Chapter 469: How do I know you're not so

Why does Yunyin appear as a perfect person, I am afraid that many Konoha people can't figure it out.

The same is true of Yun Ren's sealing technique. Whether it is Konoha's self-concept or some events in history, it proves the correctness of this view.

If they really mastered the sealing technique, they wouldn't have taken Kushina when they got the information about Kushina when she was young.

But now, something seems not quite right.

When they captured Kushina, they never even walked out of the country of fire.

And the time is very short, there is no chance to study those sealing techniques.

So how did they cultivate a perfect human pillar?

These have always been the issues that Konoha was extremely distressed and tangled up in after getting this information.

But at that time, they were not in such a good mood to study these. After all, they were still fighting, after all, they were still carrying out internal reforms.

But now it seems that Kai Uchiha has some answers.

This made Namikaze Minato a little surprised, but also very interested.

Namikaze Minato is now a human pillar himself, although only less than half of it, and it is still a single attribute.

But this has no effect, he can still get a lot of chakra from the nine tails to help him.

For example, these few ultra-long-distance teleportation were completed by relying on the nine-tailed chakra.

If he also becomes a perfect person, then his strength will definitely increase again, and it can even be said to be a qualitative leap!

"Let's talk about it, Qi-jun." Minato Namikaze was very interested now, and he asked directly, "Did you find something when you were fighting with Kirabi?"

"Yes, I did find something very interesting." Uchiha Kai smiled slightly: "In short, I noticed that the seal on him is very weak."

"The seal is weak?" Minato Namikaze frowned, "That's not reasonable. If the seal was weak, Yashio would have run away long ago. Could it be that there are some other secrets?"

"Probably." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"During the battle, I heard him address Yawei very affectionately, and I even heard him call Yawei something like 'Little Hachi' and 'Cow Ghost'.

This is completely different from what we call tailed beasts in the conventional sense. "

Uchiha Kai is just talking nonsense now. During the battle, he didn't hear the exchange between Kirabi and Ya'ao at all.

In other words, the communication of others has always been in the mind, and there is no need to express it with the mouth.

But now he doesn't care so much, and other ghosts know the situation between him and the eight tails, even if they see it from a distance, they don't know what happened at close range.

Only Hyuga Aya glanced at him without a trace, and then stood beside him with a 'really so' expression, and said nothing.

Namikaze Minato frowned involuntarily when he heard Uchiha's words.

The seal is very weak, and it is very close to Ya'ao's page, and there is a name he has never heard before.

So, does this mean that Kirabbi has a good relationship with the tailed beast, just to keep the seal in order to cope with other talents in the village?

Those affectionate names are a sign of their good relationship, and the tailed beast has its own name?

Namikaze Minato's mind is very flexible, and he has already figured out these things in just a moment.

Although the information was too broken, it was all from the mouth of Uchiha Kai, and he naturally believed it extremely.

There is no need to say much about the relationship between Uchiha and him. It can be said that there is no Uchiha. He thinks that he wants to be a Hokage. Normally, it will take more than ten or twenty years.

Without the support of Uchiha Kai, he might not be able to achieve this step now, because he may not have thought of it.

In addition, there is one more thing that Minato Namikaze believes is that he feels that the Nine Tails in his body seem to have a similar situation.

Although his relationship with Nine Tails is not that good, after all, he divided its body by himself.

But after being together for so long, they developed a little bond between them.

He clearly found that the nine tails seemed to be different from the other beasts he knew.

It seems to think like a human, has memory, and...

own feelings!

"Is that so..." Minato Namikaze muttered to himself, and then his face became extremely serious: "Ki-kun, I want to see Jiuwei, are you with me?"

"Kyuubi?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, and it could be seen that Minato Namikawa seemed to understand what he meant.

After all, according to Minato Namikaze's previous statements and expressions, he has already revealed a lot of interactions between himself and Kyuubi.

