Chapter 472: shock

The country of rain, in an extremely hidden hole**.

A scrawny guy, being immobilized in an apparatus.

He was covered with black sticks, and behind him was a monster that was dozens of meters high and looked like a wooden product.

This guy has long red hair, but for some reason, his hair looks so dry, as lifeless as himself.

With his eyes closed, he seemed to be thinking about something important, until a figure walked in.

"Nagato." This figure's voice was very soft, and it was a woman with long blue hair.

"Ah, Xiaonan." Nagato responded with a slightly hoarse voice.

Opening his eyes, suddenly purple eyes with strange rings appeared in his eye sockets.

The reincarnation eye is a pair of eyes with incredible power.

But it is also a pair of eyes that continue to devour Nagato's vitality.

Nagato doesn't know why he has such a pair of eyes.

But he firmly believed that if Jiraiya had such a pair of eyes, he would definitely end the troubled world of the ninja world.

He wants to bring peace to the ninja world, eternal peace!

Instead of the false peace that is now so false, once a big country goes to war, a small country will inevitably suffer!

To build peace on the suffering of others, Nagato sees this as hypocritical peace.

While talking about wanting peace, but building one's own happiness on the pain of others, what kind of peace is this?

And between great powers, is there really peace?

How long did it take for the third ninja war to end, and now Yunyin and Konoha are fighting.

The most important thing is that their battle location can be said to be within the territory of the country of soup!

Yun Yin has always wanted to advance to the land of fire, but how could Konoha let Yun Yin succeed?

Therefore, the battle between the two sides is still on the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

And Tang Zhiguo has no way to refuse these two superpowers, and they have thus become the battlefield of these two powers.

The casualties of Yunyin and Konoha are unknown, as are the casualties of the innocent residents of Tang Zhiguo.

But once such a war is completely spread, it will definitely be an unimaginable disaster!

"Are you still thinking about the war in Tang Zhiguo?" Xiao Nan glanced at Nagato and sighed.

"These big countries have always been a hidden danger that cannot be escaped." Although Nagato's voice was indifferent, it was not without any emotion.

Xiao Nan sighed: "But, we can't destroy them, can we?"

"Of course, but we can't believe in anything anymore. People understand such stupid things." Nagato raised his head and looked in the direction of the sky, although there was a rock above his head.

But these rocks seem to have no way to block his sight.

"Right now we are still gathering strength, when we have enough strength and show our strength.

We can make them all afraid, let them stay safe, and let them not dare to go to war easily! "

Collect nine big-tailed beasts, let them fuse into ten-tailed, let them become their own power, and become their own power to deter these great powers!

This plan was told to Nagato by that mysterious fellow suspected of Uchiha Madara.

Although Nagato didn't believe the guy who was suspected of Uchiha Madara at all, this plan was completely approved by Nagato.

Only with the power that others can't match can we deter everyone from acting rashly.

"I have some news, very incredible news, I want to tell you." Xiao Nan shook his head.

She knew what Nagato meant, but she didn't quite believe the plan in her heart.

But Nagato is now the only person she can trust and rely on. No matter what choice Nagato makes, she will unconditionally support it, even if the world is an enemy.

"What news?" Nagato retracted his gaze and asked slightly curiously.

"The war between Yun Yin and Konoha is over." Xiao Nan said calmly, "It was ended by one person."

"Really?" Nagato froze for a moment, then returned to a calm state.

The end of the war is a good thing, as for being ended by one person?

Nagato thought that there should be some agreement.

The wars between these great powers have always been for so-called interests, thus disregarding the lives of others.

I am afraid that one of them really doesn't want to, or has no way to support such a war, so he will choose to pay something?

Or, someone persuaded both sides, and then drove back these two beast-like countries that were constantly creating hatred?

Although Konan's tone was to 'end' the war, Nagato didn't think it was the end in the actual sense.

The end in the conventional sense is to conquer both sides through his terrifying and suffocating power.

Let them experience the piercing pain, bear the unbearable loss, and end the war.

But he didn't think anyone could do this, except himself!

Nagato, who has the eye of reincarnation, is proud, especially when he killed Hanzo, who is known as a demigod.

The man he once admired so much, but in the end turned him down and even hated.

It can be said that he is very superstitious about his own power.

He thinks that having the eye of reincarnation is a gift from God, that God wants him to end this troubled world.

He is the representative of heaven in the human world, and he is the **** walking in the human world!

Xiao Nan glanced at Nagato and immediately knew what this guy was thinking.

They were so familiar with each other that she could understand too many things with just one look.

Shaking his head helplessly, Xiao Nan decided to tell the truth.

Whether it's a reminder of how dangerous that mysterious Uchiha is, his only best friend.

Or let him understand the truth of this incident, she felt that she had to tell the truth.

"Ah, yes." Xiao Nan nodded: "One person, defeated the fourth generation of Raikage, and fought the eight-tailed man Zhuli alone, severely wounding him."

"Really?" Nagato's face suddenly became serious when he heard these words: "It seems that this guy is quite capable."

"Besides that, Ya-Tails is a perfect human-style, and he can completely change into Ya-Tails state."

Xiao Nan continued with a flat expression: "The aftermath of the battle between the two of them almost wiped out the more than 8,000 people around the Yun Nin camp."

"What!" Hearing Xiao Nan's words, Nagato's face changed at this moment!

Eight thousand fighting ninja troops, what is this concept?

It can be said that once these 8,000 people have completely entered a country.

I am afraid that they can completely destroy this country in an instant!

There are not many ninjas in Ninja Village, but they are definitely not many.

An army of 8,000 people can already be regarded as a huge army.

