Chapter 471: personally dispatched

Today, it has become a heavy, but also very happy day for Konoha.

The heavy reason is because those guys who once attacked Konoha and caused huge losses to Konoha by releasing nine tails appeared again!

They unscrupulously attacked the Yunyin camp, severely injured Raikage of the fourth generation, and at the same time they fought against the perfect human Zhuli of the eight tails.

Such terrifying strength really makes people shudder.

Even if the ninjas at Konoha Camp noticed that the situation was not right, they were dispatched immediately.

But in the end, the other party left calmly.

This is a relatively good result, probably because the other party is a little afraid of Uchiha Fugaku's ability.

As for the reason for being so happy, it's very simple. Those guys attacked Yunyin's camp, and a large-scale battle broke out with Yatai Renzhuli.

I am afraid that no one would have thought of the aftermath of such a battle, and no one realized how terrifying the consequences would be.

This directly led to the fact that the Yun Ninja army was completely swept away by these aftermaths, and now it is basically wiped out!

Such a result can be said to be unbelievable, but such a result does not seem to be a bad thing for Konoha.

Because Yun Yin and Konoha were at war, this unexpected event caused Yun Ren to be considered a group annihilation.

This also means that the war is over at this moment!

It is indeed a good result for Konoha, even if the result is a bit mixed, but it has completely happened.

Nara Shikahisa and Kakashi also have strange expressions. They really never dreamed that when they sent Uchiha Kai and others off, they would encounter such a thing.

This basically indicates that Kai Uchiha doesn't need to leave!

Unlike Kakashi who seemed to simply sigh about the good luck of Uchiha Kai, Nara Shikahisa seemed to think more.

He knows Uchiha Kai's strength, and he also knows that Namikaze Minato can be teleported directly from Konoha to farther places.

The last time Uchiha Kei and the others made trouble in Kirigakura, it was Minato Namifeng who brought them back.

So this time, is it the same?

For example, Minato Namikaze sent them to the front line, and as a result, they combined to test the strength of the fourth Raikage and the eight tails.

As a result, it was not well controlled, which directly led to the destruction of the Yun Ninja army, and finally the current situation?

I have to say that Nara Shikahisa figured out a lot of the key almost instantly.

He even guessed that the fact that Uchiha Fuyue sent troops was discussed in advance.

The purpose may be to change this war from 'blood fighting' to 'peace negotiation'.

But these things are just his guesses. Before getting enough details and information, any guesses are just guesses.

Even if he is confident in his guesses, it is useless, many things still need more perfect information.


"Tell me, what do you think next?"

In Hokage's office, Minato Namikaze sat directly at his desk.

His expression looked so natural, as if he had not been affected by the fact that Yunyin's troops were directly destroyed.

And he also evacuated all the Anbu, and left enough seals in the office, obviously to prevent some eavesdropping on their conversations.

This time there were only three people in the conversation. Besides Namifeng Minato, there were only Uchiha Kei and Nara Shikahisa.

Nara Shikahisa glanced at the state of Namikaze Minato, and glanced at Uchiha Kai, he could basically conclude that his guess was absolutely fine.

Sure enough, the unfortunate Yun Yin was done by them.

As for why he didn't act in the first place, Nara Shikahisa can reflect that no matter how stupid he is.

He suddenly thought of the recent reforms. If their opposition is too strong, will it cause some hatred and backlash from Uchiha Kai?

But as soon as the idea appeared in his mind, he decisively shook his head.

Although Uchiha Kai's methods are sinister and vicious, sometimes he even seems to have no bottom line.

But for unknown reasons, he did not intend to leave Konoha, nor did he make Konoha his personal property.

He is also a decent person who is willing to keep Konoha alive, and who is willing to work within certain rules and limits.

Although such people are feared, they are also worthy of respect.

"Actually, there's nothing to say." Uchiha Qi found a place to sit down at random: "The main thing is to look at the situation of the fourth Raikage and the eight-tailed person Zhuri, and then consider how to continue."