Now that Uchiha Kai told him about it was an attempt. In the original book, he established some connections with Nine Tails.

Now it's just more comprehensive, and let him understand and start contacting these things more in advance.

Just go with him to meet Nine Tails?

Uchiha Qi thought for a while, and finally shook his head decisively.

Just how much hatred Kuo had for Uchiha, he couldn't have been more clear after reading the original book.

It seems that in ancient times, the nine tails were sadly arrested and controlled by Indra, right?

Regardless of whether it was there or not, at the time of Madara Uchiha, this guy was really used as a pet to fight against Chishou Hashirama.

It was also because of this that it began to be sealed.

After that, he was brought up by Uchiha successively, Uchiha Fuyue and even Uchiha Kai gave him education before and after. It is amazing that he has a good impression of Uchiha.

"Forget it, the Nine Tails will never welcome me." Uchiha Kai shook his head decisively.

"And it seems that this matter can only be done by yourself, Captain Watergate. Becoming friends with Nine Tails, I don't think I can help you, and it may even be self-defeating."

"That's right, that guy said a lot of bad things about you to me." Minato Namifeng nodded immediately after hearing this, in agreement.

In fact, he regretted it as soon as he opened his mouth. That guy from Kyuubi really didn't say enough bad things about Kai Uchiha.

For example, the way the kaleidoscope is opened, the strength of Uchiha Kai is not right, and so on.

All in all, there is nothing good to say about it.

If Uchiha Kai turned on the writing wheel and entered the space of consciousness with him, maybe the nine tails would go crazy!

In this case, Namikaze Minato would probably have little chance to try to gain the trust of the Nine Tails and become a perfect man.

"Kuwei this guy, really..." Uchiha Qi shook his head involuntarily.

"This guy has been educated a lot by our Uchiha, and naturally he won't say anything nice about us. But at least it can be seen that these are tailed beasts, and I am afraid they are not real beasts."

"So, try to understand them, and try to be friends with them, maybe you will have unexpected results. Of course, if the Yatai people Zhuri are still alive..."

"I can also torture him for you..."


Trying to understand the tail beast and be friends with the tail beast is also a lot of information that Uchiha Kai got based on the original work.

Of course, there are some key elements, some things that Uchiha Kai can still remember.

He seemed to remember that before Naruto tried to control the Nine-Tails, he ran to an island to use some waterfall.

That is, at that waterfall, except that Akai took the ghost shark as his dark self.

It is a perfect display of the personal strength of the ghost shark and the performance of the absolute ninja quality.

It can be said that it was in that scene that Kai Uchiha recognized the ghost shark.

Even let him appear, if there is a chance, consider whether to pull this guy.

Uchiha Kai has never been a kind person, but in the face of useful people, he will not be stingy with his own shots.

Ghost Shark's doubts about Mizuying, his doubts about Kiriyin's policy, and his doubts about himself.

Only let him, a ninja with perfect qualities, walk on a completely rough road.

But for the ghost shark, this path is indeed a path worthy of his pursuit.

Because on this path, he found the value of his life.

He can forget his past, and at the same time he can look forward to seeing that girl again in the future "even in false peace and illusion".

Very humble, but it is also the driving force for a person to live.

When a person is alive, what he seeks is nothing more than affirmation of self-worth, or something more noble.

Like friendship, love, etc.

Of course, these are noble enough for Kai Uchiha.

For him, there is no need for any reason to live, it is his own right.

As a ninja, the ghost shark has left his own life and death, but Uchiha Kai will not.

He is even more humble, he only needs to live by himself, but this is the driving force that others can't reach.

"When I know what you are after, then you can no longer escape my control."

After saying goodbye to Minato Namikaze, who had a lot of worries and hoped to go back to try it soon, the three of Uchiha Kei left the warehouse directly.

The clan of the Uchiha clan is still very lively, but it is a lot quieter than before the war.

