Konoha army.

Many Konoha ninjas have already shown excited expressions!

War is always accompanied by death, and it is also the most feared and least able to resist by all.

This time the war is Konoha passively confronted, but all this seems to be over!

Even they don't seem to have gone through a few large-scale battles until now, even if this time it seems so anticlimactic.

But in the end it was all over, this terrible war was over at last.

Happiness, happiness, or sadness due to the departure of friends and comrades in arms, spread throughout the Konoha army for a while.

Some people even couldn't restrain their emotions and burst into cheers!

"Captain Fuyue..."

Nara Kyou walked slowly to Uchiha Fugaku's side, he said with incomparable emotion but some inexplicable emotions.

"Looks like the war is over."

"Ah, it looks like it is." Uchiha Fuyue looked very calm, and he couldn't see any mood swings at all: "However, I don't think our action is over yet."

Nara Kyouhei was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately reacted to what Uchiha Fugaku said.

After all, they are members of the Nara clan, and their brains are generally very useful.

The war seems to be over, but in order for Konoha to gain greater benefits and gain a better reputation and reputation, they still have a lot of aftermath to do.

Looking back at the back of the crowd, the fourth Raikage who had been rescued and was receiving treatment, Nara Kyouhei nodded immediately.

"Captain Fuyue, I will immediately arrange for personnel to search and rescue the surviving Yun Ren, and at the same time I will ask them to restrain their emotions."

You really need to restrain your emotions, they were all enemies half an hour ago.

But now in this state, it basically indicates that Konoha's victory!

If Konoha Ninja can't restrain his emotions at this moment and kill all the remaining Yun Ninjas, then this is very unsuitable for Konoha's interests.

Konoha needs these guys to be alive, and needs to use these guys to convey an attitude, to convey some information.

Soon, Uchiha Fugaku's order was passed on.

With some mandatory orders, even though some of these Konoha Ninjas hated these Yun Ninjas, they had to honestly start to treat these Yun Ninjas.

But the number of Yun Ren died was too many, and the army of 8,000 people was destroyed in an instant.

And the speed and time of their retreat were not consistent, resulting in these corpses spreading all the way.

There are also many unlucky people who were pushed somewhere by the shock wave, or buried under the gravel.

This made Uchiha Fuyake also have to order, let the Konoha ninjas temporarily stationed here, and try to find and treat those cloud ninjas as much as possible.

However, they were lucky. After searching for a long time, they still found some Yun Ren who survived.

It's a pity that their situation is terrible. In addition to these guys, they have also found in the corpse pile, the eight-tailed rabbi who fell into a coma!

"Captain Fuyue."

From the battle in the morning to the search and rescue of their basic survivors, the sun has now set.

Nara Kyouhei said to Uchiha Fugaku slightly tiredly: "The search work has been basically completed, and a total of nearly a thousand survivors have been found, but the number of our medical ninjas and their injuries..."

The situation of those Yun Ninjas is too bad, and there are no medical ninjas on Konoha's side to help them.

How many more than a thousand people will survive in the end is really not sure, it can only be said that it is resigned to fate.

Although Uchiha Fuyue didn't give an order to save someone, the ninjas on Konoha's side are not stupid.

They naturally know who is most worthy of treatment, such as the fourth Raikage and the eight-tailed person Zhuri.

The value of these two people is much more important than the wounded of the thousand Yun Ren.

"Is that so?" Uchiha Fuyue sighed helplessly, and then his face became a little inexplicable.

"I see, come on, we don't have that many resources on them, you know what I mean."

"Yes, Captain Fuyue." Nara Kyouhei nodded immediately: "I understand, and, Captain Fuyue, the fourth Raikage has woken up, and he wants to see you."

"Wake up so soon?" Uchiha Fuyue was a little surprised.

While waiting to search for the survivors of the cloud ninja, he knew that the injury of the fourth Raikage was really not optimistic.

But thinking about it carefully, the physical fitness of that fourth-generation Raikage is just like a monster.

It seems that this is not something incomprehensible, right?

But Uchiha Fuyue didn't know that in his eyes, the Fourth Raikage was simply a monster.

In the eyes of the fourth generation of Raiying, which of these Uchihas are not monsters?


Uchiha Fuyue walked to the side of the fourth generation of Raikage, watching this guy who had fought with him for so long, but still had nothing to do with him, was so miserable now, and he couldn't help but feel complacent.

Although strictly speaking, Uchiha Fuyake is definitely not the opponent of Uchiha Kai.

Having fought with Uchiha Kai, he naturally knows how exaggerated the fourth stage Susanoo is.

With the ability to act, and because the more powerful chakra is unlocked, the fighting ability that erupts has increased geometrically.

Uchiha Fuyue himself has not mastered the fourth stage Susanoo, and his Susanoo has a tendency to be completely different from Uchiha Kai.

But even so, he can be regarded as the holder of this monster-level secret technique.

And he firmly believes that he can also let his Susanoo grow to that height!

Even if the fourth Raikage was powerful, he only relied on his own physical fitness.

The wear and tear he caused during the battle was completely incomparable to the wear and tear of Susanoo.