"The situation of the two of them has already come to an end." Minato Namikaze said directly: "The fourth Raikage was seriously injured, but the situation is slightly better and he has recovered. And the situation of the eight tails is a little worse, but he has eight tails. The chakra protection should be able to last until Konoha can be treated."

"That's good." Uchiha Qi smiled: "In this way, we have two good cards in our hands, and then we will negotiate. As long as we have these two cards, I am afraid we will gain greater benefits. "

Considering the fourth Raikage and his younger brother, Yukio Shuri, as cards in their hands, or even more directly as goods, the corners of Nara Shikahisa and Namikaze Minato couldn't help but twitch.

But they are obviously also very clear that this is probably the case with these two people now.

No matter how high their status is in Yun Ren, they are all losers in the war now.

The losers have to look like losers, even if their failure "has nothing to do with Konoha", but they are already captives of Konoha.

"Sorry..." Just as Uchiha Kei had just finished saying these words and Namikaze Minato was thinking, Nara Shikahisa couldn't help but interrupted them.

He touched his head a little embarrassedly: "Perhaps, as the two people who participated in this operation personally, you are very aware of Yun Ren's current situation, but my situation is a bit special..."

"Actually, you don't need to think about it that much." Minato Namikaze shook his head.

"Minister Lu Jiu, since you are here, it has already demonstrated our trust in you. Now I can tell you one thing, that is, we have not taken this war too seriously from the beginning to the end."

"And now, because of some of my mistakes, we had hoped that it could continue to be extended, and the state of war that attracted everyone had to stop." Uchiha Kai glanced at Namikaze Minato, and then he simply said directly.

Although he had quietly warned Shikahisa Nara through some of the things he had done, his original intention was not to make it all public.

But Namikaze Minato seems to really trust this Nara patriarch, so Uchiha Kei is too lazy to hide anything.

In particular, the patriarch of the Nara clan knew what he had done in Kiriyin Village, and even participated in an extremely immoral transaction.

In addition, he is smart, I am afraid that he can guess many things, so there is no need to continue to hide it.

"As expected..." Nara Shikaku nodded, although there was some deviation, it was almost the same as what he thought.

"In this case, if we want to continue to maintain a high level of attention and reduce the wear and tear of the war, it is necessary to continue long-term negotiations."

"It's true, so what kind of requirements we should make, we must discuss it carefully."

Minato Namikaze spread his hands: "Unfortunately, Captain Fuyue is still escorting Raikage and Yao back from the front line..."

Nara Shikahisa just glanced at Uchiha Kai when he heard the words, and then he stopped thinking about it and said directly: "Actually, I already have a certain idea, and I want this negotiation to last for a long time and have enough attention. , I'm afraid we need to raise the price very high."

"Ask the sky and pay back the money on the spot." Uchiha Qi touched his chin: "It seems that we need to increase our price to a level that they can accept but cannot directly accept it, and we need constant calculus and constant discussions. what."

"So...." Minato Namifeng sat up straight: "I need to trouble the two of you to have a good discussion with me..."

"This is the most important thing for us Konoha, and you are the people I trust the most..."



In the Wuyin Village of the Land of Water, in the Mizukage office, Uchiha Obito slammed the table hard.

For a time, the water shadow desk was directly smashed by his hammer.

He looked very angry. This kind of anger was completely different from the slightly sluggish water shadow beside him, and the black and white hermaphrodite who didn't seem to care about anything.

Not long ago, a letter eagle with a piece of information stopped at the base of the Anbu of Mist.

This information is naturally the details of the battle between Konoha and Yunyin, although Wuyin Village has now engaged the country of water, which is basically equivalent to the state of seclusion and isolation.

But this does not mean that their intelligence personnel in other Shinobi villages have been withdrawn, and they still retain certain intelligence personnel to obtain information.

Of course, Uchiha Obito had a plan for a long time, that is, to withdraw all those personnel.

What he has to do is to completely destroy Wuyin, and naturally he will not keep any intelligence system for them!

"These damned guys!" Uchiha Obito said angrily: "He impersonated us again! Damn, he actually impersonated us again! Damn it!"

"Okay, it's happened, it's no use complaining."

Hei Jue stood aside with a calm and unbelievable attitude, as if he didn't care about these things for a long time.