Because the three of them had nowhere to go all of a sudden, the front-line battle was already over.

Even if they want to show that they are ready to go, there is no need to rush this moment.

So they simply found a tavern in Uchiha's clan and sat down.

At this point, Uchiha Kai has basically figured out the plan about the ghost shark.

It doesn't matter when this guy defected, what matters is that everything about him is under Uchiha Obito's attention.

Although Uchiha Obito has been silent recently, he also sends some news to Uchiha Kai from time to time.

Therefore, he also knows the current situation of Kiriyin and Akatsuki's organization.

The ghost shark has not joined, so everything can continue.

This guy, the ghost shark, is actually quite easy to deal with. Since he was a child, this guy has been weird because of his appearance - to put it bluntly, he is ugly.

And because of the cruel policy of Wuyin Village, he hardly felt the feeling of 'warmth'.

The only time he felt a different kind of warmth was a woman, a woman who began to question all of this after he was brutally killed.

This woman will be the key, the key to conquering the ghost!

Uchiha Qi seems to remember that it seems that the ghost shark chose to kill them all and avoid exposing the information. The task is to meet Konoha, and it is the same Mori Ihiki.

Now Senai Ibixi is not bald yet. Although he joined the torture class, he is still just a fledgling little guy.

And the time when the ghost shark joined the Akatsuki organization, strictly speaking, should be before Uchiha Itachi.

But it's not too far off, so this guy is obviously still a ninja who is working hard for Kirigakushi.

In this case, let Uchiha Obito keep an eye on him, and at the same time Uchiha Kai himself must keep an eye on Morino Ibiski.

Even if it is because of his entry, or because his appearance **** the wings of the butterfly, many things will be deflected.

But keep an eye on one person, and many things will become easier.

If it doesn't work, he can try something else.

Lin's body is still soaked in the nutrition cabin, but he is trying to figure out how to make the girl open her eyes again.

"What are you thinking about?" At this moment, Aya Hyuga suddenly looked at Kai Uchiha strangely: "Is it because the previous battle made you too tired? Do you want to go back and rest?"

"No, I'm just thinking about something." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "A battle of that level is nothing to me."

"It's really nothing, you almost killed me." Imai Ken rubbed his chest in dissatisfaction: "I'm still in pain!"

"You're not injured, it's just a psychological effect." Hyuga Aya gave him a disdainful look: "Under the eyes, pretending to be sick is useless."

Imai Kenta heard the words, and his chest became even tighter.

Who said chest discomfort must be a broken rib?

But he was too lazy to refute this woman, refuting her was obviously not good.

Kai Uchiha glanced at Kenta Imai with a funny look. This guy may have been shocked by the shock wave. This kind of feeling is absolutely uncomfortable, but he knows it well.

He was in Susanoo, but was shocked by the **** shock wave.

Although it's not as uncomfortable as Imai Kenta, but it's not too uncomfortable.

"By the way, what you said to Hokage-sama just now..." Hyuga Aya didn't bother to pay attention to Imai Kenta, she turned her head and whispered to Uchiha Qi: "It seems that it was not like that before, right?"

"Ah, I got some information." With only the three of them, Uchiha Qi didn't bother to hide anything: "It's natural to make some preparations to fight Yunyin, but I didn't expect Orochimaru's information to be so useful."

"This time it's Orochimaru again?" Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai with an inexplicable expression, and finally she shook her head: "I see, it's Orochimaru's information, very valuable information."

"By the way, you collected the eight-tailed chakra, right?" Imai Kenta suddenly reacted: "What are you going to use it for? Lord Hokage left so quickly, he seems to have forgotten what to do with them."

"Of course I use it for myself. My Susanoo is a chakra that combines three tails and nine tails."

"Huh? Damn it! Why didn't you say this?"

"First, you didn't ask. Second, the fusion of nine-tailed chakra is going to the capital of the country of fire, and you didn't participate. How do I know that you don't know about it?"




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