How could such a unit be completely wiped out by the aftermath of the battle between the two of them?

How could anyone possibly be able to do this to such an extent?

"Indeed, the battle between them has completely surpassed the scope of human beings."

Although Xiao Nan's expression was a little unbelievable, she still remained calm.

"One of them is a complete eight-tailed state, and the other is a chakra giant with a body size of over 100 meters.

The terrain where they fought had been completely changed, with mountains and rivers crossing, rivers blocking, and the earth collapsing. them....

Seems to be the real god! "


Nagato fell silent, this news made it really difficult for him to accept.

In all fairness, when it comes to annihilating the enemy, perhaps he thinks he might be able to do it all.

But according to Xiaonan's description, that kind of chakra giant with a height of 100 meters, such terrifying destructive power, this is really not something he can do.

At least not now!

Taking a deep breath, Nagato asked in his slightly hoarse voice, "Who are you fighting against?"

"A Uchiha." Xiao Nan said softly: "It seems, from the intelligence point of view, it seems to be the one..."

"The one who found us, Madara Uchiha..."


"Lord Tuying, a report has come from the front."

In the Tuikage office of Iwahidden Village in the Land of Earth, an Anbu ninja hurriedly placed a document on Ohnogi's desk.

Onogi nodded, but he didn't read the report for the first time.

Seeing this, the Anbu ninja also left the office very wisely, and the whole office returned to silence for a while.

I don't know how long it took before Oh Yemu finished processing the documents he was going to deal with. He involuntarily rubbed his swollen and sore waist.

As you get older, all kinds of problems appear relatively.

To be honest, Oh Yegi really wanted to find a suitable replacement to take his place.

But it is a pity that he has not found a suitable person so far, which makes him feel extremely distressed.

He was even thinking, should he simply look for a young, talented and easy-to-train guy, and train one by referring to the shadow method?

"That kid from Deidara is not bad, but his personality..." Before he knew it, Oh Yemu thought of the extremely talented kid.

This kid is very talented and has a very good mind.

Of course, this is not only the awareness of combat and so on.

His character polarized his brain, and sometimes that kid would make Ohnogi not even knowing what to say.

But overall, this kid is still very nurturing.

With a helpless sigh, Oh Yemu thought of his son for no reason.

The loess was originally a good choice, although the character is too simple, but as a soil shadow, this aspect can still be slowly tempered.

Especially Oh Yemu felt that even if the loess suffered some losses and learned some lessons, it would be fine.

As long as he is there, he can save many things.

It is a pity that the loess was abolished, and his hand was cut off by the **** Uchiha Kai.

His brain was even more shadowed by the use of illusions by that **** Uchiha Kai.

It can be said that the original best choice is gone, and this best choice is still his own son!

"That **** boy, don't let me find out that you are doing the task alone, otherwise..." Onomu thought of this, and there was a hint of cruelty on his face that was not completely old.

The damage and blow that Uchiha Kai brought to the loess is too great, it can almost be said to cut off the possibility of continuing to be a ninja!

Loess is not the guy of the fourth generation Raikage. Not only is he super capable of bearing in his heart, but even if that guy loses an arm, he can still exert incredible fighting power.

Although in Ohnogi's view, the fourth Raikage is a lunatic, and their Raikage family is lunatic.

But these lunatics also have a lot of advantages.

"Forget it, I'm not too old now." Onogi sighed: "And my fighting style doesn't rely on the body, so take your time."

Standing up, Ohnogi stretched his muscles a little.

Only soon, he noticed the document on the table.

It seems that this document was put in by a boy from Anbu, and at that time, I was busy and didn't have time to look at these things.

Thinking of this, Ohnogi picked up the document curiously, and what caught his eye was the words 'Battle of the Tang Dynasty'.

Soup country?

Yunyin's group of lunatics, war with Konoha's group of bastards?

Yun Yin's series of operations, in fact, an old and cunning guy like Oh Yemu has already seen through it at a glance.

But he didn't publish anything, just like watching the four generations of Raikage like a clown, earning political points in various ways and refreshing his political image.

He knew that when that guy was ready for everything, he would start to show his strength and attack Konoha, so as to attack Konoha for more benefits.

But what does all this have to do with him?

The losses in the third battle were huge, and so far, Yanyin has not recovered completely and Yunyin's group is really lucky, not only the loss is very small, but also the recovery speed is very fast.

Now they are probably considered to be the most powerful country in the ninja world in a practical sense, right?

In this case, they naturally want to go back for greater rights.

It's like stepping on the top of the bright surface of Konoha to climb the top of the cloud.

Oh Yegi disdain for such an approach, you can fight if you like, as long as you don't burn the war to Yanyin!

Yun Yin won, and naturally he would suffer a lot of losses. Maybe they could take the opportunity to do something else.

Not to mention if they lose, they can even go to their troubles with a big fanfare and grab some quest shares at the same time.

What's more, Ohnogi didn't have any good feelings for Konoha, the hatred left by Madara Uchiha in the past.

And what Uchiha Kai did to his son, he remembered it in his heart!

"Going around, it's all those Uchiha guys, what a bunch of **** bastards."

Onogi scolded secretly, then opened the information and began to look at it seriously.

In just a moment, his complexion changed instantly, becoming extremely pale!

Looking at the chakra giant with a height of 100 meters as described in the intelligence.

Looking at the illustrious record that seriously injured the fourth-generation Raikage and defeated Yawei, he seemed to recall something.

At this moment, a lonely figure appeared in his mind.

That figure with despairing chakra blooming on her body, and she lost her resistance with just one look!

"Uchiha Madara.... Uchiha Madara..."




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