"What's the use of your anger, can you beat him?"

"What about Nagato?" Uchiha Obito turned his head in an unusually cold tone: "What about the guy who mastered the Samsara Eye? Don't tell me, Samsara Eye is not a match for that guy!"

Not really now, those eyes are not his.

Hei Jue felt a little helpless in his heart.

The Eye of Samsara does not belong to Nagato, but because the bloodline of this guy can withstand the consumption of the Eye of Samsara, it was installed on him.

Although this guy is adapting well now, the eyes are not his after all.

He couldn't completely release the power of these eyes through his body.

But that kid is also smart. Since he can't use all his power at one time, he can directly split his ability and use it by controlling puppets.

But it is clear that he is not doing well enough.

He was not a puppet master in the first place, and the difficulty of 'multi-threading' operation can be imagined.

In addition to each ability, it is a series of processes that require cognition, adaptation and proficiency.

Nagato is now half-hearted to face that **** Uchiha Kai, I'm afraid it will really become a thousand miles away.

In fact, Hei Jue felt extremely aggrieved in his heart. He never dreamed that the kid back then would grow to such a difficult level.

According to the information, that kid actually displayed the fourth state of Susanoo.

Black definitely still has a certain judgment on Susanoo, and the information described in the information is just a dark Chakra giant.

With no armor and no wings, he jumped to the conclusion.

Coupled with Uchiha Kai's performance in Kirikin, he thought he had got some information.

Does he think Uchiha Kai is in a kaleidoscope state? It seems that it is not too difficult to understand using this level of art.

"I just don't understand why this guy hasn't gone blind until now!"

From contact with Uchiha Kai until now, Hei Jue is really all the time, not hit by this guy.

Up to now, Hei Jue has been able to face all these kinds of things calmly.

However, he also hated this guy in his heart.

That guy, just because Uchiha Obito released the nine tails in Konoha, and he happened to release the three tails in Kirigakushi.

As a result, this **** used this pretext to slap them again.

The most important thing is that this is really their purpose.

Hei Jue really wanted to tear up this **** with his own hands, this **** almost exposed their plans.

However, Hei Jue's self-cultivation is still good, even if he is extremely angry, he really doesn't dare to mess around until he finds out about Uchiha Kai's situation.

Expose his intelligence?

Good guy, it's hard to say that these **** just completely disguised themselves as them and attacked people everywhere, so they still completed their plan!

"Is there still Anbu in Konoha?" Although Hei Jue was angry, he still asked calmly.

"Konoha?" Uchiha Obito seemed to calm down, and he replied coldly.

"There should be some more. Last time, that guy cleaned up most of the Anbu and intelligence personnel Now the ones left are basically silent."

"I need to figure out the condition of that guy's eyes." Hei Jue said flatly: "His condition is very abnormal. According to the degree of his pupil technique, he should have been blind long ago. This shows one thing... ."

"He has the same cells as me?" Uchiha Obito's eyes became more stern.

"It's very possible, but not necessarily." Hei Jue shook his head: "It may also be that he knows how to turn on the kaleidoscope and has obtained the fusion method of the Eternal Eye, so..."

Hei Jue's words made Uchiha Obito frown, but he soon relaxed because he suddenly realized that this was an opportunity.

"Is that so?" Uchiha Obito's voice was cold: "Then I'll just go to Konoha in person. I think I have a way to learn more secret things."

"Do you want to go by yourself?" Hei Jue was a little surprised, but he thought about it and nodded.

"Also, you are indeed more reliable than those Anbu, but keep in mind that you are not his opponent, and if the situation is not right, retreat immediately!"

"Long-winded, do I need you to teach me how to do things?" Uchiha seemed a little annoyed with this.

"Okay, I know you have your senses." Hei Jue didn't care about his attitude, and continued: "But before you act, let me teach you some of the abilities that you Uchibots have. In a month, be good get ready."

After saying this, Hei Jue's figure slowly sank, and finally disappeared into the Shuiying office.

And Uchiha Obito stood there, but an inexplicable smile appeared on his face under the mask...



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