One is fighting with one's life, while the other is consuming a large amount of chakra normally. The two are completely different!

"You're awake." Although Uchiha Fuyue couldn't be proud in his heart, his expression was still frozen like an ice cave, and his tone was extremely indifferent.

"Ah, I woke up." Fourth Raikage's eyes looked very dull, and his tone was bleak.

"Since you saved me, you must have already figured out how to deal with us, but I really didn't expect you to make such a choice."

"You have already lost. Even if you were not defeated by Konoha, there is nothing you can do to change this." Uchiha Fuyue's voice was still very flat.

"Compared to you who have failed, we know what your purpose of starting the war is, but I think now we have a common enemy.

Even if I wanted to kill you, Hokage-sama would not agree. "

"Yeah, we do have a common enemy." The fourth Raikage's left hand was clenched tightly, and his face was full of hatred.

"Since I survived, then I must make them pay the price! I want to take revenge, for this Yunyin eight thousand ninjas, and for my brother!"

I'm afraid you don't have that chance.

Uchiha Fuyue looked at the hated Fourth Raikage, and couldn't help shaking his head.

The fourth Raikage wanted to take revenge, but he had no idea who did it to them.

Moreover, even if Uchiha Kai was accidentally discovered, I am afraid that this Raikage will not be able to deal with that guy.

Some things really just talk about it, just think about it.

Uchiha Fuyue won't sympathize with them, they are all asking for it now.

"Have a good rest." Uchiha Fuyue didn't bother to care about him so much.

"By the way, we saved about a thousand of you, but we don't have many medical personnel, so be prepared.

Also, your brother Kirabi is still alive, I will let them rescue your brother first, and you will go back to Konoha with us. "

"He.... he's still alive?" The fourth Raikage suddenly became a little excited when he heard the news, but he calmed down soon.

"It's good to be alive, why don't you go to Konoha?

I never thought that one day I would go to Konoha in this way..."

"In captive fashion..."


Konoha, in the clan of the Uchiha clan, in a not-so-remarkable old warehouse, there is a unique kunai inserted in the center of the warehouse.

Suddenly, four figures appeared here without warning.

They were all dressed in black robes and wore spooky swirl masks.

Obviously, they are Uchiha Kai and others who have just fought against the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-tailed People Zhuri on the border battlefield between the Fire Country and the Tang Country!

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Kai Uchiha took off his mask, knowing that he was definitely returning to Konoha now.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya also took off their masks. Now that they have returned, there is no need to disguise.

If by chance someone came here and saw a few of them dressed like this.

Even if that person doesn't say anything and doesn't dare to say anything, this is always a hidden danger.

Namikaze Minato is behind him, can they still kill that guy?

"Looks like we're back." Uchiha Kai glanced at the warehouse and couldn't help showing a smile.

Then he turned around and looked, the man dressed like a Ru family said, "Captain Watergate, I didn't expect you to be waiting for us."

"Bang!" A puff of smoke erupted from Minato Namifeng immediately, and then he showed his original appearance: "I haven't left, I just want to see your situation, but this time you guys are really making a big noise. "

There was a smile on Namikaze Minato's face, his expression didn't match what he said at all, and Uchiha Kai naturally knew what he meant.

After some thought, he had already guessed the idea and purpose of Namikaze Minato.

Although their actions directly made Yun Ren scrapped, at least this made the war have to end.

And they also sent troops into Yun Ren's camp, thus trying their best to gain a lot of reputational advantages.

The only thing to worry about now is whether the Fourth Raikage and Yatai Toshijiri are dead.

The Fourth Raikage had already found the figure when they ran to the battle site of Uchiha Kai.

That guy's situation is very miserable Especially there is a stabbed gap in the chest, and it looks like a thousand birds at first glance. ,

But this wound seems to be very different from Chidori.

Namikaze Minato believes that Uchiha Kai has definitely done some treatment, but whether the fourth Raikage is dead or alive is the problem, and the eight-tailed person Zhuli is also a huge problem.

"It's okay, although I didn't expect it to happen like this." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly.

"However, didn't Captain Minato already think of a solution? I'm afraid when we set off, you had already thought of taking the opportunity to go there and find a way to unite with Yun Ren to divert hatred, and at the same time, move Konoha's eyes from 'war' to 'negotiation' 'In the middle."

"Ki-kun, I hope you don't get angry, I do have such thoughts." Minato Minato also stopped smiling at this moment.

"The cost of the war is too great. I look at casualty reports every day, and every time I think that they were sent by me, I feel a little..."

"I understand, I understand." Uchiha Ki interrupted Namikaze Minato.

"It's very uncomfortable, right? In fact, we are all similar. There is a big difference between killing the enemy in person on the battlefield and giving orders to go to the battlefield to face an unknown death. Don't worry, I can understand. "

"That's good, Qi-jun can understand my thoughts, that's good." Minato Namifeng once again showed his signature smile: "Qi-jun's bearing is really admirable!"

"Captain Minato, you are Hokage. Forget it, I have one more thing to tell you."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"Aren't you curious about the tailed beast and the human pillar force, why does Yun Ren have a perfect human pillar force?"



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